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  2. Azure Classic
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  4. media
  5. StreamingPolicy

We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Manages a Streaming Policy.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
        name: "media-resources",
        location: "West Europe",
    const exampleAccount = new azure.storage.Account("example", {
        name: "examplestoracc",
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        location: example.location,
        accountTier: "Standard",
        accountReplicationType: "GRS",
    const exampleServiceAccount = new azure.media.ServiceAccount("example", {
        name: "examplemediaacc",
        location: example.location,
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        storageAccounts: [{
            id: exampleAccount.id,
            isPrimary: true,
    const exampleContentKeyPolicy = new azure.media.ContentKeyPolicy("example", {
        name: "example",
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        mediaServicesAccountName: exampleServiceAccount.name,
        policyOptions: [{
            name: "fairPlay",
            fairplayConfiguration: {
                ask: "bb566284cc124a21c435a92cd3c108c4",
                pfx: "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",
                pfxPassword: "password",
                rentalDurationSeconds: 2249,
                rentalAndLeaseKeyType: "PersistentUnlimited",
            openRestrictionEnabled: true,
    const exampleStreamingPolicy = new azure.media.StreamingPolicy("example", {
        name: "Policy-1",
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        mediaServicesAccountName: exampleServiceAccount.name,
        commonEncryptionCenc: {
            clearTracks: [{
                conditions: [{
                    property: "FourCC",
                    operation: "Equal",
                    value: "hev2",
            enabledProtocols: {
                download: false,
                dash: true,
                hls: false,
                smoothStreaming: false,
            defaultContentKey: {
                label: "aesDefaultKey",
                policyName: exampleContentKeyPolicy.name,
            drmPlayready: {
                customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/playready/{ContentKeyId}",
                customAttributes: "PlayReady CustomAttributes",
            drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/widevine/{ContentKeyId}",
        commonEncryptionCbcs: {
            enabledProtocols: {
                download: false,
                dash: true,
                hls: false,
                smoothStreaming: false,
            drmFairplay: {
                customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/fairplay/{ContentKeyId}",
                allowPersistentLicense: true,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
        location="West Europe")
    example_account = azure.storage.Account("example",
    example_service_account = azure.media.ServiceAccount("example",
    example_content_key_policy = azure.media.ContentKeyPolicy("example",
    example_streaming_policy = azure.media.StreamingPolicy("example",
                custom_attributes="PlayReady CustomAttributes",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
    			Name:     pulumi.String("media-resources"),
    			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleAccount, err := storage.NewAccount(ctx, "example", &storage.AccountArgs{
    			Name:                   pulumi.String("examplestoracc"),
    			ResourceGroupName:      example.Name,
    			Location:               example.Location,
    			AccountTier:            pulumi.String("Standard"),
    			AccountReplicationType: pulumi.String("GRS"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleServiceAccount, err := media.NewServiceAccount(ctx, "example", &media.ServiceAccountArgs{
    			Name:              pulumi.String("examplemediaacc"),
    			Location:          example.Location,
    			ResourceGroupName: example.Name,
    			StorageAccounts: media.ServiceAccountStorageAccountArray{
    					Id:        exampleAccount.ID(),
    					IsPrimary: pulumi.Bool(true),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleContentKeyPolicy, err := media.NewContentKeyPolicy(ctx, "example", &media.ContentKeyPolicyArgs{
    			Name:                     pulumi.String("example"),
    			ResourceGroupName:        example.Name,
    			MediaServicesAccountName: exampleServiceAccount.Name,
    			PolicyOptions: media.ContentKeyPolicyPolicyOptionArray{
    					Name: pulumi.String("fairPlay"),
    					FairplayConfiguration: &media.ContentKeyPolicyPolicyOptionFairplayConfigurationArgs{
    						Ask:                   pulumi.String("bb566284cc124a21c435a92cd3c108c4"),
    						Pfx:                   pulumi.String("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"),
    						PfxPassword:           pulumi.String("password"),
    						RentalDurationSeconds: pulumi.Int(2249),
    						RentalAndLeaseKeyType: pulumi.String("PersistentUnlimited"),
    					OpenRestrictionEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = media.NewStreamingPolicy(ctx, "example", &media.StreamingPolicyArgs{
    			Name:                     pulumi.String("Policy-1"),
    			ResourceGroupName:        example.Name,
    			MediaServicesAccountName: exampleServiceAccount.Name,
    			CommonEncryptionCenc: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs{
    				ClearTracks: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackArray{
    						Conditions: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackConditionArray{
    								Property:  pulumi.String("FourCC"),
    								Operation: pulumi.String("Equal"),
    								Value:     pulumi.String("hev2"),
    				EnabledProtocols: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocolsArgs{
    					Download:        pulumi.Bool(false),
    					Dash:            pulumi.Bool(true),
    					Hls:             pulumi.Bool(false),
    					SmoothStreaming: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				DefaultContentKey: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKeyArgs{
    					Label:      pulumi.String("aesDefaultKey"),
    					PolicyName: exampleContentKeyPolicy.Name,
    				DrmPlayready: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayreadyArgs{
    					CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/playready/{ContentKeyId}"),
    					CustomAttributes:                    pulumi.String("PlayReady CustomAttributes"),
    				DrmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/widevine/{ContentKeyId}"),
    			CommonEncryptionCbcs: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs{
    				EnabledProtocols: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocolsArgs{
    					Download:        pulumi.Bool(false),
    					Dash:            pulumi.Bool(true),
    					Hls:             pulumi.Bool(false),
    					SmoothStreaming: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				DrmFairplay: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplayArgs{
    					CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/fairplay/{ContentKeyId}"),
    					AllowPersistentLicense:              pulumi.Bool(true),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
            Name = "media-resources",
            Location = "West Europe",
        var exampleAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("example", new()
            Name = "examplestoracc",
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            Location = example.Location,
            AccountTier = "Standard",
            AccountReplicationType = "GRS",
        var exampleServiceAccount = new Azure.Media.ServiceAccount("example", new()
            Name = "examplemediaacc",
            Location = example.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            StorageAccounts = new[]
                new Azure.Media.Inputs.ServiceAccountStorageAccountArgs
                    Id = exampleAccount.Id,
                    IsPrimary = true,
        var exampleContentKeyPolicy = new Azure.Media.ContentKeyPolicy("example", new()
            Name = "example",
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            MediaServicesAccountName = exampleServiceAccount.Name,
            PolicyOptions = new[]
                new Azure.Media.Inputs.ContentKeyPolicyPolicyOptionArgs
                    Name = "fairPlay",
                    FairplayConfiguration = new Azure.Media.Inputs.ContentKeyPolicyPolicyOptionFairplayConfigurationArgs
                        Ask = "bb566284cc124a21c435a92cd3c108c4",
                        Pfx = "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",
                        PfxPassword = "password",
                        RentalDurationSeconds = 2249,
                        RentalAndLeaseKeyType = "PersistentUnlimited",
                    OpenRestrictionEnabled = true,
        var exampleStreamingPolicy = new Azure.Media.StreamingPolicy("example", new()
            Name = "Policy-1",
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            MediaServicesAccountName = exampleServiceAccount.Name,
            CommonEncryptionCenc = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs
                ClearTracks = new[]
                    new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackArgs
                        Conditions = new[]
                            new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackConditionArgs
                                Property = "FourCC",
                                Operation = "Equal",
                                Value = "hev2",
                EnabledProtocols = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocolsArgs
                    Download = false,
                    Dash = true,
                    Hls = false,
                    SmoothStreaming = false,
                DefaultContentKey = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKeyArgs
                    Label = "aesDefaultKey",
                    PolicyName = exampleContentKeyPolicy.Name,
                DrmPlayready = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayreadyArgs
                    CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/playready/{ContentKeyId}",
                    CustomAttributes = "PlayReady CustomAttributes",
                DrmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/widevine/{ContentKeyId}",
            CommonEncryptionCbcs = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs
                EnabledProtocols = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocolsArgs
                    Download = false,
                    Dash = true,
                    Hls = false,
                    SmoothStreaming = false,
                DrmFairplay = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplayArgs
                    CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/fairplay/{ContentKeyId}",
                    AllowPersistentLicense = true,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroup;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroupArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.Account;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.AccountArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.ServiceAccount;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.ServiceAccountArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.ServiceAccountStorageAccountArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.ContentKeyPolicy;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.ContentKeyPolicyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.ContentKeyPolicyPolicyOptionArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.ContentKeyPolicyPolicyOptionFairplayConfigurationArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.StreamingPolicy;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.StreamingPolicyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocolsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKeyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayreadyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocolsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.media.inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplayArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new ResourceGroup("example", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
                .location("West Europe")
            var exampleAccount = new Account("exampleAccount", AccountArgs.builder()
            var exampleServiceAccount = new ServiceAccount("exampleServiceAccount", ServiceAccountArgs.builder()
            var exampleContentKeyPolicy = new ContentKeyPolicy("exampleContentKeyPolicy", ContentKeyPolicyArgs.builder()
            var exampleStreamingPolicy = new StreamingPolicy("exampleStreamingPolicy", StreamingPolicyArgs.builder()
                        .customAttributes("PlayReady CustomAttributes")
        type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
          name: media-resources
          location: West Europe
        type: azure:storage:Account
        name: example
          name: examplestoracc
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
          location: ${example.location}
          accountTier: Standard
          accountReplicationType: GRS
        type: azure:media:ServiceAccount
        name: example
          name: examplemediaacc
          location: ${example.location}
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
            - id: ${exampleAccount.id}
              isPrimary: true
        type: azure:media:ContentKeyPolicy
        name: example
          name: example
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
          mediaServicesAccountName: ${exampleServiceAccount.name}
            - name: fairPlay
                ask: bb566284cc124a21c435a92cd3c108c4
                pfx: 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
                pfxPassword: password
                rentalDurationSeconds: 2249
                rentalAndLeaseKeyType: PersistentUnlimited
              openRestrictionEnabled: true
        type: azure:media:StreamingPolicy
        name: example
          name: Policy-1
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
          mediaServicesAccountName: ${exampleServiceAccount.name}
              - conditions:
                  - property: FourCC
                    operation: Equal
                    value: hev2
              download: false
              dash: true
              hls: false
              smoothStreaming: false
              label: aesDefaultKey
              policyName: ${exampleContentKeyPolicy.name}
              customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/playready/{ContentKeyId}
              customAttributes: PlayReady CustomAttributes
            drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/widevine/{ContentKeyId}
              download: false
              dash: true
              hls: false
              smoothStreaming: false
              customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: https://contoso.com/{AssetAlternativeId}/fairplay/{ContentKeyId}
              allowPersistentLicense: true

    Create StreamingPolicy Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new StreamingPolicy(name: string, args: StreamingPolicyArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def StreamingPolicy(resource_name: str,
                        args: StreamingPolicyArgs,
                        opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def StreamingPolicy(resource_name: str,
                        opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                        media_services_account_name: Optional[str] = None,
                        resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
                        common_encryption_cbcs: Optional[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs] = None,
                        common_encryption_cenc: Optional[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs] = None,
                        default_content_key_policy_name: Optional[str] = None,
                        envelope_encryption: Optional[StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs] = None,
                        name: Optional[str] = None,
                        no_encryption_enabled_protocols: Optional[StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs] = None)
    func NewStreamingPolicy(ctx *Context, name string, args StreamingPolicyArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*StreamingPolicy, error)
    public StreamingPolicy(string name, StreamingPolicyArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public StreamingPolicy(String name, StreamingPolicyArgs args)
    public StreamingPolicy(String name, StreamingPolicyArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: azure:media:StreamingPolicy
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args StreamingPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args StreamingPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args StreamingPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args StreamingPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args StreamingPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var streamingPolicyResource = new Azure.Media.StreamingPolicy("streamingPolicyResource", new()
        MediaServicesAccountName = "string",
        ResourceGroupName = "string",
        CommonEncryptionCbcs = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs
            ClearKeyEncryption = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryptionArgs
                CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "string",
            DefaultContentKey = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKeyArgs
                Label = "string",
                PolicyName = "string",
            DrmFairplay = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplayArgs
                AllowPersistentLicense = false,
                CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "string",
            EnabledProtocols = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocolsArgs
                Dash = false,
                Download = false,
                Hls = false,
                SmoothStreaming = false,
        CommonEncryptionCenc = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs
            ClearKeyEncryption = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryptionArgs
                CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "string",
            ClearTracks = new[]
                new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackArgs
                    Conditions = new[]
                        new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackConditionArgs
                            Operation = "string",
                            Property = "string",
                            Value = "string",
            ContentKeyToTrackMappings = new[]
                new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingArgs
                    Tracks = new[]
                        new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackArgs
                            Conditions = new[]
                                new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackConditionArgs
                                    Operation = "string",
                                    Property = "string",
                                    Value = "string",
                    Label = "string",
                    PolicyName = "string",
            DefaultContentKey = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKeyArgs
                Label = "string",
                PolicyName = "string",
            DrmPlayready = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayreadyArgs
                CustomAttributes = "string",
                CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "string",
            DrmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "string",
            EnabledProtocols = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocolsArgs
                Dash = false,
                Download = false,
                Hls = false,
                SmoothStreaming = false,
        DefaultContentKeyPolicyName = "string",
        EnvelopeEncryption = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs
            CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate = "string",
            DefaultContentKey = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKeyArgs
                Label = "string",
                PolicyName = "string",
            EnabledProtocols = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs
                Dash = false,
                Download = false,
                Hls = false,
                SmoothStreaming = false,
        Name = "string",
        NoEncryptionEnabledProtocols = new Azure.Media.Inputs.StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs
            Dash = false,
            Download = false,
            Hls = false,
            SmoothStreaming = false,
    example, err := media.NewStreamingPolicy(ctx, "streamingPolicyResource", &media.StreamingPolicyArgs{
    	MediaServicesAccountName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ResourceGroupName:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	CommonEncryptionCbcs: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs{
    		ClearKeyEncryption: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryptionArgs{
    			CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    		DefaultContentKey: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKeyArgs{
    			Label:      pulumi.String("string"),
    			PolicyName: pulumi.String("string"),
    		DrmFairplay: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplayArgs{
    			AllowPersistentLicense:              pulumi.Bool(false),
    			CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    		EnabledProtocols: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocolsArgs{
    			Dash:            pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Download:        pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Hls:             pulumi.Bool(false),
    			SmoothStreaming: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	CommonEncryptionCenc: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs{
    		ClearKeyEncryption: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryptionArgs{
    			CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    		ClearTracks: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackArray{
    				Conditions: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackConditionArray{
    						Operation: pulumi.String("string"),
    						Property:  pulumi.String("string"),
    						Value:     pulumi.String("string"),
    		ContentKeyToTrackMappings: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingArray{
    				Tracks: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackArray{
    						Conditions: media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackConditionArray{
    								Operation: pulumi.String("string"),
    								Property:  pulumi.String("string"),
    								Value:     pulumi.String("string"),
    				Label:      pulumi.String("string"),
    				PolicyName: pulumi.String("string"),
    		DefaultContentKey: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKeyArgs{
    			Label:      pulumi.String("string"),
    			PolicyName: pulumi.String("string"),
    		DrmPlayready: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayreadyArgs{
    			CustomAttributes:                    pulumi.String("string"),
    			CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    		DrmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    		EnabledProtocols: &media.StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocolsArgs{
    			Dash:            pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Download:        pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Hls:             pulumi.Bool(false),
    			SmoothStreaming: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	DefaultContentKeyPolicyName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	EnvelopeEncryption: &media.StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs{
    		CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    		DefaultContentKey: &media.StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKeyArgs{
    			Label:      pulumi.String("string"),
    			PolicyName: pulumi.String("string"),
    		EnabledProtocols: &media.StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs{
    			Dash:            pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Download:        pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Hls:             pulumi.Bool(false),
    			SmoothStreaming: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	NoEncryptionEnabledProtocols: &media.StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs{
    		Dash:            pulumi.Bool(false),
    		Download:        pulumi.Bool(false),
    		Hls:             pulumi.Bool(false),
    		SmoothStreaming: pulumi.Bool(false),
    var streamingPolicyResource = new StreamingPolicy("streamingPolicyResource", StreamingPolicyArgs.builder()
    streaming_policy_resource = azure.media.StreamingPolicy("streamingPolicyResource",
    const streamingPolicyResource = new azure.media.StreamingPolicy("streamingPolicyResource", {
        mediaServicesAccountName: "string",
        resourceGroupName: "string",
        commonEncryptionCbcs: {
            clearKeyEncryption: {
                customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "string",
            defaultContentKey: {
                label: "string",
                policyName: "string",
            drmFairplay: {
                allowPersistentLicense: false,
                customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "string",
            enabledProtocols: {
                dash: false,
                download: false,
                hls: false,
                smoothStreaming: false,
        commonEncryptionCenc: {
            clearKeyEncryption: {
                customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "string",
            clearTracks: [{
                conditions: [{
                    operation: "string",
                    property: "string",
                    value: "string",
            contentKeyToTrackMappings: [{
                tracks: [{
                    conditions: [{
                        operation: "string",
                        property: "string",
                        value: "string",
                label: "string",
                policyName: "string",
            defaultContentKey: {
                label: "string",
                policyName: "string",
            drmPlayready: {
                customAttributes: "string",
                customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "string",
            drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "string",
            enabledProtocols: {
                dash: false,
                download: false,
                hls: false,
                smoothStreaming: false,
        defaultContentKeyPolicyName: "string",
        envelopeEncryption: {
            customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: "string",
            defaultContentKey: {
                label: "string",
                policyName: "string",
            enabledProtocols: {
                dash: false,
                download: false,
                hls: false,
                smoothStreaming: false,
        name: "string",
        noEncryptionEnabledProtocols: {
            dash: false,
            download: false,
            hls: false,
            smoothStreaming: false,
    type: azure:media:StreamingPolicy
                customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: string
                label: string
                policyName: string
                allowPersistentLicense: false
                customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: string
                dash: false
                download: false
                hls: false
                smoothStreaming: false
                customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: string
                - conditions:
                    - operation: string
                      property: string
                      value: string
                - label: string
                  policyName: string
                    - conditions:
                        - operation: string
                          property: string
                          value: string
                label: string
                policyName: string
                customAttributes: string
                customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: string
            drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate: string
                dash: false
                download: false
                hls: false
                smoothStreaming: false
        defaultContentKeyPolicyName: string
            customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate: string
                label: string
                policyName: string
                dash: false
                download: false
                hls: false
                smoothStreaming: false
        mediaServicesAccountName: string
        name: string
            dash: false
            download: false
            hls: false
            smoothStreaming: false
        resourceGroupName: string

    StreamingPolicy Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The StreamingPolicy resource accepts the following input properties:

    MediaServicesAccountName string
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKeyPolicyName string
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnvelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    NoEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    MediaServicesAccountName string
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKeyPolicyName string
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnvelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    NoEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    mediaServicesAccountName String
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKeyPolicyName String
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    noEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    mediaServicesAccountName string
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKeyPolicyName string
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name string
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    noEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    media_services_account_name str
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resource_group_name str
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    common_encryption_cbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    common_encryption_cenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    default_content_key_policy_name str
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelope_encryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name str
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    no_encryption_enabled_protocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    mediaServicesAccountName String
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCbcs Property Map
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCenc Property Map
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKeyPolicyName String
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelopeEncryption Property Map
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    noEncryptionEnabledProtocols Property Map
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the StreamingPolicy resource produces the following output properties:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

    Look up Existing StreamingPolicy Resource

    Get an existing StreamingPolicy resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: StreamingPolicyState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): StreamingPolicy
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            common_encryption_cbcs: Optional[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs] = None,
            common_encryption_cenc: Optional[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs] = None,
            default_content_key_policy_name: Optional[str] = None,
            envelope_encryption: Optional[StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs] = None,
            media_services_account_name: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            no_encryption_enabled_protocols: Optional[StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs] = None,
            resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None) -> StreamingPolicy
    func GetStreamingPolicy(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *StreamingPolicyState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*StreamingPolicy, error)
    public static StreamingPolicy Get(string name, Input<string> id, StreamingPolicyState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static StreamingPolicy get(String name, Output<String> id, StreamingPolicyState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    CommonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKeyPolicyName string
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnvelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    MediaServicesAccountName string
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    NoEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CommonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKeyPolicyName string
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnvelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    MediaServicesAccountName string
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    NoEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKeyPolicyName String
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    mediaServicesAccountName String
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    noEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKeyPolicyName string
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelopeEncryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    mediaServicesAccountName string
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name string
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    noEncryptionEnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    common_encryption_cbcs StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    common_encryption_cenc StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    default_content_key_policy_name str
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelope_encryption StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    media_services_account_name str
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name str
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    no_encryption_enabled_protocols StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resource_group_name str
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCbcs Property Map
    A common_encryption_cbcs block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    commonEncryptionCenc Property Map
    A common_encryption_cenc block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKeyPolicyName String
    Default Content Key used by current Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    envelopeEncryption Property Map
    A envelope_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    mediaServicesAccountName String
    The Media Services account name. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Streaming Policy. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    noEncryptionEnabledProtocols Property Map
    A no_encryption_enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group where the Streaming Policy should exist. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Supporting Types

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcs, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsArgs

    ClearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DrmFairplay StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplay
    A drm_fairplay block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ClearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DrmFairplay StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplay
    A drm_fairplay block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmFairplay StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplay
    A drm_fairplay block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmFairplay StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplay
    A drm_fairplay block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clear_key_encryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    default_content_key StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drm_fairplay StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplay
    A drm_fairplay block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabled_protocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearKeyEncryption Property Map
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey Property Map
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmFairplay Property Map
    A drm_fairplay block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols Property Map
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryption, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsClearKeyEncryptionArgs

    CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate String

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    custom_keys_acquisition_url_template str

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate String

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKey, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDefaultContentKeyArgs

    Label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label str
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policy_name str
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplay, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsDrmFairplayArgs

    AllowPersistentLicense bool
    All license to be persistent or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    AllowPersistentLicense bool
    All license to be persistent or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    allowPersistentLicense Boolean
    All license to be persistent or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    allowPersistentLicense boolean
    All license to be persistent or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    allow_persistent_license bool
    All license to be persistent or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    custom_license_acquisition_url_template str
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    allowPersistentLicense Boolean
    All license to be persistent or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocols, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCbcsEnabledProtocolsArgs

    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smooth_streaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCenc, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencArgs

    ClearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ClearTracks List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrack>
    One or more clear_track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ContentKeyToTrackMappings List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMapping>
    One or more content_key_to_track_mapping blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DrmPlayready StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayready
    A drm_playready block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DrmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ClearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ClearTracks []StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrack
    One or more clear_track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    ContentKeyToTrackMappings []StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMapping
    One or more content_key_to_track_mapping blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DrmPlayready StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayready
    A drm_playready block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DrmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearTracks List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrack>
    One or more clear_track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    contentKeyToTrackMappings List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMapping>
    One or more content_key_to_track_mapping blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmPlayready StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayready
    A drm_playready block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearKeyEncryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearTracks StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrack[]
    One or more clear_track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    contentKeyToTrackMappings StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMapping[]
    One or more content_key_to_track_mapping blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmPlayready StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayready
    A drm_playready block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clear_key_encryption StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryption
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clear_tracks Sequence[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrack]
    One or more clear_track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    content_key_to_track_mappings Sequence[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMapping]
    One or more content_key_to_track_mapping blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    default_content_key StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drm_playready StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayready
    A drm_playready block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drm_widevine_custom_license_acquisition_url_template str
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabled_protocols StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearKeyEncryption Property Map
    A clear_key_encryption block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    clearTracks List<Property Map>
    One or more clear_track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    contentKeyToTrackMappings List<Property Map>
    One or more content_key_to_track_mapping blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey Property Map
    A default_content_key block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmPlayready Property Map
    A drm_playready block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    drmWidevineCustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols Property Map
    A enabled_protocols block as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryption, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearKeyEncryptionArgs

    CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate String

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    custom_keys_acquisition_url_template str

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate String

    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    Note Either clear_key_encryption or drm must be specified.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrack, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackArgs

    Conditions List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackCondition>
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Conditions []StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackCondition
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackCondition>
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackCondition[]
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions Sequence[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackCondition]
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions List<Property Map>
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackCondition, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencClearTrackConditionArgs

    Operation string
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Property string
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Value string
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Operation string
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Property string
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Value string
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation String
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property String
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value String
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation string
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property string
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value string
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation str
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property str
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value str
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation String
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property String
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value String
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMapping, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingArgs

    Tracks List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrack>
    One or more track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Label string
    Specifies the content key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    The policy used by the default key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Tracks []StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrack
    One or more track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Label string
    Specifies the content key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    The policy used by the default key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    tracks List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrack>
    One or more track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Specifies the content key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    The policy used by the default key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    tracks StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrack[]
    One or more track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label string
    Specifies the content key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName string
    The policy used by the default key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    tracks Sequence[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrack]
    One or more track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label str
    Specifies the content key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policy_name str
    The policy used by the default key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    tracks List<Property Map>
    One or more track blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Specifies the content key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    The policy used by the default key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrack, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackArgs

    Conditions List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackCondition>
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Conditions []StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackCondition
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions List<StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackCondition>
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackCondition[]
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions Sequence[StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackCondition]
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    conditions List<Property Map>
    One or more condition blocks as defined below. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackCondition, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencContentKeyToTrackMappingTrackConditionArgs

    Operation string
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Property string
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Value string
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Operation string
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Property string
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Value string
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation String
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property String
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value String
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation string
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property string
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value string
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation str
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property str
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value str
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    operation String
    The track property condition operation. Possible value is Equal. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    property String
    The track property type. Possible value is FourCC. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    value String
    The track property value. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKey, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDefaultContentKeyArgs

    Label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label str
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policy_name str
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayready, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencDrmPlayreadyArgs

    CustomAttributes string
    Custom attributes for PlayReady. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CustomAttributes string
    Custom attributes for PlayReady. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CustomLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customAttributes String
    Custom attributes for PlayReady. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customAttributes string
    Custom attributes for PlayReady. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    custom_attributes str
    Custom attributes for PlayReady. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    custom_license_acquisition_url_template str
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customAttributes String
    Custom attributes for PlayReady. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customLicenseAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers licenses to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing licenses. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocols, StreamingPolicyCommonEncryptionCencEnabledProtocolsArgs

    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smooth_streaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryption, StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionArgs

    CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKey StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    CustomKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    DefaultContentKey StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    EnabledProtocols StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate string
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    custom_keys_acquisition_url_template str
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    default_content_key StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKey
    A default_content_key block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabled_protocols StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocols
    A enabled_protocols block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    customKeysAcquisitionUrlTemplate String
    The URL template for the custom service that delivers content keys to the end user. This is not required when using Azure Media Services for issuing keys. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    defaultContentKey Property Map
    A default_content_key block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    enabledProtocols Property Map
    A enabled_protocols block as defined above. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKey, StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionDefaultContentKeyArgs

    Label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    PolicyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label string
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName string
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label str
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policy_name str
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    label String
    Label can be used to specify Content Key when creating a Streaming Locator. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    policyName String
    Policy used by Default Key. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocols, StreamingPolicyEnvelopeEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs

    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smooth_streaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.

    StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocols, StreamingPolicyNoEncryptionEnabledProtocolsArgs

    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    Hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    SmoothStreaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash bool
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download bool
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls bool
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smooth_streaming bool
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    dash Boolean
    Enable DASH protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    download Boolean
    Enable Download protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    hls Boolean
    Enable HLS protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.
    smoothStreaming Boolean
    Enable SmoothStreaming protocol or not. Changing this forces a new Streaming Policy to be created.


    Streaming Policies can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

    $ pulumi import azure:media/streamingPolicy:StreamingPolicy example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/group1/providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaServices/account1/streamingPolicies/policy1

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
    azure logo

    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi