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  5. getConfigurationSet

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Data source for managing an AWS SESv2 (Simple Email V2) Configuration Set.

    Example Usage

    Basic Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const example = aws.sesv2.getConfigurationSet({
        configurationSetName: "example",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    example = aws.sesv2.get_configuration_set(configuration_set_name="example")
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := sesv2.LookupConfigurationSet(ctx, &sesv2.LookupConfigurationSetArgs{
    			ConfigurationSetName: "example",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Aws.SesV2.GetConfigurationSet.Invoke(new()
            ConfigurationSetName = "example",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.sesv2.Sesv2Functions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.sesv2.inputs.GetConfigurationSetArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = Sesv2Functions.getConfigurationSet(GetConfigurationSetArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:sesv2:getConfigurationSet
            configurationSetName: example

    Using getConfigurationSet

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getConfigurationSet(args: GetConfigurationSetArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetConfigurationSetResult>
    function getConfigurationSetOutput(args: GetConfigurationSetOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetConfigurationSetResult>
    def get_configuration_set(configuration_set_name: Optional[str] = None,
                              tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                              opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetConfigurationSetResult
    def get_configuration_set_output(configuration_set_name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                              tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                              opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetConfigurationSetResult]
    func LookupConfigurationSet(ctx *Context, args *LookupConfigurationSetArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupConfigurationSetResult, error)
    func LookupConfigurationSetOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupConfigurationSetOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupConfigurationSetResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupConfigurationSet in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetConfigurationSet 
        public static Task<GetConfigurationSetResult> InvokeAsync(GetConfigurationSetArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetConfigurationSetResult> Invoke(GetConfigurationSetInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetConfigurationSetResult> getConfigurationSet(GetConfigurationSetArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aws:sesv2/getConfigurationSet:getConfigurationSet
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    ConfigurationSetName string
    The name of the configuration set.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    ConfigurationSetName string
    The name of the configuration set.
    Tags map[string]string
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    configurationSetName String
    The name of the configuration set.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    configurationSetName string
    The name of the configuration set.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    configuration_set_name str
    The name of the configuration set.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    configurationSetName String
    The name of the configuration set.
    tags Map<String>
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.

    getConfigurationSet Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Arn string
    ConfigurationSetName string
    DeliveryOptions List<GetConfigurationSetDeliveryOption>
    An object that defines the dedicated IP pool that is used to send emails that you send using the configuration set.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ReputationOptions List<GetConfigurationSetReputationOption>
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES collects reputation metrics for the emails that you send that use the configuration set.
    SendingOptions List<GetConfigurationSetSendingOption>
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES can send email that you send using the configuration set.
    SuppressionOptions List<GetConfigurationSetSuppressionOption>
    An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    TrackingOptions List<GetConfigurationSetTrackingOption>
    An object that defines the open and click tracking options for emails that you send using the configuration set.
    VdmOptions List<GetConfigurationSetVdmOption>
    An object that contains information about the VDM preferences for your configuration set.
    Arn string
    ConfigurationSetName string
    DeliveryOptions []GetConfigurationSetDeliveryOption
    An object that defines the dedicated IP pool that is used to send emails that you send using the configuration set.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ReputationOptions []GetConfigurationSetReputationOption
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES collects reputation metrics for the emails that you send that use the configuration set.
    SendingOptions []GetConfigurationSetSendingOption
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES can send email that you send using the configuration set.
    SuppressionOptions []GetConfigurationSetSuppressionOption
    An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
    Tags map[string]string
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    TrackingOptions []GetConfigurationSetTrackingOption
    An object that defines the open and click tracking options for emails that you send using the configuration set.
    VdmOptions []GetConfigurationSetVdmOption
    An object that contains information about the VDM preferences for your configuration set.
    arn String
    configurationSetName String
    deliveryOptions List<GetConfigurationSetDeliveryOption>
    An object that defines the dedicated IP pool that is used to send emails that you send using the configuration set.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    reputationOptions List<GetConfigurationSetReputationOption>
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES collects reputation metrics for the emails that you send that use the configuration set.
    sendingOptions List<GetConfigurationSetSendingOption>
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES can send email that you send using the configuration set.
    suppressionOptions List<GetConfigurationSetSuppressionOption>
    An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    trackingOptions List<GetConfigurationSetTrackingOption>
    An object that defines the open and click tracking options for emails that you send using the configuration set.
    vdmOptions List<GetConfigurationSetVdmOption>
    An object that contains information about the VDM preferences for your configuration set.
    arn string
    configurationSetName string
    deliveryOptions GetConfigurationSetDeliveryOption[]
    An object that defines the dedicated IP pool that is used to send emails that you send using the configuration set.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    reputationOptions GetConfigurationSetReputationOption[]
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES collects reputation metrics for the emails that you send that use the configuration set.
    sendingOptions GetConfigurationSetSendingOption[]
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES can send email that you send using the configuration set.
    suppressionOptions GetConfigurationSetSuppressionOption[]
    An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    trackingOptions GetConfigurationSetTrackingOption[]
    An object that defines the open and click tracking options for emails that you send using the configuration set.
    vdmOptions GetConfigurationSetVdmOption[]
    An object that contains information about the VDM preferences for your configuration set.
    arn str
    configuration_set_name str
    delivery_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetDeliveryOption]
    An object that defines the dedicated IP pool that is used to send emails that you send using the configuration set.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    reputation_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetReputationOption]
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES collects reputation metrics for the emails that you send that use the configuration set.
    sending_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetSendingOption]
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES can send email that you send using the configuration set.
    suppression_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetSuppressionOption]
    An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    tracking_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetTrackingOption]
    An object that defines the open and click tracking options for emails that you send using the configuration set.
    vdm_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetVdmOption]
    An object that contains information about the VDM preferences for your configuration set.
    arn String
    configurationSetName String
    deliveryOptions List<Property Map>
    An object that defines the dedicated IP pool that is used to send emails that you send using the configuration set.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    reputationOptions List<Property Map>
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES collects reputation metrics for the emails that you send that use the configuration set.
    sendingOptions List<Property Map>
    An object that defines whether or not Amazon SES can send email that you send using the configuration set.
    suppressionOptions List<Property Map>
    An object that contains information about the suppression list preferences for your account.
    tags Map<String>
    Key-value map of resource tags for the container recipe.
    trackingOptions List<Property Map>
    An object that defines the open and click tracking options for emails that you send using the configuration set.
    vdmOptions List<Property Map>
    An object that contains information about the VDM preferences for your configuration set.

    Supporting Types


    SendingPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated IP pool to associate with the configuration set.
    TlsPolicy string
    Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).
    SendingPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated IP pool to associate with the configuration set.
    TlsPolicy string
    Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).
    sendingPoolName String
    The name of the dedicated IP pool to associate with the configuration set.
    tlsPolicy String
    Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).
    sendingPoolName string
    The name of the dedicated IP pool to associate with the configuration set.
    tlsPolicy string
    Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).
    sending_pool_name str
    The name of the dedicated IP pool to associate with the configuration set.
    tls_policy str
    Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).
    sendingPoolName String
    The name of the dedicated IP pool to associate with the configuration set.
    tlsPolicy String
    Specifies whether messages that use the configuration set are required to use Transport Layer Security (TLS).


    LastFreshStart string
    The date and time (in Unix time) when the reputation metrics were last given a fresh start.
    ReputationMetricsEnabled bool
    Specifies whether tracking of reputation metrics is enabled.
    LastFreshStart string
    The date and time (in Unix time) when the reputation metrics were last given a fresh start.
    ReputationMetricsEnabled bool
    Specifies whether tracking of reputation metrics is enabled.
    lastFreshStart String
    The date and time (in Unix time) when the reputation metrics were last given a fresh start.
    reputationMetricsEnabled Boolean
    Specifies whether tracking of reputation metrics is enabled.
    lastFreshStart string
    The date and time (in Unix time) when the reputation metrics were last given a fresh start.
    reputationMetricsEnabled boolean
    Specifies whether tracking of reputation metrics is enabled.
    last_fresh_start str
    The date and time (in Unix time) when the reputation metrics were last given a fresh start.
    reputation_metrics_enabled bool
    Specifies whether tracking of reputation metrics is enabled.
    lastFreshStart String
    The date and time (in Unix time) when the reputation metrics were last given a fresh start.
    reputationMetricsEnabled Boolean
    Specifies whether tracking of reputation metrics is enabled.


    SendingEnabled bool
    Specifies whether email sending is enabled.
    SendingEnabled bool
    Specifies whether email sending is enabled.
    sendingEnabled Boolean
    Specifies whether email sending is enabled.
    sendingEnabled boolean
    Specifies whether email sending is enabled.
    sending_enabled bool
    Specifies whether email sending is enabled.
    sendingEnabled Boolean
    Specifies whether email sending is enabled.


    SuppressedReasons List<string>
    A list that contains the reasons that email addresses are automatically added to the suppression list for your account.
    SuppressedReasons []string
    A list that contains the reasons that email addresses are automatically added to the suppression list for your account.
    suppressedReasons List<String>
    A list that contains the reasons that email addresses are automatically added to the suppression list for your account.
    suppressedReasons string[]
    A list that contains the reasons that email addresses are automatically added to the suppression list for your account.
    suppressed_reasons Sequence[str]
    A list that contains the reasons that email addresses are automatically added to the suppression list for your account.
    suppressedReasons List<String>
    A list that contains the reasons that email addresses are automatically added to the suppression list for your account.


    CustomRedirectDomain string
    The domain to use for tracking open and click events.
    CustomRedirectDomain string
    The domain to use for tracking open and click events.
    customRedirectDomain String
    The domain to use for tracking open and click events.
    customRedirectDomain string
    The domain to use for tracking open and click events.
    custom_redirect_domain str
    The domain to use for tracking open and click events.
    customRedirectDomain String
    The domain to use for tracking open and click events.


    DashboardOptions List<GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionDashboardOption>
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
    GuardianOptions List<GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionGuardianOption>
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
    DashboardOptions []GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionDashboardOption
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
    GuardianOptions []GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionGuardianOption
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
    dashboardOptions List<GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionDashboardOption>
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
    guardianOptions List<GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionGuardianOption>
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
    dashboardOptions GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionDashboardOption[]
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
    guardianOptions GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionGuardianOption[]
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
    dashboard_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionDashboardOption]
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
    guardian_options Sequence[GetConfigurationSetVdmOptionGuardianOption]
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.
    dashboardOptions List<Property Map>
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Dashboard.
    guardianOptions List<Property Map>
    Specifies additional settings for your VDM configuration as applicable to the Guardian.


    EngagementMetrics string
    Specifies the status of your VDM engagement metrics collection.
    EngagementMetrics string
    Specifies the status of your VDM engagement metrics collection.
    engagementMetrics String
    Specifies the status of your VDM engagement metrics collection.
    engagementMetrics string
    Specifies the status of your VDM engagement metrics collection.
    engagement_metrics str
    Specifies the status of your VDM engagement metrics collection.
    engagementMetrics String
    Specifies the status of your VDM engagement metrics collection.


    OptimizedSharedDelivery string
    Specifies the status of your VDM optimized shared delivery.
    OptimizedSharedDelivery string
    Specifies the status of your VDM optimized shared delivery.
    optimizedSharedDelivery String
    Specifies the status of your VDM optimized shared delivery.
    optimizedSharedDelivery string
    Specifies the status of your VDM optimized shared delivery.
    optimized_shared_delivery str
    Specifies the status of your VDM optimized shared delivery.
    optimizedSharedDelivery String
    Specifies the status of your VDM optimized shared delivery.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
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    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi