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  5. getEngineVersion

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Information about an RDS engine version.

    Example Usage

    Basic Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const test = aws.rds.getEngineVersion({
        engine: "mysql",
        preferredVersions: [
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    test = aws.rds.get_engine_version(engine="mysql",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := rds.GetEngineVersion(ctx, &rds.GetEngineVersionArgs{
    			Engine: "mysql",
    			PreferredVersions: []string{
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var test = Aws.Rds.GetEngineVersion.Invoke(new()
            Engine = "mysql",
            PreferredVersions = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.RdsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.inputs.GetEngineVersionArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var test = RdsFunctions.getEngineVersion(GetEngineVersionArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:rds:getEngineVersion
            engine: mysql
              - 8.0.27
              - 8.0.26

    With filter

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const test = aws.rds.getEngineVersion({
        engine: "aurora-postgresql",
        version: "10.14",
        includeAll: true,
        filters: [{
            name: "engine-mode",
            values: ["serverless"],
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    test = aws.rds.get_engine_version(engine="aurora-postgresql",
            "name": "engine-mode",
            "values": ["serverless"],
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := rds.GetEngineVersion(ctx, &rds.GetEngineVersionArgs{
    			Engine:     "aurora-postgresql",
    			Version:    pulumi.StringRef("10.14"),
    			IncludeAll: pulumi.BoolRef(true),
    			Filters: []rds.GetEngineVersionFilter{
    					Name: "engine-mode",
    					Values: []string{
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var test = Aws.Rds.GetEngineVersion.Invoke(new()
            Engine = "aurora-postgresql",
            Version = "10.14",
            IncludeAll = true,
            Filters = new[]
                new Aws.Rds.Inputs.GetEngineVersionFilterInputArgs
                    Name = "engine-mode",
                    Values = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.RdsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.rds.inputs.GetEngineVersionArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var test = RdsFunctions.getEngineVersion(GetEngineVersionArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:rds:getEngineVersion
            engine: aurora-postgresql
            version: '10.14'
            includeAll: true
              - name: engine-mode
                  - serverless

    Using getEngineVersion

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getEngineVersion(args: GetEngineVersionArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetEngineVersionResult>
    function getEngineVersionOutput(args: GetEngineVersionOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetEngineVersionResult>
    def get_engine_version(default_only: Optional[bool] = None,
                           engine: Optional[str] = None,
                           filters: Optional[Sequence[GetEngineVersionFilter]] = None,
                           has_major_target: Optional[bool] = None,
                           has_minor_target: Optional[bool] = None,
                           include_all: Optional[bool] = None,
                           latest: Optional[bool] = None,
                           parameter_group_family: Optional[str] = None,
                           preferred_major_targets: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                           preferred_upgrade_targets: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                           preferred_versions: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                           version: Optional[str] = None,
                           opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetEngineVersionResult
    def get_engine_version_output(default_only: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                           engine: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                           filters: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[GetEngineVersionFilterArgs]]]] = None,
                           has_major_target: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                           has_minor_target: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                           include_all: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                           latest: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                           parameter_group_family: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                           preferred_major_targets: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                           preferred_upgrade_targets: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                           preferred_versions: Optional[pulumi.Input[Sequence[pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                           version: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                           opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetEngineVersionResult]
    func GetEngineVersion(ctx *Context, args *GetEngineVersionArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetEngineVersionResult, error)
    func GetEngineVersionOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetEngineVersionOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetEngineVersionResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetEngineVersion in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetEngineVersion 
        public static Task<GetEngineVersionResult> InvokeAsync(GetEngineVersionArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetEngineVersionResult> Invoke(GetEngineVersionInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetEngineVersionResult> getEngineVersion(GetEngineVersionArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aws:rds/getEngineVersion:getEngineVersion
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Engine string

    Database engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.

    The following arguments are optional:

    DefaultOnly bool
    Whether the engine version must be an AWS-defined default version. Some engines have multiple default versions, such as for each major version. Using default_only may help avoid multiple RDS engine versions errors. See also latest.
    Filters List<GetEngineVersionFilter>
    One or more name/value pairs to use in filtering versions. There are several valid keys; for a full reference, check out describe-db-engine-versions in the AWS CLI reference.
    HasMajorTarget bool
    Whether the engine version must have one or more major upgrade targets. Not including has_major_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding major upgrade target for the engine version.
    HasMinorTarget bool
    Whether the engine version must have one or more minor upgrade targets. Not including has_minor_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding minor upgrade target for the engine version.
    IncludeAll bool
    Whether the engine version status can either be deprecated or available. When not set or set to false, the engine version status will always be available.
    Latest bool
    Whether the engine version is the most recent version matching the other criteria. This is different from default_only in important ways: "default" relies on AWS-defined defaults, the latest version isn't always the default, and AWS might have multiple default versions for an engine. As a result, default_only might not prevent errors from multiple RDS engine versions, while latest will. (latest can be used with default_only.) Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version. Due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines and incomplete version date information provided by AWS, using latest may not always result in the engine version being the actual latest version.
    ParameterGroupFamily string
    Name of a specific database parameter group family. Examples of parameter group families are mysql8.0, mariadb10.4, and postgres12.
    PreferredMajorTargets List<string>
    Ordered list of preferred major version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in the list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_major_targets.
    PreferredUpgradeTargets List<string>
    Ordered list of preferred version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_upgrade_targets.
    PreferredVersions List<string>
    Ordered list of preferred versions. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_versions.
    Version string
    Engine string

    Database engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.

    The following arguments are optional:

    DefaultOnly bool
    Whether the engine version must be an AWS-defined default version. Some engines have multiple default versions, such as for each major version. Using default_only may help avoid multiple RDS engine versions errors. See also latest.
    Filters []GetEngineVersionFilter
    One or more name/value pairs to use in filtering versions. There are several valid keys; for a full reference, check out describe-db-engine-versions in the AWS CLI reference.
    HasMajorTarget bool
    Whether the engine version must have one or more major upgrade targets. Not including has_major_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding major upgrade target for the engine version.
    HasMinorTarget bool
    Whether the engine version must have one or more minor upgrade targets. Not including has_minor_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding minor upgrade target for the engine version.
    IncludeAll bool
    Whether the engine version status can either be deprecated or available. When not set or set to false, the engine version status will always be available.
    Latest bool
    Whether the engine version is the most recent version matching the other criteria. This is different from default_only in important ways: "default" relies on AWS-defined defaults, the latest version isn't always the default, and AWS might have multiple default versions for an engine. As a result, default_only might not prevent errors from multiple RDS engine versions, while latest will. (latest can be used with default_only.) Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version. Due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines and incomplete version date information provided by AWS, using latest may not always result in the engine version being the actual latest version.
    ParameterGroupFamily string
    Name of a specific database parameter group family. Examples of parameter group families are mysql8.0, mariadb10.4, and postgres12.
    PreferredMajorTargets []string
    Ordered list of preferred major version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in the list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_major_targets.
    PreferredUpgradeTargets []string
    Ordered list of preferred version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_upgrade_targets.
    PreferredVersions []string
    Ordered list of preferred versions. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_versions.
    Version string
    engine String

    Database engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.

    The following arguments are optional:

    defaultOnly Boolean
    Whether the engine version must be an AWS-defined default version. Some engines have multiple default versions, such as for each major version. Using default_only may help avoid multiple RDS engine versions errors. See also latest.
    filters List<GetEngineVersionFilter>
    One or more name/value pairs to use in filtering versions. There are several valid keys; for a full reference, check out describe-db-engine-versions in the AWS CLI reference.
    hasMajorTarget Boolean
    Whether the engine version must have one or more major upgrade targets. Not including has_major_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding major upgrade target for the engine version.
    hasMinorTarget Boolean
    Whether the engine version must have one or more minor upgrade targets. Not including has_minor_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding minor upgrade target for the engine version.
    includeAll Boolean
    Whether the engine version status can either be deprecated or available. When not set or set to false, the engine version status will always be available.
    latest Boolean
    Whether the engine version is the most recent version matching the other criteria. This is different from default_only in important ways: "default" relies on AWS-defined defaults, the latest version isn't always the default, and AWS might have multiple default versions for an engine. As a result, default_only might not prevent errors from multiple RDS engine versions, while latest will. (latest can be used with default_only.) Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version. Due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines and incomplete version date information provided by AWS, using latest may not always result in the engine version being the actual latest version.
    parameterGroupFamily String
    Name of a specific database parameter group family. Examples of parameter group families are mysql8.0, mariadb10.4, and postgres12.
    preferredMajorTargets List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred major version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in the list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_major_targets.
    preferredUpgradeTargets List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_upgrade_targets.
    preferredVersions List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred versions. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_versions.
    version String
    engine string

    Database engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.

    The following arguments are optional:

    defaultOnly boolean
    Whether the engine version must be an AWS-defined default version. Some engines have multiple default versions, such as for each major version. Using default_only may help avoid multiple RDS engine versions errors. See also latest.
    filters GetEngineVersionFilter[]
    One or more name/value pairs to use in filtering versions. There are several valid keys; for a full reference, check out describe-db-engine-versions in the AWS CLI reference.
    hasMajorTarget boolean
    Whether the engine version must have one or more major upgrade targets. Not including has_major_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding major upgrade target for the engine version.
    hasMinorTarget boolean
    Whether the engine version must have one or more minor upgrade targets. Not including has_minor_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding minor upgrade target for the engine version.
    includeAll boolean
    Whether the engine version status can either be deprecated or available. When not set or set to false, the engine version status will always be available.
    latest boolean
    Whether the engine version is the most recent version matching the other criteria. This is different from default_only in important ways: "default" relies on AWS-defined defaults, the latest version isn't always the default, and AWS might have multiple default versions for an engine. As a result, default_only might not prevent errors from multiple RDS engine versions, while latest will. (latest can be used with default_only.) Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version. Due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines and incomplete version date information provided by AWS, using latest may not always result in the engine version being the actual latest version.
    parameterGroupFamily string
    Name of a specific database parameter group family. Examples of parameter group families are mysql8.0, mariadb10.4, and postgres12.
    preferredMajorTargets string[]
    Ordered list of preferred major version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in the list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_major_targets.
    preferredUpgradeTargets string[]
    Ordered list of preferred version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_upgrade_targets.
    preferredVersions string[]
    Ordered list of preferred versions. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_versions.
    version string
    engine str

    Database engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.

    The following arguments are optional:

    default_only bool
    Whether the engine version must be an AWS-defined default version. Some engines have multiple default versions, such as for each major version. Using default_only may help avoid multiple RDS engine versions errors. See also latest.
    filters Sequence[GetEngineVersionFilter]
    One or more name/value pairs to use in filtering versions. There are several valid keys; for a full reference, check out describe-db-engine-versions in the AWS CLI reference.
    has_major_target bool
    Whether the engine version must have one or more major upgrade targets. Not including has_major_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding major upgrade target for the engine version.
    has_minor_target bool
    Whether the engine version must have one or more minor upgrade targets. Not including has_minor_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding minor upgrade target for the engine version.
    include_all bool
    Whether the engine version status can either be deprecated or available. When not set or set to false, the engine version status will always be available.
    latest bool
    Whether the engine version is the most recent version matching the other criteria. This is different from default_only in important ways: "default" relies on AWS-defined defaults, the latest version isn't always the default, and AWS might have multiple default versions for an engine. As a result, default_only might not prevent errors from multiple RDS engine versions, while latest will. (latest can be used with default_only.) Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version. Due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines and incomplete version date information provided by AWS, using latest may not always result in the engine version being the actual latest version.
    parameter_group_family str
    Name of a specific database parameter group family. Examples of parameter group families are mysql8.0, mariadb10.4, and postgres12.
    preferred_major_targets Sequence[str]
    Ordered list of preferred major version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in the list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_major_targets.
    preferred_upgrade_targets Sequence[str]
    Ordered list of preferred version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_upgrade_targets.
    preferred_versions Sequence[str]
    Ordered list of preferred versions. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_versions.
    version str
    engine String

    Database engine. Engine values include aurora, aurora-mysql, aurora-postgresql, docdb, mariadb, mysql, neptune, oracle-ee, oracle-se, oracle-se1, oracle-se2, postgres, sqlserver-ee, sqlserver-ex, sqlserver-se, and sqlserver-web.

    The following arguments are optional:

    defaultOnly Boolean
    Whether the engine version must be an AWS-defined default version. Some engines have multiple default versions, such as for each major version. Using default_only may help avoid multiple RDS engine versions errors. See also latest.
    filters List<Property Map>
    One or more name/value pairs to use in filtering versions. There are several valid keys; for a full reference, check out describe-db-engine-versions in the AWS CLI reference.
    hasMajorTarget Boolean
    Whether the engine version must have one or more major upgrade targets. Not including has_major_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding major upgrade target for the engine version.
    hasMinorTarget Boolean
    Whether the engine version must have one or more minor upgrade targets. Not including has_minor_target or setting it to false doesn't imply that there's no corresponding minor upgrade target for the engine version.
    includeAll Boolean
    Whether the engine version status can either be deprecated or available. When not set or set to false, the engine version status will always be available.
    latest Boolean
    Whether the engine version is the most recent version matching the other criteria. This is different from default_only in important ways: "default" relies on AWS-defined defaults, the latest version isn't always the default, and AWS might have multiple default versions for an engine. As a result, default_only might not prevent errors from multiple RDS engine versions, while latest will. (latest can be used with default_only.) Note: The data source uses a best-effort approach at selecting the latest version. Due to the complexity of version identifiers across engines and incomplete version date information provided by AWS, using latest may not always result in the engine version being the actual latest version.
    parameterGroupFamily String
    Name of a specific database parameter group family. Examples of parameter group families are mysql8.0, mariadb10.4, and postgres12.
    preferredMajorTargets List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred major version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in the list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_major_targets.
    preferredUpgradeTargets List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred version upgrade targets. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_upgrade_targets.
    preferredVersions List<String>
    Ordered list of preferred versions. The engine version will be the first match in this list unless the latest parameter is set to true. The engine version will be the default version if you don't include any criteria, such as preferred_versions.
    version String

    getEngineVersion Result

    The following output properties are available:

    DefaultCharacterSet string
    Default character set for new instances of the engine version.
    Engine string
    EngineDescription string
    Description of the engine.
    ExportableLogTypes List<string>
    Set of log types that the engine version has available for export to CloudWatch Logs.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ParameterGroupFamily string
    Status string
    Status of the engine version, either available or deprecated.
    SupportedCharacterSets List<string>
    Set of character sets supported by th engine version.
    SupportedFeatureNames List<string>
    Set of features supported by the engine version.
    SupportedModes List<string>
    Set of supported engine version modes.
    SupportedTimezones List<string>
    Set of the time zones supported by the engine version.
    SupportsGlobalDatabases bool
    Whether you can use Aurora global databases with the engine version.
    SupportsLimitlessDatabase bool
    Whether the engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatch bool
    Whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified by exportable_log_types to CloudWatch Logs.
    SupportsParallelQuery bool
    Whether you can use Aurora parallel query with the engine version.
    SupportsReadReplica bool
    Whether the engine version supports read replicas.
    ValidMajorTargets List<string>
    Set of versions that are valid major version upgrades for the engine version.
    ValidMinorTargets List<string>
    Set of versions that are valid minor version upgrades for the engine version.
    ValidUpgradeTargets List<string>
    Set of versions that are valid major or minor upgrades for the engine version.
    Version string
    VersionActual string
    Complete engine version.
    VersionDescription string
    Description of the engine version.
    DefaultOnly bool
    Filters List<GetEngineVersionFilter>
    HasMajorTarget bool
    HasMinorTarget bool
    IncludeAll bool
    Latest bool
    PreferredMajorTargets List<string>
    PreferredUpgradeTargets List<string>
    PreferredVersions List<string>
    DefaultCharacterSet string
    Default character set for new instances of the engine version.
    Engine string
    EngineDescription string
    Description of the engine.
    ExportableLogTypes []string
    Set of log types that the engine version has available for export to CloudWatch Logs.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ParameterGroupFamily string
    Status string
    Status of the engine version, either available or deprecated.
    SupportedCharacterSets []string
    Set of character sets supported by th engine version.
    SupportedFeatureNames []string
    Set of features supported by the engine version.
    SupportedModes []string
    Set of supported engine version modes.
    SupportedTimezones []string
    Set of the time zones supported by the engine version.
    SupportsGlobalDatabases bool
    Whether you can use Aurora global databases with the engine version.
    SupportsLimitlessDatabase bool
    Whether the engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatch bool
    Whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified by exportable_log_types to CloudWatch Logs.
    SupportsParallelQuery bool
    Whether you can use Aurora parallel query with the engine version.
    SupportsReadReplica bool
    Whether the engine version supports read replicas.
    ValidMajorTargets []string
    Set of versions that are valid major version upgrades for the engine version.
    ValidMinorTargets []string
    Set of versions that are valid minor version upgrades for the engine version.
    ValidUpgradeTargets []string
    Set of versions that are valid major or minor upgrades for the engine version.
    Version string
    VersionActual string
    Complete engine version.
    VersionDescription string
    Description of the engine version.
    DefaultOnly bool
    Filters []GetEngineVersionFilter
    HasMajorTarget bool
    HasMinorTarget bool
    IncludeAll bool
    Latest bool
    PreferredMajorTargets []string
    PreferredUpgradeTargets []string
    PreferredVersions []string
    defaultCharacterSet String
    Default character set for new instances of the engine version.
    engine String
    engineDescription String
    Description of the engine.
    exportableLogTypes List<String>
    Set of log types that the engine version has available for export to CloudWatch Logs.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parameterGroupFamily String
    status String
    Status of the engine version, either available or deprecated.
    supportedCharacterSets List<String>
    Set of character sets supported by th engine version.
    supportedFeatureNames List<String>
    Set of features supported by the engine version.
    supportedModes List<String>
    Set of supported engine version modes.
    supportedTimezones List<String>
    Set of the time zones supported by the engine version.
    supportsGlobalDatabases Boolean
    Whether you can use Aurora global databases with the engine version.
    supportsLimitlessDatabase Boolean
    Whether the engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    supportsLogExportsToCloudwatch Boolean
    Whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified by exportable_log_types to CloudWatch Logs.
    supportsParallelQuery Boolean
    Whether you can use Aurora parallel query with the engine version.
    supportsReadReplica Boolean
    Whether the engine version supports read replicas.
    validMajorTargets List<String>
    Set of versions that are valid major version upgrades for the engine version.
    validMinorTargets List<String>
    Set of versions that are valid minor version upgrades for the engine version.
    validUpgradeTargets List<String>
    Set of versions that are valid major or minor upgrades for the engine version.
    version String
    versionActual String
    Complete engine version.
    versionDescription String
    Description of the engine version.
    defaultOnly Boolean
    filters List<GetEngineVersionFilter>
    hasMajorTarget Boolean
    hasMinorTarget Boolean
    includeAll Boolean
    latest Boolean
    preferredMajorTargets List<String>
    preferredUpgradeTargets List<String>
    preferredVersions List<String>
    defaultCharacterSet string
    Default character set for new instances of the engine version.
    engine string
    engineDescription string
    Description of the engine.
    exportableLogTypes string[]
    Set of log types that the engine version has available for export to CloudWatch Logs.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parameterGroupFamily string
    status string
    Status of the engine version, either available or deprecated.
    supportedCharacterSets string[]
    Set of character sets supported by th engine version.
    supportedFeatureNames string[]
    Set of features supported by the engine version.
    supportedModes string[]
    Set of supported engine version modes.
    supportedTimezones string[]
    Set of the time zones supported by the engine version.
    supportsGlobalDatabases boolean
    Whether you can use Aurora global databases with the engine version.
    supportsLimitlessDatabase boolean
    Whether the engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    supportsLogExportsToCloudwatch boolean
    Whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified by exportable_log_types to CloudWatch Logs.
    supportsParallelQuery boolean
    Whether you can use Aurora parallel query with the engine version.
    supportsReadReplica boolean
    Whether the engine version supports read replicas.
    validMajorTargets string[]
    Set of versions that are valid major version upgrades for the engine version.
    validMinorTargets string[]
    Set of versions that are valid minor version upgrades for the engine version.
    validUpgradeTargets string[]
    Set of versions that are valid major or minor upgrades for the engine version.
    version string
    versionActual string
    Complete engine version.
    versionDescription string
    Description of the engine version.
    defaultOnly boolean
    filters GetEngineVersionFilter[]
    hasMajorTarget boolean
    hasMinorTarget boolean
    includeAll boolean
    latest boolean
    preferredMajorTargets string[]
    preferredUpgradeTargets string[]
    preferredVersions string[]
    default_character_set str
    Default character set for new instances of the engine version.
    engine str
    engine_description str
    Description of the engine.
    exportable_log_types Sequence[str]
    Set of log types that the engine version has available for export to CloudWatch Logs.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parameter_group_family str
    status str
    Status of the engine version, either available or deprecated.
    supported_character_sets Sequence[str]
    Set of character sets supported by th engine version.
    supported_feature_names Sequence[str]
    Set of features supported by the engine version.
    supported_modes Sequence[str]
    Set of supported engine version modes.
    supported_timezones Sequence[str]
    Set of the time zones supported by the engine version.
    supports_global_databases bool
    Whether you can use Aurora global databases with the engine version.
    supports_limitless_database bool
    Whether the engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    supports_log_exports_to_cloudwatch bool
    Whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified by exportable_log_types to CloudWatch Logs.
    supports_parallel_query bool
    Whether you can use Aurora parallel query with the engine version.
    supports_read_replica bool
    Whether the engine version supports read replicas.
    valid_major_targets Sequence[str]
    Set of versions that are valid major version upgrades for the engine version.
    valid_minor_targets Sequence[str]
    Set of versions that are valid minor version upgrades for the engine version.
    valid_upgrade_targets Sequence[str]
    Set of versions that are valid major or minor upgrades for the engine version.
    version str
    version_actual str
    Complete engine version.
    version_description str
    Description of the engine version.
    default_only bool
    filters Sequence[GetEngineVersionFilter]
    has_major_target bool
    has_minor_target bool
    include_all bool
    latest bool
    preferred_major_targets Sequence[str]
    preferred_upgrade_targets Sequence[str]
    preferred_versions Sequence[str]
    defaultCharacterSet String
    Default character set for new instances of the engine version.
    engine String
    engineDescription String
    Description of the engine.
    exportableLogTypes List<String>
    Set of log types that the engine version has available for export to CloudWatch Logs.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    parameterGroupFamily String
    status String
    Status of the engine version, either available or deprecated.
    supportedCharacterSets List<String>
    Set of character sets supported by th engine version.
    supportedFeatureNames List<String>
    Set of features supported by the engine version.
    supportedModes List<String>
    Set of supported engine version modes.
    supportedTimezones List<String>
    Set of the time zones supported by the engine version.
    supportsGlobalDatabases Boolean
    Whether you can use Aurora global databases with the engine version.
    supportsLimitlessDatabase Boolean
    Whether the engine version supports Aurora Limitless Database.
    supportsLogExportsToCloudwatch Boolean
    Whether the engine version supports exporting the log types specified by exportable_log_types to CloudWatch Logs.
    supportsParallelQuery Boolean
    Whether you can use Aurora parallel query with the engine version.
    supportsReadReplica Boolean
    Whether the engine version supports read replicas.
    validMajorTargets List<String>
    Set of versions that are valid major version upgrades for the engine version.
    validMinorTargets List<String>
    Set of versions that are valid minor version upgrades for the engine version.
    validUpgradeTargets List<String>
    Set of versions that are valid major or minor upgrades for the engine version.
    version String
    versionActual String
    Complete engine version.
    versionDescription String
    Description of the engine version.
    defaultOnly Boolean
    filters List<Property Map>
    hasMajorTarget Boolean
    hasMinorTarget Boolean
    includeAll Boolean
    latest Boolean
    preferredMajorTargets List<String>
    preferredUpgradeTargets List<String>
    preferredVersions List<String>

    Supporting Types


    Name string
    Values List<string>
    Name string
    Values []string
    name String
    values List<String>
    name string
    values string[]
    name str
    values Sequence[str]
    name String
    values List<String>

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi