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Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Manages a Service Fabric Cluster.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
        name: "example-resources",
        location: "West Europe",
    const exampleCluster = new azure.servicefabric.Cluster("example", {
        name: "example-servicefabric",
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        location: example.location,
        reliabilityLevel: "Bronze",
        upgradeMode: "Manual",
        clusterCodeVersion: "7.1.456.959",
        vmImage: "Windows",
        managementEndpoint: "https://example:80",
        nodeTypes: [{
            name: "first",
            instanceCount: 3,
            isPrimary: true,
            clientEndpointPort: 2020,
            httpEndpointPort: 80,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
        location="West Europe")
    example_cluster = azure.servicefabric.Cluster("example",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
    			Name:     pulumi.String("example-resources"),
    			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = servicefabric.NewCluster(ctx, "example", &servicefabric.ClusterArgs{
    			Name:               pulumi.String("example-servicefabric"),
    			ResourceGroupName:  example.Name,
    			Location:           example.Location,
    			ReliabilityLevel:   pulumi.String("Bronze"),
    			UpgradeMode:        pulumi.String("Manual"),
    			ClusterCodeVersion: pulumi.String("7.1.456.959"),
    			VmImage:            pulumi.String("Windows"),
    			ManagementEndpoint: pulumi.String("https://example:80"),
    			NodeTypes: servicefabric.ClusterNodeTypeArray{
    					Name:               pulumi.String("first"),
    					InstanceCount:      pulumi.Int(3),
    					IsPrimary:          pulumi.Bool(true),
    					ClientEndpointPort: pulumi.Int(2020),
    					HttpEndpointPort:   pulumi.Int(80),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
            Name = "example-resources",
            Location = "West Europe",
        var exampleCluster = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Cluster("example", new()
            Name = "example-servicefabric",
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            Location = example.Location,
            ReliabilityLevel = "Bronze",
            UpgradeMode = "Manual",
            ClusterCodeVersion = "7.1.456.959",
            VmImage = "Windows",
            ManagementEndpoint = "https://example:80",
            NodeTypes = new[]
                new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterNodeTypeArgs
                    Name = "first",
                    InstanceCount = 3,
                    IsPrimary = true,
                    ClientEndpointPort = 2020,
                    HttpEndpointPort = 80,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroup;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroupArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.servicefabric.Cluster;
    import com.pulumi.azure.servicefabric.ClusterArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.servicefabric.inputs.ClusterNodeTypeArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new ResourceGroup("example", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
                .location("West Europe")
            var exampleCluster = new Cluster("exampleCluster", ClusterArgs.builder()
        type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
          name: example-resources
          location: West Europe
        type: azure:servicefabric:Cluster
        name: example
          name: example-servicefabric
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
          location: ${example.location}
          reliabilityLevel: Bronze
          upgradeMode: Manual
          clusterCodeVersion: 7.1.456.959
          vmImage: Windows
          managementEndpoint: https://example:80
            - name: first
              instanceCount: 3
              isPrimary: true
              clientEndpointPort: 2020
              httpEndpointPort: 80

    Create Cluster Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Cluster(name: string, args: ClusterArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Cluster(resource_name: str,
                args: ClusterArgs,
                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Cluster(resource_name: str,
                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                management_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
                vm_image: Optional[str] = None,
                upgrade_mode: Optional[str] = None,
                resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
                reliability_level: Optional[str] = None,
                node_types: Optional[Sequence[ClusterNodeTypeArgs]] = None,
                client_certificate_thumbprints: Optional[Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs]] = None,
                reverse_proxy_certificate: Optional[ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs] = None,
                fabric_settings: Optional[Sequence[ClusterFabricSettingArgs]] = None,
                location: Optional[str] = None,
                cluster_code_version: Optional[str] = None,
                name: Optional[str] = None,
                add_on_features: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                client_certificate_common_names: Optional[Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs]] = None,
                certificate_common_names: Optional[ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs] = None,
                diagnostics_config: Optional[ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs] = None,
                reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names: Optional[ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs] = None,
                service_fabric_zonal_upgrade_mode: Optional[str] = None,
                tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                certificate: Optional[ClusterCertificateArgs] = None,
                upgrade_policy: Optional[ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs] = None,
                azure_active_directory: Optional[ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs] = None,
                vmss_zonal_upgrade_mode: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewCluster(ctx *Context, name string, args ClusterArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Cluster, error)
    public Cluster(string name, ClusterArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Cluster(String name, ClusterArgs args)
    public Cluster(String name, ClusterArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: azure:servicefabric:Cluster
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster", new()
        ManagementEndpoint = "string",
        VmImage = "string",
        UpgradeMode = "string",
        ResourceGroupName = "string",
        ReliabilityLevel = "string",
        NodeTypes = new[]
            new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterNodeTypeArgs
                HttpEndpointPort = 0,
                Name = "string",
                ClientEndpointPort = 0,
                IsPrimary = false,
                InstanceCount = 0,
                DurabilityLevel = "string",
                EphemeralPorts = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPortsArgs
                    EndPort = 0,
                    StartPort = 0,
                ApplicationPorts = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPortsArgs
                    EndPort = 0,
                    StartPort = 0,
                IsStateless = false,
                MultipleAvailabilityZones = false,
                Capacities = 
                    { "string", "string" },
                PlacementProperties = 
                    { "string", "string" },
                ReverseProxyEndpointPort = 0,
        ClientCertificateThumbprints = new[]
            new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs
                IsAdmin = false,
                Thumbprint = "string",
        ReverseProxyCertificate = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs
            Thumbprint = "string",
            X509StoreName = "string",
            ThumbprintSecondary = "string",
        FabricSettings = new[]
            new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterFabricSettingArgs
                Name = "string",
                Parameters = 
                    { "string", "string" },
        Location = "string",
        ClusterCodeVersion = "string",
        Name = "string",
        AddOnFeatures = new[]
        ClientCertificateCommonNames = new[]
            new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs
                CommonName = "string",
                IsAdmin = false,
                IssuerThumbprint = "string",
        CertificateCommonNames = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs
            CommonNames = new[]
                new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonNameArgs
                    CertificateCommonName = "string",
                    CertificateIssuerThumbprint = "string",
            X509StoreName = "string",
        DiagnosticsConfig = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs
            BlobEndpoint = "string",
            ProtectedAccountKeyName = "string",
            QueueEndpoint = "string",
            StorageAccountName = "string",
            TableEndpoint = "string",
        ReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs
            CommonNames = new[]
                new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonNameArgs
                    CertificateCommonName = "string",
                    CertificateIssuerThumbprint = "string",
            X509StoreName = "string",
        ServiceFabricZonalUpgradeMode = "string",
        Tags = 
            { "string", "string" },
        Certificate = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterCertificateArgs
            Thumbprint = "string",
            X509StoreName = "string",
            ThumbprintSecondary = "string",
        UpgradePolicy = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs
            DeltaHealthPolicy = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicyArgs
                MaxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent = 0,
                MaxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent = 0,
                MaxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent = 0,
            ForceRestartEnabled = false,
            HealthCheckRetryTimeout = "string",
            HealthCheckStableDuration = "string",
            HealthCheckWaitDuration = "string",
            HealthPolicy = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicyArgs
                MaxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent = 0,
                MaxUnhealthyNodesPercent = 0,
            UpgradeDomainTimeout = "string",
            UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout = "string",
            UpgradeTimeout = "string",
        AzureActiveDirectory = new Azure.ServiceFabric.Inputs.ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs
            ClientApplicationId = "string",
            ClusterApplicationId = "string",
            TenantId = "string",
        VmssZonalUpgradeMode = "string",
    example, err := servicefabric.NewCluster(ctx, "exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster", &servicefabric.ClusterArgs{
    	ManagementEndpoint: pulumi.String("string"),
    	VmImage:            pulumi.String("string"),
    	UpgradeMode:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	ResourceGroupName:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	ReliabilityLevel:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	NodeTypes: servicefabric.ClusterNodeTypeArray{
    			HttpEndpointPort:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Name:               pulumi.String("string"),
    			ClientEndpointPort: pulumi.Int(0),
    			IsPrimary:          pulumi.Bool(false),
    			InstanceCount:      pulumi.Int(0),
    			DurabilityLevel:    pulumi.String("string"),
    			EphemeralPorts: &servicefabric.ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPortsArgs{
    				EndPort:   pulumi.Int(0),
    				StartPort: pulumi.Int(0),
    			ApplicationPorts: &servicefabric.ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPortsArgs{
    				EndPort:   pulumi.Int(0),
    				StartPort: pulumi.Int(0),
    			IsStateless:               pulumi.Bool(false),
    			MultipleAvailabilityZones: pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Capacities: pulumi.StringMap{
    				"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    			PlacementProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
    				"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    			ReverseProxyEndpointPort: pulumi.Int(0),
    	ClientCertificateThumbprints: servicefabric.ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArray{
    			IsAdmin:    pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Thumbprint: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ReverseProxyCertificate: &servicefabric.ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs{
    		Thumbprint:          pulumi.String("string"),
    		X509StoreName:       pulumi.String("string"),
    		ThumbprintSecondary: pulumi.String("string"),
    	FabricSettings: servicefabric.ClusterFabricSettingArray{
    			Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Parameters: pulumi.StringMap{
    				"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	Location:           pulumi.String("string"),
    	ClusterCodeVersion: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Name:               pulumi.String("string"),
    	AddOnFeatures: pulumi.StringArray{
    	ClientCertificateCommonNames: servicefabric.ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArray{
    			CommonName:       pulumi.String("string"),
    			IsAdmin:          pulumi.Bool(false),
    			IssuerThumbprint: pulumi.String("string"),
    	CertificateCommonNames: &servicefabric.ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs{
    		CommonNames: servicefabric.ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonNameArray{
    				CertificateCommonName:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				CertificateIssuerThumbprint: pulumi.String("string"),
    		X509StoreName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	DiagnosticsConfig: &servicefabric.ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs{
    		BlobEndpoint:            pulumi.String("string"),
    		ProtectedAccountKeyName: pulumi.String("string"),
    		QueueEndpoint:           pulumi.String("string"),
    		StorageAccountName:      pulumi.String("string"),
    		TableEndpoint:           pulumi.String("string"),
    	ReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames: &servicefabric.ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs{
    		CommonNames: servicefabric.ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonNameArray{
    				CertificateCommonName:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				CertificateIssuerThumbprint: pulumi.String("string"),
    		X509StoreName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ServiceFabricZonalUpgradeMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	Certificate: &servicefabric.ClusterCertificateArgs{
    		Thumbprint:          pulumi.String("string"),
    		X509StoreName:       pulumi.String("string"),
    		ThumbprintSecondary: pulumi.String("string"),
    	UpgradePolicy: &servicefabric.ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs{
    		DeltaHealthPolicy: &servicefabric.ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicyArgs{
    			MaxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent:       pulumi.Int(0),
    			MaxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent:              pulumi.Int(0),
    			MaxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent: pulumi.Int(0),
    		ForceRestartEnabled:       pulumi.Bool(false),
    		HealthCheckRetryTimeout:   pulumi.String("string"),
    		HealthCheckStableDuration: pulumi.String("string"),
    		HealthCheckWaitDuration:   pulumi.String("string"),
    		HealthPolicy: &servicefabric.ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicyArgs{
    			MaxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent: pulumi.Int(0),
    			MaxUnhealthyNodesPercent:        pulumi.Int(0),
    		UpgradeDomainTimeout:          pulumi.String("string"),
    		UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout: pulumi.String("string"),
    		UpgradeTimeout:                pulumi.String("string"),
    	AzureActiveDirectory: &servicefabric.ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs{
    		ClientApplicationId:  pulumi.String("string"),
    		ClusterApplicationId: pulumi.String("string"),
    		TenantId:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	VmssZonalUpgradeMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    var exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster = new Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster", ClusterArgs.builder()
            .capacities(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .placementProperties(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .parameters(Map.of("string", "string"))
        .tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
    examplecluster_resource_resource_from_servicefabriccluster = azure.servicefabric.Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
            "string": "string",
    const exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster = new azure.servicefabric.Cluster("exampleclusterResourceResourceFromServicefabriccluster", {
        managementEndpoint: "string",
        vmImage: "string",
        upgradeMode: "string",
        resourceGroupName: "string",
        reliabilityLevel: "string",
        nodeTypes: [{
            httpEndpointPort: 0,
            name: "string",
            clientEndpointPort: 0,
            isPrimary: false,
            instanceCount: 0,
            durabilityLevel: "string",
            ephemeralPorts: {
                endPort: 0,
                startPort: 0,
            applicationPorts: {
                endPort: 0,
                startPort: 0,
            isStateless: false,
            multipleAvailabilityZones: false,
            capacities: {
                string: "string",
            placementProperties: {
                string: "string",
            reverseProxyEndpointPort: 0,
        clientCertificateThumbprints: [{
            isAdmin: false,
            thumbprint: "string",
        reverseProxyCertificate: {
            thumbprint: "string",
            x509StoreName: "string",
            thumbprintSecondary: "string",
        fabricSettings: [{
            name: "string",
            parameters: {
                string: "string",
        location: "string",
        clusterCodeVersion: "string",
        name: "string",
        addOnFeatures: ["string"],
        clientCertificateCommonNames: [{
            commonName: "string",
            isAdmin: false,
            issuerThumbprint: "string",
        certificateCommonNames: {
            commonNames: [{
                certificateCommonName: "string",
                certificateIssuerThumbprint: "string",
            x509StoreName: "string",
        diagnosticsConfig: {
            blobEndpoint: "string",
            protectedAccountKeyName: "string",
            queueEndpoint: "string",
            storageAccountName: "string",
            tableEndpoint: "string",
        reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames: {
            commonNames: [{
                certificateCommonName: "string",
                certificateIssuerThumbprint: "string",
            x509StoreName: "string",
        serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode: "string",
        tags: {
            string: "string",
        certificate: {
            thumbprint: "string",
            x509StoreName: "string",
            thumbprintSecondary: "string",
        upgradePolicy: {
            deltaHealthPolicy: {
                maxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent: 0,
                maxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent: 0,
                maxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent: 0,
            forceRestartEnabled: false,
            healthCheckRetryTimeout: "string",
            healthCheckStableDuration: "string",
            healthCheckWaitDuration: "string",
            healthPolicy: {
                maxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent: 0,
                maxUnhealthyNodesPercent: 0,
            upgradeDomainTimeout: "string",
            upgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout: "string",
            upgradeTimeout: "string",
        azureActiveDirectory: {
            clientApplicationId: "string",
            clusterApplicationId: "string",
            tenantId: "string",
        vmssZonalUpgradeMode: "string",
    type: azure:servicefabric:Cluster
            - string
            clientApplicationId: string
            clusterApplicationId: string
            tenantId: string
            thumbprint: string
            thumbprintSecondary: string
            x509StoreName: string
                - certificateCommonName: string
                  certificateIssuerThumbprint: string
            x509StoreName: string
            - commonName: string
              isAdmin: false
              issuerThumbprint: string
            - isAdmin: false
              thumbprint: string
        clusterCodeVersion: string
            blobEndpoint: string
            protectedAccountKeyName: string
            queueEndpoint: string
            storageAccountName: string
            tableEndpoint: string
            - name: string
                string: string
        location: string
        managementEndpoint: string
        name: string
            - applicationPorts:
                endPort: 0
                startPort: 0
                string: string
              clientEndpointPort: 0
              durabilityLevel: string
                endPort: 0
                startPort: 0
              httpEndpointPort: 0
              instanceCount: 0
              isPrimary: false
              isStateless: false
              multipleAvailabilityZones: false
              name: string
                string: string
              reverseProxyEndpointPort: 0
        reliabilityLevel: string
        resourceGroupName: string
            thumbprint: string
            thumbprintSecondary: string
            x509StoreName: string
                - certificateCommonName: string
                  certificateIssuerThumbprint: string
            x509StoreName: string
        serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode: string
            string: string
        upgradeMode: string
                maxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent: 0
                maxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent: 0
                maxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent: 0
            forceRestartEnabled: false
            healthCheckRetryTimeout: string
            healthCheckStableDuration: string
            healthCheckWaitDuration: string
                maxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent: 0
                maxUnhealthyNodesPercent: 0
            upgradeDomainTimeout: string
            upgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout: string
            upgradeTimeout: string
        vmImage: string
        vmssZonalUpgradeMode: string

    Cluster Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Cluster resource accepts the following input properties:

    ManagementEndpoint string
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    NodeTypes List<ClusterNodeType>
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    ReliabilityLevel string

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    UpgradeMode string
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    VmImage string
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    AddOnFeatures List<string>
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    AzureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectory
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    Certificate ClusterCertificate
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    CertificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNames
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    ClientCertificateCommonNames List<ClusterClientCertificateCommonName>

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    ClientCertificateThumbprints List<ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint>
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    ClusterCodeVersion string
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    DiagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfig
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    FabricSettings List<ClusterFabricSetting>
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    Location string
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Name string
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    ReverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificate
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    ReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    ServiceFabricZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    UpgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicy
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    VmssZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    ManagementEndpoint string
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    NodeTypes []ClusterNodeTypeArgs
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    ReliabilityLevel string

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    UpgradeMode string
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    VmImage string
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    AddOnFeatures []string
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    AzureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    Certificate ClusterCertificateArgs
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    CertificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    ClientCertificateCommonNames []ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    ClientCertificateThumbprints []ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    ClusterCodeVersion string
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    DiagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    FabricSettings []ClusterFabricSettingArgs
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    Location string
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Name string
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    ReverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    ReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    ServiceFabricZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    Tags map[string]string
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    UpgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    VmssZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    managementEndpoint String
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    nodeTypes List<ClusterNodeType>
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliabilityLevel String

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    upgradeMode String
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    vmImage String
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    addOnFeatures List<String>
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectory
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate ClusterCertificate
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNames
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    clientCertificateCommonNames List<ClusterClientCertificateCommonName>

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    clientCertificateThumbprints List<ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint>
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    clusterCodeVersion String
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    diagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfig
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabricSettings List<ClusterFabricSetting>
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location String
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name String
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificate
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags Map<String,String>
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicy
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmssZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    managementEndpoint string
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    nodeTypes ClusterNodeType[]
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliabilityLevel string

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    upgradeMode string
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    vmImage string
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    addOnFeatures string[]
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectory
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate ClusterCertificate
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNames
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    clientCertificateCommonNames ClusterClientCertificateCommonName[]

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    clientCertificateThumbprints ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint[]
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    clusterCodeVersion string
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    diagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfig
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabricSettings ClusterFabricSetting[]
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location string
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name string
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificate
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicy
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmssZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    management_endpoint str
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    node_types Sequence[ClusterNodeTypeArgs]
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliability_level str

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resource_group_name str
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    upgrade_mode str
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    vm_image str
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    add_on_features Sequence[str]
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azure_active_directory ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate ClusterCertificateArgs
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificate_common_names ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    client_certificate_common_names Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs]

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    client_certificate_thumbprints Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs]
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    cluster_code_version str
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    diagnostics_config ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabric_settings Sequence[ClusterFabricSettingArgs]
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location str
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name str
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverse_proxy_certificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    service_fabric_zonal_upgrade_mode str
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgrade_policy ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmss_zonal_upgrade_mode str
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    managementEndpoint String
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    nodeTypes List<Property Map>
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliabilityLevel String

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    upgradeMode String
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    vmImage String
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    addOnFeatures List<String>
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azureActiveDirectory Property Map
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate Property Map
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificateCommonNames Property Map
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    clientCertificateCommonNames List<Property Map>

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    clientCertificateThumbprints List<Property Map>
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    clusterCodeVersion String
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    diagnosticsConfig Property Map
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabricSettings List<Property Map>
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location String
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name String
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverseProxyCertificate Property Map
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames Property Map
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags Map<String>
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgradePolicy Property Map
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmssZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Cluster resource produces the following output properties:

    ClusterEndpoint string
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ClusterEndpoint string
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    clusterEndpoint String
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    clusterEndpoint string
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    cluster_endpoint str
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    clusterEndpoint String
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

    Look up Existing Cluster Resource

    Get an existing Cluster resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ClusterState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Cluster
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            add_on_features: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            azure_active_directory: Optional[ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs] = None,
            certificate: Optional[ClusterCertificateArgs] = None,
            certificate_common_names: Optional[ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs] = None,
            client_certificate_common_names: Optional[Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs]] = None,
            client_certificate_thumbprints: Optional[Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs]] = None,
            cluster_code_version: Optional[str] = None,
            cluster_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
            diagnostics_config: Optional[ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs] = None,
            fabric_settings: Optional[Sequence[ClusterFabricSettingArgs]] = None,
            location: Optional[str] = None,
            management_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            node_types: Optional[Sequence[ClusterNodeTypeArgs]] = None,
            reliability_level: Optional[str] = None,
            resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
            reverse_proxy_certificate: Optional[ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs] = None,
            reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names: Optional[ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs] = None,
            service_fabric_zonal_upgrade_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            upgrade_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            upgrade_policy: Optional[ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs] = None,
            vm_image: Optional[str] = None,
            vmss_zonal_upgrade_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> Cluster
    func GetCluster(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ClusterState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Cluster, error)
    public static Cluster Get(string name, Input<string> id, ClusterState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Cluster get(String name, Output<String> id, ClusterState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AddOnFeatures List<string>
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    AzureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectory
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    Certificate ClusterCertificate
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    CertificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNames
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    ClientCertificateCommonNames List<ClusterClientCertificateCommonName>

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    ClientCertificateThumbprints List<ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint>
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    ClusterCodeVersion string
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    ClusterEndpoint string
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    DiagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfig
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    FabricSettings List<ClusterFabricSetting>
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    Location string
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    ManagementEndpoint string
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Name string
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    NodeTypes List<ClusterNodeType>
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    ReliabilityLevel string

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    ReverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificate
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    ReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    ServiceFabricZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    UpgradeMode string
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    UpgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicy
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    VmImage string
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    VmssZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    AddOnFeatures []string
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    AzureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    Certificate ClusterCertificateArgs
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    CertificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    ClientCertificateCommonNames []ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    ClientCertificateThumbprints []ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    ClusterCodeVersion string
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    ClusterEndpoint string
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    DiagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    FabricSettings []ClusterFabricSettingArgs
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    Location string
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    ManagementEndpoint string
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Name string
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    NodeTypes []ClusterNodeTypeArgs
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    ReliabilityLevel string

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    ReverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    ReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    ServiceFabricZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    Tags map[string]string
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    UpgradeMode string
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    UpgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    VmImage string
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    VmssZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    addOnFeatures List<String>
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectory
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate ClusterCertificate
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNames
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    clientCertificateCommonNames List<ClusterClientCertificateCommonName>

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    clientCertificateThumbprints List<ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint>
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    clusterCodeVersion String
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    clusterEndpoint String
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    diagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfig
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabricSettings List<ClusterFabricSetting>
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location String
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    managementEndpoint String
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name String
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    nodeTypes List<ClusterNodeType>
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliabilityLevel String

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificate
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags Map<String,String>
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgradeMode String
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    upgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicy
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmImage String
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    vmssZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    addOnFeatures string[]
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azureActiveDirectory ClusterAzureActiveDirectory
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate ClusterCertificate
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificateCommonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNames
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    clientCertificateCommonNames ClusterClientCertificateCommonName[]

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    clientCertificateThumbprints ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint[]
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    clusterCodeVersion string
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    clusterEndpoint string
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    diagnosticsConfig ClusterDiagnosticsConfig
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabricSettings ClusterFabricSetting[]
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location string
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    managementEndpoint string
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name string
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    nodeTypes ClusterNodeType[]
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliabilityLevel string

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverseProxyCertificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificate
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgradeMode string
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    upgradePolicy ClusterUpgradePolicy
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmImage string
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    vmssZonalUpgradeMode string
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    add_on_features Sequence[str]
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azure_active_directory ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate ClusterCertificateArgs
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificate_common_names ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    client_certificate_common_names Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs]

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    client_certificate_thumbprints Sequence[ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs]
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    cluster_code_version str
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    cluster_endpoint str
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    diagnostics_config ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabric_settings Sequence[ClusterFabricSettingArgs]
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location str
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    management_endpoint str
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name str
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    node_types Sequence[ClusterNodeTypeArgs]
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliability_level str

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resource_group_name str
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverse_proxy_certificate ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    service_fabric_zonal_upgrade_mode str
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgrade_mode str
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    upgrade_policy ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vm_image str
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    vmss_zonal_upgrade_mode str
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    addOnFeatures List<String>
    A List of one or more features which should be enabled, such as DnsService.
    azureActiveDirectory Property Map
    An azure_active_directory block as defined below.
    certificate Property Map
    A certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate_common_names.
    certificateCommonNames Property Map
    A certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with certificate.
    clientCertificateCommonNames List<Property Map>

    A client_certificate_common_name block as defined below.

    NOTE: If Client Certificates are enabled then at a Certificate must be configured on the cluster.

    clientCertificateThumbprints List<Property Map>
    One or more client_certificate_thumbprint blocks as defined below.
    clusterCodeVersion String
    Required if Upgrade Mode set to Manual, Specifies the Version of the Cluster Code of the cluster.
    clusterEndpoint String
    The Cluster Endpoint for this Service Fabric Cluster.
    diagnosticsConfig Property Map
    A diagnostics_config block as defined below.
    fabricSettings List<Property Map>
    One or more fabric_settings blocks as defined below.
    location String
    Specifies the Azure Region where the Service Fabric Cluster should exist. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    managementEndpoint String
    Specifies the Management Endpoint of the cluster such as http://example.com. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    name String
    The name of the Service Fabric Cluster. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    nodeTypes List<Property Map>
    One or more node_type blocks as defined below.
    reliabilityLevel String

    Specifies the Reliability Level of the Cluster. Possible values include None, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

    NOTE: The Reliability Level of the Cluster depends on the number of nodes in the Cluster: Platinum requires at least 9 VM's, Gold requires at least 7 VM's, Silver requires at least 5 VM's, Bronze requires at least 3 VM's.

    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group in which the Service Fabric Cluster exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    reverseProxyCertificate Property Map
    A reverse_proxy_certificate block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names.
    reverseProxyCertificateCommonNames Property Map
    A reverse_proxy_certificate_common_names block as defined below. Conflicts with reverse_proxy_certificate.
    serviceFabricZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the logical grouping of VMs in upgrade domains. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.
    tags Map<String>
    A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    upgradeMode String
    Specifies the Upgrade Mode of the cluster. Possible values are Automatic or Manual.
    upgradePolicy Property Map
    A upgrade_policy block as defined below.
    vmImage String
    Specifies the Image expected for the Service Fabric Cluster, such as Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    vmssZonalUpgradeMode String
    Specifies the upgrade mode for the virtual machine scale set updates that happen in all availability zones at once. Possible values are Hierarchical or Parallel.

    Supporting Types

    ClusterAzureActiveDirectory, ClusterAzureActiveDirectoryArgs

    ClientApplicationId string
    The Azure Active Directory Client ID which should be used for the Client Application.
    ClusterApplicationId string
    The Azure Active Directory Cluster Application ID.
    TenantId string
    The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
    ClientApplicationId string
    The Azure Active Directory Client ID which should be used for the Client Application.
    ClusterApplicationId string
    The Azure Active Directory Cluster Application ID.
    TenantId string
    The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
    clientApplicationId String
    The Azure Active Directory Client ID which should be used for the Client Application.
    clusterApplicationId String
    The Azure Active Directory Cluster Application ID.
    tenantId String
    The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
    clientApplicationId string
    The Azure Active Directory Client ID which should be used for the Client Application.
    clusterApplicationId string
    The Azure Active Directory Cluster Application ID.
    tenantId string
    The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
    client_application_id str
    The Azure Active Directory Client ID which should be used for the Client Application.
    cluster_application_id str
    The Azure Active Directory Cluster Application ID.
    tenant_id str
    The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
    clientApplicationId String
    The Azure Active Directory Client ID which should be used for the Client Application.
    clusterApplicationId String
    The Azure Active Directory Cluster Application ID.
    tenantId String
    The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.

    ClusterCertificate, ClusterCertificateArgs

    Thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    ThumbprintSecondary string
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    Thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    ThumbprintSecondary string
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint String
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprintSecondary String
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprintSecondary string
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint str
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509_store_name str
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprint_secondary str
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint String
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprintSecondary String
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    ClusterCertificateCommonNames, ClusterCertificateCommonNamesArgs

    CommonNames List<ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonName>
    A common_names block as defined below.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    CommonNames []ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonName
    A common_names block as defined below.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    commonNames List<ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonName>
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    commonNames ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonName[]
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    common_names Sequence[ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonName]
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509_store_name str
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    commonNames List<Property Map>
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.

    ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonName, ClusterCertificateCommonNamesCommonNameArgs

    CertificateCommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    CertificateIssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    CertificateCommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    CertificateIssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificateCommonName String
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificateIssuerThumbprint String

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificateCommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificateIssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificate_common_name str
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificate_issuer_thumbprint str

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificateCommonName String
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificateIssuerThumbprint String

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    ClusterClientCertificateCommonName, ClusterClientCertificateCommonNameArgs

    CommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    IsAdmin bool
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    IssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    CommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    IsAdmin bool
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    IssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    commonName String
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    isAdmin Boolean
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    issuerThumbprint String

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    commonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    isAdmin boolean
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    issuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    common_name str
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    is_admin bool
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    issuer_thumbprint str

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    commonName String
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    isAdmin Boolean
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    issuerThumbprint String

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    ClusterClientCertificateThumbprint, ClusterClientCertificateThumbprintArgs

    IsAdmin bool
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    Thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint associated with the Client Certificate.
    IsAdmin bool
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    Thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint associated with the Client Certificate.
    isAdmin Boolean
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    thumbprint String
    The Thumbprint associated with the Client Certificate.
    isAdmin boolean
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint associated with the Client Certificate.
    is_admin bool
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    thumbprint str
    The Thumbprint associated with the Client Certificate.
    isAdmin Boolean
    Does the Client Certificate have Admin Access to the cluster? Non-admin clients can only perform read only operations on the cluster.
    thumbprint String
    The Thumbprint associated with the Client Certificate.

    ClusterDiagnosticsConfig, ClusterDiagnosticsConfigArgs

    BlobEndpoint string
    The Blob Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    ProtectedAccountKeyName string
    The protected diagnostics storage key name, such as StorageAccountKey1.
    QueueEndpoint string
    The Queue Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    StorageAccountName string
    The name of the Storage Account where the Diagnostics should be sent to.
    TableEndpoint string
    The Table Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    BlobEndpoint string
    The Blob Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    ProtectedAccountKeyName string
    The protected diagnostics storage key name, such as StorageAccountKey1.
    QueueEndpoint string
    The Queue Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    StorageAccountName string
    The name of the Storage Account where the Diagnostics should be sent to.
    TableEndpoint string
    The Table Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    blobEndpoint String
    The Blob Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    protectedAccountKeyName String
    The protected diagnostics storage key name, such as StorageAccountKey1.
    queueEndpoint String
    The Queue Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    storageAccountName String
    The name of the Storage Account where the Diagnostics should be sent to.
    tableEndpoint String
    The Table Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    blobEndpoint string
    The Blob Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    protectedAccountKeyName string
    The protected diagnostics storage key name, such as StorageAccountKey1.
    queueEndpoint string
    The Queue Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    storageAccountName string
    The name of the Storage Account where the Diagnostics should be sent to.
    tableEndpoint string
    The Table Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    blob_endpoint str
    The Blob Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    protected_account_key_name str
    The protected diagnostics storage key name, such as StorageAccountKey1.
    queue_endpoint str
    The Queue Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    storage_account_name str
    The name of the Storage Account where the Diagnostics should be sent to.
    table_endpoint str
    The Table Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    blobEndpoint String
    The Blob Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    protectedAccountKeyName String
    The protected diagnostics storage key name, such as StorageAccountKey1.
    queueEndpoint String
    The Queue Endpoint of the Storage Account.
    storageAccountName String
    The name of the Storage Account where the Diagnostics should be sent to.
    tableEndpoint String
    The Table Endpoint of the Storage Account.

    ClusterFabricSetting, ClusterFabricSettingArgs

    Name string
    The name of the Fabric Setting, such as Security or Federation.
    Parameters Dictionary<string, string>
    A map containing settings for the specified Fabric Setting.
    Name string
    The name of the Fabric Setting, such as Security or Federation.
    Parameters map[string]string
    A map containing settings for the specified Fabric Setting.
    name String
    The name of the Fabric Setting, such as Security or Federation.
    parameters Map<String,String>
    A map containing settings for the specified Fabric Setting.
    name string
    The name of the Fabric Setting, such as Security or Federation.
    parameters {[key: string]: string}
    A map containing settings for the specified Fabric Setting.
    name str
    The name of the Fabric Setting, such as Security or Federation.
    parameters Mapping[str, str]
    A map containing settings for the specified Fabric Setting.
    name String
    The name of the Fabric Setting, such as Security or Federation.
    parameters Map<String>
    A map containing settings for the specified Fabric Setting.

    ClusterNodeType, ClusterNodeTypeArgs

    ClientEndpointPort int
    The Port used for the Client Endpoint for this Node Type.
    HttpEndpointPort int
    The Port used for the HTTP Endpoint for this Node Type.
    InstanceCount int
    The number of nodes for this Node Type.
    IsPrimary bool
    Is this the Primary Node Type?
    Name string
    The name of the Node Type.
    ApplicationPorts ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPorts
    A application_ports block as defined below.
    Capacities Dictionary<string, string>
    The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has.
    DurabilityLevel string
    The Durability Level for this Node Type. Possible values include Bronze, Gold and Silver. Defaults to Bronze.
    EphemeralPorts ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPorts
    A ephemeral_ports block as defined below.
    IsStateless bool
    Should this node type run only stateless services?
    MultipleAvailabilityZones bool
    Does this node type span availability zones?
    PlacementProperties Dictionary<string, string>
    The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run.
    ReverseProxyEndpointPort int
    The Port used for the Reverse Proxy Endpoint for this Node Type. Changing this will upgrade the cluster.
    ClientEndpointPort int
    The Port used for the Client Endpoint for this Node Type.
    HttpEndpointPort int
    The Port used for the HTTP Endpoint for this Node Type.
    InstanceCount int
    The number of nodes for this Node Type.
    IsPrimary bool
    Is this the Primary Node Type?
    Name string
    The name of the Node Type.
    ApplicationPorts ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPorts
    A application_ports block as defined below.
    Capacities map[string]string
    The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has.
    DurabilityLevel string
    The Durability Level for this Node Type. Possible values include Bronze, Gold and Silver. Defaults to Bronze.
    EphemeralPorts ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPorts
    A ephemeral_ports block as defined below.
    IsStateless bool
    Should this node type run only stateless services?
    MultipleAvailabilityZones bool
    Does this node type span availability zones?
    PlacementProperties map[string]string
    The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run.
    ReverseProxyEndpointPort int
    The Port used for the Reverse Proxy Endpoint for this Node Type. Changing this will upgrade the cluster.
    clientEndpointPort Integer
    The Port used for the Client Endpoint for this Node Type.
    httpEndpointPort Integer
    The Port used for the HTTP Endpoint for this Node Type.
    instanceCount Integer
    The number of nodes for this Node Type.
    isPrimary Boolean
    Is this the Primary Node Type?
    name String
    The name of the Node Type.
    applicationPorts ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPorts
    A application_ports block as defined below.
    capacities Map<String,String>
    The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has.
    durabilityLevel String
    The Durability Level for this Node Type. Possible values include Bronze, Gold and Silver. Defaults to Bronze.
    ephemeralPorts ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPorts
    A ephemeral_ports block as defined below.
    isStateless Boolean
    Should this node type run only stateless services?
    multipleAvailabilityZones Boolean
    Does this node type span availability zones?
    placementProperties Map<String,String>
    The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run.
    reverseProxyEndpointPort Integer
    The Port used for the Reverse Proxy Endpoint for this Node Type. Changing this will upgrade the cluster.
    clientEndpointPort number
    The Port used for the Client Endpoint for this Node Type.
    httpEndpointPort number
    The Port used for the HTTP Endpoint for this Node Type.
    instanceCount number
    The number of nodes for this Node Type.
    isPrimary boolean
    Is this the Primary Node Type?
    name string
    The name of the Node Type.
    applicationPorts ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPorts
    A application_ports block as defined below.
    capacities {[key: string]: string}
    The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has.
    durabilityLevel string
    The Durability Level for this Node Type. Possible values include Bronze, Gold and Silver. Defaults to Bronze.
    ephemeralPorts ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPorts
    A ephemeral_ports block as defined below.
    isStateless boolean
    Should this node type run only stateless services?
    multipleAvailabilityZones boolean
    Does this node type span availability zones?
    placementProperties {[key: string]: string}
    The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run.
    reverseProxyEndpointPort number
    The Port used for the Reverse Proxy Endpoint for this Node Type. Changing this will upgrade the cluster.
    client_endpoint_port int
    The Port used for the Client Endpoint for this Node Type.
    http_endpoint_port int
    The Port used for the HTTP Endpoint for this Node Type.
    instance_count int
    The number of nodes for this Node Type.
    is_primary bool
    Is this the Primary Node Type?
    name str
    The name of the Node Type.
    application_ports ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPorts
    A application_ports block as defined below.
    capacities Mapping[str, str]
    The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has.
    durability_level str
    The Durability Level for this Node Type. Possible values include Bronze, Gold and Silver. Defaults to Bronze.
    ephemeral_ports ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPorts
    A ephemeral_ports block as defined below.
    is_stateless bool
    Should this node type run only stateless services?
    multiple_availability_zones bool
    Does this node type span availability zones?
    placement_properties Mapping[str, str]
    The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run.
    reverse_proxy_endpoint_port int
    The Port used for the Reverse Proxy Endpoint for this Node Type. Changing this will upgrade the cluster.
    clientEndpointPort Number
    The Port used for the Client Endpoint for this Node Type.
    httpEndpointPort Number
    The Port used for the HTTP Endpoint for this Node Type.
    instanceCount Number
    The number of nodes for this Node Type.
    isPrimary Boolean
    Is this the Primary Node Type?
    name String
    The name of the Node Type.
    applicationPorts Property Map
    A application_ports block as defined below.
    capacities Map<String>
    The capacity tags applied to the nodes in the node type, the cluster resource manager uses these tags to understand how much resource a node has.
    durabilityLevel String
    The Durability Level for this Node Type. Possible values include Bronze, Gold and Silver. Defaults to Bronze.
    ephemeralPorts Property Map
    A ephemeral_ports block as defined below.
    isStateless Boolean
    Should this node type run only stateless services?
    multipleAvailabilityZones Boolean
    Does this node type span availability zones?
    placementProperties Map<String>
    The placement tags applied to nodes in the node type, which can be used to indicate where certain services (workload) should run.
    reverseProxyEndpointPort Number
    The Port used for the Reverse Proxy Endpoint for this Node Type. Changing this will upgrade the cluster.

    ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPorts, ClusterNodeTypeApplicationPortsArgs

    EndPort int
    The end of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    StartPort int
    The start of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    EndPort int
    The end of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    StartPort int
    The start of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    endPort Integer
    The end of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    startPort Integer
    The start of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    endPort number
    The end of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    startPort number
    The start of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    end_port int
    The end of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    start_port int
    The start of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    endPort Number
    The end of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.
    startPort Number
    The start of the Application Port Range on this Node Type.

    ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPorts, ClusterNodeTypeEphemeralPortsArgs

    EndPort int
    The end of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    StartPort int
    The start of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    EndPort int
    The end of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    StartPort int
    The start of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    endPort Integer
    The end of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    startPort Integer
    The start of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    endPort number
    The end of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    startPort number
    The start of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    end_port int
    The end of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    start_port int
    The start of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    endPort Number
    The end of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.
    startPort Number
    The start of the Ephemeral Port Range on this Node Type.

    ClusterReverseProxyCertificate, ClusterReverseProxyCertificateArgs

    Thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    ThumbprintSecondary string
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    Thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    ThumbprintSecondary string
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint String
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprintSecondary String
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint string
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprintSecondary string
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint str
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509_store_name str
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprint_secondary str
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    thumbprint String
    The Thumbprint of the Certificate.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    thumbprintSecondary String
    The Secondary Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNames, ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesArgs

    CommonNames List<ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonName>
    A common_names block as defined below.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    CommonNames []ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonName
    A common_names block as defined below.
    X509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    commonNames List<ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonName>
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    commonNames ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonName[]
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509StoreName string
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    common_names Sequence[ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonName]
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509_store_name str
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.
    commonNames List<Property Map>
    A common_names block as defined below.
    x509StoreName String
    The X509 Store where the Certificate Exists, such as My.

    ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonName, ClusterReverseProxyCertificateCommonNamesCommonNameArgs

    CertificateCommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    CertificateIssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    CertificateCommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    CertificateIssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificateCommonName String
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificateIssuerThumbprint String

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificateCommonName string
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificateIssuerThumbprint string

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificate_common_name str
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificate_issuer_thumbprint str

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    certificateCommonName String
    The common or subject name of the certificate.
    certificateIssuerThumbprint String

    The Issuer Thumbprint of the Certificate.

    NOTE: Certificate Issuer Thumbprint may become required in the future, https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-create-cluster-using-cert-cn#download-and-update-a-sample-template.

    ClusterUpgradePolicy, ClusterUpgradePolicyArgs

    DeltaHealthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicy
    A delta_health_policy block as defined below
    ForceRestartEnabled bool
    Indicates whether to restart the Service Fabric node even if only dynamic configurations have changed.
    HealthCheckRetryTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, after which Service Fabric retries the health check if the previous health check fails. Defaults to 00:45:00.
    HealthCheckStableDuration string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits in order to verify that the cluster is stable before it continues to the next upgrade domain or completes the upgrade. This wait duration prevents undetected changes of health right after the health check is performed. Defaults to 00:01:00.
    HealthCheckWaitDuration string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits before it performs the initial health check after it finishes the upgrade on the upgrade domain. Defaults to 00:00:30.
    HealthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicy
    A health_policy block as defined below
    UpgradeDomainTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes to upgrade a single upgrade domain. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 02:00:00.
    UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits for a replica set to reconfigure into a safe state, if it is not already in a safe state, before Service Fabric proceeds with the upgrade. Defaults to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807.
    UpgradeTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes for the entire upgrade. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 12:00:00.
    DeltaHealthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicy
    A delta_health_policy block as defined below
    ForceRestartEnabled bool
    Indicates whether to restart the Service Fabric node even if only dynamic configurations have changed.
    HealthCheckRetryTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, after which Service Fabric retries the health check if the previous health check fails. Defaults to 00:45:00.
    HealthCheckStableDuration string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits in order to verify that the cluster is stable before it continues to the next upgrade domain or completes the upgrade. This wait duration prevents undetected changes of health right after the health check is performed. Defaults to 00:01:00.
    HealthCheckWaitDuration string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits before it performs the initial health check after it finishes the upgrade on the upgrade domain. Defaults to 00:00:30.
    HealthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicy
    A health_policy block as defined below
    UpgradeDomainTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes to upgrade a single upgrade domain. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 02:00:00.
    UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits for a replica set to reconfigure into a safe state, if it is not already in a safe state, before Service Fabric proceeds with the upgrade. Defaults to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807.
    UpgradeTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes for the entire upgrade. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 12:00:00.
    deltaHealthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicy
    A delta_health_policy block as defined below
    forceRestartEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether to restart the Service Fabric node even if only dynamic configurations have changed.
    healthCheckRetryTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, after which Service Fabric retries the health check if the previous health check fails. Defaults to 00:45:00.
    healthCheckStableDuration String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits in order to verify that the cluster is stable before it continues to the next upgrade domain or completes the upgrade. This wait duration prevents undetected changes of health right after the health check is performed. Defaults to 00:01:00.
    healthCheckWaitDuration String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits before it performs the initial health check after it finishes the upgrade on the upgrade domain. Defaults to 00:00:30.
    healthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicy
    A health_policy block as defined below
    upgradeDomainTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes to upgrade a single upgrade domain. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 02:00:00.
    upgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits for a replica set to reconfigure into a safe state, if it is not already in a safe state, before Service Fabric proceeds with the upgrade. Defaults to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807.
    upgradeTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes for the entire upgrade. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 12:00:00.
    deltaHealthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicy
    A delta_health_policy block as defined below
    forceRestartEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether to restart the Service Fabric node even if only dynamic configurations have changed.
    healthCheckRetryTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, after which Service Fabric retries the health check if the previous health check fails. Defaults to 00:45:00.
    healthCheckStableDuration string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits in order to verify that the cluster is stable before it continues to the next upgrade domain or completes the upgrade. This wait duration prevents undetected changes of health right after the health check is performed. Defaults to 00:01:00.
    healthCheckWaitDuration string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits before it performs the initial health check after it finishes the upgrade on the upgrade domain. Defaults to 00:00:30.
    healthPolicy ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicy
    A health_policy block as defined below
    upgradeDomainTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes to upgrade a single upgrade domain. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 02:00:00.
    upgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits for a replica set to reconfigure into a safe state, if it is not already in a safe state, before Service Fabric proceeds with the upgrade. Defaults to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807.
    upgradeTimeout string
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes for the entire upgrade. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 12:00:00.
    delta_health_policy ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicy
    A delta_health_policy block as defined below
    force_restart_enabled bool
    Indicates whether to restart the Service Fabric node even if only dynamic configurations have changed.
    health_check_retry_timeout str
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, after which Service Fabric retries the health check if the previous health check fails. Defaults to 00:45:00.
    health_check_stable_duration str
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits in order to verify that the cluster is stable before it continues to the next upgrade domain or completes the upgrade. This wait duration prevents undetected changes of health right after the health check is performed. Defaults to 00:01:00.
    health_check_wait_duration str
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits before it performs the initial health check after it finishes the upgrade on the upgrade domain. Defaults to 00:00:30.
    health_policy ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicy
    A health_policy block as defined below
    upgrade_domain_timeout str
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes to upgrade a single upgrade domain. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 02:00:00.
    upgrade_replica_set_check_timeout str
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits for a replica set to reconfigure into a safe state, if it is not already in a safe state, before Service Fabric proceeds with the upgrade. Defaults to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807.
    upgrade_timeout str
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes for the entire upgrade. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 12:00:00.
    deltaHealthPolicy Property Map
    A delta_health_policy block as defined below
    forceRestartEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether to restart the Service Fabric node even if only dynamic configurations have changed.
    healthCheckRetryTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, after which Service Fabric retries the health check if the previous health check fails. Defaults to 00:45:00.
    healthCheckStableDuration String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits in order to verify that the cluster is stable before it continues to the next upgrade domain or completes the upgrade. This wait duration prevents undetected changes of health right after the health check is performed. Defaults to 00:01:00.
    healthCheckWaitDuration String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits before it performs the initial health check after it finishes the upgrade on the upgrade domain. Defaults to 00:00:30.
    healthPolicy Property Map
    A health_policy block as defined below
    upgradeDomainTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes to upgrade a single upgrade domain. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 02:00:00.
    upgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric waits for a replica set to reconfigure into a safe state, if it is not already in a safe state, before Service Fabric proceeds with the upgrade. Defaults to 10675199.02:48:05.4775807.
    upgradeTimeout String
    Specifies the duration, in "hh:mm:ss" string format, that Service Fabric takes for the entire upgrade. After this period, the upgrade fails. Defaults to 12:00:00.

    ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicy, ClusterUpgradePolicyDeltaHealthPolicyArgs

    MaxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy applications that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy applications do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of upgrade domain delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health state of error. If there is any upgrade domain where the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy applications that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy applications do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of upgrade domain delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health state of error. If there is any upgrade domain where the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent Integer
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy applications that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy applications do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent Integer
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent Integer
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of upgrade domain delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health state of error. If there is any upgrade domain where the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy applications that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy applications do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of upgrade domain delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health state of error. If there is any upgrade domain where the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    max_delta_unhealthy_applications_percent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy applications that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy applications do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    max_delta_unhealthy_nodes_percent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    max_upgrade_domain_delta_unhealthy_nodes_percent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of upgrade domain delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health state of error. If there is any upgrade domain where the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxDeltaUnhealthyApplicationsPercent Number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy applications that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy applications do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent Number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUpgradeDomainDeltaUnhealthyNodesPercent Number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of upgrade domain delta unhealthy nodes that can have aggregated health state of error. If there is any upgrade domain where the current unhealthy nodes do not respect the percentage relative to the state at the beginning of the upgrade, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.

    ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicy, ClusterUpgradePolicyHealthPolicyArgs

    MaxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of applications that can have aggregated health state of error. If the upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxUnhealthyNodesPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If an upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of applications that can have aggregated health state of error. If the upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    MaxUnhealthyNodesPercent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If an upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent Integer
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of applications that can have aggregated health state of error. If the upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUnhealthyNodesPercent Integer
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If an upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of applications that can have aggregated health state of error. If the upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUnhealthyNodesPercent number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If an upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    max_unhealthy_applications_percent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of applications that can have aggregated health state of error. If the upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    max_unhealthy_nodes_percent int
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If an upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUnhealthyApplicationsPercent Number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of applications that can have aggregated health state of error. If the upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
    maxUnhealthyNodesPercent Number
    Specifies the maximum tolerated percentage of nodes that can have aggregated health states of error. If an upgrade exceeds this percentage, the cluster is unhealthy. Defaults to 0.


    Service Fabric Clusters can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

    $ pulumi import azure:servicefabric/cluster:Cluster cluster1 /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters/cluster1

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
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    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi