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  5. getOrderableDbInstance

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Information about RDS orderable DB instances and valid parameter combinations.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const test = aws.rds.getOrderableDbInstance({
        engine: "mysql",
        engineVersion: "5.7.22",
        licenseModel: "general-public-license",
        storageType: "standard",
        preferredInstanceClasses: [
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    test = aws.rds.get_orderable_db_instance(engine="mysql",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := rds.GetOrderableDbInstance(ctx, &rds.GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs{
    			Engine:        "mysql",
    			EngineVersion: pulumi.StringRef("5.7.22"),
    			LicenseModel:  pulumi.StringRef("general-public-license"),
    			StorageType:   pulumi.StringRef("standard"),
    			PreferredInstanceClasses: []string{
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var test = Aws.Rds.GetOrderableDbInstance.Invoke(new()
            Engine = "mysql",
            EngineVersion = "5.7.22",
            LicenseModel = "general-public-license",
            StorageType = "standard",
            PreferredInstanceClasses = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.RdsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.inputs.GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var test = RdsFunctions.getOrderableDbInstance(GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:rds:getOrderableDbInstance
            engine: mysql
            engineVersion: 5.7.22
            licenseModel: general-public-license
            storageType: standard
              - db.r6.xlarge
              - db.m4.large
              - db.t3.small

    Valid parameter combinations can also be found with preferred_engine_versions and/or preferred_instance_classes.

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const test = aws.rds.getOrderableDbInstance({
        engine: "mysql",
        licenseModel: "general-public-license",
        preferredEngineVersions: [
        preferredInstanceClasses: [
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    test = aws.rds.get_orderable_db_instance(engine="mysql",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := rds.GetOrderableDbInstance(ctx, &rds.GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs{
    			Engine:       "mysql",
    			LicenseModel: pulumi.StringRef("general-public-license"),
    			PreferredEngineVersions: []string{
    			PreferredInstanceClasses: []string{
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var test = Aws.Rds.GetOrderableDbInstance.Invoke(new()
            Engine = "mysql",
            LicenseModel = "general-public-license",
            PreferredEngineVersions = new[]
            PreferredInstanceClasses = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.RdsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.inputs.GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var test = RdsFunctions.getOrderableDbInstance(GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:rds:getOrderableDbInstance
            engine: mysql
            licenseModel: general-public-license
              - 5.6.35
              - 5.6.41
              - 5.6.44
              - db.t2.small
              - db.t3.medium
              - db.t3.large

    Using getOrderableDbInstance

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getOrderableDbInstance(args: GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetOrderableDbInstanceResult>
    function getOrderableDbInstanceOutput(args: GetOrderableDbInstanceOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetOrderableDbInstanceResult>
    def get_orderable_db_instance(availability_zone_group: Optional[str] = None,
                                  engine: Optional[str] = None,
                                  engine_latest_version: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  engine_version: Optional[str] = None,
                                  instance_class: Optional[str] = None,
                                  license_model: Optional[str] = None,
                                  preferred_engine_versions: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                                  preferred_instance_classes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                                  read_replica_capable: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  storage_type: Optional[str] = None,
                                  supported_engine_modes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                                  supported_network_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                                  supports_clusters: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_enhanced_monitoring: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_global_databases: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_iam_database_authentication: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_iops: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_kerberos_authentication: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_multi_az: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_performance_insights: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_storage_autoscaling: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  supports_storage_encryption: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  vpc: Optional[bool] = None,
                                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetOrderableDbInstanceResult
    def get_orderable_db_instance_output(availability_zone_group: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  engine: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  engine_latest_version: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  engine_version: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  instance_class: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  license_model: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  preferred_engine_versions: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                                  preferred_instance_classes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                                  read_replica_capable: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  storage_type: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                                  supported_engine_modes: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                                  supported_network_types: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                                  supports_clusters: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_enhanced_monitoring: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_global_databases: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_iam_database_authentication: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_iops: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_kerberos_authentication: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_multi_az: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_performance_insights: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_storage_autoscaling: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  supports_storage_encryption: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  vpc: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetOrderableDbInstanceResult]
    func GetOrderableDbInstance(ctx *Context, args *GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetOrderableDbInstanceResult, error)
    func GetOrderableDbInstanceOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetOrderableDbInstanceOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetOrderableDbInstanceResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetOrderableDbInstance in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetOrderableDbInstance 
        public static Task<GetOrderableDbInstanceResult> InvokeAsync(GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetOrderableDbInstanceResult> Invoke(GetOrderableDbInstanceInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetOrderableDbInstanceResult> getOrderableDbInstance(GetOrderableDbInstanceArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aws:rds/getOrderableDbInstance:getOrderableDbInstance
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Engine string
    DB engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.
    AvailabilityZoneGroup string
    Availability zone group.
    EngineLatestVersion bool
    When set to true, the data source attempts to return the most recent version matching the other criteria you provide. You must use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes and/or preferred_engine_versions. Using engine_latest_version will avoid multiple RDS DB Instance Classes errors. If you use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes, the data source returns the latest version for the first matching instance class (instance class priority). Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version but due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines, using engine_latest_version may not return the latest version in every situation.
    EngineVersion string
    Version of the DB engine. If none is provided, the data source tries to use the AWS-defined default version that matches any other criteria.
    InstanceClass string
    DB instance class. Examples of classes are db.m3.2xlarge, db.t2.small, and db.m3.medium.
    LicenseModel string
    License model. Examples of license models are general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, and amazon-license.
    PreferredEngineVersions List<string>
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance engine versions. When engine_latest_version is not set, the data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. CAUTION: We don't recommend using preferred_engine_versions without preferred_instance_classes since the data source returns an arbitrary instance_class based on the first one AWS returns that matches the engine version and any other criteria.
    PreferredInstanceClasses List<string>
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance classes. The data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. If you use preferred_instance_classes without preferred_engine_versions or engine_latest_version, the data source returns an arbitrary engine_version based on the first one AWS returns matching the instance class and any other criteria.
    ReadReplicaCapable bool
    Whether a DB instance can have a read replica.
    StorageType string
    Storage types. Examples of storage types are standard, io1, gp2, and aurora.
    SupportedEngineModes List<string>
    Use to limit results to engine modes such as provisioned.
    SupportedNetworkTypes List<string>
    Use to limit results to network types IPV4 or DUAL.
    SupportsClusters bool
    Whether to limit results to instances that support clusters.
    SupportsEnhancedMonitoring bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Enhanced Monitoring at intervals from 1 to 60 seconds.
    SupportsGlobalDatabases bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Aurora global databases with a specific combination of other DB engine attributes.
    SupportsIamDatabaseAuthentication bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports IAM database authentication.
    SupportsIops bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports provisioned IOPS.
    SupportsKerberosAuthentication bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Kerberos Authentication.
    SupportsMultiAz bool
    Whether to limit results to instances that are multi-AZ capable.
    SupportsPerformanceInsights bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Performance Insights.
    SupportsStorageAutoscaling bool
    Enable this to ensure Amazon RDS can automatically scale storage for DB instances that use the specified DB instance class.
    SupportsStorageEncryption bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports encrypted storage.
    Vpc bool
    Boolean that indicates whether to show only VPC or non-VPC offerings.
    Engine string
    DB engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.
    AvailabilityZoneGroup string
    Availability zone group.
    EngineLatestVersion bool
    When set to true, the data source attempts to return the most recent version matching the other criteria you provide. You must use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes and/or preferred_engine_versions. Using engine_latest_version will avoid multiple RDS DB Instance Classes errors. If you use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes, the data source returns the latest version for the first matching instance class (instance class priority). Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version but due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines, using engine_latest_version may not return the latest version in every situation.
    EngineVersion string
    Version of the DB engine. If none is provided, the data source tries to use the AWS-defined default version that matches any other criteria.
    InstanceClass string
    DB instance class. Examples of classes are db.m3.2xlarge, db.t2.small, and db.m3.medium.
    LicenseModel string
    License model. Examples of license models are general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, and amazon-license.
    PreferredEngineVersions []string
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance engine versions. When engine_latest_version is not set, the data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. CAUTION: We don't recommend using preferred_engine_versions without preferred_instance_classes since the data source returns an arbitrary instance_class based on the first one AWS returns that matches the engine version and any other criteria.
    PreferredInstanceClasses []string
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance classes. The data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. If you use preferred_instance_classes without preferred_engine_versions or engine_latest_version, the data source returns an arbitrary engine_version based on the first one AWS returns matching the instance class and any other criteria.
    ReadReplicaCapable bool
    Whether a DB instance can have a read replica.
    StorageType string
    Storage types. Examples of storage types are standard, io1, gp2, and aurora.
    SupportedEngineModes []string
    Use to limit results to engine modes such as provisioned.
    SupportedNetworkTypes []string
    Use to limit results to network types IPV4 or DUAL.
    SupportsClusters bool
    Whether to limit results to instances that support clusters.
    SupportsEnhancedMonitoring bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Enhanced Monitoring at intervals from 1 to 60 seconds.
    SupportsGlobalDatabases bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Aurora global databases with a specific combination of other DB engine attributes.
    SupportsIamDatabaseAuthentication bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports IAM database authentication.
    SupportsIops bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports provisioned IOPS.
    SupportsKerberosAuthentication bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Kerberos Authentication.
    SupportsMultiAz bool
    Whether to limit results to instances that are multi-AZ capable.
    SupportsPerformanceInsights bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Performance Insights.
    SupportsStorageAutoscaling bool
    Enable this to ensure Amazon RDS can automatically scale storage for DB instances that use the specified DB instance class.
    SupportsStorageEncryption bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports encrypted storage.
    Vpc bool
    Boolean that indicates whether to show only VPC or non-VPC offerings.
    engine String
    DB engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.
    availabilityZoneGroup String
    Availability zone group.
    engineLatestVersion Boolean
    When set to true, the data source attempts to return the most recent version matching the other criteria you provide. You must use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes and/or preferred_engine_versions. Using engine_latest_version will avoid multiple RDS DB Instance Classes errors. If you use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes, the data source returns the latest version for the first matching instance class (instance class priority). Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version but due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines, using engine_latest_version may not return the latest version in every situation.
    engineVersion String
    Version of the DB engine. If none is provided, the data source tries to use the AWS-defined default version that matches any other criteria.
    instanceClass String
    DB instance class. Examples of classes are db.m3.2xlarge, db.t2.small, and db.m3.medium.
    licenseModel String
    License model. Examples of license models are general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, and amazon-license.
    preferredEngineVersions List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance engine versions. When engine_latest_version is not set, the data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. CAUTION: We don't recommend using preferred_engine_versions without preferred_instance_classes since the data source returns an arbitrary instance_class based on the first one AWS returns that matches the engine version and any other criteria.
    preferredInstanceClasses List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance classes. The data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. If you use preferred_instance_classes without preferred_engine_versions or engine_latest_version, the data source returns an arbitrary engine_version based on the first one AWS returns matching the instance class and any other criteria.
    readReplicaCapable Boolean
    Whether a DB instance can have a read replica.
    storageType String
    Storage types. Examples of storage types are standard, io1, gp2, and aurora.
    supportedEngineModes List<String>
    Use to limit results to engine modes such as provisioned.
    supportedNetworkTypes List<String>
    Use to limit results to network types IPV4 or DUAL.
    supportsClusters Boolean
    Whether to limit results to instances that support clusters.
    supportsEnhancedMonitoring Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Enhanced Monitoring at intervals from 1 to 60 seconds.
    supportsGlobalDatabases Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Aurora global databases with a specific combination of other DB engine attributes.
    supportsIamDatabaseAuthentication Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports IAM database authentication.
    supportsIops Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports provisioned IOPS.
    supportsKerberosAuthentication Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Kerberos Authentication.
    supportsMultiAz Boolean
    Whether to limit results to instances that are multi-AZ capable.
    supportsPerformanceInsights Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Performance Insights.
    supportsStorageAutoscaling Boolean
    Enable this to ensure Amazon RDS can automatically scale storage for DB instances that use the specified DB instance class.
    supportsStorageEncryption Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports encrypted storage.
    vpc Boolean
    Boolean that indicates whether to show only VPC or non-VPC offerings.
    engine string
    DB engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.
    availabilityZoneGroup string
    Availability zone group.
    engineLatestVersion boolean
    When set to true, the data source attempts to return the most recent version matching the other criteria you provide. You must use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes and/or preferred_engine_versions. Using engine_latest_version will avoid multiple RDS DB Instance Classes errors. If you use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes, the data source returns the latest version for the first matching instance class (instance class priority). Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version but due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines, using engine_latest_version may not return the latest version in every situation.
    engineVersion string
    Version of the DB engine. If none is provided, the data source tries to use the AWS-defined default version that matches any other criteria.
    instanceClass string
    DB instance class. Examples of classes are db.m3.2xlarge, db.t2.small, and db.m3.medium.
    licenseModel string
    License model. Examples of license models are general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, and amazon-license.
    preferredEngineVersions string[]
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance engine versions. When engine_latest_version is not set, the data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. CAUTION: We don't recommend using preferred_engine_versions without preferred_instance_classes since the data source returns an arbitrary instance_class based on the first one AWS returns that matches the engine version and any other criteria.
    preferredInstanceClasses string[]
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance classes. The data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. If you use preferred_instance_classes without preferred_engine_versions or engine_latest_version, the data source returns an arbitrary engine_version based on the first one AWS returns matching the instance class and any other criteria.
    readReplicaCapable boolean
    Whether a DB instance can have a read replica.
    storageType string
    Storage types. Examples of storage types are standard, io1, gp2, and aurora.
    supportedEngineModes string[]
    Use to limit results to engine modes such as provisioned.
    supportedNetworkTypes string[]
    Use to limit results to network types IPV4 or DUAL.
    supportsClusters boolean
    Whether to limit results to instances that support clusters.
    supportsEnhancedMonitoring boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Enhanced Monitoring at intervals from 1 to 60 seconds.
    supportsGlobalDatabases boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Aurora global databases with a specific combination of other DB engine attributes.
    supportsIamDatabaseAuthentication boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports IAM database authentication.
    supportsIops boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports provisioned IOPS.
    supportsKerberosAuthentication boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Kerberos Authentication.
    supportsMultiAz boolean
    Whether to limit results to instances that are multi-AZ capable.
    supportsPerformanceInsights boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Performance Insights.
    supportsStorageAutoscaling boolean
    Enable this to ensure Amazon RDS can automatically scale storage for DB instances that use the specified DB instance class.
    supportsStorageEncryption boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports encrypted storage.
    vpc boolean
    Boolean that indicates whether to show only VPC or non-VPC offerings.
    engine str
    DB engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.
    availability_zone_group str
    Availability zone group.
    engine_latest_version bool
    When set to true, the data source attempts to return the most recent version matching the other criteria you provide. You must use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes and/or preferred_engine_versions. Using engine_latest_version will avoid multiple RDS DB Instance Classes errors. If you use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes, the data source returns the latest version for the first matching instance class (instance class priority). Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version but due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines, using engine_latest_version may not return the latest version in every situation.
    engine_version str
    Version of the DB engine. If none is provided, the data source tries to use the AWS-defined default version that matches any other criteria.
    instance_class str
    DB instance class. Examples of classes are db.m3.2xlarge, db.t2.small, and db.m3.medium.
    license_model str
    License model. Examples of license models are general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, and amazon-license.
    preferred_engine_versions Sequence[str]
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance engine versions. When engine_latest_version is not set, the data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. CAUTION: We don't recommend using preferred_engine_versions without preferred_instance_classes since the data source returns an arbitrary instance_class based on the first one AWS returns that matches the engine version and any other criteria.
    preferred_instance_classes Sequence[str]
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance classes. The data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. If you use preferred_instance_classes without preferred_engine_versions or engine_latest_version, the data source returns an arbitrary engine_version based on the first one AWS returns matching the instance class and any other criteria.
    read_replica_capable bool
    Whether a DB instance can have a read replica.
    storage_type str
    Storage types. Examples of storage types are standard, io1, gp2, and aurora.
    supported_engine_modes Sequence[str]
    Use to limit results to engine modes such as provisioned.
    supported_network_types Sequence[str]
    Use to limit results to network types IPV4 or DUAL.
    supports_clusters bool
    Whether to limit results to instances that support clusters.
    supports_enhanced_monitoring bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Enhanced Monitoring at intervals from 1 to 60 seconds.
    supports_global_databases bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Aurora global databases with a specific combination of other DB engine attributes.
    supports_iam_database_authentication bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports IAM database authentication.
    supports_iops bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports provisioned IOPS.
    supports_kerberos_authentication bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Kerberos Authentication.
    supports_multi_az bool
    Whether to limit results to instances that are multi-AZ capable.
    supports_performance_insights bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Performance Insights.
    supports_storage_autoscaling bool
    Enable this to ensure Amazon RDS can automatically scale storage for DB instances that use the specified DB instance class.
    supports_storage_encryption bool
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports encrypted storage.
    vpc bool
    Boolean that indicates whether to show only VPC or non-VPC offerings.
    engine String
    DB engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.
    availabilityZoneGroup String
    Availability zone group.
    engineLatestVersion Boolean
    When set to true, the data source attempts to return the most recent version matching the other criteria you provide. You must use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes and/or preferred_engine_versions. Using engine_latest_version will avoid multiple RDS DB Instance Classes errors. If you use engine_latest_version with preferred_instance_classes, the data source returns the latest version for the first matching instance class (instance class priority). Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version but due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines, using engine_latest_version may not return the latest version in every situation.
    engineVersion String
    Version of the DB engine. If none is provided, the data source tries to use the AWS-defined default version that matches any other criteria.
    instanceClass String
    DB instance class. Examples of classes are db.m3.2xlarge, db.t2.small, and db.m3.medium.
    licenseModel String
    License model. Examples of license models are general-public-license, bring-your-own-license, and amazon-license.
    preferredEngineVersions List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance engine versions. When engine_latest_version is not set, the data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. CAUTION: We don't recommend using preferred_engine_versions without preferred_instance_classes since the data source returns an arbitrary instance_class based on the first one AWS returns that matches the engine version and any other criteria.
    preferredInstanceClasses List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred RDS DB instance classes. The data source will return the first match in this list that matches any other criteria. If the data source finds no preferred matches or multiple matches without engine_latest_version, it returns an error. If you use preferred_instance_classes without preferred_engine_versions or engine_latest_version, the data source returns an arbitrary engine_version based on the first one AWS returns matching the instance class and any other criteria.
    readReplicaCapable Boolean
    Whether a DB instance can have a read replica.
    storageType String
    Storage types. Examples of storage types are standard, io1, gp2, and aurora.
    supportedEngineModes List<String>
    Use to limit results to engine modes such as provisioned.
    supportedNetworkTypes List<String>
    Use to limit results to network types IPV4 or DUAL.
    supportsClusters Boolean
    Whether to limit results to instances that support clusters.
    supportsEnhancedMonitoring Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Enhanced Monitoring at intervals from 1 to 60 seconds.
    supportsGlobalDatabases Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Aurora global databases with a specific combination of other DB engine attributes.
    supportsIamDatabaseAuthentication Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports IAM database authentication.
    supportsIops Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports provisioned IOPS.
    supportsKerberosAuthentication Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Kerberos Authentication.
    supportsMultiAz Boolean
    Whether to limit results to instances that are multi-AZ capable.
    supportsPerformanceInsights Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports Performance Insights.
    supportsStorageAutoscaling Boolean
    Enable this to ensure Amazon RDS can automatically scale storage for DB instances that use the specified DB instance class.
    supportsStorageEncryption Boolean
    Enable this to ensure a DB instance supports encrypted storage.
    vpc Boolean
    Boolean that indicates whether to show only VPC or non-VPC offerings.

    getOrderableDbInstance Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AvailabilityZoneGroup string
    AvailabilityZones List<string>
    Availability zones where the instance is available.
    Engine string
    EngineVersion string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    InstanceClass string
    LicenseModel string
    MaxIopsPerDbInstance int
    Maximum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    MaxIopsPerGib double
    Maximum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    MaxStorageSize int
    Maximum storage size for a DB instance.
    MinIopsPerDbInstance int
    Minimum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    MinIopsPerGib double
    Minimum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    MinStorageSize int
    Minimum storage size for a DB instance.
    MultiAzCapable bool
    Whether a DB instance is Multi-AZ capable.
    OutpostCapable bool
    Whether a DB instance supports RDS on Outposts.
    ReadReplicaCapable bool
    StorageType string
    SupportedEngineModes List<string>
    SupportedNetworkTypes List<string>
    SupportsClusters bool
    SupportsEnhancedMonitoring bool
    SupportsGlobalDatabases bool
    SupportsIamDatabaseAuthentication bool
    SupportsIops bool
    SupportsKerberosAuthentication bool
    SupportsMultiAz bool
    SupportsPerformanceInsights bool
    SupportsStorageAutoscaling bool
    SupportsStorageEncryption bool
    Vpc bool
    EngineLatestVersion bool
    PreferredEngineVersions List<string>
    PreferredInstanceClasses List<string>
    AvailabilityZoneGroup string
    AvailabilityZones []string
    Availability zones where the instance is available.
    Engine string
    EngineVersion string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    InstanceClass string
    LicenseModel string
    MaxIopsPerDbInstance int
    Maximum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    MaxIopsPerGib float64
    Maximum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    MaxStorageSize int
    Maximum storage size for a DB instance.
    MinIopsPerDbInstance int
    Minimum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    MinIopsPerGib float64
    Minimum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    MinStorageSize int
    Minimum storage size for a DB instance.
    MultiAzCapable bool
    Whether a DB instance is Multi-AZ capable.
    OutpostCapable bool
    Whether a DB instance supports RDS on Outposts.
    ReadReplicaCapable bool
    StorageType string
    SupportedEngineModes []string
    SupportedNetworkTypes []string
    SupportsClusters bool
    SupportsEnhancedMonitoring bool
    SupportsGlobalDatabases bool
    SupportsIamDatabaseAuthentication bool
    SupportsIops bool
    SupportsKerberosAuthentication bool
    SupportsMultiAz bool
    SupportsPerformanceInsights bool
    SupportsStorageAutoscaling bool
    SupportsStorageEncryption bool
    Vpc bool
    EngineLatestVersion bool
    PreferredEngineVersions []string
    PreferredInstanceClasses []string
    availabilityZoneGroup String
    availabilityZones List<String>
    Availability zones where the instance is available.
    engine String
    engineVersion String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    instanceClass String
    licenseModel String
    maxIopsPerDbInstance Integer
    Maximum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    maxIopsPerGib Double
    Maximum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    maxStorageSize Integer
    Maximum storage size for a DB instance.
    minIopsPerDbInstance Integer
    Minimum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    minIopsPerGib Double
    Minimum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    minStorageSize Integer
    Minimum storage size for a DB instance.
    multiAzCapable Boolean
    Whether a DB instance is Multi-AZ capable.
    outpostCapable Boolean
    Whether a DB instance supports RDS on Outposts.
    readReplicaCapable Boolean
    storageType String
    supportedEngineModes List<String>
    supportedNetworkTypes List<String>
    supportsClusters Boolean
    supportsEnhancedMonitoring Boolean
    supportsGlobalDatabases Boolean
    supportsIamDatabaseAuthentication Boolean
    supportsIops Boolean
    supportsKerberosAuthentication Boolean
    supportsMultiAz Boolean
    supportsPerformanceInsights Boolean
    supportsStorageAutoscaling Boolean
    supportsStorageEncryption Boolean
    vpc Boolean
    engineLatestVersion Boolean
    preferredEngineVersions List<String>
    preferredInstanceClasses List<String>
    availabilityZoneGroup string
    availabilityZones string[]
    Availability zones where the instance is available.
    engine string
    engineVersion string
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    instanceClass string
    licenseModel string
    maxIopsPerDbInstance number
    Maximum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    maxIopsPerGib number
    Maximum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    maxStorageSize number
    Maximum storage size for a DB instance.
    minIopsPerDbInstance number
    Minimum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    minIopsPerGib number
    Minimum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    minStorageSize number
    Minimum storage size for a DB instance.
    multiAzCapable boolean
    Whether a DB instance is Multi-AZ capable.
    outpostCapable boolean
    Whether a DB instance supports RDS on Outposts.
    readReplicaCapable boolean
    storageType string
    supportedEngineModes string[]
    supportedNetworkTypes string[]
    supportsClusters boolean
    supportsEnhancedMonitoring boolean
    supportsGlobalDatabases boolean
    supportsIamDatabaseAuthentication boolean
    supportsIops boolean
    supportsKerberosAuthentication boolean
    supportsMultiAz boolean
    supportsPerformanceInsights boolean
    supportsStorageAutoscaling boolean
    supportsStorageEncryption boolean
    vpc boolean
    engineLatestVersion boolean
    preferredEngineVersions string[]
    preferredInstanceClasses string[]
    availability_zone_group str
    availability_zones Sequence[str]
    Availability zones where the instance is available.
    engine str
    engine_version str
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    instance_class str
    license_model str
    max_iops_per_db_instance int
    Maximum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    max_iops_per_gib float
    Maximum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    max_storage_size int
    Maximum storage size for a DB instance.
    min_iops_per_db_instance int
    Minimum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    min_iops_per_gib float
    Minimum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    min_storage_size int
    Minimum storage size for a DB instance.
    multi_az_capable bool
    Whether a DB instance is Multi-AZ capable.
    outpost_capable bool
    Whether a DB instance supports RDS on Outposts.
    read_replica_capable bool
    storage_type str
    supported_engine_modes Sequence[str]
    supported_network_types Sequence[str]
    supports_clusters bool
    supports_enhanced_monitoring bool
    supports_global_databases bool
    supports_iam_database_authentication bool
    supports_iops bool
    supports_kerberos_authentication bool
    supports_multi_az bool
    supports_performance_insights bool
    supports_storage_autoscaling bool
    supports_storage_encryption bool
    vpc bool
    engine_latest_version bool
    preferred_engine_versions Sequence[str]
    preferred_instance_classes Sequence[str]
    availabilityZoneGroup String
    availabilityZones List<String>
    Availability zones where the instance is available.
    engine String
    engineVersion String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    instanceClass String
    licenseModel String
    maxIopsPerDbInstance Number
    Maximum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    maxIopsPerGib Number
    Maximum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    maxStorageSize Number
    Maximum storage size for a DB instance.
    minIopsPerDbInstance Number
    Minimum total provisioned IOPS for a DB instance.
    minIopsPerGib Number
    Minimum provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.
    minStorageSize Number
    Minimum storage size for a DB instance.
    multiAzCapable Boolean
    Whether a DB instance is Multi-AZ capable.
    outpostCapable Boolean
    Whether a DB instance supports RDS on Outposts.
    readReplicaCapable Boolean
    storageType String
    supportedEngineModes List<String>
    supportedNetworkTypes List<String>
    supportsClusters Boolean
    supportsEnhancedMonitoring Boolean
    supportsGlobalDatabases Boolean
    supportsIamDatabaseAuthentication Boolean
    supportsIops Boolean
    supportsKerberosAuthentication Boolean
    supportsMultiAz Boolean
    supportsPerformanceInsights Boolean
    supportsStorageAutoscaling Boolean
    supportsStorageEncryption Boolean
    vpc Boolean
    engineLatestVersion Boolean
    preferredEngineVersions List<String>
    preferredInstanceClasses List<String>

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
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    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi