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  5. RegistryTask

We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Manages a Container Registry Task.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
        name: "example-rg",
        location: "West Europe",
    const exampleRegistry = new azure.containerservice.Registry("example", {
        name: "example",
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        location: example.location,
        sku: "Basic",
    const exampleRegistryTask = new azure.containerservice.RegistryTask("example", {
        name: "example-task",
        containerRegistryId: exampleRegistry.id,
        platform: {
            os: "Linux",
        dockerStep: {
            dockerfilePath: "Dockerfile",
            contextPath: "https://github.com/<username>/<repository>#<branch>:<folder>",
            contextAccessToken: "<github personal access token>",
            imageNames: ["helloworld:{{.Run.ID}}"],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
        location="West Europe")
    example_registry = azure.containerservice.Registry("example",
    example_registry_task = azure.containerservice.RegistryTask("example",
            context_access_token="<github personal access token>",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
    			Name:     pulumi.String("example-rg"),
    			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleRegistry, err := containerservice.NewRegistry(ctx, "example", &containerservice.RegistryArgs{
    			Name:              pulumi.String("example"),
    			ResourceGroupName: example.Name,
    			Location:          example.Location,
    			Sku:               pulumi.String("Basic"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = containerservice.NewRegistryTask(ctx, "example", &containerservice.RegistryTaskArgs{
    			Name:                pulumi.String("example-task"),
    			ContainerRegistryId: exampleRegistry.ID(),
    			Platform: &containerservice.RegistryTaskPlatformArgs{
    				Os: pulumi.String("Linux"),
    			DockerStep: &containerservice.RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs{
    				DockerfilePath:     pulumi.String("Dockerfile"),
    				ContextPath:        pulumi.String("https://github.com/<username>/<repository>#<branch>:<folder>"),
    				ContextAccessToken: pulumi.String("<github personal access token>"),
    				ImageNames: pulumi.StringArray{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
            Name = "example-rg",
            Location = "West Europe",
        var exampleRegistry = new Azure.ContainerService.Registry("example", new()
            Name = "example",
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            Location = example.Location,
            Sku = "Basic",
        var exampleRegistryTask = new Azure.ContainerService.RegistryTask("example", new()
            Name = "example-task",
            ContainerRegistryId = exampleRegistry.Id,
            Platform = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskPlatformArgs
                Os = "Linux",
            DockerStep = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs
                DockerfilePath = "Dockerfile",
                ContextPath = "https://github.com/<username>/<repository>#<branch>:<folder>",
                ContextAccessToken = "<github personal access token>",
                ImageNames = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroup;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroupArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.containerservice.Registry;
    import com.pulumi.azure.containerservice.RegistryArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.containerservice.RegistryTask;
    import com.pulumi.azure.containerservice.RegistryTaskArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.containerservice.inputs.RegistryTaskPlatformArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.containerservice.inputs.RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new ResourceGroup("example", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
                .location("West Europe")
            var exampleRegistry = new Registry("exampleRegistry", RegistryArgs.builder()
            var exampleRegistryTask = new RegistryTask("exampleRegistryTask", RegistryTaskArgs.builder()
                    .contextAccessToken("<github personal access token>")
        type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
          name: example-rg
          location: West Europe
        type: azure:containerservice:Registry
        name: example
          name: example
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
          location: ${example.location}
          sku: Basic
        type: azure:containerservice:RegistryTask
        name: example
          name: example-task
          containerRegistryId: ${exampleRegistry.id}
            os: Linux
            dockerfilePath: Dockerfile
            contextPath: https://github.com/<username>/<repository>#<branch>:<folder>
            contextAccessToken: <github personal access token>
              - helloworld:{{.Run.ID}}

    Create RegistryTask Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new RegistryTask(name: string, args: RegistryTaskArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def RegistryTask(resource_name: str,
                     args: RegistryTaskArgs,
                     opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def RegistryTask(resource_name: str,
                     opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                     container_registry_id: Optional[str] = None,
                     identity: Optional[RegistryTaskIdentityArgs] = None,
                     enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                     is_system_task: Optional[bool] = None,
                     docker_step: Optional[RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs] = None,
                     log_template: Optional[str] = None,
                     encoded_step: Optional[RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs] = None,
                     file_step: Optional[RegistryTaskFileStepArgs] = None,
                     name: Optional[str] = None,
                     agent_setting: Optional[RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs] = None,
                     base_image_trigger: Optional[RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs] = None,
                     agent_pool_name: Optional[str] = None,
                     platform: Optional[RegistryTaskPlatformArgs] = None,
                     registry_credential: Optional[RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs] = None,
                     source_triggers: Optional[Sequence[RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs]] = None,
                     tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                     timeout_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
                     timer_triggers: Optional[Sequence[RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs]] = None)
    func NewRegistryTask(ctx *Context, name string, args RegistryTaskArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*RegistryTask, error)
    public RegistryTask(string name, RegistryTaskArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public RegistryTask(String name, RegistryTaskArgs args)
    public RegistryTask(String name, RegistryTaskArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: azure:containerservice:RegistryTask
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RegistryTaskArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RegistryTaskArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RegistryTaskArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RegistryTaskArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args RegistryTaskArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var registryTaskResource = new Azure.ContainerService.RegistryTask("registryTaskResource", new()
        ContainerRegistryId = "string",
        Identity = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskIdentityArgs
            Type = "string",
            IdentityIds = new[]
            PrincipalId = "string",
            TenantId = "string",
        Enabled = false,
        IsSystemTask = false,
        DockerStep = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs
            ContextAccessToken = "string",
            ContextPath = "string",
            DockerfilePath = "string",
            Arguments = 
                { "string", "string" },
            CacheEnabled = false,
            ImageNames = new[]
            PushEnabled = false,
            SecretArguments = 
                { "string", "string" },
            Target = "string",
        LogTemplate = "string",
        EncodedStep = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs
            TaskContent = "string",
            ContextAccessToken = "string",
            ContextPath = "string",
            SecretValues = 
                { "string", "string" },
            ValueContent = "string",
            Values = 
                { "string", "string" },
        FileStep = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskFileStepArgs
            TaskFilePath = "string",
            ContextAccessToken = "string",
            ContextPath = "string",
            SecretValues = 
                { "string", "string" },
            ValueFilePath = "string",
            Values = 
                { "string", "string" },
        Name = "string",
        AgentSetting = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs
            Cpu = 0,
        BaseImageTrigger = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs
            Name = "string",
            Type = "string",
            Enabled = false,
            UpdateTriggerEndpoint = "string",
            UpdateTriggerPayloadType = "string",
        AgentPoolName = "string",
        Platform = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskPlatformArgs
            Os = "string",
            Architecture = "string",
            Variant = "string",
        RegistryCredential = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs
            Customs = new[]
                new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustomArgs
                    LoginServer = "string",
                    Identity = "string",
                    Password = "string",
                    Username = "string",
            Source = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSourceArgs
                LoginMode = "string",
        SourceTriggers = new[]
            new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs
                Events = new[]
                Name = "string",
                RepositoryUrl = "string",
                SourceType = "string",
                Authentication = new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthenticationArgs
                    Token = "string",
                    TokenType = "string",
                    ExpireInSeconds = 0,
                    RefreshToken = "string",
                    Scope = "string",
                Branch = "string",
                Enabled = false,
        Tags = 
            { "string", "string" },
        TimeoutInSeconds = 0,
        TimerTriggers = new[]
            new Azure.ContainerService.Inputs.RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs
                Name = "string",
                Schedule = "string",
                Enabled = false,
    example, err := containerservice.NewRegistryTask(ctx, "registryTaskResource", &containerservice.RegistryTaskArgs{
    	ContainerRegistryId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Identity: &containerservice.RegistryTaskIdentityArgs{
    		Type: pulumi.String("string"),
    		IdentityIds: pulumi.StringArray{
    		PrincipalId: pulumi.String("string"),
    		TenantId:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	Enabled:      pulumi.Bool(false),
    	IsSystemTask: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	DockerStep: &containerservice.RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs{
    		ContextAccessToken: pulumi.String("string"),
    		ContextPath:        pulumi.String("string"),
    		DockerfilePath:     pulumi.String("string"),
    		Arguments: pulumi.StringMap{
    			"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    		CacheEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		ImageNames: pulumi.StringArray{
    		PushEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		SecretArguments: pulumi.StringMap{
    			"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    		Target: pulumi.String("string"),
    	LogTemplate: pulumi.String("string"),
    	EncodedStep: &containerservice.RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs{
    		TaskContent:        pulumi.String("string"),
    		ContextAccessToken: pulumi.String("string"),
    		ContextPath:        pulumi.String("string"),
    		SecretValues: pulumi.StringMap{
    			"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    		ValueContent: pulumi.String("string"),
    		Values: pulumi.StringMap{
    			"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	FileStep: &containerservice.RegistryTaskFileStepArgs{
    		TaskFilePath:       pulumi.String("string"),
    		ContextAccessToken: pulumi.String("string"),
    		ContextPath:        pulumi.String("string"),
    		SecretValues: pulumi.StringMap{
    			"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    		ValueFilePath: pulumi.String("string"),
    		Values: pulumi.StringMap{
    			"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	AgentSetting: &containerservice.RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs{
    		Cpu: pulumi.Int(0),
    	BaseImageTrigger: &containerservice.RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs{
    		Name:                     pulumi.String("string"),
    		Type:                     pulumi.String("string"),
    		Enabled:                  pulumi.Bool(false),
    		UpdateTriggerEndpoint:    pulumi.String("string"),
    		UpdateTriggerPayloadType: pulumi.String("string"),
    	AgentPoolName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Platform: &containerservice.RegistryTaskPlatformArgs{
    		Os:           pulumi.String("string"),
    		Architecture: pulumi.String("string"),
    		Variant:      pulumi.String("string"),
    	RegistryCredential: &containerservice.RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs{
    		Customs: containerservice.RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustomArray{
    				LoginServer: pulumi.String("string"),
    				Identity:    pulumi.String("string"),
    				Password:    pulumi.String("string"),
    				Username:    pulumi.String("string"),
    		Source: &containerservice.RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSourceArgs{
    			LoginMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	SourceTriggers: containerservice.RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArray{
    			Events: pulumi.StringArray{
    			Name:          pulumi.String("string"),
    			RepositoryUrl: pulumi.String("string"),
    			SourceType:    pulumi.String("string"),
    			Authentication: &containerservice.RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthenticationArgs{
    				Token:           pulumi.String("string"),
    				TokenType:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				ExpireInSeconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    				RefreshToken:    pulumi.String("string"),
    				Scope:           pulumi.String("string"),
    			Branch:  pulumi.String("string"),
    			Enabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    	TimerTriggers: containerservice.RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArray{
    			Name:     pulumi.String("string"),
    			Schedule: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Enabled:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    var registryTaskResource = new RegistryTask("registryTaskResource", RegistryTaskArgs.builder()
            .arguments(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .secretArguments(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .secretValues(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .values(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .secretValues(Map.of("string", "string"))
            .values(Map.of("string", "string"))
        .tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
    registry_task_resource = azure.containerservice.RegistryTask("registryTaskResource",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
                "string": "string",
            "string": "string",
    const registryTaskResource = new azure.containerservice.RegistryTask("registryTaskResource", {
        containerRegistryId: "string",
        identity: {
            type: "string",
            identityIds: ["string"],
            principalId: "string",
            tenantId: "string",
        enabled: false,
        isSystemTask: false,
        dockerStep: {
            contextAccessToken: "string",
            contextPath: "string",
            dockerfilePath: "string",
            arguments: {
                string: "string",
            cacheEnabled: false,
            imageNames: ["string"],
            pushEnabled: false,
            secretArguments: {
                string: "string",
            target: "string",
        logTemplate: "string",
        encodedStep: {
            taskContent: "string",
            contextAccessToken: "string",
            contextPath: "string",
            secretValues: {
                string: "string",
            valueContent: "string",
            values: {
                string: "string",
        fileStep: {
            taskFilePath: "string",
            contextAccessToken: "string",
            contextPath: "string",
            secretValues: {
                string: "string",
            valueFilePath: "string",
            values: {
                string: "string",
        name: "string",
        agentSetting: {
            cpu: 0,
        baseImageTrigger: {
            name: "string",
            type: "string",
            enabled: false,
            updateTriggerEndpoint: "string",
            updateTriggerPayloadType: "string",
        agentPoolName: "string",
        platform: {
            os: "string",
            architecture: "string",
            variant: "string",
        registryCredential: {
            customs: [{
                loginServer: "string",
                identity: "string",
                password: "string",
                username: "string",
            source: {
                loginMode: "string",
        sourceTriggers: [{
            events: ["string"],
            name: "string",
            repositoryUrl: "string",
            sourceType: "string",
            authentication: {
                token: "string",
                tokenType: "string",
                expireInSeconds: 0,
                refreshToken: "string",
                scope: "string",
            branch: "string",
            enabled: false,
        tags: {
            string: "string",
        timeoutInSeconds: 0,
        timerTriggers: [{
            name: "string",
            schedule: "string",
            enabled: false,
    type: azure:containerservice:RegistryTask
        agentPoolName: string
            cpu: 0
            enabled: false
            name: string
            type: string
            updateTriggerEndpoint: string
            updateTriggerPayloadType: string
        containerRegistryId: string
                string: string
            cacheEnabled: false
            contextAccessToken: string
            contextPath: string
            dockerfilePath: string
                - string
            pushEnabled: false
                string: string
            target: string
        enabled: false
            contextAccessToken: string
            contextPath: string
                string: string
            taskContent: string
            valueContent: string
                string: string
            contextAccessToken: string
            contextPath: string
                string: string
            taskFilePath: string
            valueFilePath: string
                string: string
                - string
            principalId: string
            tenantId: string
            type: string
        isSystemTask: false
        logTemplate: string
        name: string
            architecture: string
            os: string
            variant: string
                - identity: string
                  loginServer: string
                  password: string
                  username: string
                loginMode: string
            - authentication:
                expireInSeconds: 0
                refreshToken: string
                scope: string
                token: string
                tokenType: string
              branch: string
              enabled: false
                - string
              name: string
              repositoryUrl: string
              sourceType: string
            string: string
        timeoutInSeconds: 0
            - enabled: false
              name: string
              schedule: string

    RegistryTask Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The RegistryTask resource accepts the following input properties:

    ContainerRegistryId string
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    AgentPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    AgentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSetting
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    BaseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    DockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStep
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    Enabled bool
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    EncodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStep
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    FileStep RegistryTaskFileStep

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    Identity RegistryTaskIdentity
    An identity block as defined below.
    IsSystemTask bool
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    LogTemplate string
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    Platform RegistryTaskPlatform

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    RegistryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredential
    SourceTriggers List<RegistryTaskSourceTrigger>
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    TimeoutInSeconds int
    TimerTriggers List<RegistryTaskTimerTrigger>
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    ContainerRegistryId string
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    AgentPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    AgentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    BaseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    DockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    Enabled bool
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    EncodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    FileStep RegistryTaskFileStepArgs

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    Identity RegistryTaskIdentityArgs
    An identity block as defined below.
    IsSystemTask bool
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    LogTemplate string
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    Platform RegistryTaskPlatformArgs

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    RegistryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs
    SourceTriggers []RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    Tags map[string]string
    TimeoutInSeconds int
    TimerTriggers []RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    containerRegistryId String
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    agentPoolName String
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSetting
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    baseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    dockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStep
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled Boolean
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStep
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    fileStep RegistryTaskFileStep

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity RegistryTaskIdentity
    An identity block as defined below.
    isSystemTask Boolean
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    logTemplate String
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform RegistryTaskPlatform

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredential
    sourceTriggers List<RegistryTaskSourceTrigger>
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags Map<String,String>
    timeoutInSeconds Integer
    timerTriggers List<RegistryTaskTimerTrigger>
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    containerRegistryId string
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    agentPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSetting
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    baseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    dockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStep
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled boolean
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStep
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    fileStep RegistryTaskFileStep

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity RegistryTaskIdentity
    An identity block as defined below.
    isSystemTask boolean
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    logTemplate string
    name string
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform RegistryTaskPlatform

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredential
    sourceTriggers RegistryTaskSourceTrigger[]
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    timeoutInSeconds number
    timerTriggers RegistryTaskTimerTrigger[]
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    container_registry_id str
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    agent_pool_name str
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agent_setting RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    base_image_trigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    docker_step RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled bool
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encoded_step RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    file_step RegistryTaskFileStepArgs

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity RegistryTaskIdentityArgs
    An identity block as defined below.
    is_system_task bool
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    log_template str
    name str
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform RegistryTaskPlatformArgs

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registry_credential RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs
    source_triggers Sequence[RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs]
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    timeout_in_seconds int
    timer_triggers Sequence[RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs]
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    containerRegistryId String
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    agentPoolName String
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agentSetting Property Map
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    baseImageTrigger Property Map
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    dockerStep Property Map
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled Boolean
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encodedStep Property Map
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    fileStep Property Map

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity Property Map
    An identity block as defined below.
    isSystemTask Boolean
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    logTemplate String
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform Property Map

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registryCredential Property Map
    sourceTriggers List<Property Map>
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags Map<String>
    timeoutInSeconds Number
    timerTriggers List<Property Map>
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the RegistryTask resource produces the following output properties:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

    Look up Existing RegistryTask Resource

    Get an existing RegistryTask resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: RegistryTaskState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): RegistryTask
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            agent_pool_name: Optional[str] = None,
            agent_setting: Optional[RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs] = None,
            base_image_trigger: Optional[RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs] = None,
            container_registry_id: Optional[str] = None,
            docker_step: Optional[RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs] = None,
            enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            encoded_step: Optional[RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs] = None,
            file_step: Optional[RegistryTaskFileStepArgs] = None,
            identity: Optional[RegistryTaskIdentityArgs] = None,
            is_system_task: Optional[bool] = None,
            log_template: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            platform: Optional[RegistryTaskPlatformArgs] = None,
            registry_credential: Optional[RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs] = None,
            source_triggers: Optional[Sequence[RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs]] = None,
            tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            timeout_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None,
            timer_triggers: Optional[Sequence[RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs]] = None) -> RegistryTask
    func GetRegistryTask(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *RegistryTaskState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*RegistryTask, error)
    public static RegistryTask Get(string name, Input<string> id, RegistryTaskState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static RegistryTask get(String name, Output<String> id, RegistryTaskState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AgentPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    AgentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSetting
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    BaseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    ContainerRegistryId string
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    DockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStep
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    Enabled bool
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    EncodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStep
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    FileStep RegistryTaskFileStep

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    Identity RegistryTaskIdentity
    An identity block as defined below.
    IsSystemTask bool
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    LogTemplate string
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    Platform RegistryTaskPlatform

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    RegistryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredential
    SourceTriggers List<RegistryTaskSourceTrigger>
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    TimeoutInSeconds int
    TimerTriggers List<RegistryTaskTimerTrigger>
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    AgentPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    AgentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    BaseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    ContainerRegistryId string
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    DockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    Enabled bool
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    EncodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    FileStep RegistryTaskFileStepArgs

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    Identity RegistryTaskIdentityArgs
    An identity block as defined below.
    IsSystemTask bool
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    LogTemplate string
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    Platform RegistryTaskPlatformArgs

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    RegistryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs
    SourceTriggers []RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    Tags map[string]string
    TimeoutInSeconds int
    TimerTriggers []RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    agentPoolName String
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSetting
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    baseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    containerRegistryId String
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    dockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStep
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled Boolean
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStep
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    fileStep RegistryTaskFileStep

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity RegistryTaskIdentity
    An identity block as defined below.
    isSystemTask Boolean
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    logTemplate String
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform RegistryTaskPlatform

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredential
    sourceTriggers List<RegistryTaskSourceTrigger>
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags Map<String,String>
    timeoutInSeconds Integer
    timerTriggers List<RegistryTaskTimerTrigger>
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    agentPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agentSetting RegistryTaskAgentSetting
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    baseImageTrigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    containerRegistryId string
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    dockerStep RegistryTaskDockerStep
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled boolean
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encodedStep RegistryTaskEncodedStep
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    fileStep RegistryTaskFileStep

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity RegistryTaskIdentity
    An identity block as defined below.
    isSystemTask boolean
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    logTemplate string
    name string
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform RegistryTaskPlatform

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registryCredential RegistryTaskRegistryCredential
    sourceTriggers RegistryTaskSourceTrigger[]
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    timeoutInSeconds number
    timerTriggers RegistryTaskTimerTrigger[]
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    agent_pool_name str
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agent_setting RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    base_image_trigger RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    container_registry_id str
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    docker_step RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled bool
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encoded_step RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    file_step RegistryTaskFileStepArgs

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity RegistryTaskIdentityArgs
    An identity block as defined below.
    is_system_task bool
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    log_template str
    name str
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform RegistryTaskPlatformArgs

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registry_credential RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs
    source_triggers Sequence[RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs]
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    timeout_in_seconds int
    timer_triggers Sequence[RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs]
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.
    agentPoolName String
    The name of the dedicated Container Registry Agent Pool for this Container Registry Task.
    agentSetting Property Map
    A agent_setting block as defined below.
    baseImageTrigger Property Map
    A base_image_trigger block as defined below.
    containerRegistryId String
    The ID of the Container Registry that this Container Registry Task resides in. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    dockerStep Property Map
    A docker_step block as defined below.
    enabled Boolean
    Should this Container Registry Task be enabled? Defaults to true.
    encodedStep Property Map
    A encoded_step block as defined below.
    fileStep Property Map

    A file_step block as defined below.

    NOTE: For non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false), one and only one of the docker_step, encoded_step and file_step should be specified.

    identity Property Map
    An identity block as defined below.
    isSystemTask Boolean
    Whether this Container Registry Task is a system task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created. Defaults to false.
    logTemplate String
    name String
    The name which should be used for this Container Registry Task. Changing this forces a new Container Registry Task to be created.
    platform Property Map

    A platform block as defined below.

    NOTE: The platform is required for non-system task (when is_system_task is set to false).

    registryCredential Property Map
    sourceTriggers List<Property Map>
    One or more source_trigger blocks as defined below.
    tags Map<String>
    timeoutInSeconds Number
    timerTriggers List<Property Map>
    One or more timer_trigger blocks as defined below.

    Supporting Types

    RegistryTaskAgentSetting, RegistryTaskAgentSettingArgs

    Cpu int
    The number of cores required for the Container Registry Task.
    Cpu int
    The number of cores required for the Container Registry Task.
    cpu Integer
    The number of cores required for the Container Registry Task.
    cpu number
    The number of cores required for the Container Registry Task.
    cpu int
    The number of cores required for the Container Registry Task.
    cpu Number
    The number of cores required for the Container Registry Task.

    RegistryTaskBaseImageTrigger, RegistryTaskBaseImageTriggerArgs

    Name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    Type string
    The type of the trigger. Possible values are All and Runtime.
    Enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    UpdateTriggerEndpoint string
    The endpoint URL for receiving the trigger.
    UpdateTriggerPayloadType string
    Type of payload body for the trigger. Possible values are Default and Token.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    Type string
    The type of the trigger. Possible values are All and Runtime.
    Enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    UpdateTriggerEndpoint string
    The endpoint URL for receiving the trigger.
    UpdateTriggerPayloadType string
    Type of payload body for the trigger. Possible values are Default and Token.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    type String
    The type of the trigger. Possible values are All and Runtime.
    enabled Boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    updateTriggerEndpoint String
    The endpoint URL for receiving the trigger.
    updateTriggerPayloadType String
    Type of payload body for the trigger. Possible values are Default and Token.
    name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    type string
    The type of the trigger. Possible values are All and Runtime.
    enabled boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    updateTriggerEndpoint string
    The endpoint URL for receiving the trigger.
    updateTriggerPayloadType string
    Type of payload body for the trigger. Possible values are Default and Token.
    name str
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    type str
    The type of the trigger. Possible values are All and Runtime.
    enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    update_trigger_endpoint str
    The endpoint URL for receiving the trigger.
    update_trigger_payload_type str
    Type of payload body for the trigger. Possible values are Default and Token.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    type String
    The type of the trigger. Possible values are All and Runtime.
    enabled Boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    updateTriggerEndpoint String
    The endpoint URL for receiving the trigger.
    updateTriggerPayloadType String
    Type of payload body for the trigger. Possible values are Default and Token.

    RegistryTaskDockerStep, RegistryTaskDockerStepArgs

    ContextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    ContextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step. If the context is an url you can reference a specific branch or folder via #branch:folder.
    DockerfilePath string
    The Dockerfile path relative to the source context.
    Arguments Dictionary<string, string>
    Specifies a map of arguments to be used when executing this step.
    CacheEnabled bool
    Should the image cache be enabled? Defaults to true.
    ImageNames List<string>
    Specifies a list of fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
    PushEnabled bool
    Should the image built be pushed to the registry or not? Defaults to true.
    SecretArguments Dictionary<string, string>
    Specifies a map of secret arguments to be used when executing this step.
    Target string
    The name of the target build stage for the docker build.
    ContextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    ContextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step. If the context is an url you can reference a specific branch or folder via #branch:folder.
    DockerfilePath string
    The Dockerfile path relative to the source context.
    Arguments map[string]string
    Specifies a map of arguments to be used when executing this step.
    CacheEnabled bool
    Should the image cache be enabled? Defaults to true.
    ImageNames []string
    Specifies a list of fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
    PushEnabled bool
    Should the image built be pushed to the registry or not? Defaults to true.
    SecretArguments map[string]string
    Specifies a map of secret arguments to be used when executing this step.
    Target string
    The name of the target build stage for the docker build.
    contextAccessToken String
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath String
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step. If the context is an url you can reference a specific branch or folder via #branch:folder.
    dockerfilePath String
    The Dockerfile path relative to the source context.
    arguments Map<String,String>
    Specifies a map of arguments to be used when executing this step.
    cacheEnabled Boolean
    Should the image cache be enabled? Defaults to true.
    imageNames List<String>
    Specifies a list of fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
    pushEnabled Boolean
    Should the image built be pushed to the registry or not? Defaults to true.
    secretArguments Map<String,String>
    Specifies a map of secret arguments to be used when executing this step.
    target String
    The name of the target build stage for the docker build.
    contextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step. If the context is an url you can reference a specific branch or folder via #branch:folder.
    dockerfilePath string
    The Dockerfile path relative to the source context.
    arguments {[key: string]: string}
    Specifies a map of arguments to be used when executing this step.
    cacheEnabled boolean
    Should the image cache be enabled? Defaults to true.
    imageNames string[]
    Specifies a list of fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
    pushEnabled boolean
    Should the image built be pushed to the registry or not? Defaults to true.
    secretArguments {[key: string]: string}
    Specifies a map of secret arguments to be used when executing this step.
    target string
    The name of the target build stage for the docker build.
    context_access_token str
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    context_path str
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step. If the context is an url you can reference a specific branch or folder via #branch:folder.
    dockerfile_path str
    The Dockerfile path relative to the source context.
    arguments Mapping[str, str]
    Specifies a map of arguments to be used when executing this step.
    cache_enabled bool
    Should the image cache be enabled? Defaults to true.
    image_names Sequence[str]
    Specifies a list of fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
    push_enabled bool
    Should the image built be pushed to the registry or not? Defaults to true.
    secret_arguments Mapping[str, str]
    Specifies a map of secret arguments to be used when executing this step.
    target str
    The name of the target build stage for the docker build.
    contextAccessToken String
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath String
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step. If the context is an url you can reference a specific branch or folder via #branch:folder.
    dockerfilePath String
    The Dockerfile path relative to the source context.
    arguments Map<String>
    Specifies a map of arguments to be used when executing this step.
    cacheEnabled Boolean
    Should the image cache be enabled? Defaults to true.
    imageNames List<String>
    Specifies a list of fully qualified image names including the repository and tag.
    pushEnabled Boolean
    Should the image built be pushed to the registry or not? Defaults to true.
    secretArguments Map<String>
    Specifies a map of secret arguments to be used when executing this step.
    target String
    The name of the target build stage for the docker build.

    RegistryTaskEncodedStep, RegistryTaskEncodedStepArgs

    TaskContent string
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build template.
    ContextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    ContextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    SecretValues Dictionary<string, string>
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    ValueContent string
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build parameters.
    Values Dictionary<string, string>
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    TaskContent string
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build template.
    ContextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    ContextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    SecretValues map[string]string
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    ValueContent string
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build parameters.
    Values map[string]string
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    taskContent String
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build template.
    contextAccessToken String
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath String
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secretValues Map<String,String>
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    valueContent String
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build parameters.
    values Map<String,String>
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    taskContent string
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build template.
    contextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secretValues {[key: string]: string}
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    valueContent string
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build parameters.
    values {[key: string]: string}
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    task_content str
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build template.
    context_access_token str
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    context_path str
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secret_values Mapping[str, str]
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    value_content str
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build parameters.
    values Mapping[str, str]
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    taskContent String
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build template.
    contextAccessToken String
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath String
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secretValues Map<String>
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    valueContent String
    The (optionally base64 encoded) content of the build parameters.
    values Map<String>
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.

    RegistryTaskFileStep, RegistryTaskFileStepArgs

    TaskFilePath string
    The task template file path relative to the source context.
    ContextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    ContextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    SecretValues Dictionary<string, string>
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    ValueFilePath string
    The parameters file path relative to the source context.
    Values Dictionary<string, string>
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    TaskFilePath string
    The task template file path relative to the source context.
    ContextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    ContextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    SecretValues map[string]string
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    ValueFilePath string
    The parameters file path relative to the source context.
    Values map[string]string
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    taskFilePath String
    The task template file path relative to the source context.
    contextAccessToken String
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath String
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secretValues Map<String,String>
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    valueFilePath String
    The parameters file path relative to the source context.
    values Map<String,String>
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    taskFilePath string
    The task template file path relative to the source context.
    contextAccessToken string
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath string
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secretValues {[key: string]: string}
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    valueFilePath string
    The parameters file path relative to the source context.
    values {[key: string]: string}
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    task_file_path str
    The task template file path relative to the source context.
    context_access_token str
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    context_path str
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secret_values Mapping[str, str]
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    value_file_path str
    The parameters file path relative to the source context.
    values Mapping[str, str]
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.
    taskFilePath String
    The task template file path relative to the source context.
    contextAccessToken String
    The token (Git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for this step.
    contextPath String
    The URL (absolute or relative) of the source context for this step.
    secretValues Map<String>
    Specifies a map of secret values that can be passed when running a task.
    valueFilePath String
    The parameters file path relative to the source context.
    values Map<String>
    Specifies a map of values that can be passed when running a task.

    RegistryTaskIdentity, RegistryTaskIdentityArgs

    Type string
    Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Container Registry Task. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both).
    IdentityIds List<string>

    Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Container Registry Task.

    NOTE: This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned.

    PrincipalId string
    The Principal ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    TenantId string
    The Tenant ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    Type string
    Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Container Registry Task. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both).
    IdentityIds []string

    Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Container Registry Task.

    NOTE: This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned.

    PrincipalId string
    The Principal ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    TenantId string
    The Tenant ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    type String
    Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Container Registry Task. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both).
    identityIds List<String>

    Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Container Registry Task.

    NOTE: This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned.

    principalId String
    The Principal ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    tenantId String
    The Tenant ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    type string
    Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Container Registry Task. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both).
    identityIds string[]

    Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Container Registry Task.

    NOTE: This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned.

    principalId string
    The Principal ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    tenantId string
    The Tenant ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    type str
    Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Container Registry Task. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both).
    identity_ids Sequence[str]

    Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Container Registry Task.

    NOTE: This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned.

    principal_id str
    The Principal ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    tenant_id str
    The Tenant ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    type String
    Specifies the type of Managed Service Identity that should be configured on this Container Registry Task. Possible values are SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned (to enable both).
    identityIds List<String>

    Specifies a list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs to be assigned to this Container Registry Task.

    NOTE: This is required when type is set to UserAssigned or SystemAssigned, UserAssigned.

    principalId String
    The Principal ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.
    tenantId String
    The Tenant ID associated with this Managed Service Identity.

    RegistryTaskPlatform, RegistryTaskPlatformArgs

    Os string
    The operating system type required for the task. Possible values are Windows and Linux.
    Architecture string
    The OS architecture. Possible values are amd64, x86, 386, arm and arm64.
    Variant string
    The variant of the CPU. Possible values are v6, v7, v8.
    Os string
    The operating system type required for the task. Possible values are Windows and Linux.
    Architecture string
    The OS architecture. Possible values are amd64, x86, 386, arm and arm64.
    Variant string
    The variant of the CPU. Possible values are v6, v7, v8.
    os String
    The operating system type required for the task. Possible values are Windows and Linux.
    architecture String
    The OS architecture. Possible values are amd64, x86, 386, arm and arm64.
    variant String
    The variant of the CPU. Possible values are v6, v7, v8.
    os string
    The operating system type required for the task. Possible values are Windows and Linux.
    architecture string
    The OS architecture. Possible values are amd64, x86, 386, arm and arm64.
    variant string
    The variant of the CPU. Possible values are v6, v7, v8.
    os str
    The operating system type required for the task. Possible values are Windows and Linux.
    architecture str
    The OS architecture. Possible values are amd64, x86, 386, arm and arm64.
    variant str
    The variant of the CPU. Possible values are v6, v7, v8.
    os String
    The operating system type required for the task. Possible values are Windows and Linux.
    architecture String
    The OS architecture. Possible values are amd64, x86, 386, arm and arm64.
    variant String
    The variant of the CPU. Possible values are v6, v7, v8.

    RegistryTaskRegistryCredential, RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialArgs

    Customs List<RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustom>
    One or more custom blocks as defined above.
    Source RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSource
    One source block as defined below.
    Customs []RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustom
    One or more custom blocks as defined above.
    Source RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSource
    One source block as defined below.
    customs List<RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustom>
    One or more custom blocks as defined above.
    source RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSource
    One source block as defined below.
    customs RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustom[]
    One or more custom blocks as defined above.
    source RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSource
    One source block as defined below.
    customs Sequence[RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustom]
    One or more custom blocks as defined above.
    source RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSource
    One source block as defined below.
    customs List<Property Map>
    One or more custom blocks as defined above.
    source Property Map
    One source block as defined below.

    RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustom, RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialCustomArgs

    LoginServer string
    The login server of the custom Container Registry.
    Identity string
    The managed identity assigned to this custom credential. For user assigned identity, the value is the client ID of the identity. For system assigned identity, the value is [system].
    Password string
    The password for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of password, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    Username string
    The username for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of username, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    LoginServer string
    The login server of the custom Container Registry.
    Identity string
    The managed identity assigned to this custom credential. For user assigned identity, the value is the client ID of the identity. For system assigned identity, the value is [system].
    Password string
    The password for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of password, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    Username string
    The username for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of username, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    loginServer String
    The login server of the custom Container Registry.
    identity String
    The managed identity assigned to this custom credential. For user assigned identity, the value is the client ID of the identity. For system assigned identity, the value is [system].
    password String
    The password for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of password, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    username String
    The username for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of username, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    loginServer string
    The login server of the custom Container Registry.
    identity string
    The managed identity assigned to this custom credential. For user assigned identity, the value is the client ID of the identity. For system assigned identity, the value is [system].
    password string
    The password for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of password, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    username string
    The username for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of username, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    login_server str
    The login server of the custom Container Registry.
    identity str
    The managed identity assigned to this custom credential. For user assigned identity, the value is the client ID of the identity. For system assigned identity, the value is [system].
    password str
    The password for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of password, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    username str
    The username for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of username, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    loginServer String
    The login server of the custom Container Registry.
    identity String
    The managed identity assigned to this custom credential. For user assigned identity, the value is the client ID of the identity. For system assigned identity, the value is [system].
    password String
    The password for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of password, or a Keyvault Secret ID.
    username String
    The username for logging into the custom Container Registry. It can be either a plain text of username, or a Keyvault Secret ID.

    RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSource, RegistryTaskRegistryCredentialSourceArgs

    LoginMode string
    The login mode for the source registry. Possible values are None and Default.
    LoginMode string
    The login mode for the source registry. Possible values are None and Default.
    loginMode String
    The login mode for the source registry. Possible values are None and Default.
    loginMode string
    The login mode for the source registry. Possible values are None and Default.
    login_mode str
    The login mode for the source registry. Possible values are None and Default.
    loginMode String
    The login mode for the source registry. Possible values are None and Default.

    RegistryTaskSourceTrigger, RegistryTaskSourceTriggerArgs

    Events List<string>
    Specifies a list of source events corresponding to the trigger. Possible values are commit and pullrequest.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    RepositoryUrl string
    The full URL to the source code repository.
    SourceType string
    The type of the source control service. Possible values are Github and VisualStudioTeamService.
    Authentication RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthentication
    A authentication block as defined above.
    Branch string
    The branch name of the source code.
    Enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    Events []string
    Specifies a list of source events corresponding to the trigger. Possible values are commit and pullrequest.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    RepositoryUrl string
    The full URL to the source code repository.
    SourceType string
    The type of the source control service. Possible values are Github and VisualStudioTeamService.
    Authentication RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthentication
    A authentication block as defined above.
    Branch string
    The branch name of the source code.
    Enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    events List<String>
    Specifies a list of source events corresponding to the trigger. Possible values are commit and pullrequest.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    repositoryUrl String
    The full URL to the source code repository.
    sourceType String
    The type of the source control service. Possible values are Github and VisualStudioTeamService.
    authentication RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthentication
    A authentication block as defined above.
    branch String
    The branch name of the source code.
    enabled Boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    events string[]
    Specifies a list of source events corresponding to the trigger. Possible values are commit and pullrequest.
    name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    repositoryUrl string
    The full URL to the source code repository.
    sourceType string
    The type of the source control service. Possible values are Github and VisualStudioTeamService.
    authentication RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthentication
    A authentication block as defined above.
    branch string
    The branch name of the source code.
    enabled boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    events Sequence[str]
    Specifies a list of source events corresponding to the trigger. Possible values are commit and pullrequest.
    name str
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    repository_url str
    The full URL to the source code repository.
    source_type str
    The type of the source control service. Possible values are Github and VisualStudioTeamService.
    authentication RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthentication
    A authentication block as defined above.
    branch str
    The branch name of the source code.
    enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    events List<String>
    Specifies a list of source events corresponding to the trigger. Possible values are commit and pullrequest.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    repositoryUrl String
    The full URL to the source code repository.
    sourceType String
    The type of the source control service. Possible values are Github and VisualStudioTeamService.
    authentication Property Map
    A authentication block as defined above.
    branch String
    The branch name of the source code.
    enabled Boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.

    RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthentication, RegistryTaskSourceTriggerAuthenticationArgs

    Token string
    The access token used to access the source control provider.
    TokenType string
    The type of the token. Possible values are PAT (personal access token) and OAuth.
    ExpireInSeconds int
    Time in seconds that the token remains valid.
    RefreshToken string
    The refresh token used to refresh the access token.
    Scope string
    The scope of the access token.
    Token string
    The access token used to access the source control provider.
    TokenType string
    The type of the token. Possible values are PAT (personal access token) and OAuth.
    ExpireInSeconds int
    Time in seconds that the token remains valid.
    RefreshToken string
    The refresh token used to refresh the access token.
    Scope string
    The scope of the access token.
    token String
    The access token used to access the source control provider.
    tokenType String
    The type of the token. Possible values are PAT (personal access token) and OAuth.
    expireInSeconds Integer
    Time in seconds that the token remains valid.
    refreshToken String
    The refresh token used to refresh the access token.
    scope String
    The scope of the access token.
    token string
    The access token used to access the source control provider.
    tokenType string
    The type of the token. Possible values are PAT (personal access token) and OAuth.
    expireInSeconds number
    Time in seconds that the token remains valid.
    refreshToken string
    The refresh token used to refresh the access token.
    scope string
    The scope of the access token.
    token str
    The access token used to access the source control provider.
    token_type str
    The type of the token. Possible values are PAT (personal access token) and OAuth.
    expire_in_seconds int
    Time in seconds that the token remains valid.
    refresh_token str
    The refresh token used to refresh the access token.
    scope str
    The scope of the access token.
    token String
    The access token used to access the source control provider.
    tokenType String
    The type of the token. Possible values are PAT (personal access token) and OAuth.
    expireInSeconds Number
    Time in seconds that the token remains valid.
    refreshToken String
    The refresh token used to refresh the access token.
    scope String
    The scope of the access token.

    RegistryTaskTimerTrigger, RegistryTaskTimerTriggerArgs

    Name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    Schedule string
    The CRON expression for the task schedule.
    Enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    Name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    Schedule string
    The CRON expression for the task schedule.
    Enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    schedule String
    The CRON expression for the task schedule.
    enabled Boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    name string
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    schedule string
    The CRON expression for the task schedule.
    enabled boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    name str
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    schedule str
    The CRON expression for the task schedule.
    enabled bool
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.
    name String
    The name which should be used for this trigger.
    schedule String
    The CRON expression for the task schedule.
    enabled Boolean
    Should the trigger be enabled? Defaults to true.


    Container Registry Tasks can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

    $ pulumi import azure:containerservice/registryTask:RegistryTask example /subscriptions/12345678-1234-9876-4563-123456789012/resourceGroups/group1/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/registry1/tasks/task1

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
    azure logo

    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi