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  4. Guestbook App with Redis and Nginx
Kubernetes v4.14.0 published on Friday, Jun 28, 2024 by Pulumi

Guestbook App with Redis and Nginx

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Kubernetes v4.14.0 published on Friday, Jun 28, 2024 by Pulumi

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    In this tutorial, we’ll build and deploy the standard Kubernetes Guestbook example using Pulumi.

    The guestbook is a simple, multi-tier web application that uses Redis and Nginx, powered by Docker containers and Kubernetes. The primary difference between this example and the standard Kubernetes one is that we’ll be authoring it in TypeScript instead of YAML, and we’ll deploy it using pulumi rather than kubectl. This gives us the full power of general-purpose languages, combined with immutable infrastructure, delivering a robust and repeatable update experience.

    The code for this tutorial is available on GitHub.


    • Start up a Redis leader
    • Start up Redis replicas
    • Start up the guestbook frontend
    • Expose and view the frontend service
    • Clean up

    Before you begin

    You need to have the Pulumi CLI and a working Kubernetes cluster.

    1. Install Pulumi
    2. Connect Pulumi to a Kubernetes Cluster

    Running the Guestbook

    The guestbook application uses Redis to store its data. It writes its data to a Redis leader instance and reads data from multiple Redis replica instances.

    Normally we would write YAML files to configure them, and then run kubectl commands to create and manage the services. Instead of doing that, we will author our program in code and deploy it with pulumi.

    To start, we’ll need to create a project and stack (a deployment target) for our new project:

    Create and Configure a Project

    1. To create a new Pulumi project, let’s use a template:

      $ mkdir k8s-guestbook && cd k8s-guestbook
      $ pulumi new kubernetes-typescript
      $ mkdir k8s-guestbook && cd k8s-guestbook
      $ pulumi new kubernetes-python
      $ mkdir k8s-guestbook && cd k8s-guestbook
      $ pulumi new kubernetes-go
      $ mkdir k8s-guestbook && cd k8s-guestbook
      $ pulumi new kubernetes-csharp

      This command will initialize a fresh project in the k8s-guestbook newly-created directory.

    2. Next, replace the minimal contents of the template’s main file with the full guestbook code:

      // index.ts
      import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
      import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
      // Create only services of type `ClusterIP`
      // for clusters that don't support `LoadBalancer` services
      const config = new pulumi.Config();
      const useLoadBalancer = config.getBoolean("useLoadBalancer");
      // REDIS LEADER.
      const redisLeaderLabels = { app: "redis-leader" };
      const redisLeaderDeployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment("redis-leader", {
          spec: {
              selector: { matchLabels: redisLeaderLabels },
              template: {
                  metadata: { labels: redisLeaderLabels },
                  spec: {
                      containers: [
                              name: "redis-leader",
                              image: "redis",
                              resources: { requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "100Mi" } },
                              ports: [{ containerPort: 6379 }],
      const redisLeaderService = new k8s.core.v1.Service("redis-leader", {
          metadata: {
              name: "redis-leader",
              labels: redisLeaderDeployment.metadata.labels,
          spec: {
              ports: [{ port: 6379, targetPort: 6379 }],
              selector: redisLeaderDeployment.spec.template.metadata.labels,
      const redisReplicaLabels = { app: "redis-replica" };
      const redisReplicaDeployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment("redis-replica", {
          spec: {
              selector: { matchLabels: redisReplicaLabels },
              template: {
                  metadata: { labels: redisReplicaLabels },
                  spec: {
                      containers: [
                              name: "replica",
                              image: "pulumi/guestbook-redis-replica",
                              resources: { requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "100Mi" } },
                              // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment
                              // variable to find the leader's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`.
                              env: [{ name: "GET_HOSTS_FROM", value: "dns" }],
                              ports: [{ containerPort: 6379 }],
      const redisReplicaService = new k8s.core.v1.Service("redis-replica", {
          metadata: {
              name: "redis-replica",
              labels: redisReplicaDeployment.metadata.labels
          spec: {
              ports: [{ port: 6379, targetPort: 6379 }],
              selector: redisReplicaDeployment.spec.template.metadata.labels,
      // FRONTEND
      const frontendLabels = { app: "frontend" };
      const frontendDeployment = new k8s.apps.v1.Deployment("frontend", {
          spec: {
              selector: { matchLabels: frontendLabels },
              replicas: 3,
              template: {
                  metadata: { labels: frontendLabels },
                  spec: {
                      containers: [
                              name: "frontend",
                              image: "pulumi/guestbook-php-redis",
                              resources: { requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "100Mi" } },
                              // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment
                              // variable to find the leader's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`.
                              env: [{ name: "GET_HOSTS_FROM", value: "dns" /* value: "env"*/ }],
                              ports: [{ containerPort: 80 }],
      const frontendService = new k8s.core.v1.Service("frontend", {
          metadata: {
              labels: frontendDeployment.metadata.labels,
              name: "frontend",
          spec: {
              type: useLoadBalancer ? "LoadBalancer" : "ClusterIP",
              ports: [{ port: 80 }],
              selector: frontendDeployment.spec.template.metadata.labels,
      // Export the frontend IP.
      export let frontendIp: pulumi.Output<string>;
      if (useLoadBalancer) {
          frontendIp = frontendService.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip;
      } else {
          frontendIp = frontendService.spec.clusterIP;
      # __main__.py
      import pulumi
      from pulumi_kubernetes.apps.v1 import Deployment
      from pulumi_kubernetes.core.v1 import Service, Namespace
      # Create only services of type `ClusterIP`
      # for clusters that don't support `LoadBalancer` services
      config = pulumi.Config()
      useLoadBalancer = config.get_bool("useLoadBalancer")
      redis_leader_labels = {
          "app": "redis-leader",
      redis_leader_deployment = Deployment(
              "selector": {
                  "match_labels": redis_leader_labels,
              "replicas": 3,
              "template": {
                  "metadata": {
                      "labels": redis_leader_labels,
                  "spec": {
                      "containers": [{
                          "name": "redis-leader",
                          "image": "redis",
                          "resources": {
                              "requests": {
                                  "cpu": "100m",
                                  "memory": "100Mi",
                          "ports": [{
                              "container_port": 6379,
      redis_leader_service = Service(
              "name": "redis-leader",
              "labels": redis_leader_labels
              "ports": [{
                  "port": 6379,
                  "target_port": 6379,
              "selector": redis_leader_labels
      redis_replica_labels = {
          "app": "redis-replica",
      redis_replica_deployment = Deployment(
              "selector": {
                  "match_labels": redis_replica_labels
              "replicas": 3,
              "template": {
                  "metadata": {
                      "labels": redis_replica_labels,
                  "spec": {
                      "containers": [{
                          "name": "redis-replica",
                          "image": "pulumi/guestbook-redis-replica",
                          "resources": {
                              "requests": {
                                  "cpu": "100m",
                                  "memory": "100Mi",
                          "env": [{
                              "name": "GET_HOSTS_FROM",
                              "value": "dns",
                              # If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment
                              # variable to find the leader's host, comment out the 'value: dns' line above, and
                              # uncomment the line below:
                              # value: "env"
                          "ports": [{
                              "container_port": 6379,
      redis_replica_service = Service(
              "name": "redis-replica",
              "labels": redis_replica_labels
              "ports": [{
                  "port": 6379,
                  "target_port": 6379,
              "selector": redis_replica_labels
      # Frontend
      frontend_labels = {
          "app": "frontend",
      frontend_deployment = Deployment(
              "selector": {
                  "match_labels": frontend_labels,
              "replicas": 3,
              "template": {
                  "metadata": {
                      "labels": frontend_labels,
                  "spec": {
                      "containers": [{
                          "name": "php-redis",
                          "image": "pulumi/guestbook-php-redis",
                          "resources": {
                              "requests": {
                                  "cpu": "100m",
                                  "memory": "100Mi",
                          "env": [{
                              "name": "GET_HOSTS_FROM",
                              "value": "dns",
                              # If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment
                              # variable to find the leader's host, comment out the 'value: dns' line above, and
                              # uncomment the line below:
                              # "value": "env"
                          "ports": [{
                              "container_port": 80,
      frontend_service = Service(
              "name": "frontend",
              "labels": frontend_labels,
              "type": "LoadBalancer" if useLoadBalancer else "ClusterIP",
              "ports": [{
                  "port": 80
              "selector": frontend_labels,
      frontend_ip = ""
      if useLoadBalancer:
          ingress = frontend_service.status.apply(lambda status: status["load_balancer"]["ingress"][0])
          frontend_ip = ingress.apply(lambda ingress: ingress.get("ip", ingress.get("hostname", "")))
          frontend_ip = frontend_service.spec.apply(lambda spec: spec.get("cluster_ip", ""))
      pulumi.export("frontend_ip", frontend_ip)
      // main.go
      package main
      import (
          appsv1 "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes/apps/v1"
          corev1 "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes/core/v1"
          metav1 "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/sdk/v3/go/kubernetes/meta/v1"
      func main() {
          pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
              // Initialize config
              conf := config.New(ctx, "")
              // Create only services of type `ClusterIP`
              // for clusters that don't support `LoadBalancer` services
              useLoadBalancer := conf.GetBool("useLoadBalancer")
              redisLeaderLabels := pulumi.StringMap{
                  "app": pulumi.String("redis-leader"),
              // Redis leader Deployment
              _, err := appsv1.NewDeployment(ctx, "redis-leader", &appsv1.DeploymentArgs{
                  Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                      Labels: redisLeaderLabels,
                  Spec: appsv1.DeploymentSpecArgs{
                      Selector: &metav1.LabelSelectorArgs{
                          MatchLabels: redisLeaderLabels,
                      Replicas: pulumi.Int(1),
                      Template: &corev1.PodTemplateSpecArgs{
                          Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                              Labels: redisLeaderLabels,
                          Spec: &corev1.PodSpecArgs{
                              Containers: corev1.ContainerArray{
                                      Name:  pulumi.String("redis-leader"),
                                      Image: pulumi.String("redis"),
                                      Resources: &corev1.ResourceRequirementsArgs{
                                          Requests: pulumi.StringMap{
                                              "cpu":    pulumi.String("100m"),
                                              "memory": pulumi.String("100Mi"),
                                      Ports: corev1.ContainerPortArray{
                                              ContainerPort: pulumi.Int(6379),
              if err != nil {
                  return err
              // Redis leader Service
              _, err = corev1.NewService(ctx, "redis-leader", &corev1.ServiceArgs{
                  Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                      Name:   pulumi.String("redis-leader"),
                      Labels: redisLeaderLabels,
                  Spec: &corev1.ServiceSpecArgs{
                      Ports: corev1.ServicePortArray{
                              Port:       pulumi.Int(6379),
                              TargetPort: pulumi.Int(6379),
                      Selector: redisLeaderLabels,
              if err != nil {
                  return err
              redisReplicaLabels := pulumi.StringMap{
                  "app": pulumi.String("redis-replica"),
              // Redis replica Deployment
              _, err = appsv1.NewDeployment(ctx, "redis-replica", &appsv1.DeploymentArgs{
                  Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                      Labels: redisReplicaLabels,
                  Spec: appsv1.DeploymentSpecArgs{
                      Selector: &metav1.LabelSelectorArgs{
                          MatchLabels: redisReplicaLabels,
                      Replicas: pulumi.Int(2),
                      Template: &corev1.PodTemplateSpecArgs{
                          Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                              Labels: redisReplicaLabels,
                          Spec: &corev1.PodSpecArgs{
                              Containers: corev1.ContainerArray{
                                      Name:  pulumi.String("redis-replica"),
                                      Image: pulumi.String("pulumi/guestbook-redis-replica"),
                                      Resources: &corev1.ResourceRequirementsArgs{
                                          Requests: pulumi.StringMap{
                                              "cpu":    pulumi.String("100m"),
                                              "memory": pulumi.String("100Mi"),
                                      Env: corev1.EnvVarArray{
                                              Name:  pulumi.String("GET_HOSTS_FROM"),
                                              Value: pulumi.String("dns"),
                                      Ports: corev1.ContainerPortArray{
                                              ContainerPort: pulumi.Int(6379),
              if err != nil {
                  return err
              // Redis replica Service
              _, err = corev1.NewService(ctx, "redis-replica", &corev1.ServiceArgs{
                  Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                      Name:   pulumi.String("redis-replica"),
                      Labels: redisReplicaLabels,
                  Spec: &corev1.ServiceSpecArgs{
                      Ports: corev1.ServicePortArray{
                              Port: pulumi.Int(6379),
                      Selector: redisReplicaLabels,
              if err != nil {
                  return err
              frontendLabels := pulumi.StringMap{
                  "app": pulumi.String("frontend"),
              // Frontend Deployment
              _, err = appsv1.NewDeployment(ctx, "frontend", &appsv1.DeploymentArgs{
                  Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                      Labels: frontendLabels,
                  Spec: appsv1.DeploymentSpecArgs{
                      Selector: &metav1.LabelSelectorArgs{
                          MatchLabels: frontendLabels,
                      Replicas: pulumi.Int(1),
                      Template: &corev1.PodTemplateSpecArgs{
                          Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                              Labels: frontendLabels,
                          Spec: &corev1.PodSpecArgs{
                              Containers: corev1.ContainerArray{
                                      Name:  pulumi.String("php-redis"),
                                      Image: pulumi.String("pulumi/guestbook-php-redis"),
                                      Resources: &corev1.ResourceRequirementsArgs{
                                          Requests: pulumi.StringMap{
                                              "cpu":    pulumi.String("100m"),
                                              "memory": pulumi.String("100Mi"),
                                      Env: corev1.EnvVarArray{
                                              Name:  pulumi.String("GET_HOSTS_FROM"),
                                              Value: pulumi.String("dns"),
                                      Ports: corev1.ContainerPortArray{
                                              ContainerPort: pulumi.Int(80),
              if err != nil {
                  return err
              // Frontend Service
              var frontendServiceType string
              if useLoadBalancer {
                  frontendServiceType = "LoadBalancer"
              } else {
                  frontendServiceType = "ClusterIP"
              frontendService, err := corev1.NewService(ctx, "frontend", &corev1.ServiceArgs{
                  Metadata: &metav1.ObjectMetaArgs{
                      Labels: frontendLabels,
                      Name:   pulumi.String("frontend"),
                  Spec: &corev1.ServiceSpecArgs{
                      Type: pulumi.String(frontendServiceType),
                      Ports: corev1.ServicePortArray{
                              Port: pulumi.Int(80),
                      Selector: frontendLabels,
              if err != nil {
                  return err
              if useLoadBalancer {
                  ctx.Export("frontendIP", frontendService.Status.ApplyT(func(status *corev1.ServiceStatus) *string {
                      ingress := status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0]
                      if ingress.Hostname != nil {
                          return ingress.Hostname
                      return ingress.Ip
              } else {
                  ctx.Export("frontendIP", frontendService.Spec.ApplyT(func(spec *corev1.ServiceSpec) *string {
                      return spec.ClusterIP
              return nil
      using Pulumi;
      using Pulumi.Kubernetes.Types.Inputs.Core.V1;
      using Pulumi.Kubernetes.Types.Inputs.Apps.V1;
      using Pulumi.Kubernetes.Types.Inputs.Meta.V1;
      class Guestbook : Stack
          public Guestbook()
              // Create only services of type `ClusterIP`
              // for clusters that don't support `LoadBalancer` services
              var config = new Config();
              var useLoadBalancer = config.GetBoolean("useLoadBalancer") ?? false;
              // REDIS LEADER.
              var redisLeaderLabels = new InputMap<string>
                  {"app", "redis-leader"}
              var redisLeaderDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("redis-leader", new DeploymentArgs
                  Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs
                      Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs
                          MatchLabels = redisLeaderLabels
                      Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs
                          Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
                              Labels = redisLeaderLabels
                          Spec = new PodSpecArgs
                              Containers =
                                  new ContainerArgs
                                      Name = "redis-leader",
                                      Image = "redis",
                                      Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs
                                          Requests =
                                              {"cpu", "100m"},
                                              {"memory", "100Mi"}
                                      Ports =
                                          new ContainerPortArgs {ContainerPortValue = 6379}
              var redisLeaderService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("redis-leader", new ServiceArgs
                  Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
                      Name = "redis-leader",
                      Labels = redisLeaderDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels),
                  Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs
                      Ports =
                          new ServicePortArgs
                              Port = 6379,
                              TargetPort = 6379
                      Selector = redisLeaderDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels)
              // REDIS REPLICA.
              var redisReplicaLabels = new InputMap<string>
                  {"app", "redis-replica"}
              var redisReplicaDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("redis-replica", new DeploymentArgs
                  Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs
                      Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs
                          MatchLabels = redisReplicaLabels
                      Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs
                          Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
                              Labels = redisReplicaLabels
                          Spec = new PodSpecArgs
                              Containers =
                                  new ContainerArgs
                                      Name = "redis-replica",
                                      Image = "pulumi/guestbook-redis-replica",
                                      Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs
                                          Requests =
                                              {"cpu", "100m"},
                                              {"memory", "100Mi"}
                                      // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment
                                      // variable to find the leader's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`.
                                      Env =
                                          new EnvVarArgs
                                              Name = "GET_HOSTS_FROM",
                                              Value = "dns"
                                      Ports =
                                          new ContainerPortArgs {ContainerPortValue = 6379}
              var redisReplicaService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("redis-replica", new ServiceArgs
                  Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
                      Name = "redis-replica",
                      Labels = redisReplicaDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels)
                  Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs
                      Ports =
                          new ServicePortArgs
                              Port = 6379,
                              TargetPort = 6379
                      Selector = redisReplicaDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels)
              // FRONTEND
              var frontendLabels = new InputMap<string>
                  {"app", "frontend"},
              var frontendDeployment = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Apps.V1.Deployment("frontend", new DeploymentArgs
                  Spec = new DeploymentSpecArgs
                      Selector = new LabelSelectorArgs
                          MatchLabels = frontendLabels
                      Replicas = 3,
                      Template = new PodTemplateSpecArgs
                          Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
                              Labels = frontendLabels
                          Spec = new PodSpecArgs
                              Containers =
                                  new ContainerArgs
                                      Name = "php-redis",
                                      Image = "pulumi/guestbook-php-redis",
                                      Resources = new ResourceRequirementsArgs
                                          Requests =
                                              {"cpu", "100m"},
                                              {"memory", "100Mi"},
                                      // If your cluster config does not include a dns service, then to instead access an environment
                                      // variable to find the leaders's host, change `value: "dns"` to read `value: "env"`.
                                      Env =
                                          new EnvVarArgs
                                              Name = "GET_HOSTS_FROM",
                                              Value = "dns", /* Value = "env"*/
                                      Ports =
                                          new ContainerPortArgs {ContainerPortValue = 80}
              var frontendService = new Pulumi.Kubernetes.Core.V1.Service("frontend", new ServiceArgs
                  Metadata = new ObjectMetaArgs
                      Name = "frontend",
                      Labels = frontendDeployment.Metadata.Apply(metadata => metadata.Labels)
                  Spec = new ServiceSpecArgs
                      Type = useLoadBalancer ? "LoadBalancer" : "ClusterIP",
                      Ports =
                          new ServicePortArgs
                              Port = 80,
                              TargetPort = 80
                      Selector = frontendDeployment.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.Template.Metadata.Labels)
              if (useLoadBalancer)
                  this.FrontendIp = frontendService.Status.Apply(status => status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Ip ?? status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname);
                  this.FrontendIp = frontendService.Spec.Apply(spec => spec.ClusterIP);
          [Output] public Output<string> FrontendIp { get; set; }

      This code creates three Kubernetes Services, each with an associated Deployment. The full Kubernetes object model is available to us, giving us the full power of Kubernetes right away.

    3. (Optional) By default, our frontend Service will be of type ClusterIP. This will work on Minikube and similar dev/local clusters; however, for most production Kubernetes clusters, we’ll want a LoadBalancer Service to ensure a load balancer gets allocated in your target cloud environment.

      The above code uses configuration to make this parameterizable. If you’d like our program to use a load balancer, simply run:

      $ pulumi config set useLoadBalancer true

      If you’re not sure, it’s safe to skip this step.


    4. Now we’re ready to deploy our code. To do so, simply run pulumi up:

      $ pulumi up

      The command will first show us a complete preview of what will take place, with a confirmation prompt. No changes will have been made yet. It should look something like this:

       Previewing update of stack 'k8s-guestbook-dev'
       Previewing changes:
           Type                           Name                             Plan       Info
       +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack            k8s-guestbook-k8s-guestbook-dev  create
       +   ├─ kubernetes:core:Service     redis-leader                     create
       +   ├─ kubernetes:core:Service     redis-replica                    create
       +   ├─ kubernetes:core:Service     frontend                         create
       +   ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  redis-leader                     create
       +   ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  redis-replica                    create
       +   └─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  frontend                         create
       info: 7 changes previewed:
           + 7 resources to create
       Do you want to perform this update?
       > yes

      Let’s select “yes” and hit enter. The deployment will proceed, and the output will look like this:

       Updating stack 'k8s-guestbook-dev'
       Performing changes:
           Type                           Name                             Status      Info
       +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack            k8s-guestbook-k8s-guestbook-dev  created
       +   ├─ kubernetes:core:Service     redis-replica                    created     1 info message
       +   ├─ kubernetes:core:Service     frontend                         created     1 info message
       +   ├─ kubernetes:core:Service     redis-leader                     created     1 info message
       +   ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  redis-leader                     created
       +   ├─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  redis-replica                    created
       +   └─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  frontend                         created
       kubernetes:core:Service: redis-replica
           info: ✅ Service 'redis-replica' successfully created endpoint objects
       kubernetes:core:Service: frontend
           info: ✅ Service 'frontend' successfully created endpoint objects
       kubernetes:core:Service: redis-leader
           info: ✅ Service 'redis-leader' successfully created endpoint objects
       frontendIP: ""
       info: 7 changes performed:
           + 7 resources created
       Update duration: 16.226520447s
       Permalink: https://app.pulumi.com/joeduffy/k8s-guestbook-dev/updates/1

      Viewing the Guestbook

    5. The application is now running in our cluster. Let’s inspect our cluster state to validate the deployment.

      Use kubectl to see the deployed services:

      $ kubectl get services

      We should see entries for each of the four Services we’ve created in our program:

      NAME           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
      frontend       ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP     2m
      kubernetes     ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP    1d
      redis-leader   ClusterIP    <none>        6379/TCP   2m
      redis-replica  ClusterIP      <none>        6379/TCP   2m

      The pulumi stack output command prints exported program variables:

      $ pulumi stack output frontendIP

      The value of the frontendIP variable matches either frontend’s CLUSTER-IP (if you’re deploying with useLoadBalancer set to false) or frontend’s EXTERNAL-IP (if you’re deploying with useLoadBalancer set to true). For example:
    6. Now let’s see our guestbook application in action.

      Guestbook in browser

      Without a LoadBalancer

      As our example above uses ClusterIP, in order to access it in a browswer over HTTP, we must first forward a port local port on localhost to it . To do so, run:

      $ kubectl port-forward svc/frontend 8765:80

      At this point, we can view our running guestbook application:

      $ curl localhost:8765

      The HTML from the guestbook will be fetched and printed:

      <html ng-app="redis">

      With a LoadBalancer

      If you are instead running this program in a full-featured production cluster, and set useLoadBalancer to true in step 3, then you can simply access your guestbook application with:

      $ curl $(pulumi stack output frontendIP)

      The HTML from the guestbook will be fetched and printed:

      <html ng-app="redis">
    7. We’re almost done. To demonstrate incremental updates, however, Let’s make an update to our program to scale the frontend from 3 replicas to 5. Find the line:

              replicas: 3,

      and change it to:

              replicas: 5,

      Or simply run sed -i "s/replicas: 3/replicas: 5/g" index.ts.

              "replicas": 3,

      and change it to:

              "replicas": 5,

      Or simply run sed -i "s/\"replicas\": 3/\"replicas\": 5/g" __main__.py.

              Replicas: pulumi.Int(3),

      and change it to:

              Replicas: pulumi.Int(5),

      Or simply run sed -i "s/Replicas = pulumi\.Int(3)/Replicas = pulumi\.Int(5)/g" main.go.

              Replicas = 3,

      and change it to:

              Replicas = 5,

      Or simply run sed -i "s/Replicas = 3/Replicas = 5/g" MyStack.cs.

      Now all we need to do is run pulumi up, and Pulumi will figure out the minimal set of changes to make:

      $ pulumi up -y --skip-preview

      The output from running this command should look something like this:

       Updating stack 'k8s-guestbook-dev'
       Performing changes:
               Type                           Name                             Plan          Info
           *   pulumi:pulumi:Stack            k8s-guestbook-k8s-guestbook-dev  no change
           ~   └─ kubernetes:apps:Deployment  frontend                         updated       changes: ~ spec
       info: 1 change performed:
           ~ 1 resource updated
             6 resources unchanged

      Cleaning Up

    8. Feel free to experiment. As soon as you’re done, let’s clean up and destroy the resources and remove our stack:

      $ pulumi destroy --yes
      $ pulumi stack rm --yes

      Afterwards, query the list of pods to verify that none are remaining:

      $ kubectl get pods

      If your cluster is empty, you will see output along the following lines:

      No resources found.

      Of course, if you have other applications deployed, you should still see them, but not the guestbook.

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    Kubernetes v4.14.0 published on Friday, Jun 28, 2024 by Pulumi