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  5. getPolicy

We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Use this data source to access information about an existing Storage Management Policy.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = azure.storage.getAccount({
        name: "storageaccountname",
        resourceGroupName: "resourcegroupname",
    const exampleGetPolicy = example.then(example => azure.storage.getPolicy({
        storageAccountId: example.id,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.storage.get_account(name="storageaccountname",
    example_get_policy = azure.storage.get_policy(storage_account_id=example.id)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := storage.LookupAccount(ctx, &storage.LookupAccountArgs{
    			Name:              "storageaccountname",
    			ResourceGroupName: pulumi.StringRef("resourcegroupname"),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = storage.GetPolicy(ctx, &storage.GetPolicyArgs{
    			StorageAccountId: example.Id,
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Azure.Storage.GetAccount.Invoke(new()
            Name = "storageaccountname",
            ResourceGroupName = "resourcegroupname",
        var exampleGetPolicy = Azure.Storage.GetPolicy.Invoke(new()
            StorageAccountId = example.Apply(getAccountResult => getAccountResult.Id),
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.StorageFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.GetAccountArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.GetPolicyArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = StorageFunctions.getAccount(GetAccountArgs.builder()
            final var exampleGetPolicy = StorageFunctions.getPolicy(GetPolicyArgs.builder()
                .storageAccountId(example.applyValue(getAccountResult -> getAccountResult.id()))
          Function: azure:storage:getAccount
            name: storageaccountname
            resourceGroupName: resourcegroupname
          Function: azure:storage:getPolicy
            storageAccountId: ${example.id}

    Using getPolicy

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getPolicy(args: GetPolicyArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetPolicyResult>
    function getPolicyOutput(args: GetPolicyOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetPolicyResult>
    def get_policy(storage_account_id: Optional[str] = None,
                   opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetPolicyResult
    def get_policy_output(storage_account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                   opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetPolicyResult]
    func GetPolicy(ctx *Context, args *GetPolicyArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetPolicyResult, error)
    func GetPolicyOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetPolicyOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetPolicyResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetPolicy in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetPolicy 
        public static Task<GetPolicyResult> InvokeAsync(GetPolicyArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetPolicyResult> Invoke(GetPolicyInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetPolicyResult> getPolicy(GetPolicyArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: azure:storage/getPolicy:getPolicy
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    StorageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to retrieve the management policy for.
    StorageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to retrieve the management policy for.
    storageAccountId String
    Specifies the id of the storage account to retrieve the management policy for.
    storageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to retrieve the management policy for.
    storage_account_id str
    Specifies the id of the storage account to retrieve the management policy for.
    storageAccountId String
    Specifies the id of the storage account to retrieve the management policy for.

    getPolicy Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Rules List<GetPolicyRule>
    supports the following:
    StorageAccountId string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Rules []GetPolicyRule
    supports the following:
    StorageAccountId string
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    rules List<GetPolicyRule>
    supports the following:
    storageAccountId String
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    rules GetPolicyRule[]
    supports the following:
    storageAccountId string
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    rules Sequence[GetPolicyRule]
    supports the following:
    storage_account_id str
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    rules List<Property Map>
    supports the following:
    storageAccountId String

    Supporting Types


    Actions List<GetPolicyRuleAction>
    An actions block as documented below.
    Enabled bool
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    Filters List<GetPolicyRuleFilter>
    A filter block as documented below.
    Name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Actions []GetPolicyRuleAction
    An actions block as documented below.
    Enabled bool
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    Filters []GetPolicyRuleFilter
    A filter block as documented below.
    Name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    actions List<GetPolicyRuleAction>
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled Boolean
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters List<GetPolicyRuleFilter>
    A filter block as documented below.
    name String
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    actions GetPolicyRuleAction[]
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled boolean
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters GetPolicyRuleFilter[]
    A filter block as documented below.
    name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    actions Sequence[GetPolicyRuleAction]
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled bool
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters Sequence[GetPolicyRuleFilter]
    A filter block as documented below.
    name str
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    actions List<Property Map>
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled Boolean
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters List<Property Map>
    A filter block as documented below.
    name String
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.


    BaseBlobs List<GetPolicyRuleActionBaseBlob>
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    Snapshots List<GetPolicyRuleActionSnapshot>
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    Versions List<GetPolicyRuleActionVersion>
    A version block as documented below.
    BaseBlobs []GetPolicyRuleActionBaseBlob
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    Snapshots []GetPolicyRuleActionSnapshot
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    Versions []GetPolicyRuleActionVersion
    A version block as documented below.
    baseBlobs List<GetPolicyRuleActionBaseBlob>
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshots List<GetPolicyRuleActionSnapshot>
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    versions List<GetPolicyRuleActionVersion>
    A version block as documented below.
    baseBlobs GetPolicyRuleActionBaseBlob[]
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshots GetPolicyRuleActionSnapshot[]
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    versions GetPolicyRuleActionVersion[]
    A version block as documented below.
    base_blobs Sequence[GetPolicyRuleActionBaseBlob]
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshots Sequence[GetPolicyRuleActionSnapshot]
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    versions Sequence[GetPolicyRuleActionVersion]
    A version block as documented below.
    baseBlobs List<Property Map>
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshots List<Property Map>
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    versions List<Property Map>
    A version block as documented below.


    AutoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled bool
    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to archive storage.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    AutoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled bool
    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to archive storage.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled Boolean
    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after creation to archive storage.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    Optional The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled boolean
    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after creation to archive storage.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled bool
    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool.
    delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob.
    delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    The age in days after creation to archive storage.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled Boolean
    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after creation to archive storage.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.


    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    change_tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    change_tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.


    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    change_tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    change_tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    delete_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to cool storage.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archived.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    Optional The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier.


    BlobTypes List<string>
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    MatchBlobIndexTags List<GetPolicyRuleFilterMatchBlobIndexTag>
    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
    PrefixMatches List<string>
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    BlobTypes []string
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    MatchBlobIndexTags []GetPolicyRuleFilterMatchBlobIndexTag
    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
    PrefixMatches []string
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blobTypes List<String>
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    matchBlobIndexTags List<GetPolicyRuleFilterMatchBlobIndexTag>
    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
    prefixMatches List<String>
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blobTypes string[]
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    matchBlobIndexTags GetPolicyRuleFilterMatchBlobIndexTag[]
    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
    prefixMatches string[]
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blob_types Sequence[str]
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    match_blob_index_tags Sequence[GetPolicyRuleFilterMatchBlobIndexTag]
    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
    prefix_matches Sequence[str]
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blobTypes List<String>
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    matchBlobIndexTags List<Property Map>
    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.
    prefixMatches List<String>
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.


    Name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Operation string
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    Value string
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Operation string
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    Value string
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    name String
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation String
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    value String
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation string
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    value string
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    name str
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation str
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    value str
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    name String
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation String
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    value String
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
    azure logo

    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi