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  4. batch
  5. getPool

We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Use this data source to access information about an existing Batch pool

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = azure.batch.getPool({
        name: "testbatchpool",
        accountName: "testbatchaccount",
        resourceGroupName: "test",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.batch.get_pool(name="testbatchpool",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := batch.LookupPool(ctx, &batch.LookupPoolArgs{
    			Name:              "testbatchpool",
    			AccountName:       "testbatchaccount",
    			ResourceGroupName: "test",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Azure.Batch.GetPool.Invoke(new()
            Name = "testbatchpool",
            AccountName = "testbatchaccount",
            ResourceGroupName = "test",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.batch.BatchFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.azure.batch.inputs.GetPoolArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = BatchFunctions.getPool(GetPoolArgs.builder()
          Function: azure:batch:getPool
            name: testbatchpool
            accountName: testbatchaccount
            resourceGroupName: test

    Using getPool

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getPool(args: GetPoolArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetPoolResult>
    function getPoolOutput(args: GetPoolOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetPoolResult>
    def get_pool(account_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 name: Optional[str] = None,
                 resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetPoolResult
    def get_pool_output(account_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                 name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                 resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                 opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetPoolResult]
    func LookupPool(ctx *Context, args *LookupPoolArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupPoolResult, error)
    func LookupPoolOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupPoolOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupPoolResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupPool in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetPool 
        public static Task<GetPoolResult> InvokeAsync(GetPoolArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetPoolResult> Invoke(GetPoolInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetPoolResult> getPool(GetPoolArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: azure:batch/getPool:getPool
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    ResourceGroupName string
    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    ResourceGroupName string
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    resourceGroupName String
    accountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    name string
    The name of the user account.
    resourceGroupName string
    account_name str
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    name str
    The name of the user account.
    resource_group_name str
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    resourceGroupName String

    getPool Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    AutoScales List<GetPoolAutoScale>
    A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.
    Certificates List<GetPoolCertificate>
    One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.
    ContainerConfigurations List<GetPoolContainerConfiguration>
    The container configuration used in the pool's VMs.
    DataDisks List<GetPoolDataDisk>
    A data_disks block describes the data disk settings.
    DiskEncryptions List<GetPoolDiskEncryption>
    A disk_encryption block describes the disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
    DisplayName string
    Extensions List<GetPoolExtension>
    An extensions block describes the extension settings
    FixedScales List<GetPoolFixedScale>
    A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    InterNodeCommunication string
    Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes. This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Enabling this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    LicenseType string
    The type of on-premises license to be used when deploying the operating system.
    MaxTasksPerNode int
    The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
    Metadata Dictionary<string, string>
    Mounts List<GetPoolMount>
    A mount block that describes mount configuration.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    NetworkConfigurations List<GetPoolNetworkConfiguration>
    NodeAgentSkuId string
    The SKU of the node agents in the Batch pool.
    NodePlacements List<GetPoolNodePlacement>
    A node_placement block that describes the placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    OsDiskPlacement string
    Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
    ResourceGroupName string
    StartTasks List<GetPoolStartTask>
    A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.
    StorageImageReferences List<GetPoolStorageImageReference>
    The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.
    TaskSchedulingPolicies List<GetPoolTaskSchedulingPolicy>
    A task_scheduling_policy block that describes how tasks are distributed across compute nodes in a pool.
    UserAccounts List<GetPoolUserAccount>
    A user_accounts block that describes the list of user accounts to be created on each node in the pool.
    VmSize string
    The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.
    Windows List<GetPoolWindow>
    A windows block that describes the Windows configuration in the pool.
    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    AutoScales []GetPoolAutoScale
    A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.
    Certificates []GetPoolCertificate
    One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.
    ContainerConfigurations []GetPoolContainerConfiguration
    The container configuration used in the pool's VMs.
    DataDisks []GetPoolDataDisk
    A data_disks block describes the data disk settings.
    DiskEncryptions []GetPoolDiskEncryption
    A disk_encryption block describes the disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
    DisplayName string
    Extensions []GetPoolExtension
    An extensions block describes the extension settings
    FixedScales []GetPoolFixedScale
    A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    InterNodeCommunication string
    Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes. This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Enabling this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    LicenseType string
    The type of on-premises license to be used when deploying the operating system.
    MaxTasksPerNode int
    The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
    Metadata map[string]string
    Mounts []GetPoolMount
    A mount block that describes mount configuration.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    NetworkConfigurations []GetPoolNetworkConfiguration
    NodeAgentSkuId string
    The SKU of the node agents in the Batch pool.
    NodePlacements []GetPoolNodePlacement
    A node_placement block that describes the placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    OsDiskPlacement string
    Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
    ResourceGroupName string
    StartTasks []GetPoolStartTask
    A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.
    StorageImageReferences []GetPoolStorageImageReference
    The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.
    TaskSchedulingPolicies []GetPoolTaskSchedulingPolicy
    A task_scheduling_policy block that describes how tasks are distributed across compute nodes in a pool.
    UserAccounts []GetPoolUserAccount
    A user_accounts block that describes the list of user accounts to be created on each node in the pool.
    VmSize string
    The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.
    Windows []GetPoolWindow
    A windows block that describes the Windows configuration in the pool.
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    autoScales List<GetPoolAutoScale>
    A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.
    certificates List<GetPoolCertificate>
    One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.
    containerConfigurations List<GetPoolContainerConfiguration>
    The container configuration used in the pool's VMs.
    dataDisks List<GetPoolDataDisk>
    A data_disks block describes the data disk settings.
    diskEncryptions List<GetPoolDiskEncryption>
    A disk_encryption block describes the disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
    displayName String
    extensions List<GetPoolExtension>
    An extensions block describes the extension settings
    fixedScales List<GetPoolFixedScale>
    A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    interNodeCommunication String
    Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes. This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Enabling this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    licenseType String
    The type of on-premises license to be used when deploying the operating system.
    maxTasksPerNode Integer
    The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
    metadata Map<String,String>
    mounts List<GetPoolMount>
    A mount block that describes mount configuration.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    networkConfigurations List<GetPoolNetworkConfiguration>
    nodeAgentSkuId String
    The SKU of the node agents in the Batch pool.
    nodePlacements List<GetPoolNodePlacement>
    A node_placement block that describes the placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    osDiskPlacement String
    Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
    resourceGroupName String
    startTasks List<GetPoolStartTask>
    A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.
    storageImageReferences List<GetPoolStorageImageReference>
    The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.
    taskSchedulingPolicies List<GetPoolTaskSchedulingPolicy>
    A task_scheduling_policy block that describes how tasks are distributed across compute nodes in a pool.
    userAccounts List<GetPoolUserAccount>
    A user_accounts block that describes the list of user accounts to be created on each node in the pool.
    vmSize String
    The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.
    windows List<GetPoolWindow>
    A windows block that describes the Windows configuration in the pool.
    accountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    autoScales GetPoolAutoScale[]
    A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.
    certificates GetPoolCertificate[]
    One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.
    containerConfigurations GetPoolContainerConfiguration[]
    The container configuration used in the pool's VMs.
    dataDisks GetPoolDataDisk[]
    A data_disks block describes the data disk settings.
    diskEncryptions GetPoolDiskEncryption[]
    A disk_encryption block describes the disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
    displayName string
    extensions GetPoolExtension[]
    An extensions block describes the extension settings
    fixedScales GetPoolFixedScale[]
    A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    interNodeCommunication string
    Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes. This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Enabling this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    licenseType string
    The type of on-premises license to be used when deploying the operating system.
    maxTasksPerNode number
    The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
    metadata {[key: string]: string}
    mounts GetPoolMount[]
    A mount block that describes mount configuration.
    name string
    The name of the user account.
    networkConfigurations GetPoolNetworkConfiguration[]
    nodeAgentSkuId string
    The SKU of the node agents in the Batch pool.
    nodePlacements GetPoolNodePlacement[]
    A node_placement block that describes the placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    osDiskPlacement string
    Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
    resourceGroupName string
    startTasks GetPoolStartTask[]
    A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.
    storageImageReferences GetPoolStorageImageReference[]
    The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.
    taskSchedulingPolicies GetPoolTaskSchedulingPolicy[]
    A task_scheduling_policy block that describes how tasks are distributed across compute nodes in a pool.
    userAccounts GetPoolUserAccount[]
    A user_accounts block that describes the list of user accounts to be created on each node in the pool.
    vmSize string
    The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.
    windows GetPoolWindow[]
    A windows block that describes the Windows configuration in the pool.
    account_name str
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    auto_scales Sequence[GetPoolAutoScale]
    A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.
    certificates Sequence[GetPoolCertificate]
    One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.
    container_configurations Sequence[GetPoolContainerConfiguration]
    The container configuration used in the pool's VMs.
    data_disks Sequence[GetPoolDataDisk]
    A data_disks block describes the data disk settings.
    disk_encryptions Sequence[GetPoolDiskEncryption]
    A disk_encryption block describes the disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
    display_name str
    extensions Sequence[GetPoolExtension]
    An extensions block describes the extension settings
    fixed_scales Sequence[GetPoolFixedScale]
    A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    inter_node_communication str
    Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes. This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Enabling this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    license_type str
    The type of on-premises license to be used when deploying the operating system.
    max_tasks_per_node int
    The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
    metadata Mapping[str, str]
    mounts Sequence[GetPoolMount]
    A mount block that describes mount configuration.
    name str
    The name of the user account.
    network_configurations Sequence[GetPoolNetworkConfiguration]
    node_agent_sku_id str
    The SKU of the node agents in the Batch pool.
    node_placements Sequence[GetPoolNodePlacement]
    A node_placement block that describes the placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    os_disk_placement str
    Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
    resource_group_name str
    start_tasks Sequence[GetPoolStartTask]
    A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.
    storage_image_references Sequence[GetPoolStorageImageReference]
    The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.
    task_scheduling_policies Sequence[GetPoolTaskSchedulingPolicy]
    A task_scheduling_policy block that describes how tasks are distributed across compute nodes in a pool.
    user_accounts Sequence[GetPoolUserAccount]
    A user_accounts block that describes the list of user accounts to be created on each node in the pool.
    vm_size str
    The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.
    windows Sequence[GetPoolWindow]
    A windows block that describes the Windows configuration in the pool.
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    autoScales List<Property Map>
    A auto_scale block that describes the scale settings when using auto scale.
    certificates List<Property Map>
    One or more certificate blocks that describe the certificates installed on each compute node in the pool.
    containerConfigurations List<Property Map>
    The container configuration used in the pool's VMs.
    dataDisks List<Property Map>
    A data_disks block describes the data disk settings.
    diskEncryptions List<Property Map>
    A disk_encryption block describes the disk encryption configuration applied on compute nodes in the pool.
    displayName String
    extensions List<Property Map>
    An extensions block describes the extension settings
    fixedScales List<Property Map>
    A fixed_scale block that describes the scale settings when using fixed scale.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    interNodeCommunication String
    Whether the pool permits direct communication between nodes. This imposes restrictions on which nodes can be assigned to the pool. Enabling this value can reduce the chance of the requested number of nodes to be allocated in the pool.
    licenseType String
    The type of on-premises license to be used when deploying the operating system.
    maxTasksPerNode Number
    The maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently on a single compute node in the pool.
    metadata Map<String>
    mounts List<Property Map>
    A mount block that describes mount configuration.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    networkConfigurations List<Property Map>
    nodeAgentSkuId String
    The SKU of the node agents in the Batch pool.
    nodePlacements List<Property Map>
    A node_placement block that describes the placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    osDiskPlacement String
    Specifies the ephemeral disk placement for operating system disk for all VMs in the pool.
    resourceGroupName String
    startTasks List<Property Map>
    A start_task block that describes the start task settings for the Batch pool.
    storageImageReferences List<Property Map>
    The reference of the storage image used by the nodes in the Batch pool.
    taskSchedulingPolicies List<Property Map>
    A task_scheduling_policy block that describes how tasks are distributed across compute nodes in a pool.
    userAccounts List<Property Map>
    A user_accounts block that describes the list of user accounts to be created on each node in the pool.
    vmSize String
    The size of the VM created in the Batch pool.
    windows List<Property Map>
    A windows block that describes the Windows configuration in the pool.

    Supporting Types


    EvaluationInterval string
    The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.
    Formula string
    The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.
    EvaluationInterval string
    The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.
    Formula string
    The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.
    evaluationInterval String
    The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.
    formula String
    The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.
    evaluationInterval string
    The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.
    formula string
    The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.
    evaluation_interval str
    The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.
    formula str
    The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.
    evaluationInterval String
    The interval to wait before evaluating if the pool needs to be scaled.
    formula String
    The autoscale formula that needs to be used for scaling the Batch pool.


    Id string
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    StoreLocation string
    The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
    StoreName string
    The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
    Visibilities List<string>
    Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.
    Id string
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    StoreLocation string
    The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
    StoreName string
    The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
    Visibilities []string
    Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.
    id String
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    storeLocation String
    The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
    storeName String
    The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
    visibilities List<String>
    Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.
    id string
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    storeLocation string
    The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
    storeName string
    The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
    visibilities string[]
    Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.
    id str
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    store_location str
    The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
    store_name str
    The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
    visibilities Sequence[str]
    Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.
    id String
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    storeLocation String
    The location of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed, either CurrentUser or LocalMachine.
    storeName String
    The name of the certificate store on the compute node into which the certificate is installed.
    visibilities List<String>
    Which user accounts on the compute node have access to the private data of the certificate.


    ContainerImageNames List<string>
    A list of container image names to use, as would be specified by docker pull.
    ContainerRegistries List<GetPoolContainerConfigurationContainerRegistry>
    Additional container registries from which container images can be pulled by the pool's VMs.
    Type string
    The type of container configuration.
    ContainerImageNames []string
    A list of container image names to use, as would be specified by docker pull.
    ContainerRegistries []GetPoolContainerConfigurationContainerRegistry
    Additional container registries from which container images can be pulled by the pool's VMs.
    Type string
    The type of container configuration.
    containerImageNames List<String>
    A list of container image names to use, as would be specified by docker pull.
    containerRegistries List<GetPoolContainerConfigurationContainerRegistry>
    Additional container registries from which container images can be pulled by the pool's VMs.
    type String
    The type of container configuration.
    containerImageNames string[]
    A list of container image names to use, as would be specified by docker pull.
    containerRegistries GetPoolContainerConfigurationContainerRegistry[]
    Additional container registries from which container images can be pulled by the pool's VMs.
    type string
    The type of container configuration.
    container_image_names Sequence[str]
    A list of container image names to use, as would be specified by docker pull.
    container_registries Sequence[GetPoolContainerConfigurationContainerRegistry]
    Additional container registries from which container images can be pulled by the pool's VMs.
    type str
    The type of container configuration.
    containerImageNames List<String>
    A list of container image names to use, as would be specified by docker pull.
    containerRegistries List<Property Map>
    Additional container registries from which container images can be pulled by the pool's VMs.
    type String
    The type of container configuration.


    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    RegistryServer string
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    UserAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    RegistryServer string
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    UserAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    registryServer String
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    userAssignedIdentityId String
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password string
    The password for the user account.
    registryServer string
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    userAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    userName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password str
    The password for the user account.
    registry_server str
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    user_assigned_identity_id str
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    user_name str
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    registryServer String
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    userAssignedIdentityId String
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.


    Caching string
    The caching mode of data disks.
    DiskSizeGb int
    The initial disk size in GB when creating new data disk.
    Lun int
    The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk.
    StorageAccountType string
    The storage account type to be used for the data disk.
    Caching string
    The caching mode of data disks.
    DiskSizeGb int
    The initial disk size in GB when creating new data disk.
    Lun int
    The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk.
    StorageAccountType string
    The storage account type to be used for the data disk.
    caching String
    The caching mode of data disks.
    diskSizeGb Integer
    The initial disk size in GB when creating new data disk.
    lun Integer
    The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk.
    storageAccountType String
    The storage account type to be used for the data disk.
    caching string
    The caching mode of data disks.
    diskSizeGb number
    The initial disk size in GB when creating new data disk.
    lun number
    The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk.
    storageAccountType string
    The storage account type to be used for the data disk.
    caching str
    The caching mode of data disks.
    disk_size_gb int
    The initial disk size in GB when creating new data disk.
    lun int
    The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk.
    storage_account_type str
    The storage account type to be used for the data disk.
    caching String
    The caching mode of data disks.
    diskSizeGb Number
    The initial disk size in GB when creating new data disk.
    lun Number
    The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk.
    storageAccountType String
    The storage account type to be used for the data disk.


    DiskEncryptionTarget string
    On Linux pool, only TemporaryDisk is supported; on Windows pool, OsDisk and TemporaryDisk must be specified.
    DiskEncryptionTarget string
    On Linux pool, only TemporaryDisk is supported; on Windows pool, OsDisk and TemporaryDisk must be specified.
    diskEncryptionTarget String
    On Linux pool, only TemporaryDisk is supported; on Windows pool, OsDisk and TemporaryDisk must be specified.
    diskEncryptionTarget string
    On Linux pool, only TemporaryDisk is supported; on Windows pool, OsDisk and TemporaryDisk must be specified.
    disk_encryption_target str
    On Linux pool, only TemporaryDisk is supported; on Windows pool, OsDisk and TemporaryDisk must be specified.
    diskEncryptionTarget String
    On Linux pool, only TemporaryDisk is supported; on Windows pool, OsDisk and TemporaryDisk must be specified.


    AutoUpgradeMinorVersion bool
    Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time. Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    ProtectedSettings string
    The extension can contain either protected_settings or provision_after_extensions or no protected settings at all.
    ProvisionAfterExtensions List<string>
    The collection of extension names. Collection of extension names after which this extension needs to be provisioned.
    Publisher string
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    SettingsJson string
    JSON formatted public settings for the extension.
    Type string
    The type of container configuration.
    TypeHandlerVersion string
    The version of script handler.
    AutoUpgradeMinorVersion bool
    Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time. Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    ProtectedSettings string
    The extension can contain either protected_settings or provision_after_extensions or no protected settings at all.
    ProvisionAfterExtensions []string
    The collection of extension names. Collection of extension names after which this extension needs to be provisioned.
    Publisher string
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    SettingsJson string
    JSON formatted public settings for the extension.
    Type string
    The type of container configuration.
    TypeHandlerVersion string
    The version of script handler.
    autoUpgradeMinorVersion Boolean
    Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time. Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    protectedSettings String
    The extension can contain either protected_settings or provision_after_extensions or no protected settings at all.
    provisionAfterExtensions List<String>
    The collection of extension names. Collection of extension names after which this extension needs to be provisioned.
    publisher String
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    settingsJson String
    JSON formatted public settings for the extension.
    type String
    The type of container configuration.
    typeHandlerVersion String
    The version of script handler.
    autoUpgradeMinorVersion boolean
    Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time. Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true.
    name string
    The name of the user account.
    protectedSettings string
    The extension can contain either protected_settings or provision_after_extensions or no protected settings at all.
    provisionAfterExtensions string[]
    The collection of extension names. Collection of extension names after which this extension needs to be provisioned.
    publisher string
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    settingsJson string
    JSON formatted public settings for the extension.
    type string
    The type of container configuration.
    typeHandlerVersion string
    The version of script handler.
    auto_upgrade_minor_version bool
    Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time. Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true.
    name str
    The name of the user account.
    protected_settings str
    The extension can contain either protected_settings or provision_after_extensions or no protected settings at all.
    provision_after_extensions Sequence[str]
    The collection of extension names. Collection of extension names after which this extension needs to be provisioned.
    publisher str
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    settings_json str
    JSON formatted public settings for the extension.
    type str
    The type of container configuration.
    type_handler_version str
    The version of script handler.
    autoUpgradeMinorVersion Boolean
    Indicates whether the extension should use a newer minor version if one is available at deployment time. Once deployed, however, the extension will not upgrade minor versions unless redeployed, even with this property set to true.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    protectedSettings String
    The extension can contain either protected_settings or provision_after_extensions or no protected settings at all.
    provisionAfterExtensions List<String>
    The collection of extension names. Collection of extension names after which this extension needs to be provisioned.
    publisher String
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    settingsJson String
    JSON formatted public settings for the extension.
    type String
    The type of container configuration.
    typeHandlerVersion String
    The version of script handler.


    ResizeTimeout string
    The timeout for resize operations.
    TargetDedicatedNodes int
    The number of nodes in the Batch pool.
    TargetLowPriorityNodes int
    The number of low priority nodes in the Batch pool.
    ResizeTimeout string
    The timeout for resize operations.
    TargetDedicatedNodes int
    The number of nodes in the Batch pool.
    TargetLowPriorityNodes int
    The number of low priority nodes in the Batch pool.
    resizeTimeout String
    The timeout for resize operations.
    targetDedicatedNodes Integer
    The number of nodes in the Batch pool.
    targetLowPriorityNodes Integer
    The number of low priority nodes in the Batch pool.
    resizeTimeout string
    The timeout for resize operations.
    targetDedicatedNodes number
    The number of nodes in the Batch pool.
    targetLowPriorityNodes number
    The number of low priority nodes in the Batch pool.
    resize_timeout str
    The timeout for resize operations.
    target_dedicated_nodes int
    The number of nodes in the Batch pool.
    target_low_priority_nodes int
    The number of low priority nodes in the Batch pool.
    resizeTimeout String
    The timeout for resize operations.
    targetDedicatedNodes Number
    The number of nodes in the Batch pool.
    targetLowPriorityNodes Number
    The number of low priority nodes in the Batch pool.


    CifsMounts List<GetPoolMountCifsMount>
    A cifs_mount block defined as below.
    NfsMounts List<GetPoolMountNfsMount>
    A nfs_mount block defined as below.
    AzureBlobFileSystems List<GetPoolMountAzureBlobFileSystem>
    A azure_blob_file_system block defined as below.
    AzureFileShares List<GetPoolMountAzureFileShare>
    A azure_file_share block defined as below.
    CifsMounts []GetPoolMountCifsMount
    A cifs_mount block defined as below.
    NfsMounts []GetPoolMountNfsMount
    A nfs_mount block defined as below.
    AzureBlobFileSystems []GetPoolMountAzureBlobFileSystem
    A azure_blob_file_system block defined as below.
    AzureFileShares []GetPoolMountAzureFileShare
    A azure_file_share block defined as below.
    cifsMounts List<GetPoolMountCifsMount>
    A cifs_mount block defined as below.
    nfsMounts List<GetPoolMountNfsMount>
    A nfs_mount block defined as below.
    azureBlobFileSystems List<GetPoolMountAzureBlobFileSystem>
    A azure_blob_file_system block defined as below.
    azureFileShares List<GetPoolMountAzureFileShare>
    A azure_file_share block defined as below.
    cifsMounts GetPoolMountCifsMount[]
    A cifs_mount block defined as below.
    nfsMounts GetPoolMountNfsMount[]
    A nfs_mount block defined as below.
    azureBlobFileSystems GetPoolMountAzureBlobFileSystem[]
    A azure_blob_file_system block defined as below.
    azureFileShares GetPoolMountAzureFileShare[]
    A azure_file_share block defined as below.
    cifs_mounts Sequence[GetPoolMountCifsMount]
    A cifs_mount block defined as below.
    nfs_mounts Sequence[GetPoolMountNfsMount]
    A nfs_mount block defined as below.
    azure_blob_file_systems Sequence[GetPoolMountAzureBlobFileSystem]
    A azure_blob_file_system block defined as below.
    azure_file_shares Sequence[GetPoolMountAzureFileShare]
    A azure_file_share block defined as below.
    cifsMounts List<Property Map>
    A cifs_mount block defined as below.
    nfsMounts List<Property Map>
    A nfs_mount block defined as below.
    azureBlobFileSystems List<Property Map>
    A azure_blob_file_system block defined as below.
    azureFileShares List<Property Map>
    A azure_file_share block defined as below.


    AccountKey string
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    BlobfuseOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    ContainerName string
    The Azure Blob Storage Container name.
    IdentityId string
    The ARM resource id of the user assigned identity. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and sas_key; exactly one must be specified.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    SasKey string
    The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and identity_id; exactly one must be specified.
    AccountKey string
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    BlobfuseOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    ContainerName string
    The Azure Blob Storage Container name.
    IdentityId string
    The ARM resource id of the user assigned identity. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and sas_key; exactly one must be specified.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    SasKey string
    The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and identity_id; exactly one must be specified.
    accountKey String
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    blobfuseOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    containerName String
    The Azure Blob Storage Container name.
    identityId String
    The ARM resource id of the user assigned identity. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and sas_key; exactly one must be specified.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    sasKey String
    The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and identity_id; exactly one must be specified.
    accountKey string
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    accountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    blobfuseOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    containerName string
    The Azure Blob Storage Container name.
    identityId string
    The ARM resource id of the user assigned identity. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and sas_key; exactly one must be specified.
    relativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    sasKey string
    The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and identity_id; exactly one must be specified.
    account_key str
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    account_name str
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    blobfuse_options str
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    container_name str
    The Azure Blob Storage Container name.
    identity_id str
    The ARM resource id of the user assigned identity. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and sas_key; exactly one must be specified.
    relative_mount_path str
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    sas_key str
    The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and identity_id; exactly one must be specified.
    accountKey String
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    blobfuseOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    containerName String
    The Azure Blob Storage Container name.
    identityId String
    The ARM resource id of the user assigned identity. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and sas_key; exactly one must be specified.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    sasKey String
    The Azure Storage SAS token. This property is mutually exclusive with both account_key and identity_id; exactly one must be specified.


    AccountKey string
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    AzureFileUrl string
    The Azure Files URL. This is of the form 'https://{account}.file.core.windows.net/'.
    MountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    AccountKey string
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    AccountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    AzureFileUrl string
    The Azure Files URL. This is of the form 'https://{account}.file.core.windows.net/'.
    MountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    accountKey String
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    azureFileUrl String
    The Azure Files URL. This is of the form 'https://{account}.file.core.windows.net/'.
    mountOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    accountKey string
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    accountName string
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    azureFileUrl string
    The Azure Files URL. This is of the form 'https://{account}.file.core.windows.net/'.
    mountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    account_key str
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    account_name str
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    azure_file_url str
    The Azure Files URL. This is of the form 'https://{account}.file.core.windows.net/'.
    mount_options str
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relative_mount_path str
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    accountKey String
    The Azure Storage Account key.
    accountName String
    The Azure Storage Account name.
    azureFileUrl String
    The Azure Files URL. This is of the form 'https://{account}.file.core.windows.net/'.
    mountOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.


    MountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    Source string
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    MountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    Source string
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    mountOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source String
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    mountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    password string
    The password for the user account.
    relativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source string
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    userName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    mount_options str
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    password str
    The password for the user account.
    relative_mount_path str
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source str
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    user_name str
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    mountOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source String
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.


    MountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    Source string
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    MountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    RelativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    Source string
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    mountOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source String
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    mountOptions string
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relativeMountPath string
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source string
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    mount_options str
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relative_mount_path str
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source str
    The URI of the file system to mount.
    mountOptions String
    Additional command line options to pass to the mount command. These are 'net use' options in Windows and 'mount' options in Linux.
    relativeMountPath String
    The relative path on compute node where the file system will be mounted All file systems are mounted relative to the Batch mounts directory, accessible via the AZ_BATCH_NODE_MOUNTS_DIR environment variable.
    source String
    The URI of the file system to mount.


    AcceleratedNetworkingEnabled bool
    DynamicVnetAssignmentScope string
    The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
    EndpointConfigurations List<GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfiguration>
    The inbound NAT pools that are used to address specific ports on the individual compute node externally.
    PublicAddressProvisioningType string
    Type of public IP address provisioning.
    PublicIps List<string>
    A list of public IP ids that will be allocated to nodes.
    SubnetId string
    The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool are joined too.
    AcceleratedNetworkingEnabled bool
    DynamicVnetAssignmentScope string
    The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
    EndpointConfigurations []GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfiguration
    The inbound NAT pools that are used to address specific ports on the individual compute node externally.
    PublicAddressProvisioningType string
    Type of public IP address provisioning.
    PublicIps []string
    A list of public IP ids that will be allocated to nodes.
    SubnetId string
    The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool are joined too.
    acceleratedNetworkingEnabled Boolean
    dynamicVnetAssignmentScope String
    The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
    endpointConfigurations List<GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfiguration>
    The inbound NAT pools that are used to address specific ports on the individual compute node externally.
    publicAddressProvisioningType String
    Type of public IP address provisioning.
    publicIps List<String>
    A list of public IP ids that will be allocated to nodes.
    subnetId String
    The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool are joined too.
    acceleratedNetworkingEnabled boolean
    dynamicVnetAssignmentScope string
    The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
    endpointConfigurations GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfiguration[]
    The inbound NAT pools that are used to address specific ports on the individual compute node externally.
    publicAddressProvisioningType string
    Type of public IP address provisioning.
    publicIps string[]
    A list of public IP ids that will be allocated to nodes.
    subnetId string
    The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool are joined too.
    accelerated_networking_enabled bool
    dynamic_vnet_assignment_scope str
    The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
    endpoint_configurations Sequence[GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfiguration]
    The inbound NAT pools that are used to address specific ports on the individual compute node externally.
    public_address_provisioning_type str
    Type of public IP address provisioning.
    public_ips Sequence[str]
    A list of public IP ids that will be allocated to nodes.
    subnet_id str
    The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool are joined too.
    acceleratedNetworkingEnabled Boolean
    dynamicVnetAssignmentScope String
    The scope of dynamic vnet assignment.
    endpointConfigurations List<Property Map>
    The inbound NAT pools that are used to address specific ports on the individual compute node externally.
    publicAddressProvisioningType String
    Type of public IP address provisioning.
    publicIps List<String>
    A list of public IP ids that will be allocated to nodes.
    subnetId String
    The ARM resource identifier of the virtual network subnet which the compute nodes of the pool are joined too.


    BackendPort int
    The port number on the compute node.
    FrontendPortRange string
    The range of external ports that are used to provide inbound access to the backendPort on the individual compute nodes in the format of 1000-1100.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    NetworkSecurityGroupRules List<GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfigurationNetworkSecurityGroupRule>
    The list of network security group rules that are applied to the endpoint.
    Protocol string
    The protocol of the endpoint.
    BackendPort int
    The port number on the compute node.
    FrontendPortRange string
    The range of external ports that are used to provide inbound access to the backendPort on the individual compute nodes in the format of 1000-1100.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    NetworkSecurityGroupRules []GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfigurationNetworkSecurityGroupRule
    The list of network security group rules that are applied to the endpoint.
    Protocol string
    The protocol of the endpoint.
    backendPort Integer
    The port number on the compute node.
    frontendPortRange String
    The range of external ports that are used to provide inbound access to the backendPort on the individual compute nodes in the format of 1000-1100.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    networkSecurityGroupRules List<GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfigurationNetworkSecurityGroupRule>
    The list of network security group rules that are applied to the endpoint.
    protocol String
    The protocol of the endpoint.
    backendPort number
    The port number on the compute node.
    frontendPortRange string
    The range of external ports that are used to provide inbound access to the backendPort on the individual compute nodes in the format of 1000-1100.
    name string
    The name of the user account.
    networkSecurityGroupRules GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfigurationNetworkSecurityGroupRule[]
    The list of network security group rules that are applied to the endpoint.
    protocol string
    The protocol of the endpoint.
    backend_port int
    The port number on the compute node.
    frontend_port_range str
    The range of external ports that are used to provide inbound access to the backendPort on the individual compute nodes in the format of 1000-1100.
    name str
    The name of the user account.
    network_security_group_rules Sequence[GetPoolNetworkConfigurationEndpointConfigurationNetworkSecurityGroupRule]
    The list of network security group rules that are applied to the endpoint.
    protocol str
    The protocol of the endpoint.
    backendPort Number
    The port number on the compute node.
    frontendPortRange String
    The range of external ports that are used to provide inbound access to the backendPort on the individual compute nodes in the format of 1000-1100.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    networkSecurityGroupRules List<Property Map>
    The list of network security group rules that are applied to the endpoint.
    protocol String
    The protocol of the endpoint.


    Access string
    The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
    Priority int
    The priority for this rule.
    SourceAddressPrefix string
    The source address prefix or tag to match for the rule.
    SourcePortRanges List<string>
    The source port ranges to match for the rule.
    Access string
    The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
    Priority int
    The priority for this rule.
    SourceAddressPrefix string
    The source address prefix or tag to match for the rule.
    SourcePortRanges []string
    The source port ranges to match for the rule.
    access String
    The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
    priority Integer
    The priority for this rule.
    sourceAddressPrefix String
    The source address prefix or tag to match for the rule.
    sourcePortRanges List<String>
    The source port ranges to match for the rule.
    access string
    The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
    priority number
    The priority for this rule.
    sourceAddressPrefix string
    The source address prefix or tag to match for the rule.
    sourcePortRanges string[]
    The source port ranges to match for the rule.
    access str
    The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
    priority int
    The priority for this rule.
    source_address_prefix str
    The source address prefix or tag to match for the rule.
    source_port_ranges Sequence[str]
    The source port ranges to match for the rule.
    access String
    The action that should be taken for a specified IP address, subnet range or tag.
    priority Number
    The priority for this rule.
    sourceAddressPrefix String
    The source address prefix or tag to match for the rule.
    sourcePortRanges List<String>
    The source port ranges to match for the rule.


    Policy string
    The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    Policy string
    The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    policy String
    The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    policy string
    The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    policy str
    The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.
    policy String
    The placement policy for allocating nodes in the pool.


    CommandLine string
    The command line executed by the start task.
    Containers List<GetPoolStartTaskContainer>
    The settings for the container under which the start task runs.
    ResourceFiles List<GetPoolStartTaskResourceFile>
    One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.
    TaskRetryMaximum int
    The number of retry count
    UserIdentities List<GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentity>
    A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    WaitForSuccess bool
    A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.
    CommonEnvironmentProperties Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.
    CommandLine string
    The command line executed by the start task.
    Containers []GetPoolStartTaskContainer
    The settings for the container under which the start task runs.
    ResourceFiles []GetPoolStartTaskResourceFile
    One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.
    TaskRetryMaximum int
    The number of retry count
    UserIdentities []GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentity
    A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    WaitForSuccess bool
    A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.
    CommonEnvironmentProperties map[string]string
    A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.
    commandLine String
    The command line executed by the start task.
    containers List<GetPoolStartTaskContainer>
    The settings for the container under which the start task runs.
    resourceFiles List<GetPoolStartTaskResourceFile>
    One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.
    taskRetryMaximum Integer
    The number of retry count
    userIdentities List<GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentity>
    A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    waitForSuccess Boolean
    A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.
    commonEnvironmentProperties Map<String,String>
    A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.
    commandLine string
    The command line executed by the start task.
    containers GetPoolStartTaskContainer[]
    The settings for the container under which the start task runs.
    resourceFiles GetPoolStartTaskResourceFile[]
    One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.
    taskRetryMaximum number
    The number of retry count
    userIdentities GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentity[]
    A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    waitForSuccess boolean
    A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.
    commonEnvironmentProperties {[key: string]: string}
    A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.
    command_line str
    The command line executed by the start task.
    containers Sequence[GetPoolStartTaskContainer]
    The settings for the container under which the start task runs.
    resource_files Sequence[GetPoolStartTaskResourceFile]
    One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.
    task_retry_maximum int
    The number of retry count
    user_identities Sequence[GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentity]
    A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    wait_for_success bool
    A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.
    common_environment_properties Mapping[str, str]
    A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.
    commandLine String
    The command line executed by the start task.
    containers List<Property Map>
    The settings for the container under which the start task runs.
    resourceFiles List<Property Map>
    One or more resource_file blocks that describe the files to be downloaded to a compute node.
    taskRetryMaximum Number
    The number of retry count
    userIdentities List<Property Map>
    A user_identity block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    waitForSuccess Boolean
    A flag that indicates if the Batch pool should wait for the start task to be completed.
    commonEnvironmentProperties Map<String>
    A map of strings (key,value) that represents the environment variables to set in the start task.


    ImageName string
    The image to use to create the container in which the task will run.
    Registries List<GetPoolStartTaskContainerRegistry>
    The same reference as container_registries block defined as follows.
    RunOptions string
    Additional options to the container create command.
    WorkingDirectory string
    A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.
    ImageName string
    The image to use to create the container in which the task will run.
    Registries []GetPoolStartTaskContainerRegistry
    The same reference as container_registries block defined as follows.
    RunOptions string
    Additional options to the container create command.
    WorkingDirectory string
    A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.
    imageName String
    The image to use to create the container in which the task will run.
    registries List<GetPoolStartTaskContainerRegistry>
    The same reference as container_registries block defined as follows.
    runOptions String
    Additional options to the container create command.
    workingDirectory String
    A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.
    imageName string
    The image to use to create the container in which the task will run.
    registries GetPoolStartTaskContainerRegistry[]
    The same reference as container_registries block defined as follows.
    runOptions string
    Additional options to the container create command.
    workingDirectory string
    A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.
    image_name str
    The image to use to create the container in which the task will run.
    registries Sequence[GetPoolStartTaskContainerRegistry]
    The same reference as container_registries block defined as follows.
    run_options str
    Additional options to the container create command.
    working_directory str
    A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.
    imageName String
    The image to use to create the container in which the task will run.
    registries List<Property Map>
    The same reference as container_registries block defined as follows.
    runOptions String
    Additional options to the container create command.
    workingDirectory String
    A flag to indicate where the container task working directory is.


    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    RegistryServer string
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    UserAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    RegistryServer string
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    UserAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    registryServer String
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    userAssignedIdentityId String
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password string
    The password for the user account.
    registryServer string
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    userAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    userName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password str
    The password for the user account.
    registry_server str
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    user_assigned_identity_id str
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    user_name str
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    registryServer String
    The container registry URL. The default is "docker.io".
    userAssignedIdentityId String
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.


    AutoStorageContainerName string
    The storage container name in the auto storage account.
    BlobPrefix string
    The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.
    FileMode string
    The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").
    FilePath string
    The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.
    HttpUrl string
    The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.
    StorageContainerUrl string
    The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.
    UserAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    AutoStorageContainerName string
    The storage container name in the auto storage account.
    BlobPrefix string
    The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.
    FileMode string
    The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").
    FilePath string
    The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.
    HttpUrl string
    The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.
    StorageContainerUrl string
    The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.
    UserAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    autoStorageContainerName String
    The storage container name in the auto storage account.
    blobPrefix String
    The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.
    fileMode String
    The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").
    filePath String
    The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.
    httpUrl String
    The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.
    storageContainerUrl String
    The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.
    userAssignedIdentityId String
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    autoStorageContainerName string
    The storage container name in the auto storage account.
    blobPrefix string
    The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.
    fileMode string
    The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").
    filePath string
    The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.
    httpUrl string
    The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.
    storageContainerUrl string
    The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.
    userAssignedIdentityId string
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    auto_storage_container_name str
    The storage container name in the auto storage account.
    blob_prefix str
    The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.
    file_mode str
    The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").
    file_path str
    The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.
    http_url str
    The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.
    storage_container_url str
    The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.
    user_assigned_identity_id str
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.
    autoStorageContainerName String
    The storage container name in the auto storage account.
    blobPrefix String
    The blob prefix used when downloading blobs from an Azure Storage container.
    fileMode String
    The file permission mode attribute represented as a string in octal format (e.g. "0644").
    filePath String
    The location on the compute node to which to download the file, relative to the task's working directory. If the http_url property is specified, the file_path is required and describes the path which the file will be downloaded to, including the filename. Otherwise, if the auto_storage_container_name or storage_container_url property is specified.
    httpUrl String
    The URL of the file to download. If the URL is Azure Blob Storage, it must be readable using anonymous access.
    storageContainerUrl String
    The URL of the blob container within Azure Blob Storage.
    userAssignedIdentityId String
    The reference to the user assigned identity to use to access an Azure Container Registry instead of username and password.


    AutoUsers List<GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentityAutoUser>
    A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    AutoUsers []GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentityAutoUser
    A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    UserName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    autoUsers List<GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentityAutoUser>
    A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    autoUsers GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentityAutoUser[]
    A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    userName string
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    auto_users Sequence[GetPoolStartTaskUserIdentityAutoUser]
    A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    user_name str
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.
    autoUsers List<Property Map>
    A auto_user block that describes the user identity under which the start task runs.
    userName String
    The user to use for authentication against the CIFS file system.


    ElevationLevel string
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    Scope string
    The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.
    ElevationLevel string
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    Scope string
    The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.
    elevationLevel String
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    scope String
    The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.
    elevationLevel string
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    scope string
    The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.
    elevation_level str
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    scope str
    The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.
    elevationLevel String
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    scope String
    The scope of the user identity under which the start task runs.


    Id string
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    Offer string
    Publisher string
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    Sku string
    Version string
    Id string
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    Offer string
    Publisher string
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    Sku string
    Version string
    id String
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    offer String
    publisher String
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    sku String
    version String
    id string
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    offer string
    publisher string
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    sku string
    version string
    id str
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    offer str
    publisher str
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    sku str
    version str
    id String
    The fully qualified ID of the certificate installed on the pool.
    offer String
    publisher String
    The name of the extension handler publisher.The name of the extension handler publisher.
    sku String
    version String


    NodeFillType string
    Supported values are Pack and Spread. Pack means as many tasks as possible (taskSlotsPerNode) should be assigned to each node in the pool before any tasks are assigned to the next node in the pool. Spread means that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool.
    NodeFillType string
    Supported values are Pack and Spread. Pack means as many tasks as possible (taskSlotsPerNode) should be assigned to each node in the pool before any tasks are assigned to the next node in the pool. Spread means that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool.
    nodeFillType String
    Supported values are Pack and Spread. Pack means as many tasks as possible (taskSlotsPerNode) should be assigned to each node in the pool before any tasks are assigned to the next node in the pool. Spread means that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool.
    nodeFillType string
    Supported values are Pack and Spread. Pack means as many tasks as possible (taskSlotsPerNode) should be assigned to each node in the pool before any tasks are assigned to the next node in the pool. Spread means that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool.
    node_fill_type str
    Supported values are Pack and Spread. Pack means as many tasks as possible (taskSlotsPerNode) should be assigned to each node in the pool before any tasks are assigned to the next node in the pool. Spread means that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool.
    nodeFillType String
    Supported values are Pack and Spread. Pack means as many tasks as possible (taskSlotsPerNode) should be assigned to each node in the pool before any tasks are assigned to the next node in the pool. Spread means that tasks should be assigned evenly across all nodes in the pool.


    ElevationLevel string
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    LinuxUserConfigurations List<GetPoolUserAccountLinuxUserConfiguration>
    The linux_user_configuration block defined below is a linux-specific user configuration for the user account. This property is ignored if specified on a Windows pool. If not specified, the user is created with the default options.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    WindowsUserConfigurations List<GetPoolUserAccountWindowsUserConfiguration>
    The windows_user_configuration block defined below is a windows-specific user configuration for the user account. This property can only be specified if the user is on a Windows pool. If not specified and on a Windows pool, the user is created with the default options.
    ElevationLevel string
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    LinuxUserConfigurations []GetPoolUserAccountLinuxUserConfiguration
    The linux_user_configuration block defined below is a linux-specific user configuration for the user account. This property is ignored if specified on a Windows pool. If not specified, the user is created with the default options.
    Name string
    The name of the user account.
    Password string
    The password for the user account.
    WindowsUserConfigurations []GetPoolUserAccountWindowsUserConfiguration
    The windows_user_configuration block defined below is a windows-specific user configuration for the user account. This property can only be specified if the user is on a Windows pool. If not specified and on a Windows pool, the user is created with the default options.
    elevationLevel String
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    linuxUserConfigurations List<GetPoolUserAccountLinuxUserConfiguration>
    The linux_user_configuration block defined below is a linux-specific user configuration for the user account. This property is ignored if specified on a Windows pool. If not specified, the user is created with the default options.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    windowsUserConfigurations List<GetPoolUserAccountWindowsUserConfiguration>
    The windows_user_configuration block defined below is a windows-specific user configuration for the user account. This property can only be specified if the user is on a Windows pool. If not specified and on a Windows pool, the user is created with the default options.
    elevationLevel string
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    linuxUserConfigurations GetPoolUserAccountLinuxUserConfiguration[]
    The linux_user_configuration block defined below is a linux-specific user configuration for the user account. This property is ignored if specified on a Windows pool. If not specified, the user is created with the default options.
    name string
    The name of the user account.
    password string
    The password for the user account.
    windowsUserConfigurations GetPoolUserAccountWindowsUserConfiguration[]
    The windows_user_configuration block defined below is a windows-specific user configuration for the user account. This property can only be specified if the user is on a Windows pool. If not specified and on a Windows pool, the user is created with the default options.
    elevation_level str
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    linux_user_configurations Sequence[GetPoolUserAccountLinuxUserConfiguration]
    The linux_user_configuration block defined below is a linux-specific user configuration for the user account. This property is ignored if specified on a Windows pool. If not specified, the user is created with the default options.
    name str
    The name of the user account.
    password str
    The password for the user account.
    windows_user_configurations Sequence[GetPoolUserAccountWindowsUserConfiguration]
    The windows_user_configuration block defined below is a windows-specific user configuration for the user account. This property can only be specified if the user is on a Windows pool. If not specified and on a Windows pool, the user is created with the default options.
    elevationLevel String
    The elevation level of the user account. "NonAdmin" - The auto user is a standard user without elevated access. "Admin" - The auto user is a user with elevated access and operates with full Administrator permissions. The default value is nonAdmin.
    linuxUserConfigurations List<Property Map>
    The linux_user_configuration block defined below is a linux-specific user configuration for the user account. This property is ignored if specified on a Windows pool. If not specified, the user is created with the default options.
    name String
    The name of the user account.
    password String
    The password for the user account.
    windowsUserConfigurations List<Property Map>
    The windows_user_configuration block defined below is a windows-specific user configuration for the user account. This property can only be specified if the user is on a Windows pool. If not specified and on a Windows pool, the user is created with the default options.


    Gid int
    The user ID of the user account.
    SshPrivateKey string
    The SSH private key for the user account.
    Uid int
    The group ID for the user account.
    Gid int
    The user ID of the user account.
    SshPrivateKey string
    The SSH private key for the user account.
    Uid int
    The group ID for the user account.
    gid Integer
    The user ID of the user account.
    sshPrivateKey String
    The SSH private key for the user account.
    uid Integer
    The group ID for the user account.
    gid number
    The user ID of the user account.
    sshPrivateKey string
    The SSH private key for the user account.
    uid number
    The group ID for the user account.
    gid int
    The user ID of the user account.
    ssh_private_key str
    The SSH private key for the user account.
    uid int
    The group ID for the user account.
    gid Number
    The user ID of the user account.
    sshPrivateKey String
    The SSH private key for the user account.
    uid Number
    The group ID for the user account.


    LoginMode string
    Specifies login mode for the user.
    LoginMode string
    Specifies login mode for the user.
    loginMode String
    Specifies login mode for the user.
    loginMode string
    Specifies login mode for the user.
    login_mode str
    Specifies login mode for the user.
    loginMode String
    Specifies login mode for the user.


    EnableAutomaticUpdates bool
    Whether automatic updates are enabled on the virtual machine.
    EnableAutomaticUpdates bool
    Whether automatic updates are enabled on the virtual machine.
    enableAutomaticUpdates Boolean
    Whether automatic updates are enabled on the virtual machine.
    enableAutomaticUpdates boolean
    Whether automatic updates are enabled on the virtual machine.
    enable_automatic_updates bool
    Whether automatic updates are enabled on the virtual machine.
    enableAutomaticUpdates Boolean
    Whether automatic updates are enabled on the virtual machine.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
    azure logo

    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi