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  4. appservice
  5. getLinuxWebApp

We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Use this data source to access information about an existing Linux Web App.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = azure.appservice.getLinuxWebApp({
        name: "existing",
        resourceGroupName: "existing",
    export const id = example.then(example => example.id);
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.appservice.get_linux_web_app(name="existing",
    pulumi.export("id", example.id)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := appservice.LookupLinuxWebApp(ctx, &appservice.LookupLinuxWebAppArgs{
    			Name:              "existing",
    			ResourceGroupName: "existing",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		ctx.Export("id", example.Id)
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Azure.AppService.GetLinuxWebApp.Invoke(new()
            Name = "existing",
            ResourceGroupName = "existing",
        return new Dictionary<string, object?>
            ["id"] = example.Apply(getLinuxWebAppResult => getLinuxWebAppResult.Id),
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.appservice.AppserviceFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.azure.appservice.inputs.GetLinuxWebAppArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = AppserviceFunctions.getLinuxWebApp(GetLinuxWebAppArgs.builder()
            ctx.export("id", example.applyValue(getLinuxWebAppResult -> getLinuxWebAppResult.id()));
          Function: azure:appservice:getLinuxWebApp
            name: existing
            resourceGroupName: existing
      id: ${example.id}

    Using getLinuxWebApp

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getLinuxWebApp(args: GetLinuxWebAppArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetLinuxWebAppResult>
    function getLinuxWebAppOutput(args: GetLinuxWebAppOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetLinuxWebAppResult>
    def get_linux_web_app(name: Optional[str] = None,
                          resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
                          opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetLinuxWebAppResult
    def get_linux_web_app_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                          resource_group_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                          opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetLinuxWebAppResult]
    func LookupLinuxWebApp(ctx *Context, args *LookupLinuxWebAppArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupLinuxWebAppResult, error)
    func LookupLinuxWebAppOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupLinuxWebAppOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupLinuxWebAppResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupLinuxWebApp in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetLinuxWebApp 
        public static Task<GetLinuxWebAppResult> InvokeAsync(GetLinuxWebAppArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetLinuxWebAppResult> Invoke(GetLinuxWebAppInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetLinuxWebAppResult> getLinuxWebApp(GetLinuxWebAppArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: azure:appservice/getLinuxWebApp:getLinuxWebApp
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Linux Web App exists.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    ResourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Linux Web App exists.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group where the Linux Web App exists.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    resourceGroupName string
    The name of the Resource Group where the Linux Web App exists.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    resource_group_name str
    The name of the Resource Group where the Linux Web App exists.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    resourceGroupName String
    The name of the Resource Group where the Linux Web App exists.

    getLinuxWebApp Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AppMetadata Dictionary<string, string>
    An app_metadata block as defined below.
    AppSettings Dictionary<string, string>
    An app_settings block as defined below.
    AuthSettings List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSetting>
    An auth_settings block as defined below.
    AuthSettingsV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2>
    An auth_settings_v2 block as defined below.
    Availability string
    The current availability state. Possible values are Normal, Limited, and DisasterRecoveryMode.
    Backups List<GetLinuxWebAppBackup>
    A backup block as defined below.
    ClientAffinityEnabled bool
    Is Client Affinity enabled?
    ClientCertificateEnabled bool
    Are Client Certificates enabled?
    ClientCertificateExclusionPaths string
    Paths to exclude when using client certificates, separated by ;
    ClientCertificateMode string
    The Client Certificate mode.
    ConnectionStrings List<GetLinuxWebAppConnectionString>
    A connection_string block as defined below.
    CustomDomainVerificationId string
    The identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
    DefaultHostname string
    The default hostname of the Linux Web App.
    Enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    FtpPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled bool
    Are the default FTP Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    HostingEnvironmentId string
    The ID of the App Service Environment used by App Service.
    HttpsOnly bool
    Should the Linux Web App require HTTPS connections.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Identities List<GetLinuxWebAppIdentity>
    A identity block as defined below.
    KeyVaultReferenceIdentityId string
    Kind string
    The Kind value for this Linux Web App.
    Location string
    The Azure Region where the Linux Web App exists.
    Logs List<GetLinuxWebAppLog>
    A logs block as defined below.
    Name string
    The name of this Storage Account.
    OutboundIpAddressLists List<string>
    A outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    OutboundIpAddresses string
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,
    PossibleOutboundIpAddressLists List<string>
    A possible_outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    PossibleOutboundIpAddresses string
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,, - not all of which are necessarily in use. Superset of outbound_ip_addresses.
    PublicNetworkAccessEnabled bool
    Is Public Network Access enabled for this Linux Web App.
    ResourceGroupName string
    ServicePlanId string
    The ID of the Service Plan that this Linux Web App exists in.
    SiteConfigs List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfig>
    A site_config block as defined below.
    SiteCredentials List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteCredential>
    A site_credential block as defined below.
    StickySettings List<GetLinuxWebAppStickySetting>
    A sticky_settings block as defined below.
    StorageAccounts List<GetLinuxWebAppStorageAccount>
    A storage_account block as defined below.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    A mapping of tags assigned to the Linux Web App.
    Usage string
    The current usage state. Possible values are Normal and Exceeded.
    VirtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    WebdeployPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled bool
    Are the default WebDeploy Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    AppMetadata map[string]string
    An app_metadata block as defined below.
    AppSettings map[string]string
    An app_settings block as defined below.
    AuthSettings []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSetting
    An auth_settings block as defined below.
    AuthSettingsV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2
    An auth_settings_v2 block as defined below.
    Availability string
    The current availability state. Possible values are Normal, Limited, and DisasterRecoveryMode.
    Backups []GetLinuxWebAppBackup
    A backup block as defined below.
    ClientAffinityEnabled bool
    Is Client Affinity enabled?
    ClientCertificateEnabled bool
    Are Client Certificates enabled?
    ClientCertificateExclusionPaths string
    Paths to exclude when using client certificates, separated by ;
    ClientCertificateMode string
    The Client Certificate mode.
    ConnectionStrings []GetLinuxWebAppConnectionString
    A connection_string block as defined below.
    CustomDomainVerificationId string
    The identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
    DefaultHostname string
    The default hostname of the Linux Web App.
    Enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    FtpPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled bool
    Are the default FTP Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    HostingEnvironmentId string
    The ID of the App Service Environment used by App Service.
    HttpsOnly bool
    Should the Linux Web App require HTTPS connections.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Identities []GetLinuxWebAppIdentity
    A identity block as defined below.
    KeyVaultReferenceIdentityId string
    Kind string
    The Kind value for this Linux Web App.
    Location string
    The Azure Region where the Linux Web App exists.
    Logs []GetLinuxWebAppLog
    A logs block as defined below.
    Name string
    The name of this Storage Account.
    OutboundIpAddressLists []string
    A outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    OutboundIpAddresses string
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,
    PossibleOutboundIpAddressLists []string
    A possible_outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    PossibleOutboundIpAddresses string
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,, - not all of which are necessarily in use. Superset of outbound_ip_addresses.
    PublicNetworkAccessEnabled bool
    Is Public Network Access enabled for this Linux Web App.
    ResourceGroupName string
    ServicePlanId string
    The ID of the Service Plan that this Linux Web App exists in.
    SiteConfigs []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfig
    A site_config block as defined below.
    SiteCredentials []GetLinuxWebAppSiteCredential
    A site_credential block as defined below.
    StickySettings []GetLinuxWebAppStickySetting
    A sticky_settings block as defined below.
    StorageAccounts []GetLinuxWebAppStorageAccount
    A storage_account block as defined below.
    Tags map[string]string
    A mapping of tags assigned to the Linux Web App.
    Usage string
    The current usage state. Possible values are Normal and Exceeded.
    VirtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    WebdeployPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled bool
    Are the default WebDeploy Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    appMetadata Map<String,String>
    An app_metadata block as defined below.
    appSettings Map<String,String>
    An app_settings block as defined below.
    authSettings List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSetting>
    An auth_settings block as defined below.
    authSettingsV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2>
    An auth_settings_v2 block as defined below.
    availability String
    The current availability state. Possible values are Normal, Limited, and DisasterRecoveryMode.
    backups List<GetLinuxWebAppBackup>
    A backup block as defined below.
    clientAffinityEnabled Boolean
    Is Client Affinity enabled?
    clientCertificateEnabled Boolean
    Are Client Certificates enabled?
    clientCertificateExclusionPaths String
    Paths to exclude when using client certificates, separated by ;
    clientCertificateMode String
    The Client Certificate mode.
    connectionStrings List<GetLinuxWebAppConnectionString>
    A connection_string block as defined below.
    customDomainVerificationId String
    The identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
    defaultHostname String
    The default hostname of the Linux Web App.
    enabled Boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    ftpPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled Boolean
    Are the default FTP Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    hostingEnvironmentId String
    The ID of the App Service Environment used by App Service.
    httpsOnly Boolean
    Should the Linux Web App require HTTPS connections.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identities List<GetLinuxWebAppIdentity>
    A identity block as defined below.
    keyVaultReferenceIdentityId String
    kind String
    The Kind value for this Linux Web App.
    location String
    The Azure Region where the Linux Web App exists.
    logs List<GetLinuxWebAppLog>
    A logs block as defined below.
    name String
    The name of this Storage Account.
    outboundIpAddressLists List<String>
    A outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    outboundIpAddresses String
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,
    possibleOutboundIpAddressLists List<String>
    A possible_outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    possibleOutboundIpAddresses String
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,, - not all of which are necessarily in use. Superset of outbound_ip_addresses.
    publicNetworkAccessEnabled Boolean
    Is Public Network Access enabled for this Linux Web App.
    resourceGroupName String
    servicePlanId String
    The ID of the Service Plan that this Linux Web App exists in.
    siteConfigs List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfig>
    A site_config block as defined below.
    siteCredentials List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteCredential>
    A site_credential block as defined below.
    stickySettings List<GetLinuxWebAppStickySetting>
    A sticky_settings block as defined below.
    storageAccounts List<GetLinuxWebAppStorageAccount>
    A storage_account block as defined below.
    tags Map<String,String>
    A mapping of tags assigned to the Linux Web App.
    usage String
    The current usage state. Possible values are Normal and Exceeded.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId String
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    webdeployPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled Boolean
    Are the default WebDeploy Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    appMetadata {[key: string]: string}
    An app_metadata block as defined below.
    appSettings {[key: string]: string}
    An app_settings block as defined below.
    authSettings GetLinuxWebAppAuthSetting[]
    An auth_settings block as defined below.
    authSettingsV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2[]
    An auth_settings_v2 block as defined below.
    availability string
    The current availability state. Possible values are Normal, Limited, and DisasterRecoveryMode.
    backups GetLinuxWebAppBackup[]
    A backup block as defined below.
    clientAffinityEnabled boolean
    Is Client Affinity enabled?
    clientCertificateEnabled boolean
    Are Client Certificates enabled?
    clientCertificateExclusionPaths string
    Paths to exclude when using client certificates, separated by ;
    clientCertificateMode string
    The Client Certificate mode.
    connectionStrings GetLinuxWebAppConnectionString[]
    A connection_string block as defined below.
    customDomainVerificationId string
    The identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
    defaultHostname string
    The default hostname of the Linux Web App.
    enabled boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    ftpPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled boolean
    Are the default FTP Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    hostingEnvironmentId string
    The ID of the App Service Environment used by App Service.
    httpsOnly boolean
    Should the Linux Web App require HTTPS connections.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identities GetLinuxWebAppIdentity[]
    A identity block as defined below.
    keyVaultReferenceIdentityId string
    kind string
    The Kind value for this Linux Web App.
    location string
    The Azure Region where the Linux Web App exists.
    logs GetLinuxWebAppLog[]
    A logs block as defined below.
    name string
    The name of this Storage Account.
    outboundIpAddressLists string[]
    A outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    outboundIpAddresses string
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,
    possibleOutboundIpAddressLists string[]
    A possible_outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    possibleOutboundIpAddresses string
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,, - not all of which are necessarily in use. Superset of outbound_ip_addresses.
    publicNetworkAccessEnabled boolean
    Is Public Network Access enabled for this Linux Web App.
    resourceGroupName string
    servicePlanId string
    The ID of the Service Plan that this Linux Web App exists in.
    siteConfigs GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfig[]
    A site_config block as defined below.
    siteCredentials GetLinuxWebAppSiteCredential[]
    A site_credential block as defined below.
    stickySettings GetLinuxWebAppStickySetting[]
    A sticky_settings block as defined below.
    storageAccounts GetLinuxWebAppStorageAccount[]
    A storage_account block as defined below.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    A mapping of tags assigned to the Linux Web App.
    usage string
    The current usage state. Possible values are Normal and Exceeded.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    webdeployPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled boolean
    Are the default WebDeploy Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    app_metadata Mapping[str, str]
    An app_metadata block as defined below.
    app_settings Mapping[str, str]
    An app_settings block as defined below.
    auth_settings Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSetting]
    An auth_settings block as defined below.
    auth_settings_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2]
    An auth_settings_v2 block as defined below.
    availability str
    The current availability state. Possible values are Normal, Limited, and DisasterRecoveryMode.
    backups Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppBackup]
    A backup block as defined below.
    client_affinity_enabled bool
    Is Client Affinity enabled?
    client_certificate_enabled bool
    Are Client Certificates enabled?
    client_certificate_exclusion_paths str
    Paths to exclude when using client certificates, separated by ;
    client_certificate_mode str
    The Client Certificate mode.
    connection_strings Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppConnectionString]
    A connection_string block as defined below.
    custom_domain_verification_id str
    The identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
    default_hostname str
    The default hostname of the Linux Web App.
    enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    ftp_publish_basic_authentication_enabled bool
    Are the default FTP Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    hosting_environment_id str
    The ID of the App Service Environment used by App Service.
    https_only bool
    Should the Linux Web App require HTTPS connections.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identities Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppIdentity]
    A identity block as defined below.
    key_vault_reference_identity_id str
    kind str
    The Kind value for this Linux Web App.
    location str
    The Azure Region where the Linux Web App exists.
    logs Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppLog]
    A logs block as defined below.
    name str
    The name of this Storage Account.
    outbound_ip_address_lists Sequence[str]
    A outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    outbound_ip_addresses str
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,
    possible_outbound_ip_address_lists Sequence[str]
    A possible_outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    possible_outbound_ip_addresses str
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,, - not all of which are necessarily in use. Superset of outbound_ip_addresses.
    public_network_access_enabled bool
    Is Public Network Access enabled for this Linux Web App.
    resource_group_name str
    service_plan_id str
    The ID of the Service Plan that this Linux Web App exists in.
    site_configs Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfig]
    A site_config block as defined below.
    site_credentials Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteCredential]
    A site_credential block as defined below.
    sticky_settings Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppStickySetting]
    A sticky_settings block as defined below.
    storage_accounts Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppStorageAccount]
    A storage_account block as defined below.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    A mapping of tags assigned to the Linux Web App.
    usage str
    The current usage state. Possible values are Normal and Exceeded.
    virtual_network_subnet_id str
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    webdeploy_publish_basic_authentication_enabled bool
    Are the default WebDeploy Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    appMetadata Map<String>
    An app_metadata block as defined below.
    appSettings Map<String>
    An app_settings block as defined below.
    authSettings List<Property Map>
    An auth_settings block as defined below.
    authSettingsV2s List<Property Map>
    An auth_settings_v2 block as defined below.
    availability String
    The current availability state. Possible values are Normal, Limited, and DisasterRecoveryMode.
    backups List<Property Map>
    A backup block as defined below.
    clientAffinityEnabled Boolean
    Is Client Affinity enabled?
    clientCertificateEnabled Boolean
    Are Client Certificates enabled?
    clientCertificateExclusionPaths String
    Paths to exclude when using client certificates, separated by ;
    clientCertificateMode String
    The Client Certificate mode.
    connectionStrings List<Property Map>
    A connection_string block as defined below.
    customDomainVerificationId String
    The identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
    defaultHostname String
    The default hostname of the Linux Web App.
    enabled Boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    ftpPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled Boolean
    Are the default FTP Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.
    hostingEnvironmentId String
    The ID of the App Service Environment used by App Service.
    httpsOnly Boolean
    Should the Linux Web App require HTTPS connections.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    identities List<Property Map>
    A identity block as defined below.
    keyVaultReferenceIdentityId String
    kind String
    The Kind value for this Linux Web App.
    location String
    The Azure Region where the Linux Web App exists.
    logs List<Property Map>
    A logs block as defined below.
    name String
    The name of this Storage Account.
    outboundIpAddressLists List<String>
    A outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    outboundIpAddresses String
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,
    possibleOutboundIpAddressLists List<String>
    A possible_outbound_ip_address_list block as defined below.
    possibleOutboundIpAddresses String
    A comma separated list of outbound IP addresses - such as,, - not all of which are necessarily in use. Superset of outbound_ip_addresses.
    publicNetworkAccessEnabled Boolean
    Is Public Network Access enabled for this Linux Web App.
    resourceGroupName String
    servicePlanId String
    The ID of the Service Plan that this Linux Web App exists in.
    siteConfigs List<Property Map>
    A site_config block as defined below.
    siteCredentials List<Property Map>
    A site_credential block as defined below.
    stickySettings List<Property Map>
    A sticky_settings block as defined below.
    storageAccounts List<Property Map>
    A storage_account block as defined below.
    tags Map<String>
    A mapping of tags assigned to the Linux Web App.
    usage String
    The current usage state. Possible values are Normal and Exceeded.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId String
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    webdeployPublishBasicAuthenticationEnabled Boolean
    Are the default WebDeploy Basic Authentication publishing credentials enabled.

    Supporting Types


    ActiveDirectories List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingActiveDirectory>
    A active_directory block as defined above.
    AdditionalLoginParameters Dictionary<string, string>
    A additional_login_parameters block as defined above.
    AllowedExternalRedirectUrls List<string>
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    DefaultProvider string
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    Enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    Facebooks List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingFacebook>
    A facebook block as defined below.
    Githubs List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGithub>
    A github block as defined below.
    Googles List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGoogle>
    A google block as defined below.
    Issuer string
    The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this Linux Web App.
    Microsofts List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingMicrosoft>
    A microsoft block as defined below.
    RuntimeVersion string
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    TokenRefreshExtensionHours double
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    TokenStoreEnabled bool
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    Twitters List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingTwitter>
    A twitter block as defined below.
    UnauthenticatedClientAction string
    The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app.
    ActiveDirectories []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingActiveDirectory
    A active_directory block as defined above.
    AdditionalLoginParameters map[string]string
    A additional_login_parameters block as defined above.
    AllowedExternalRedirectUrls []string
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    DefaultProvider string
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    Enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    Facebooks []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingFacebook
    A facebook block as defined below.
    Githubs []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGithub
    A github block as defined below.
    Googles []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGoogle
    A google block as defined below.
    Issuer string
    The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this Linux Web App.
    Microsofts []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingMicrosoft
    A microsoft block as defined below.
    RuntimeVersion string
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    TokenRefreshExtensionHours float64
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    TokenStoreEnabled bool
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    Twitters []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingTwitter
    A twitter block as defined below.
    UnauthenticatedClientAction string
    The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app.
    activeDirectories List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingActiveDirectory>
    A active_directory block as defined above.
    additionalLoginParameters Map<String,String>
    A additional_login_parameters block as defined above.
    allowedExternalRedirectUrls List<String>
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    defaultProvider String
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    enabled Boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    facebooks List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingFacebook>
    A facebook block as defined below.
    githubs List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGithub>
    A github block as defined below.
    googles List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGoogle>
    A google block as defined below.
    issuer String
    The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this Linux Web App.
    microsofts List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingMicrosoft>
    A microsoft block as defined below.
    runtimeVersion String
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    tokenRefreshExtensionHours Double
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    tokenStoreEnabled Boolean
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    twitters List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingTwitter>
    A twitter block as defined below.
    unauthenticatedClientAction String
    The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app.
    activeDirectories GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingActiveDirectory[]
    A active_directory block as defined above.
    additionalLoginParameters {[key: string]: string}
    A additional_login_parameters block as defined above.
    allowedExternalRedirectUrls string[]
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    defaultProvider string
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    enabled boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    facebooks GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingFacebook[]
    A facebook block as defined below.
    githubs GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGithub[]
    A github block as defined below.
    googles GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGoogle[]
    A google block as defined below.
    issuer string
    The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this Linux Web App.
    microsofts GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingMicrosoft[]
    A microsoft block as defined below.
    runtimeVersion string
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    tokenRefreshExtensionHours number
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    tokenStoreEnabled boolean
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    twitters GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingTwitter[]
    A twitter block as defined below.
    unauthenticatedClientAction string
    The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app.
    active_directories Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingActiveDirectory]
    A active_directory block as defined above.
    additional_login_parameters Mapping[str, str]
    A additional_login_parameters block as defined above.
    allowed_external_redirect_urls Sequence[str]
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    default_provider str
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    facebooks Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingFacebook]
    A facebook block as defined below.
    githubs Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGithub]
    A github block as defined below.
    googles Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingGoogle]
    A google block as defined below.
    issuer str
    The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this Linux Web App.
    microsofts Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingMicrosoft]
    A microsoft block as defined below.
    runtime_version str
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    token_refresh_extension_hours float
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    token_store_enabled bool
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    twitters Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingTwitter]
    A twitter block as defined below.
    unauthenticated_client_action str
    The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app.
    activeDirectories List<Property Map>
    A active_directory block as defined above.
    additionalLoginParameters Map<String>
    A additional_login_parameters block as defined above.
    allowedExternalRedirectUrls List<String>
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    defaultProvider String
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    enabled Boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    facebooks List<Property Map>
    A facebook block as defined below.
    githubs List<Property Map>
    A github block as defined below.
    googles List<Property Map>
    A google block as defined below.
    issuer String
    The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this Linux Web App.
    microsofts List<Property Map>
    A microsoft block as defined below.
    runtimeVersion String
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    tokenRefreshExtensionHours Number
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    tokenStoreEnabled Boolean
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    twitters List<Property Map>
    A twitter block as defined below.
    unauthenticatedClientAction String
    The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app.


    AllowedAudiences List<string>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    AllowedAudiences []string
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    allowedAudiences string[]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    allowed_audiences Sequence[str]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret str
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.


    AppId string
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    AppSecret string
    The App Secret of the Facebook app used for Facebook login.
    AppSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    AppId string
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    AppSecret string
    The App Secret of the Facebook app used for Facebook login.
    AppSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    OauthScopes []string
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    appId String
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    appSecret String
    The App Secret of the Facebook app used for Facebook login.
    appSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    appId string
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    appSecret string
    The App Secret of the Facebook app used for Facebook login.
    appSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    oauthScopes string[]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    app_id str
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    app_secret str
    The App Secret of the Facebook app used for Facebook login.
    app_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    appId String
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    appSecret String
    The App Secret of the Facebook app used for Facebook login.
    appSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    OauthScopes []string
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes string[]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret str
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    OauthScopes []string
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes string[]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret str
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    OauthScopes List<string>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    OauthScopes []string
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret string
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes string[]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret str
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauth_scopes Sequence[str]
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecret String
    The OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    oauthScopes List<String>
    A list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ConsumerKey string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerSecret string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerKey string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerSecret string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerKey String
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecret String
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerKey string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecret string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumer_key str
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumer_secret str
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumer_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerKey String
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecret String
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.


    ActiveDirectoryV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2ActiveDirectoryV2>
    An active_directory_v2 block as defined below.
    AppleV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AppleV2>
    An apple_v2 block as defined below.
    AuthEnabled bool
    Are the AuthV2 Settings enabled.
    AzureStaticWebAppV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AzureStaticWebAppV2>
    An azure_static_web_app_v2 block as defined below.
    ConfigFilePath string
    The path to the App Auth settings.
    CustomOidcV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2CustomOidcV2>
    Zero or more custom_oidc_v2 blocks as defined below.
    DefaultProvider string
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    ExcludedPaths List<string>
    The paths which should be excluded from the unauthenticated_action when it is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    FacebookV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2FacebookV2>
    A facebook_v2 block as defined below.
    ForwardProxyConvention string
    The convention used to determine the url of the request made.
    ForwardProxyCustomHostHeaderName string
    The name of the custom header containing the host of the request.
    ForwardProxyCustomSchemeHeaderName string
    The name of the custom header containing the scheme of the request.
    GithubV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GithubV2>
    A github_v2 block as defined below.
    GoogleV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GoogleV2>
    A google_v2 block as defined below.
    HttpRouteApiPrefix string
    The prefix that should precede all the authentication and authorisation paths.
    Logins List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2Login>
    A login block as defined below.
    MicrosoftV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2MicrosoftV2>
    A microsoft_v2 block as defined below.
    RequireAuthentication bool
    Is the authentication flow used for all requests.
    RequireHttps bool
    Is HTTPS required on connections?
    RuntimeVersion string
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    TwitterV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2TwitterV2>
    A twitter_v2 block as defined below.
    UnauthenticatedAction string
    The action to take for requests made without authentication.
    ActiveDirectoryV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2ActiveDirectoryV2
    An active_directory_v2 block as defined below.
    AppleV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AppleV2
    An apple_v2 block as defined below.
    AuthEnabled bool
    Are the AuthV2 Settings enabled.
    AzureStaticWebAppV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AzureStaticWebAppV2
    An azure_static_web_app_v2 block as defined below.
    ConfigFilePath string
    The path to the App Auth settings.
    CustomOidcV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2CustomOidcV2
    Zero or more custom_oidc_v2 blocks as defined below.
    DefaultProvider string
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    ExcludedPaths []string
    The paths which should be excluded from the unauthenticated_action when it is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    FacebookV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2FacebookV2
    A facebook_v2 block as defined below.
    ForwardProxyConvention string
    The convention used to determine the url of the request made.
    ForwardProxyCustomHostHeaderName string
    The name of the custom header containing the host of the request.
    ForwardProxyCustomSchemeHeaderName string
    The name of the custom header containing the scheme of the request.
    GithubV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GithubV2
    A github_v2 block as defined below.
    GoogleV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GoogleV2
    A google_v2 block as defined below.
    HttpRouteApiPrefix string
    The prefix that should precede all the authentication and authorisation paths.
    Logins []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2Login
    A login block as defined below.
    MicrosoftV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2MicrosoftV2
    A microsoft_v2 block as defined below.
    RequireAuthentication bool
    Is the authentication flow used for all requests.
    RequireHttps bool
    Is HTTPS required on connections?
    RuntimeVersion string
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    TwitterV2s []GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2TwitterV2
    A twitter_v2 block as defined below.
    UnauthenticatedAction string
    The action to take for requests made without authentication.
    activeDirectoryV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2ActiveDirectoryV2>
    An active_directory_v2 block as defined below.
    appleV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AppleV2>
    An apple_v2 block as defined below.
    authEnabled Boolean
    Are the AuthV2 Settings enabled.
    azureStaticWebAppV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AzureStaticWebAppV2>
    An azure_static_web_app_v2 block as defined below.
    configFilePath String
    The path to the App Auth settings.
    customOidcV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2CustomOidcV2>
    Zero or more custom_oidc_v2 blocks as defined below.
    defaultProvider String
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    excludedPaths List<String>
    The paths which should be excluded from the unauthenticated_action when it is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    facebookV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2FacebookV2>
    A facebook_v2 block as defined below.
    forwardProxyConvention String
    The convention used to determine the url of the request made.
    forwardProxyCustomHostHeaderName String
    The name of the custom header containing the host of the request.
    forwardProxyCustomSchemeHeaderName String
    The name of the custom header containing the scheme of the request.
    githubV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GithubV2>
    A github_v2 block as defined below.
    googleV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GoogleV2>
    A google_v2 block as defined below.
    httpRouteApiPrefix String
    The prefix that should precede all the authentication and authorisation paths.
    logins List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2Login>
    A login block as defined below.
    microsoftV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2MicrosoftV2>
    A microsoft_v2 block as defined below.
    requireAuthentication Boolean
    Is the authentication flow used for all requests.
    requireHttps Boolean
    Is HTTPS required on connections?
    runtimeVersion String
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    twitterV2s List<GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2TwitterV2>
    A twitter_v2 block as defined below.
    unauthenticatedAction String
    The action to take for requests made without authentication.
    activeDirectoryV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2ActiveDirectoryV2[]
    An active_directory_v2 block as defined below.
    appleV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AppleV2[]
    An apple_v2 block as defined below.
    authEnabled boolean
    Are the AuthV2 Settings enabled.
    azureStaticWebAppV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AzureStaticWebAppV2[]
    An azure_static_web_app_v2 block as defined below.
    configFilePath string
    The path to the App Auth settings.
    customOidcV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2CustomOidcV2[]
    Zero or more custom_oidc_v2 blocks as defined below.
    defaultProvider string
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    excludedPaths string[]
    The paths which should be excluded from the unauthenticated_action when it is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    facebookV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2FacebookV2[]
    A facebook_v2 block as defined below.
    forwardProxyConvention string
    The convention used to determine the url of the request made.
    forwardProxyCustomHostHeaderName string
    The name of the custom header containing the host of the request.
    forwardProxyCustomSchemeHeaderName string
    The name of the custom header containing the scheme of the request.
    githubV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GithubV2[]
    A github_v2 block as defined below.
    googleV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GoogleV2[]
    A google_v2 block as defined below.
    httpRouteApiPrefix string
    The prefix that should precede all the authentication and authorisation paths.
    logins GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2Login[]
    A login block as defined below.
    microsoftV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2MicrosoftV2[]
    A microsoft_v2 block as defined below.
    requireAuthentication boolean
    Is the authentication flow used for all requests.
    requireHttps boolean
    Is HTTPS required on connections?
    runtimeVersion string
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    twitterV2s GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2TwitterV2[]
    A twitter_v2 block as defined below.
    unauthenticatedAction string
    The action to take for requests made without authentication.
    active_directory_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2ActiveDirectoryV2]
    An active_directory_v2 block as defined below.
    apple_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AppleV2]
    An apple_v2 block as defined below.
    auth_enabled bool
    Are the AuthV2 Settings enabled.
    azure_static_web_app_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2AzureStaticWebAppV2]
    An azure_static_web_app_v2 block as defined below.
    config_file_path str
    The path to the App Auth settings.
    custom_oidc_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2CustomOidcV2]
    Zero or more custom_oidc_v2 blocks as defined below.
    default_provider str
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    excluded_paths Sequence[str]
    The paths which should be excluded from the unauthenticated_action when it is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    facebook_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2FacebookV2]
    A facebook_v2 block as defined below.
    forward_proxy_convention str
    The convention used to determine the url of the request made.
    forward_proxy_custom_host_header_name str
    The name of the custom header containing the host of the request.
    forward_proxy_custom_scheme_header_name str
    The name of the custom header containing the scheme of the request.
    github_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GithubV2]
    A github_v2 block as defined below.
    google_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2GoogleV2]
    A google_v2 block as defined below.
    http_route_api_prefix str
    The prefix that should precede all the authentication and authorisation paths.
    logins Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2Login]
    A login block as defined below.
    microsoft_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2MicrosoftV2]
    A microsoft_v2 block as defined below.
    require_authentication bool
    Is the authentication flow used for all requests.
    require_https bool
    Is HTTPS required on connections?
    runtime_version str
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    twitter_v2s Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppAuthSettingsV2TwitterV2]
    A twitter_v2 block as defined below.
    unauthenticated_action str
    The action to take for requests made without authentication.
    activeDirectoryV2s List<Property Map>
    An active_directory_v2 block as defined below.
    appleV2s List<Property Map>
    An apple_v2 block as defined below.
    authEnabled Boolean
    Are the AuthV2 Settings enabled.
    azureStaticWebAppV2s List<Property Map>
    An azure_static_web_app_v2 block as defined below.
    configFilePath String
    The path to the App Auth settings.
    customOidcV2s List<Property Map>
    Zero or more custom_oidc_v2 blocks as defined below.
    defaultProvider String
    The Default Authentication Provider used when more than one Authentication Provider is configured and the unauthenticated_action is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    excludedPaths List<String>
    The paths which should be excluded from the unauthenticated_action when it is set to RedirectToLoginPage.
    facebookV2s List<Property Map>
    A facebook_v2 block as defined below.
    forwardProxyConvention String
    The convention used to determine the url of the request made.
    forwardProxyCustomHostHeaderName String
    The name of the custom header containing the host of the request.
    forwardProxyCustomSchemeHeaderName String
    The name of the custom header containing the scheme of the request.
    githubV2s List<Property Map>
    A github_v2 block as defined below.
    googleV2s List<Property Map>
    A google_v2 block as defined below.
    httpRouteApiPrefix String
    The prefix that should precede all the authentication and authorisation paths.
    logins List<Property Map>
    A login block as defined below.
    microsoftV2s List<Property Map>
    A microsoft_v2 block as defined below.
    requireAuthentication Boolean
    Is the authentication flow used for all requests.
    requireHttps Boolean
    Is HTTPS required on connections?
    runtimeVersion String
    The Runtime Version of the Authentication and Authorisation feature of this App.
    twitterV2s List<Property Map>
    A twitter_v2 block as defined below.
    unauthenticatedAction String
    The action to take for requests made without authentication.


    AllowedApplications List<string>
    The list of allowed Applications for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    AllowedAudiences List<string>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    AllowedGroups List<string>
    The list of allowed Group Names for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    AllowedIdentities List<string>
    The list of allowed Identities for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretCertificateThumbprint string
    The thumbprint of the certificate used for signing purposes.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    JwtAllowedClientApplications List<string>
    The list of Allowed Client Applications in the JWT Claim.
    JwtAllowedGroups List<string>
    The list of Allowed Groups in the JWT Claim.
    LoginParameters Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of key-value pairs sent to the Authorisation Endpoint when a user logs in.
    TenantAuthEndpoint string
    The Azure Tenant Endpoint for the Authenticating Tenant. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-guid}/v2.0/
    WwwAuthenticationDisabled bool
    Is the www-authenticate provider omitted from the request?
    AllowedApplications []string
    The list of allowed Applications for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    AllowedAudiences []string
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    AllowedGroups []string
    The list of allowed Group Names for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    AllowedIdentities []string
    The list of allowed Identities for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretCertificateThumbprint string
    The thumbprint of the certificate used for signing purposes.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    JwtAllowedClientApplications []string
    The list of Allowed Client Applications in the JWT Claim.
    JwtAllowedGroups []string
    The list of Allowed Groups in the JWT Claim.
    LoginParameters map[string]string
    A map of key-value pairs sent to the Authorisation Endpoint when a user logs in.
    TenantAuthEndpoint string
    The Azure Tenant Endpoint for the Authenticating Tenant. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-guid}/v2.0/
    WwwAuthenticationDisabled bool
    Is the www-authenticate provider omitted from the request?
    allowedApplications List<String>
    The list of allowed Applications for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    allowedGroups List<String>
    The list of allowed Group Names for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowedIdentities List<String>
    The list of allowed Identities for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretCertificateThumbprint String
    The thumbprint of the certificate used for signing purposes.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    jwtAllowedClientApplications List<String>
    The list of Allowed Client Applications in the JWT Claim.
    jwtAllowedGroups List<String>
    The list of Allowed Groups in the JWT Claim.
    loginParameters Map<String,String>
    A map of key-value pairs sent to the Authorisation Endpoint when a user logs in.
    tenantAuthEndpoint String
    The Azure Tenant Endpoint for the Authenticating Tenant. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-guid}/v2.0/
    wwwAuthenticationDisabled Boolean
    Is the www-authenticate provider omitted from the request?
    allowedApplications string[]
    The list of allowed Applications for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowedAudiences string[]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    allowedGroups string[]
    The list of allowed Group Names for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowedIdentities string[]
    The list of allowed Identities for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretCertificateThumbprint string
    The thumbprint of the certificate used for signing purposes.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    jwtAllowedClientApplications string[]
    The list of Allowed Client Applications in the JWT Claim.
    jwtAllowedGroups string[]
    The list of Allowed Groups in the JWT Claim.
    loginParameters {[key: string]: string}
    A map of key-value pairs sent to the Authorisation Endpoint when a user logs in.
    tenantAuthEndpoint string
    The Azure Tenant Endpoint for the Authenticating Tenant. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-guid}/v2.0/
    wwwAuthenticationDisabled boolean
    Is the www-authenticate provider omitted from the request?
    allowed_applications Sequence[str]
    The list of allowed Applications for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowed_audiences Sequence[str]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    allowed_groups Sequence[str]
    The list of allowed Group Names for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowed_identities Sequence[str]
    The list of allowed Identities for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_certificate_thumbprint str
    The thumbprint of the certificate used for signing purposes.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    jwt_allowed_client_applications Sequence[str]
    The list of Allowed Client Applications in the JWT Claim.
    jwt_allowed_groups Sequence[str]
    The list of Allowed Groups in the JWT Claim.
    login_parameters Mapping[str, str]
    A map of key-value pairs sent to the Authorisation Endpoint when a user logs in.
    tenant_auth_endpoint str
    The Azure Tenant Endpoint for the Authenticating Tenant. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-guid}/v2.0/
    www_authentication_disabled bool
    Is the www-authenticate provider omitted from the request?
    allowedApplications List<String>
    The list of allowed Applications for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    allowedGroups List<String>
    The list of allowed Group Names for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    allowedIdentities List<String>
    The list of allowed Identities for the Default Authorisation Policy.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretCertificateThumbprint String
    The thumbprint of the certificate used for signing purposes.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    jwtAllowedClientApplications List<String>
    The list of Allowed Client Applications in the JWT Claim.
    jwtAllowedGroups List<String>
    The list of Allowed Groups in the JWT Claim.
    loginParameters Map<String>
    A map of key-value pairs sent to the Authorisation Endpoint when a user logs in.
    tenantAuthEndpoint String
    The Azure Tenant Endpoint for the Authenticating Tenant. e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-guid}/v2.0/
    wwwAuthenticationDisabled Boolean
    Is the www-authenticate provider omitted from the request?


    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes List<string>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes []string
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes string[]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    login_scopes Sequence[str]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.


    AuthorisationEndpoint string
    The endpoint to make the Authorisation Request as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    CertificationUri string
    The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    ClientCredentialMethod string
    The Client Credential Method used.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    IssuerEndpoint string
    The endpoint that issued the Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    NameClaimType string
    The name of the claim that contains the users name.
    OpenidConfigurationEndpoint string
    The endpoint used for OpenID Connect Discovery. For example https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
    Scopes List<string>
    The list of the scopes that are requested while authenticating.
    TokenEndpoint string
    The endpoint used to request a Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    AuthorisationEndpoint string
    The endpoint to make the Authorisation Request as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    CertificationUri string
    The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    ClientCredentialMethod string
    The Client Credential Method used.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    IssuerEndpoint string
    The endpoint that issued the Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    NameClaimType string
    The name of the claim that contains the users name.
    OpenidConfigurationEndpoint string
    The endpoint used for OpenID Connect Discovery. For example https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
    Scopes []string
    The list of the scopes that are requested while authenticating.
    TokenEndpoint string
    The endpoint used to request a Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    authorisationEndpoint String
    The endpoint to make the Authorisation Request as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    certificationUri String
    The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    clientCredentialMethod String
    The Client Credential Method used.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    issuerEndpoint String
    The endpoint that issued the Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    nameClaimType String
    The name of the claim that contains the users name.
    openidConfigurationEndpoint String
    The endpoint used for OpenID Connect Discovery. For example https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
    scopes List<String>
    The list of the scopes that are requested while authenticating.
    tokenEndpoint String
    The endpoint used to request a Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    authorisationEndpoint string
    The endpoint to make the Authorisation Request as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    certificationUri string
    The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    clientCredentialMethod string
    The Client Credential Method used.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    issuerEndpoint string
    The endpoint that issued the Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    nameClaimType string
    The name of the claim that contains the users name.
    openidConfigurationEndpoint string
    The endpoint used for OpenID Connect Discovery. For example https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
    scopes string[]
    The list of the scopes that are requested while authenticating.
    tokenEndpoint string
    The endpoint used to request a Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    authorisation_endpoint str
    The endpoint to make the Authorisation Request as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    certification_uri str
    The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    client_credential_method str
    The Client Credential Method used.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    issuer_endpoint str
    The endpoint that issued the Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    name_claim_type str
    The name of the claim that contains the users name.
    openid_configuration_endpoint str
    The endpoint used for OpenID Connect Discovery. For example https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
    scopes Sequence[str]
    The list of the scopes that are requested while authenticating.
    token_endpoint str
    The endpoint used to request a Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    authorisationEndpoint String
    The endpoint to make the Authorisation Request as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    certificationUri String
    The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    clientCredentialMethod String
    The Client Credential Method used.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    issuerEndpoint String
    The endpoint that issued the Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    nameClaimType String
    The name of the claim that contains the users name.
    openidConfigurationEndpoint String
    The endpoint used for OpenID Connect Discovery. For example https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
    scopes List<String>
    The list of the scopes that are requested while authenticating.
    tokenEndpoint String
    The endpoint used to request a Token as supplied by openid_configuration_endpoint response.


    AppId string
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    AppSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    GraphApiVersion string
    The version of the Facebook API to be used while logging in.
    LoginScopes List<string>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    AppId string
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    AppSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    GraphApiVersion string
    The version of the Facebook API to be used while logging in.
    LoginScopes []string
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    appId String
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    appSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    graphApiVersion String
    The version of the Facebook API to be used while logging in.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    appId string
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    appSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    graphApiVersion string
    The version of the Facebook API to be used while logging in.
    loginScopes string[]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    app_id str
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    app_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    graph_api_version str
    The version of the Facebook API to be used while logging in.
    login_scopes Sequence[str]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    appId String
    The App ID of the Facebook app used for login.
    appSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the app_secret value used for Facebook login.
    graphApiVersion String
    The version of the Facebook API to be used while logging in.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes List<string>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes []string
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes string[]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    login_scopes Sequence[str]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    AllowedAudiences List<string>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes List<string>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    AllowedAudiences []string
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes []string
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowedAudiences string[]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes string[]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowed_audiences Sequence[str]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    login_scopes Sequence[str]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    AllowedExternalRedirectUrls List<string>
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    CookieExpirationConvention string
    The method by which cookies expire.
    CookieExpirationTime string
    The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire.
    LogoutEndpoint string
    The endpoint to which logout requests are made.
    NonceExpirationTime string
    The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire.
    PreserveUrlFragmentsForLogins bool
    Are the fragments from the request preserved after the login request is made.
    TokenRefreshExtensionTime double
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    TokenStoreEnabled bool
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    TokenStorePath string
    The directory path in the App Filesystem in which the tokens are stored.
    TokenStoreSasSettingName string
    The name of the app setting which contains the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens.
    ValidateNonce bool
    Is the nonce validated while completing the login flow.
    AllowedExternalRedirectUrls []string
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    CookieExpirationConvention string
    The method by which cookies expire.
    CookieExpirationTime string
    The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire.
    LogoutEndpoint string
    The endpoint to which logout requests are made.
    NonceExpirationTime string
    The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire.
    PreserveUrlFragmentsForLogins bool
    Are the fragments from the request preserved after the login request is made.
    TokenRefreshExtensionTime float64
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    TokenStoreEnabled bool
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    TokenStorePath string
    The directory path in the App Filesystem in which the tokens are stored.
    TokenStoreSasSettingName string
    The name of the app setting which contains the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens.
    ValidateNonce bool
    Is the nonce validated while completing the login flow.
    allowedExternalRedirectUrls List<String>
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    cookieExpirationConvention String
    The method by which cookies expire.
    cookieExpirationTime String
    The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire.
    logoutEndpoint String
    The endpoint to which logout requests are made.
    nonceExpirationTime String
    The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire.
    preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins Boolean
    Are the fragments from the request preserved after the login request is made.
    tokenRefreshExtensionTime Double
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    tokenStoreEnabled Boolean
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    tokenStorePath String
    The directory path in the App Filesystem in which the tokens are stored.
    tokenStoreSasSettingName String
    The name of the app setting which contains the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens.
    validateNonce Boolean
    Is the nonce validated while completing the login flow.
    allowedExternalRedirectUrls string[]
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    cookieExpirationConvention string
    The method by which cookies expire.
    cookieExpirationTime string
    The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire.
    logoutEndpoint string
    The endpoint to which logout requests are made.
    nonceExpirationTime string
    The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire.
    preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins boolean
    Are the fragments from the request preserved after the login request is made.
    tokenRefreshExtensionTime number
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    tokenStoreEnabled boolean
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    tokenStorePath string
    The directory path in the App Filesystem in which the tokens are stored.
    tokenStoreSasSettingName string
    The name of the app setting which contains the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens.
    validateNonce boolean
    Is the nonce validated while completing the login flow.
    allowed_external_redirect_urls Sequence[str]
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    cookie_expiration_convention str
    The method by which cookies expire.
    cookie_expiration_time str
    The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire.
    logout_endpoint str
    The endpoint to which logout requests are made.
    nonce_expiration_time str
    The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire.
    preserve_url_fragments_for_logins bool
    Are the fragments from the request preserved after the login request is made.
    token_refresh_extension_time float
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    token_store_enabled bool
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    token_store_path str
    The directory path in the App Filesystem in which the tokens are stored.
    token_store_sas_setting_name str
    The name of the app setting which contains the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens.
    validate_nonce bool
    Is the nonce validated while completing the login flow.
    allowedExternalRedirectUrls List<String>
    External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app.
    cookieExpirationConvention String
    The method by which cookies expire.
    cookieExpirationTime String
    The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire.
    logoutEndpoint String
    The endpoint to which logout requests are made.
    nonceExpirationTime String
    The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire.
    preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins Boolean
    Are the fragments from the request preserved after the login request is made.
    tokenRefreshExtensionTime Number
    The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API.
    tokenStoreEnabled Boolean
    Is the Token Store configuration Enabled.
    tokenStorePath String
    The directory path in the App Filesystem in which the tokens are stored.
    tokenStoreSasSettingName String
    The name of the app setting which contains the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens.
    validateNonce Boolean
    Is the nonce validated while completing the login flow.


    AllowedAudiences List<string>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes List<string>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    AllowedAudiences []string
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    ClientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    ClientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    LoginScopes []string
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowedAudiences string[]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId string
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes string[]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowed_audiences Sequence[str]
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    client_id str
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    client_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    login_scopes Sequence[str]
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.
    allowedAudiences List<String>
    The list of Allowed Audiences that are be requested as part of Microsoft Sign-In authentication.
    clientId String
    The OAuth 2.0 client ID used by the app for authentication.
    clientSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name containing the OAuth 2.0 client secret used by the app for authentication.
    loginScopes List<String>
    The list of Login scopes that are requested as part of Microsoft Account authentication.


    ConsumerKey string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerKey string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    ConsumerSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerKey String
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerKey string
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecretSettingName string
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumer_key str
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumer_secret_setting_name str
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerKey String
    The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in.
    consumerSecretSettingName String
    The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in.


    Enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Schedules List<GetLinuxWebAppBackupSchedule>
    A schedule block as defined below.
    StorageAccountUrl string
    The SAS URL to the container.
    Enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Schedules []GetLinuxWebAppBackupSchedule
    A schedule block as defined below.
    StorageAccountUrl string
    The SAS URL to the container.
    enabled Boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    schedules List<GetLinuxWebAppBackupSchedule>
    A schedule block as defined below.
    storageAccountUrl String
    The SAS URL to the container.
    enabled boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    schedules GetLinuxWebAppBackupSchedule[]
    A schedule block as defined below.
    storageAccountUrl string
    The SAS URL to the container.
    enabled bool
    Is the Backup enabled?
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    schedules Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppBackupSchedule]
    A schedule block as defined below.
    storage_account_url str
    The SAS URL to the container.
    enabled Boolean
    Is the Backup enabled?
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    schedules List<Property Map>
    A schedule block as defined below.
    storageAccountUrl String
    The SAS URL to the container.


    FrequencyInterval int
    How often the backup will be executed.
    FrequencyUnit string
    The unit of time for how often the backup should take place.
    KeepAtLeastOneBackup bool
    Will the service keep at least one backup, regardless of age of backup.
    LastExecutionTime string
    The time of the last backup attempt.
    RetentionPeriodDays int
    After how many days backups should be deleted.
    StartTime string
    When the schedule should start in RFC-3339 format.
    FrequencyInterval int
    How often the backup will be executed.
    FrequencyUnit string
    The unit of time for how often the backup should take place.
    KeepAtLeastOneBackup bool
    Will the service keep at least one backup, regardless of age of backup.
    LastExecutionTime string
    The time of the last backup attempt.
    RetentionPeriodDays int
    After how many days backups should be deleted.
    StartTime string
    When the schedule should start in RFC-3339 format.
    frequencyInterval Integer
    How often the backup will be executed.
    frequencyUnit String
    The unit of time for how often the backup should take place.
    keepAtLeastOneBackup Boolean
    Will the service keep at least one backup, regardless of age of backup.
    lastExecutionTime String
    The time of the last backup attempt.
    retentionPeriodDays Integer
    After how many days backups should be deleted.
    startTime String
    When the schedule should start in RFC-3339 format.
    frequencyInterval number
    How often the backup will be executed.
    frequencyUnit string
    The unit of time for how often the backup should take place.
    keepAtLeastOneBackup boolean
    Will the service keep at least one backup, regardless of age of backup.
    lastExecutionTime string
    The time of the last backup attempt.
    retentionPeriodDays number
    After how many days backups should be deleted.
    startTime string
    When the schedule should start in RFC-3339 format.
    frequency_interval int
    How often the backup will be executed.
    frequency_unit str
    The unit of time for how often the backup should take place.
    keep_at_least_one_backup bool
    Will the service keep at least one backup, regardless of age of backup.
    last_execution_time str
    The time of the last backup attempt.
    retention_period_days int
    After how many days backups should be deleted.
    start_time str
    When the schedule should start in RFC-3339 format.
    frequencyInterval Number
    How often the backup will be executed.
    frequencyUnit String
    The unit of time for how often the backup should take place.
    keepAtLeastOneBackup Boolean
    Will the service keep at least one backup, regardless of age of backup.
    lastExecutionTime String
    The time of the last backup attempt.
    retentionPeriodDays Number
    After how many days backups should be deleted.
    startTime String
    When the schedule should start in RFC-3339 format.


    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    Value string
    The Connection String value.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    Value string
    The Connection String value.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    type String
    The Azure Storage Type.
    value String
    The Connection String value.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    value string
    The Connection String value.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    type str
    The Azure Storage Type.
    value str
    The Connection String value.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    type String
    The Azure Storage Type.
    value String
    The Connection String value.


    IdentityIds List<string>
    The list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs assigned to this Linux Web App.
    PrincipalId string
    The Principal ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    TenantId string
    The Tenant ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    Type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    IdentityIds []string
    The list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs assigned to this Linux Web App.
    PrincipalId string
    The Principal ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    TenantId string
    The Tenant ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    Type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    identityIds List<String>
    The list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs assigned to this Linux Web App.
    principalId String
    The Principal ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    tenantId String
    The Tenant ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    type String
    The Azure Storage Type.
    identityIds string[]
    The list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs assigned to this Linux Web App.
    principalId string
    The Principal ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    tenantId string
    The Tenant ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    identity_ids Sequence[str]
    The list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs assigned to this Linux Web App.
    principal_id str
    The Principal ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    tenant_id str
    The Tenant ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    type str
    The Azure Storage Type.
    identityIds List<String>
    The list of User Assigned Managed Identity IDs assigned to this Linux Web App.
    principalId String
    The Principal ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    tenantId String
    The Tenant ID of the System Assigned Managed Service Identity that is configured on this Linux Web App.
    type String
    The Azure Storage Type.


    ApplicationLogs List<GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLog>
    A application_logs block as defined above.
    DetailedErrorMessages bool
    Is Detailed Error Messaging enabled.
    FailedRequestTracing bool
    Is Failed Request Tracing enabled.
    HttpLogs List<GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLog>
    An http_logs block as defined above.
    ApplicationLogs []GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLog
    A application_logs block as defined above.
    DetailedErrorMessages bool
    Is Detailed Error Messaging enabled.
    FailedRequestTracing bool
    Is Failed Request Tracing enabled.
    HttpLogs []GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLog
    An http_logs block as defined above.
    applicationLogs List<GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLog>
    A application_logs block as defined above.
    detailedErrorMessages Boolean
    Is Detailed Error Messaging enabled.
    failedRequestTracing Boolean
    Is Failed Request Tracing enabled.
    httpLogs List<GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLog>
    An http_logs block as defined above.
    applicationLogs GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLog[]
    A application_logs block as defined above.
    detailedErrorMessages boolean
    Is Detailed Error Messaging enabled.
    failedRequestTracing boolean
    Is Failed Request Tracing enabled.
    httpLogs GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLog[]
    An http_logs block as defined above.
    application_logs Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLog]
    A application_logs block as defined above.
    detailed_error_messages bool
    Is Detailed Error Messaging enabled.
    failed_request_tracing bool
    Is Failed Request Tracing enabled.
    http_logs Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLog]
    An http_logs block as defined above.
    applicationLogs List<Property Map>
    A application_logs block as defined above.
    detailedErrorMessages Boolean
    Is Detailed Error Messaging enabled.
    failedRequestTracing Boolean
    Is Failed Request Tracing enabled.
    httpLogs List<Property Map>
    An http_logs block as defined above.


    AzureBlobStorages List<GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLogAzureBlobStorage>
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    FileSystemLevel string
    The logging level.
    AzureBlobStorages []GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLogAzureBlobStorage
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    FileSystemLevel string
    The logging level.
    azureBlobStorages List<GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLogAzureBlobStorage>
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    fileSystemLevel String
    The logging level.
    azureBlobStorages GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLogAzureBlobStorage[]
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    fileSystemLevel string
    The logging level.
    azure_blob_storages Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppLogApplicationLogAzureBlobStorage]
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    file_system_level str
    The logging level.
    azureBlobStorages List<Property Map>
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    fileSystemLevel String
    The logging level.


    Level string
    The level at which to log. Possible values include Error, Warning, Information, Verbose and Off. NOTE: this field is not available for http_logs
    RetentionInDays int
    The retention period in days.
    SasUrl string
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    Level string
    The level at which to log. Possible values include Error, Warning, Information, Verbose and Off. NOTE: this field is not available for http_logs
    RetentionInDays int
    The retention period in days.
    SasUrl string
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    level String
    The level at which to log. Possible values include Error, Warning, Information, Verbose and Off. NOTE: this field is not available for http_logs
    retentionInDays Integer
    The retention period in days.
    sasUrl String
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    level string
    The level at which to log. Possible values include Error, Warning, Information, Verbose and Off. NOTE: this field is not available for http_logs
    retentionInDays number
    The retention period in days.
    sasUrl string
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    level str
    The level at which to log. Possible values include Error, Warning, Information, Verbose and Off. NOTE: this field is not available for http_logs
    retention_in_days int
    The retention period in days.
    sas_url str
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    level String
    The level at which to log. Possible values include Error, Warning, Information, Verbose and Off. NOTE: this field is not available for http_logs
    retentionInDays Number
    The retention period in days.
    sasUrl String
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.


    AzureBlobStorages List<GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogAzureBlobStorage>
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    FileSystems List<GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogFileSystem>
    A file_system block as defined above.
    AzureBlobStorages []GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogAzureBlobStorage
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    FileSystems []GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogFileSystem
    A file_system block as defined above.
    azureBlobStorages List<GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogAzureBlobStorage>
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    fileSystems List<GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogFileSystem>
    A file_system block as defined above.
    azureBlobStorages GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogAzureBlobStorage[]
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    fileSystems GetLinuxWebAppLogHttpLogFileSystem[]
    A file_system block as defined above.
    azureBlobStorages List<Property Map>
    A azure_blob_storage block as defined above.
    fileSystems List<Property Map>
    A file_system block as defined above.


    RetentionInDays int
    The retention period in days.
    SasUrl string
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    RetentionInDays int
    The retention period in days.
    SasUrl string
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    retentionInDays Integer
    The retention period in days.
    sasUrl String
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    retentionInDays number
    The retention period in days.
    sasUrl string
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    retention_in_days int
    The retention period in days.
    sas_url str
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.
    retentionInDays Number
    The retention period in days.
    sasUrl String
    The SAS url to an Azure blob container.


    RetentionInDays int
    The retention period in days.
    RetentionInMb int
    The maximum size in megabytes that log files can use.
    RetentionInDays int
    The retention period in days.
    RetentionInMb int
    The maximum size in megabytes that log files can use.
    retentionInDays Integer
    The retention period in days.
    retentionInMb Integer
    The maximum size in megabytes that log files can use.
    retentionInDays number
    The retention period in days.
    retentionInMb number
    The maximum size in megabytes that log files can use.
    retention_in_days int
    The retention period in days.
    retention_in_mb int
    The maximum size in megabytes that log files can use.
    retentionInDays Number
    The retention period in days.
    retentionInMb Number
    The maximum size in megabytes that log files can use.


    AlwaysOn bool
    Is this Linux Web App is Always On enabled.
    ApiDefinitionUrl string
    The ID of the APIM configuration for this Linux Web App.
    ApiManagementApiId string
    The ID of the API Management API for this Linux Web App.
    AppCommandLine string
    The command line used to launch this app.
    ApplicationStacks List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigApplicationStack>
    A application_stack block as defined above.
    AutoHealEnabled bool
    Are Auto heal rules be enabled.
    AutoHealSettings List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigAutoHealSetting>
    A auto_heal_setting block as defined above.
    ContainerRegistryManagedIdentityClientId string
    The Client ID of the Managed Service Identity used for connections to the Azure Container Registry.
    ContainerRegistryUseManagedIdentity bool
    Do connections for Azure Container Registry use Managed Identity.
    Cors List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigCor>
    A cors block as defined above.
    DefaultDocuments List<string>
    The list of Default Documents for the Linux Web App.
    DetailedErrorLoggingEnabled bool
    Is Detailed Error Logging enabled.
    FtpsState string
    The State of FTP / FTPS service.
    HealthCheckEvictionTimeInMin int
    The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer.
    HealthCheckPath string
    The path to the Health Check endpoint.
    Http2Enabled bool
    Is HTTP2.0 enabled.
    IpRestrictionDefaultAction string
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any ip_restriction rule.
    IpRestrictions List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestriction>
    A ip_restriction block as defined above.
    LinuxFxVersion string
    The LinuxFXVersion string.
    LoadBalancingMode string
    The site Load Balancing Mode.
    LocalMysqlEnabled bool
    Is the Local MySQL enabled.
    ManagedPipelineMode string
    The Managed Pipeline Mode.
    MinimumTlsVersion string
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests.
    RemoteDebuggingEnabled bool
    Is Remote Debugging enabled.
    RemoteDebuggingVersion string
    The Remote Debugging Version.
    ScmIpRestrictionDefaultAction string
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any scm_ip_restriction rule.
    ScmIpRestrictions List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestriction>
    A scm_ip_restriction block as defined above.
    ScmMinimumTlsVersion string
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests to SCM.
    ScmType string
    The Source Control Management Type in use.
    ScmUseMainIpRestriction bool
    Is the Linux Web App ip_restriction configuration used for the SCM also.
    Use32BitWorker bool
    Does the Linux Web App use a 32-bit worker.
    VnetRouteAllEnabled bool
    Are all outbound traffic to NAT Gateways, Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes applied?
    WebsocketsEnabled bool
    Are Web Sockets enabled?
    WorkerCount int
    The number of Workers for this Linux App Service.
    AlwaysOn bool
    Is this Linux Web App is Always On enabled.
    ApiDefinitionUrl string
    The ID of the APIM configuration for this Linux Web App.
    ApiManagementApiId string
    The ID of the API Management API for this Linux Web App.
    AppCommandLine string
    The command line used to launch this app.
    ApplicationStacks []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigApplicationStack
    A application_stack block as defined above.
    AutoHealEnabled bool
    Are Auto heal rules be enabled.
    AutoHealSettings []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigAutoHealSetting
    A auto_heal_setting block as defined above.
    ContainerRegistryManagedIdentityClientId string
    The Client ID of the Managed Service Identity used for connections to the Azure Container Registry.
    ContainerRegistryUseManagedIdentity bool
    Do connections for Azure Container Registry use Managed Identity.
    Cors []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigCor
    A cors block as defined above.
    DefaultDocuments []string
    The list of Default Documents for the Linux Web App.
    DetailedErrorLoggingEnabled bool
    Is Detailed Error Logging enabled.
    FtpsState string
    The State of FTP / FTPS service.
    HealthCheckEvictionTimeInMin int
    The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer.
    HealthCheckPath string
    The path to the Health Check endpoint.
    Http2Enabled bool
    Is HTTP2.0 enabled.
    IpRestrictionDefaultAction string
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any ip_restriction rule.
    IpRestrictions []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestriction
    A ip_restriction block as defined above.
    LinuxFxVersion string
    The LinuxFXVersion string.
    LoadBalancingMode string
    The site Load Balancing Mode.
    LocalMysqlEnabled bool
    Is the Local MySQL enabled.
    ManagedPipelineMode string
    The Managed Pipeline Mode.
    MinimumTlsVersion string
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests.
    RemoteDebuggingEnabled bool
    Is Remote Debugging enabled.
    RemoteDebuggingVersion string
    The Remote Debugging Version.
    ScmIpRestrictionDefaultAction string
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any scm_ip_restriction rule.
    ScmIpRestrictions []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestriction
    A scm_ip_restriction block as defined above.
    ScmMinimumTlsVersion string
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests to SCM.
    ScmType string
    The Source Control Management Type in use.
    ScmUseMainIpRestriction bool
    Is the Linux Web App ip_restriction configuration used for the SCM also.
    Use32BitWorker bool
    Does the Linux Web App use a 32-bit worker.
    VnetRouteAllEnabled bool
    Are all outbound traffic to NAT Gateways, Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes applied?
    WebsocketsEnabled bool
    Are Web Sockets enabled?
    WorkerCount int
    The number of Workers for this Linux App Service.
    alwaysOn Boolean
    Is this Linux Web App is Always On enabled.
    apiDefinitionUrl String
    The ID of the APIM configuration for this Linux Web App.
    apiManagementApiId String
    The ID of the API Management API for this Linux Web App.
    appCommandLine String
    The command line used to launch this app.
    applicationStacks List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigApplicationStack>
    A application_stack block as defined above.
    autoHealEnabled Boolean
    Are Auto heal rules be enabled.
    autoHealSettings List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigAutoHealSetting>
    A auto_heal_setting block as defined above.
    containerRegistryManagedIdentityClientId String
    The Client ID of the Managed Service Identity used for connections to the Azure Container Registry.
    containerRegistryUseManagedIdentity Boolean
    Do connections for Azure Container Registry use Managed Identity.
    cors List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigCor>
    A cors block as defined above.
    defaultDocuments List<String>
    The list of Default Documents for the Linux Web App.
    detailedErrorLoggingEnabled Boolean
    Is Detailed Error Logging enabled.
    ftpsState String
    The State of FTP / FTPS service.
    healthCheckEvictionTimeInMin Integer
    The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer.
    healthCheckPath String
    The path to the Health Check endpoint.
    http2Enabled Boolean
    Is HTTP2.0 enabled.
    ipRestrictionDefaultAction String
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any ip_restriction rule.
    ipRestrictions List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestriction>
    A ip_restriction block as defined above.
    linuxFxVersion String
    The LinuxFXVersion string.
    loadBalancingMode String
    The site Load Balancing Mode.
    localMysqlEnabled Boolean
    Is the Local MySQL enabled.
    managedPipelineMode String
    The Managed Pipeline Mode.
    minimumTlsVersion String
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests.
    remoteDebuggingEnabled Boolean
    Is Remote Debugging enabled.
    remoteDebuggingVersion String
    The Remote Debugging Version.
    scmIpRestrictionDefaultAction String
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any scm_ip_restriction rule.
    scmIpRestrictions List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestriction>
    A scm_ip_restriction block as defined above.
    scmMinimumTlsVersion String
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests to SCM.
    scmType String
    The Source Control Management Type in use.
    scmUseMainIpRestriction Boolean
    Is the Linux Web App ip_restriction configuration used for the SCM also.
    use32BitWorker Boolean
    Does the Linux Web App use a 32-bit worker.
    vnetRouteAllEnabled Boolean
    Are all outbound traffic to NAT Gateways, Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes applied?
    websocketsEnabled Boolean
    Are Web Sockets enabled?
    workerCount Integer
    The number of Workers for this Linux App Service.
    alwaysOn boolean
    Is this Linux Web App is Always On enabled.
    apiDefinitionUrl string
    The ID of the APIM configuration for this Linux Web App.
    apiManagementApiId string
    The ID of the API Management API for this Linux Web App.
    appCommandLine string
    The command line used to launch this app.
    applicationStacks GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigApplicationStack[]
    A application_stack block as defined above.
    autoHealEnabled boolean
    Are Auto heal rules be enabled.
    autoHealSettings GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigAutoHealSetting[]
    A auto_heal_setting block as defined above.
    containerRegistryManagedIdentityClientId string
    The Client ID of the Managed Service Identity used for connections to the Azure Container Registry.
    containerRegistryUseManagedIdentity boolean
    Do connections for Azure Container Registry use Managed Identity.
    cors GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigCor[]
    A cors block as defined above.
    defaultDocuments string[]
    The list of Default Documents for the Linux Web App.
    detailedErrorLoggingEnabled boolean
    Is Detailed Error Logging enabled.
    ftpsState string
    The State of FTP / FTPS service.
    healthCheckEvictionTimeInMin number
    The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer.
    healthCheckPath string
    The path to the Health Check endpoint.
    http2Enabled boolean
    Is HTTP2.0 enabled.
    ipRestrictionDefaultAction string
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any ip_restriction rule.
    ipRestrictions GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestriction[]
    A ip_restriction block as defined above.
    linuxFxVersion string
    The LinuxFXVersion string.
    loadBalancingMode string
    The site Load Balancing Mode.
    localMysqlEnabled boolean
    Is the Local MySQL enabled.
    managedPipelineMode string
    The Managed Pipeline Mode.
    minimumTlsVersion string
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests.
    remoteDebuggingEnabled boolean
    Is Remote Debugging enabled.
    remoteDebuggingVersion string
    The Remote Debugging Version.
    scmIpRestrictionDefaultAction string
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any scm_ip_restriction rule.
    scmIpRestrictions GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestriction[]
    A scm_ip_restriction block as defined above.
    scmMinimumTlsVersion string
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests to SCM.
    scmType string
    The Source Control Management Type in use.
    scmUseMainIpRestriction boolean
    Is the Linux Web App ip_restriction configuration used for the SCM also.
    use32BitWorker boolean
    Does the Linux Web App use a 32-bit worker.
    vnetRouteAllEnabled boolean
    Are all outbound traffic to NAT Gateways, Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes applied?
    websocketsEnabled boolean
    Are Web Sockets enabled?
    workerCount number
    The number of Workers for this Linux App Service.
    always_on bool
    Is this Linux Web App is Always On enabled.
    api_definition_url str
    The ID of the APIM configuration for this Linux Web App.
    api_management_api_id str
    The ID of the API Management API for this Linux Web App.
    app_command_line str
    The command line used to launch this app.
    application_stacks Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigApplicationStack]
    A application_stack block as defined above.
    auto_heal_enabled bool
    Are Auto heal rules be enabled.
    auto_heal_settings Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigAutoHealSetting]
    A auto_heal_setting block as defined above.
    container_registry_managed_identity_client_id str
    The Client ID of the Managed Service Identity used for connections to the Azure Container Registry.
    container_registry_use_managed_identity bool
    Do connections for Azure Container Registry use Managed Identity.
    cors Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigCor]
    A cors block as defined above.
    default_documents Sequence[str]
    The list of Default Documents for the Linux Web App.
    detailed_error_logging_enabled bool
    Is Detailed Error Logging enabled.
    ftps_state str
    The State of FTP / FTPS service.
    health_check_eviction_time_in_min int
    The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer.
    health_check_path str
    The path to the Health Check endpoint.
    http2_enabled bool
    Is HTTP2.0 enabled.
    ip_restriction_default_action str
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any ip_restriction rule.
    ip_restrictions Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestriction]
    A ip_restriction block as defined above.
    linux_fx_version str
    The LinuxFXVersion string.
    load_balancing_mode str
    The site Load Balancing Mode.
    local_mysql_enabled bool
    Is the Local MySQL enabled.
    managed_pipeline_mode str
    The Managed Pipeline Mode.
    minimum_tls_version str
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests.
    remote_debugging_enabled bool
    Is Remote Debugging enabled.
    remote_debugging_version str
    The Remote Debugging Version.
    scm_ip_restriction_default_action str
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any scm_ip_restriction rule.
    scm_ip_restrictions Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestriction]
    A scm_ip_restriction block as defined above.
    scm_minimum_tls_version str
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests to SCM.
    scm_type str
    The Source Control Management Type in use.
    scm_use_main_ip_restriction bool
    Is the Linux Web App ip_restriction configuration used for the SCM also.
    use32_bit_worker bool
    Does the Linux Web App use a 32-bit worker.
    vnet_route_all_enabled bool
    Are all outbound traffic to NAT Gateways, Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes applied?
    websockets_enabled bool
    Are Web Sockets enabled?
    worker_count int
    The number of Workers for this Linux App Service.
    alwaysOn Boolean
    Is this Linux Web App is Always On enabled.
    apiDefinitionUrl String
    The ID of the APIM configuration for this Linux Web App.
    apiManagementApiId String
    The ID of the API Management API for this Linux Web App.
    appCommandLine String
    The command line used to launch this app.
    applicationStacks List<Property Map>
    A application_stack block as defined above.
    autoHealEnabled Boolean
    Are Auto heal rules be enabled.
    autoHealSettings List<Property Map>
    A auto_heal_setting block as defined above.
    containerRegistryManagedIdentityClientId String
    The Client ID of the Managed Service Identity used for connections to the Azure Container Registry.
    containerRegistryUseManagedIdentity Boolean
    Do connections for Azure Container Registry use Managed Identity.
    cors List<Property Map>
    A cors block as defined above.
    defaultDocuments List<String>
    The list of Default Documents for the Linux Web App.
    detailedErrorLoggingEnabled Boolean
    Is Detailed Error Logging enabled.
    ftpsState String
    The State of FTP / FTPS service.
    healthCheckEvictionTimeInMin Number
    The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer.
    healthCheckPath String
    The path to the Health Check endpoint.
    http2Enabled Boolean
    Is HTTP2.0 enabled.
    ipRestrictionDefaultAction String
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any ip_restriction rule.
    ipRestrictions List<Property Map>
    A ip_restriction block as defined above.
    linuxFxVersion String
    The LinuxFXVersion string.
    loadBalancingMode String
    The site Load Balancing Mode.
    localMysqlEnabled Boolean
    Is the Local MySQL enabled.
    managedPipelineMode String
    The Managed Pipeline Mode.
    minimumTlsVersion String
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests.
    remoteDebuggingEnabled Boolean
    Is Remote Debugging enabled.
    remoteDebuggingVersion String
    The Remote Debugging Version.
    scmIpRestrictionDefaultAction String
    The Default action for traffic that does not match any scm_ip_restriction rule.
    scmIpRestrictions List<Property Map>
    A scm_ip_restriction block as defined above.
    scmMinimumTlsVersion String
    The Minimum version of TLS for requests to SCM.
    scmType String
    The Source Control Management Type in use.
    scmUseMainIpRestriction Boolean
    Is the Linux Web App ip_restriction configuration used for the SCM also.
    use32BitWorker Boolean
    Does the Linux Web App use a 32-bit worker.
    vnetRouteAllEnabled Boolean
    Are all outbound traffic to NAT Gateways, Network Security Groups and User Defined Routes applied?
    websocketsEnabled Boolean
    Are Web Sockets enabled?
    workerCount Number
    The number of Workers for this Linux App Service.


    DockerImage string
    DockerImageName string
    The docker image, including tag, used by this Linux Web App.
    DockerImageTag string
    DockerRegistryPassword string
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    DockerRegistryUrl string
    The URL of the container registry where the docker_image_name is located.
    DockerRegistryUsername string
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    DotnetVersion string
    The version of .NET in use.
    GoVersion string
    JavaServer string
    The Java server type.
    JavaServerVersion string
    The Version of the java_server in use.
    JavaVersion string
    The Version of Java in use.
    NodeVersion string
    The version of Node in use.
    PhpVersion string
    The version of PHP in use.
    PythonVersion string
    The version of Python in use.
    RubyVersion string
    The version of Ruby in use.
    DockerImage string
    DockerImageName string
    The docker image, including tag, used by this Linux Web App.
    DockerImageTag string
    DockerRegistryPassword string
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    DockerRegistryUrl string
    The URL of the container registry where the docker_image_name is located.
    DockerRegistryUsername string
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    DotnetVersion string
    The version of .NET in use.
    GoVersion string
    JavaServer string
    The Java server type.
    JavaServerVersion string
    The Version of the java_server in use.
    JavaVersion string
    The Version of Java in use.
    NodeVersion string
    The version of Node in use.
    PhpVersion string
    The version of PHP in use.
    PythonVersion string
    The version of Python in use.
    RubyVersion string
    The version of Ruby in use.
    dockerImage String
    dockerImageName String
    The docker image, including tag, used by this Linux Web App.
    dockerImageTag String
    dockerRegistryPassword String
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dockerRegistryUrl String
    The URL of the container registry where the docker_image_name is located.
    dockerRegistryUsername String
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dotnetVersion String
    The version of .NET in use.
    goVersion String
    javaServer String
    The Java server type.
    javaServerVersion String
    The Version of the java_server in use.
    javaVersion String
    The Version of Java in use.
    nodeVersion String
    The version of Node in use.
    phpVersion String
    The version of PHP in use.
    pythonVersion String
    The version of Python in use.
    rubyVersion String
    The version of Ruby in use.
    dockerImage string
    dockerImageName string
    The docker image, including tag, used by this Linux Web App.
    dockerImageTag string
    dockerRegistryPassword string
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dockerRegistryUrl string
    The URL of the container registry where the docker_image_name is located.
    dockerRegistryUsername string
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dotnetVersion string
    The version of .NET in use.
    goVersion string
    javaServer string
    The Java server type.
    javaServerVersion string
    The Version of the java_server in use.
    javaVersion string
    The Version of Java in use.
    nodeVersion string
    The version of Node in use.
    phpVersion string
    The version of PHP in use.
    pythonVersion string
    The version of Python in use.
    rubyVersion string
    The version of Ruby in use.
    docker_image str
    docker_image_name str
    The docker image, including tag, used by this Linux Web App.
    docker_image_tag str
    docker_registry_password str
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    docker_registry_url str
    The URL of the container registry where the docker_image_name is located.
    docker_registry_username str
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dotnet_version str
    The version of .NET in use.
    go_version str
    java_server str
    The Java server type.
    java_server_version str
    The Version of the java_server in use.
    java_version str
    The Version of Java in use.
    node_version str
    The version of Node in use.
    php_version str
    The version of PHP in use.
    python_version str
    The version of Python in use.
    ruby_version str
    The version of Ruby in use.
    dockerImage String
    dockerImageName String
    The docker image, including tag, used by this Linux Web App.
    dockerImageTag String
    dockerRegistryPassword String
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dockerRegistryUrl String
    The URL of the container registry where the docker_image_name is located.
    dockerRegistryUsername String
    The User Name to use for authentication against the registry to pull the image.
    dotnetVersion String
    The version of .NET in use.
    goVersion String
    javaServer String
    The Java server type.
    javaServerVersion String
    The Version of the java_server in use.
    javaVersion String
    The Version of Java in use.
    nodeVersion String
    The version of Node in use.
    phpVersion String
    The version of PHP in use.
    pythonVersion String
    The version of Python in use.
    rubyVersion String
    The version of Ruby in use.


    actions List<Property Map>
    A action block as defined above.
    triggers List<Property Map>
    A trigger block as defined below.


    ActionType string
    The predefined action to be taken to an Auto Heal trigger.
    MinimumProcessExecutionTime string
    The minimum amount of time in hh:mm:ss the Linux Web App must have been running before the defined action will be run in the event of a trigger.
    ActionType string
    The predefined action to be taken to an Auto Heal trigger.
    MinimumProcessExecutionTime string
    The minimum amount of time in hh:mm:ss the Linux Web App must have been running before the defined action will be run in the event of a trigger.
    actionType String
    The predefined action to be taken to an Auto Heal trigger.
    minimumProcessExecutionTime String
    The minimum amount of time in hh:mm:ss the Linux Web App must have been running before the defined action will be run in the event of a trigger.
    actionType string
    The predefined action to be taken to an Auto Heal trigger.
    minimumProcessExecutionTime string
    The minimum amount of time in hh:mm:ss the Linux Web App must have been running before the defined action will be run in the event of a trigger.
    action_type str
    The predefined action to be taken to an Auto Heal trigger.
    minimum_process_execution_time str
    The minimum amount of time in hh:mm:ss the Linux Web App must have been running before the defined action will be run in the event of a trigger.
    actionType String
    The predefined action to be taken to an Auto Heal trigger.
    minimumProcessExecutionTime String
    The minimum amount of time in hh:mm:ss the Linux Web App must have been running before the defined action will be run in the event of a trigger.


    requests List<Property Map>
    A requests block as defined above.
    slowRequestWithPaths List<Property Map>
    (Optional) One or more slow_request_with_path blocks as defined above.
    slowRequests List<Property Map>
    A slow_request block as defined above.
    statusCodes List<Property Map>
    A status_code block as defined above.


    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    count Integer
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    count number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval str
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    count Number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.


    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.

    Deprecated: path will be removed in slow_request and please use slow_request_with_path to set the path in version 4.0 of the AzureRM Provider.

    TimeTaken string
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.

    Deprecated: path will be removed in slow_request and please use slow_request_with_path to set the path in version 4.0 of the AzureRM Provider.

    TimeTaken string
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count Integer
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path String
    The path to which this rule status code applies.

    Deprecated: path will be removed in slow_request and please use slow_request_with_path to set the path in version 4.0 of the AzureRM Provider.

    timeTaken String
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.

    Deprecated: path will be removed in slow_request and please use slow_request_with_path to set the path in version 4.0 of the AzureRM Provider.

    timeTaken string
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval str
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path str
    The path to which this rule status code applies.

    Deprecated: path will be removed in slow_request and please use slow_request_with_path to set the path in version 4.0 of the AzureRM Provider.

    time_taken str
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count Number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path String
    The path to which this rule status code applies.

    Deprecated: path will be removed in slow_request and please use slow_request_with_path to set the path in version 4.0 of the AzureRM Provider.

    timeTaken String
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.


    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    TimeTaken string
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    TimeTaken string
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count Integer
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path String
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    timeTaken String
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    timeTaken string
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval str
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path str
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    time_taken str
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.
    count Number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path String
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    timeTaken String
    (Required) The threshold of time passed to qualify as a Slow Request in hh:mm:ss.


    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    StatusCodeRange string
    The status code or range for this rule.
    SubStatus int
    The Request Sub Status of the Status Code.
    Win32StatusCode int
    The Win32 Status Code of the Request.
    Count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    Interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    Path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    StatusCodeRange string
    The status code or range for this rule.
    SubStatus int
    The Request Sub Status of the Status Code.
    Win32StatusCode int
    The Win32 Status Code of the Request.
    count Integer
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path String
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    statusCodeRange String
    The status code or range for this rule.
    subStatus Integer
    The Request Sub Status of the Status Code.
    win32StatusCode Integer
    The Win32 Status Code of the Request.
    count number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval string
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path string
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    statusCodeRange string
    The status code or range for this rule.
    subStatus number
    The Request Sub Status of the Status Code.
    win32StatusCode number
    The Win32 Status Code of the Request.
    count int
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval str
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path str
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    status_code_range str
    The status code or range for this rule.
    sub_status int
    The Request Sub Status of the Status Code.
    win32_status_code int
    The Win32 Status Code of the Request.
    count Number
    The number of occurrences of the defined status_code in the specified interval on which to trigger this rule.
    interval String
    The time interval in the form hh:mm:ss.
    path String
    The path to which this rule status code applies.
    statusCodeRange String
    The status code or range for this rule.
    subStatus Number
    The Request Sub Status of the Status Code.
    win32StatusCode Number
    The Win32 Status Code of the Request.


    AllowedOrigins List<string>
    A list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls.
    SupportCredentials bool
    Whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed.
    AllowedOrigins []string
    A list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls.
    SupportCredentials bool
    Whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed.
    allowedOrigins List<String>
    A list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls.
    supportCredentials Boolean
    Whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed.
    allowedOrigins string[]
    A list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls.
    supportCredentials boolean
    Whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed.
    allowed_origins Sequence[str]
    A list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls.
    support_credentials bool
    Whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed.
    allowedOrigins List<String>
    A list of origins that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls.
    supportCredentials Boolean
    Whether CORS requests with credentials are allowed.


    Action string
    A action block as defined above.
    Description string
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    Headers List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestrictionHeader>
    IpAddress string
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Priority int
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    ServiceTag string
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    VirtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    Action string
    A action block as defined above.
    Description string
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    Headers []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestrictionHeader
    IpAddress string
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Priority int
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    ServiceTag string
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    VirtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action String
    A action block as defined above.
    description String
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestrictionHeader>
    ipAddress String
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority Integer
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    serviceTag String
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId String
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action string
    A action block as defined above.
    description string
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestrictionHeader[]
    ipAddress string
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority number
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    serviceTag string
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action str
    A action block as defined above.
    description str
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigIpRestrictionHeader]
    ip_address str
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority int
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    service_tag str
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtual_network_subnet_id str
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action String
    A action block as defined above.
    description String
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers List<Property Map>
    ipAddress String
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority Number
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    serviceTag String
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId String
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.


    XAzureFdids List<string>
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    XFdHealthProbes List<string>
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    XForwardedFors List<string>
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    XForwardedHosts List<string>
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    XAzureFdids []string
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    XFdHealthProbes []string
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    XForwardedFors []string
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    XForwardedHosts []string
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    xAzureFdids List<String>
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    xFdHealthProbes List<String>
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    xForwardedFors List<String>
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    xForwardedHosts List<String>
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    xAzureFdids string[]
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    xFdHealthProbes string[]
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    xForwardedFors string[]
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    xForwardedHosts string[]
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    x_azure_fdids Sequence[str]
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    x_fd_health_probes Sequence[str]
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    x_forwarded_fors Sequence[str]
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    x_forwarded_hosts Sequence[str]
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    xAzureFdids List<String>
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    xFdHealthProbes List<String>
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    xForwardedFors List<String>
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    xForwardedHosts List<String>
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.


    Action string
    A action block as defined above.
    Description string
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    Headers List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestrictionHeader>
    IpAddress string
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Priority int
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    ServiceTag string
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    VirtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    Action string
    A action block as defined above.
    Description string
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    Headers []GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestrictionHeader
    IpAddress string
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Priority int
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    ServiceTag string
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    VirtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action String
    A action block as defined above.
    description String
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers List<GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestrictionHeader>
    ipAddress String
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority Integer
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    serviceTag String
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId String
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action string
    A action block as defined above.
    description string
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestrictionHeader[]
    ipAddress string
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority number
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    serviceTag string
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId string
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action str
    A action block as defined above.
    description str
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers Sequence[GetLinuxWebAppSiteConfigScmIpRestrictionHeader]
    ip_address str
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority int
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    service_tag str
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtual_network_subnet_id str
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.
    action String
    A action block as defined above.
    description String
    The description of the ip restriction rule.
    headers List<Property Map>
    ipAddress String
    The CIDR notation of the IP or IP Range to match.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    priority Number
    The priority value of this ip_restriction.
    serviceTag String
    The Service Tag used for this IP Restriction.
    virtualNetworkSubnetId String
    The subnet id which the Linux Web App is vNet Integrated with.


    XAzureFdids List<string>
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    XFdHealthProbes List<string>
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    XForwardedFors List<string>
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    XForwardedHosts List<string>
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    XAzureFdids []string
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    XFdHealthProbes []string
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    XForwardedFors []string
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    XForwardedHosts []string
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    xAzureFdids List<String>
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    xFdHealthProbes List<String>
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    xForwardedFors List<String>
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    xForwardedHosts List<String>
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    xAzureFdids string[]
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    xFdHealthProbes string[]
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    xForwardedFors string[]
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    xForwardedHosts string[]
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    x_azure_fdids Sequence[str]
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    x_fd_health_probes Sequence[str]
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    x_forwarded_fors Sequence[str]
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    x_forwarded_hosts Sequence[str]
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.
    xAzureFdids List<String>
    The list of Azure Front Door IDs.
    xFdHealthProbes List<String>
    Specifies if a Front Door Health Probe is expected.
    xForwardedFors List<String>
    The list of addresses for which matching is applied.
    xForwardedHosts List<String>
    The list of Hosts for which matching will be applied.


    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Password string
    The Site Credentials Password used for publishing.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    Password string
    The Site Credentials Password used for publishing.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    password String
    The Site Credentials Password used for publishing.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    password string
    The Site Credentials Password used for publishing.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    password str
    The Site Credentials Password used for publishing.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    password String
    The Site Credentials Password used for publishing.


    AppSettingNames List<string>
    A list of app_setting names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    ConnectionStringNames List<string>
    A list of connection_string names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    AppSettingNames []string
    A list of app_setting names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    ConnectionStringNames []string
    A list of connection_string names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    appSettingNames List<String>
    A list of app_setting names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    connectionStringNames List<String>
    A list of connection_string names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    appSettingNames string[]
    A list of app_setting names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    connectionStringNames string[]
    A list of connection_string names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    app_setting_names Sequence[str]
    A list of app_setting names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    connection_string_names Sequence[str]
    A list of connection_string names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    appSettingNames List<String>
    A list of app_setting names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.
    connectionStringNames List<String>
    A list of connection_string names that the Linux Web App will not swap between Slots when a swap operation is triggered.


    AccessKey string
    The Access key for the storage account.
    AccountName string
    The Name of the Storage Account.
    MountPath string
    The path at which to mount the Storage Share.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    ShareName string
    The Name of the File Share or Container Name for Blob storage.
    Type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    AccessKey string
    The Access key for the storage account.
    AccountName string
    The Name of the Storage Account.
    MountPath string
    The path at which to mount the Storage Share.
    Name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    ShareName string
    The Name of the File Share or Container Name for Blob storage.
    Type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    accessKey String
    The Access key for the storage account.
    accountName String
    The Name of the Storage Account.
    mountPath String
    The path at which to mount the Storage Share.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    shareName String
    The Name of the File Share or Container Name for Blob storage.
    type String
    The Azure Storage Type.
    accessKey string
    The Access key for the storage account.
    accountName string
    The Name of the Storage Account.
    mountPath string
    The path at which to mount the Storage Share.
    name string
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    shareName string
    The Name of the File Share or Container Name for Blob storage.
    type string
    The Azure Storage Type.
    access_key str
    The Access key for the storage account.
    account_name str
    The Name of the Storage Account.
    mount_path str
    The path at which to mount the Storage Share.
    name str
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    share_name str
    The Name of the File Share or Container Name for Blob storage.
    type str
    The Azure Storage Type.
    accessKey String
    The Access key for the storage account.
    accountName String
    The Name of the Storage Account.
    mountPath String
    The path at which to mount the Storage Share.
    name String
    The name of this Linux Web App.
    shareName String
    The Name of the File Share or Container Name for Blob storage.
    type String
    The Azure Storage Type.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
    azure logo

    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi