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  5. Theme

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Resource for managing a QuickSight Theme.

    Example Usage

    Basic Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const example = new aws.quicksight.Theme("example", {
        themeId: "example",
        name: "example",
        baseThemeId: "MIDNIGHT",
        configuration: {
            dataColorPalette: {
                colors: [
                emptyFillColor: "#FFFFFF",
                minMaxGradients: [
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    example = aws.quicksight.Theme("example",
            "dataColorPalette": {
                "colors": [
                "emptyFillColor": "#FFFFFF",
                "minMaxGradients": [
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := quicksight.NewTheme(ctx, "example", &quicksight.ThemeArgs{
    			ThemeId:     pulumi.String("example"),
    			Name:        pulumi.String("example"),
    			BaseThemeId: pulumi.String("MIDNIGHT"),
    			Configuration: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationArgs{
    				DataColorPalette: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationDataColorPaletteArgs{
    					Colors: pulumi.StringArray{
    					EmptyFillColor: pulumi.String("#FFFFFF"),
    					MinMaxGradients: pulumi.StringArray{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = new Aws.Quicksight.Theme("example", new()
            ThemeId = "example",
            Name = "example",
            BaseThemeId = "MIDNIGHT",
            Configuration = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationArgs
                DataColorPalette = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationDataColorPaletteArgs
                    Colors = new[]
                    EmptyFillColor = "#FFFFFF",
                    MinMaxGradients = new[]
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.quicksight.Theme;
    import com.pulumi.aws.quicksight.ThemeArgs;
    import com.pulumi.aws.quicksight.inputs.ThemeConfigurationArgs;
    import com.pulumi.aws.quicksight.inputs.ThemeConfigurationDataColorPaletteArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new Theme("example", ThemeArgs.builder()
        type: aws:quicksight:Theme
          themeId: example
          name: example
          baseThemeId: MIDNIGHT
                - '#FFFFFF'
                - '#111111'
                - '#222222'
                - '#333333'
                - '#444444'
                - '#555555'
                - '#666666'
                - '#777777'
                - '#888888'
                - '#999999'
              emptyFillColor: '#FFFFFF'
                - '#FFFFFF'
                - '#111111'

    Create Theme Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Theme(name: string, args: ThemeArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Theme(resource_name: str,
              args: ThemeArgs,
              opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Theme(resource_name: str,
              opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
              base_theme_id: Optional[str] = None,
              theme_id: Optional[str] = None,
              aws_account_id: Optional[str] = None,
              configuration: Optional[ThemeConfigurationArgs] = None,
              name: Optional[str] = None,
              permissions: Optional[Sequence[ThemePermissionArgs]] = None,
              tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
              version_description: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewTheme(ctx *Context, name string, args ThemeArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Theme, error)
    public Theme(string name, ThemeArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Theme(String name, ThemeArgs args)
    public Theme(String name, ThemeArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aws:quicksight:Theme
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ThemeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ThemeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ThemeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ThemeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ThemeArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var themeResource = new Aws.Quicksight.Theme("themeResource", new()
        BaseThemeId = "string",
        ThemeId = "string",
        AwsAccountId = "string",
        Configuration = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationArgs
            DataColorPalette = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationDataColorPaletteArgs
                Colors = new[]
                EmptyFillColor = "string",
                MinMaxGradients = new[]
            Sheet = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetArgs
                Tile = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileArgs
                    Border = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorderArgs
                        Show = false,
                TileLayout = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutArgs
                    Gutter = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutterArgs
                        Show = false,
                    Margin = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMarginArgs
                        Show = false,
            Typography = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationTypographyArgs
                FontFamilies = new[]
                    new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamilyArgs
                        FontFamily = "string",
            UiColorPalette = new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationUiColorPaletteArgs
                Accent = "string",
                AccentForeground = "string",
                Danger = "string",
                DangerForeground = "string",
                Dimension = "string",
                DimensionForeground = "string",
                Measure = "string",
                MeasureForeground = "string",
                PrimaryBackground = "string",
                PrimaryForeground = "string",
                SecondaryBackground = "string",
                SecondaryForeground = "string",
                Success = "string",
                SuccessForeground = "string",
                Warning = "string",
                WarningForeground = "string",
        Name = "string",
        Permissions = new[]
            new Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemePermissionArgs
                Actions = new[]
                Principal = "string",
        Tags = 
            { "string", "string" },
        VersionDescription = "string",
    example, err := quicksight.NewTheme(ctx, "themeResource", &quicksight.ThemeArgs{
    	BaseThemeId:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	ThemeId:      pulumi.String("string"),
    	AwsAccountId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Configuration: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationArgs{
    		DataColorPalette: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationDataColorPaletteArgs{
    			Colors: pulumi.StringArray{
    			EmptyFillColor: pulumi.String("string"),
    			MinMaxGradients: pulumi.StringArray{
    		Sheet: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationSheetArgs{
    			Tile: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileArgs{
    				Border: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorderArgs{
    					Show: pulumi.Bool(false),
    			TileLayout: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutArgs{
    				Gutter: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutterArgs{
    					Show: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Margin: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMarginArgs{
    					Show: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		Typography: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationTypographyArgs{
    			FontFamilies: quicksight.ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamilyArray{
    					FontFamily: pulumi.String("string"),
    		UiColorPalette: &quicksight.ThemeConfigurationUiColorPaletteArgs{
    			Accent:              pulumi.String("string"),
    			AccentForeground:    pulumi.String("string"),
    			Danger:              pulumi.String("string"),
    			DangerForeground:    pulumi.String("string"),
    			Dimension:           pulumi.String("string"),
    			DimensionForeground: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Measure:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			MeasureForeground:   pulumi.String("string"),
    			PrimaryBackground:   pulumi.String("string"),
    			PrimaryForeground:   pulumi.String("string"),
    			SecondaryBackground: pulumi.String("string"),
    			SecondaryForeground: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Success:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			SuccessForeground:   pulumi.String("string"),
    			Warning:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			WarningForeground:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Permissions: quicksight.ThemePermissionArray{
    			Actions: pulumi.StringArray{
    			Principal: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	VersionDescription: pulumi.String("string"),
    var themeResource = new Theme("themeResource", ThemeArgs.builder()
        .tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
    theme_resource = aws.quicksight.Theme("themeResource",
            "dataColorPalette": {
                "colors": ["string"],
                "emptyFillColor": "string",
                "minMaxGradients": ["string"],
            "sheet": {
                "tile": {
                    "border": {
                        "show": False,
                "tileLayout": {
                    "gutter": {
                        "show": False,
                    "margin": {
                        "show": False,
            "typography": {
                "fontFamilies": [{
                    "fontFamily": "string",
            "uiColorPalette": {
                "accent": "string",
                "accentForeground": "string",
                "danger": "string",
                "dangerForeground": "string",
                "dimension": "string",
                "dimensionForeground": "string",
                "measure": "string",
                "measureForeground": "string",
                "primaryBackground": "string",
                "primaryForeground": "string",
                "secondaryBackground": "string",
                "secondaryForeground": "string",
                "success": "string",
                "successForeground": "string",
                "warning": "string",
                "warningForeground": "string",
            "actions": ["string"],
            "principal": "string",
            "string": "string",
    const themeResource = new aws.quicksight.Theme("themeResource", {
        baseThemeId: "string",
        themeId: "string",
        awsAccountId: "string",
        configuration: {
            dataColorPalette: {
                colors: ["string"],
                emptyFillColor: "string",
                minMaxGradients: ["string"],
            sheet: {
                tile: {
                    border: {
                        show: false,
                tileLayout: {
                    gutter: {
                        show: false,
                    margin: {
                        show: false,
            typography: {
                fontFamilies: [{
                    fontFamily: "string",
            uiColorPalette: {
                accent: "string",
                accentForeground: "string",
                danger: "string",
                dangerForeground: "string",
                dimension: "string",
                dimensionForeground: "string",
                measure: "string",
                measureForeground: "string",
                primaryBackground: "string",
                primaryForeground: "string",
                secondaryBackground: "string",
                secondaryForeground: "string",
                success: "string",
                successForeground: "string",
                warning: "string",
                warningForeground: "string",
        name: "string",
        permissions: [{
            actions: ["string"],
            principal: "string",
        tags: {
            string: "string",
        versionDescription: "string",
    type: aws:quicksight:Theme
        awsAccountId: string
        baseThemeId: string
                    - string
                emptyFillColor: string
                    - string
                        show: false
                        show: false
                        show: false
                    - fontFamily: string
                accent: string
                accentForeground: string
                danger: string
                dangerForeground: string
                dimension: string
                dimensionForeground: string
                measure: string
                measureForeground: string
                primaryBackground: string
                primaryForeground: string
                secondaryBackground: string
                secondaryForeground: string
                success: string
                successForeground: string
                warning: string
                warningForeground: string
        name: string
            - actions:
                - string
              principal: string
            string: string
        themeId: string
        versionDescription: string

    Theme Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Theme resource accepts the following input properties:

    BaseThemeId string
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    ThemeId string
    Identifier of the theme.
    AwsAccountId string
    AWS account ID.
    Configuration Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfiguration

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    Name string
    Display name of the theme.
    Permissions List<Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemePermission>
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    VersionDescription string
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    BaseThemeId string
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    ThemeId string
    Identifier of the theme.
    AwsAccountId string
    AWS account ID.
    Configuration ThemeConfigurationArgs

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    Name string
    Display name of the theme.
    Permissions []ThemePermissionArgs
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    Tags map[string]string
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    VersionDescription string
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    baseThemeId String
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    themeId String
    Identifier of the theme.
    awsAccountId String
    AWS account ID.
    configuration ThemeConfiguration

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    name String
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions List<ThemePermission>
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    versionDescription String
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    baseThemeId string
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    themeId string
    Identifier of the theme.
    awsAccountId string
    AWS account ID.
    configuration ThemeConfiguration

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    name string
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions ThemePermission[]
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    versionDescription string
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    base_theme_id str
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    theme_id str
    Identifier of the theme.
    aws_account_id str
    AWS account ID.
    configuration ThemeConfigurationArgs

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    name str
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions Sequence[ThemePermissionArgs]
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    version_description str
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    baseThemeId String
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    themeId String
    Identifier of the theme.
    awsAccountId String
    AWS account ID.
    configuration Property Map

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    name String
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions List<Property Map>
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    tags Map<String>
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    versionDescription String
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Theme resource produces the following output properties:

    Arn string
    ARN of the theme.
    CreatedTime string
    The time that the theme was created.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    LastUpdatedTime string
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    Status string
    The theme creation status.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    VersionNumber int
    The version number of the theme version.
    Arn string
    ARN of the theme.
    CreatedTime string
    The time that the theme was created.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    LastUpdatedTime string
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    Status string
    The theme creation status.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    VersionNumber int
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn String
    ARN of the theme.
    createdTime String
    The time that the theme was created.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    lastUpdatedTime String
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    status String
    The theme creation status.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    versionNumber Integer
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn string
    ARN of the theme.
    createdTime string
    The time that the theme was created.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    lastUpdatedTime string
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    status string
    The theme creation status.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    versionNumber number
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn str
    ARN of the theme.
    created_time str
    The time that the theme was created.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    last_updated_time str
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    status str
    The theme creation status.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    version_number int
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn String
    ARN of the theme.
    createdTime String
    The time that the theme was created.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    lastUpdatedTime String
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    status String
    The theme creation status.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    versionNumber Number
    The version number of the theme version.

    Look up Existing Theme Resource

    Get an existing Theme resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ThemeState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Theme
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            arn: Optional[str] = None,
            aws_account_id: Optional[str] = None,
            base_theme_id: Optional[str] = None,
            configuration: Optional[ThemeConfigurationArgs] = None,
            created_time: Optional[str] = None,
            last_updated_time: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            permissions: Optional[Sequence[ThemePermissionArgs]] = None,
            status: Optional[str] = None,
            tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            tags_all: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            theme_id: Optional[str] = None,
            version_description: Optional[str] = None,
            version_number: Optional[int] = None) -> Theme
    func GetTheme(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ThemeState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Theme, error)
    public static Theme Get(string name, Input<string> id, ThemeState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Theme get(String name, Output<String> id, ThemeState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Arn string
    ARN of the theme.
    AwsAccountId string
    AWS account ID.
    BaseThemeId string
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    Configuration Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfiguration

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    CreatedTime string
    The time that the theme was created.
    LastUpdatedTime string
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    Name string
    Display name of the theme.
    Permissions List<Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemePermission>
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    Status string
    The theme creation status.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    ThemeId string
    Identifier of the theme.
    VersionDescription string
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    VersionNumber int
    The version number of the theme version.
    Arn string
    ARN of the theme.
    AwsAccountId string
    AWS account ID.
    BaseThemeId string
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    Configuration ThemeConfigurationArgs

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    CreatedTime string
    The time that the theme was created.
    LastUpdatedTime string
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    Name string
    Display name of the theme.
    Permissions []ThemePermissionArgs
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    Status string
    The theme creation status.
    Tags map[string]string
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    ThemeId string
    Identifier of the theme.
    VersionDescription string
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    VersionNumber int
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn String
    ARN of the theme.
    awsAccountId String
    AWS account ID.
    baseThemeId String
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    configuration ThemeConfiguration

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    createdTime String
    The time that the theme was created.
    lastUpdatedTime String
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    name String
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions List<ThemePermission>
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    status String
    The theme creation status.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    themeId String
    Identifier of the theme.
    versionDescription String
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    versionNumber Integer
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn string
    ARN of the theme.
    awsAccountId string
    AWS account ID.
    baseThemeId string
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    configuration ThemeConfiguration

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    createdTime string
    The time that the theme was created.
    lastUpdatedTime string
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    name string
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions ThemePermission[]
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    status string
    The theme creation status.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    themeId string
    Identifier of the theme.
    versionDescription string
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    versionNumber number
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn str
    ARN of the theme.
    aws_account_id str
    AWS account ID.
    base_theme_id str
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    configuration ThemeConfigurationArgs

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    created_time str
    The time that the theme was created.
    last_updated_time str
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    name str
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions Sequence[ThemePermissionArgs]
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    status str
    The theme creation status.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    theme_id str
    Identifier of the theme.
    version_description str
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    version_number int
    The version number of the theme version.
    arn String
    ARN of the theme.
    awsAccountId String
    AWS account ID.
    baseThemeId String
    The ID of the theme that a custom theme will inherit from. All themes inherit from one of the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight. For a list of the starting themes, use ListThemes or choose Themes from within an analysis.
    configuration Property Map

    The theme configuration, which contains the theme display properties. See configuration.

    The following arguments are optional:

    createdTime String
    The time that the theme was created.
    lastUpdatedTime String
    The time that the theme was last updated.
    name String
    Display name of the theme.
    permissions List<Property Map>
    A set of resource permissions on the theme. Maximum of 64 items. See permissions.
    status String
    The theme creation status.
    tags Map<String>
    Key-value map of resource tags. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    themeId String
    Identifier of the theme.
    versionDescription String
    A description of the current theme version being created/updated.
    versionNumber Number
    The version number of the theme version.

    Supporting Types

    ThemeConfiguration, ThemeConfigurationArgs

    DataColorPalette Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationDataColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to chart data colors. See data_color_palette.
    Sheet Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheet
    Display options related to sheets. See sheet.
    Typography Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationTypography
    Determines the typography options. See typography.
    UiColorPalette Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationUiColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data. See ui_color_palette.
    DataColorPalette ThemeConfigurationDataColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to chart data colors. See data_color_palette.
    Sheet ThemeConfigurationSheet
    Display options related to sheets. See sheet.
    Typography ThemeConfigurationTypography
    Determines the typography options. See typography.
    UiColorPalette ThemeConfigurationUiColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data. See ui_color_palette.
    dataColorPalette ThemeConfigurationDataColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to chart data colors. See data_color_palette.
    sheet ThemeConfigurationSheet
    Display options related to sheets. See sheet.
    typography ThemeConfigurationTypography
    Determines the typography options. See typography.
    uiColorPalette ThemeConfigurationUiColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data. See ui_color_palette.
    dataColorPalette ThemeConfigurationDataColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to chart data colors. See data_color_palette.
    sheet ThemeConfigurationSheet
    Display options related to sheets. See sheet.
    typography ThemeConfigurationTypography
    Determines the typography options. See typography.
    uiColorPalette ThemeConfigurationUiColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data. See ui_color_palette.
    data_color_palette ThemeConfigurationDataColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to chart data colors. See data_color_palette.
    sheet ThemeConfigurationSheet
    Display options related to sheets. See sheet.
    typography ThemeConfigurationTypography
    Determines the typography options. See typography.
    ui_color_palette ThemeConfigurationUiColorPalette
    Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data. See ui_color_palette.
    dataColorPalette Property Map
    Color properties that apply to chart data colors. See data_color_palette.
    sheet Property Map
    Display options related to sheets. See sheet.
    typography Property Map
    Determines the typography options. See typography.
    uiColorPalette Property Map
    Color properties that apply to the UI and to charts, excluding the colors that apply to data. See ui_color_palette.

    ThemeConfigurationDataColorPalette, ThemeConfigurationDataColorPaletteArgs

    Colors List<string>
    List of hexadecimal codes for the colors. Minimum of 8 items and maximum of 20 items.
    EmptyFillColor string
    The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.
    MinMaxGradients List<string>
    The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient. List of exactly 2 items.
    Colors []string
    List of hexadecimal codes for the colors. Minimum of 8 items and maximum of 20 items.
    EmptyFillColor string
    The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.
    MinMaxGradients []string
    The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient. List of exactly 2 items.
    colors List<String>
    List of hexadecimal codes for the colors. Minimum of 8 items and maximum of 20 items.
    emptyFillColor String
    The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.
    minMaxGradients List<String>
    The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient. List of exactly 2 items.
    colors string[]
    List of hexadecimal codes for the colors. Minimum of 8 items and maximum of 20 items.
    emptyFillColor string
    The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.
    minMaxGradients string[]
    The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient. List of exactly 2 items.
    colors Sequence[str]
    List of hexadecimal codes for the colors. Minimum of 8 items and maximum of 20 items.
    empty_fill_color str
    The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.
    min_max_gradients Sequence[str]
    The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient. List of exactly 2 items.
    colors List<String>
    List of hexadecimal codes for the colors. Minimum of 8 items and maximum of 20 items.
    emptyFillColor String
    The hexadecimal code of a color that applies to charts where a lack of data is highlighted.
    minMaxGradients List<String>
    The minimum and maximum hexadecimal codes that describe a color gradient. List of exactly 2 items.

    ThemeConfigurationSheet, ThemeConfigurationSheetArgs

    Tile Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTile
    The display options for tiles. See tile.
    TileLayout Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayout
    The layout options for tiles. See tile_layout.
    Tile ThemeConfigurationSheetTile
    The display options for tiles. See tile.
    TileLayout ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayout
    The layout options for tiles. See tile_layout.
    tile ThemeConfigurationSheetTile
    The display options for tiles. See tile.
    tileLayout ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayout
    The layout options for tiles. See tile_layout.
    tile ThemeConfigurationSheetTile
    The display options for tiles. See tile.
    tileLayout ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayout
    The layout options for tiles. See tile_layout.
    tile ThemeConfigurationSheetTile
    The display options for tiles. See tile.
    tile_layout ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayout
    The layout options for tiles. See tile_layout.
    tile Property Map
    The display options for tiles. See tile.
    tileLayout Property Map
    The layout options for tiles. See tile_layout.

    ThemeConfigurationSheetTile, ThemeConfigurationSheetTileArgs

    Border ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorder
    The border around a tile. See border.
    border ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorder
    The border around a tile. See border.
    border ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorder
    The border around a tile. See border.
    border ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorder
    The border around a tile. See border.
    border Property Map
    The border around a tile. See border.

    ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorder, ThemeConfigurationSheetTileBorderArgs

    Show bool
    The option to enable display of borders for visuals.
    Show bool
    The option to enable display of borders for visuals.
    show Boolean
    The option to enable display of borders for visuals.
    show boolean
    The option to enable display of borders for visuals.
    show bool
    The option to enable display of borders for visuals.
    show Boolean
    The option to enable display of borders for visuals.

    ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayout, ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutArgs

    Gutter Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutter
    The gutter settings that apply between tiles. See gutter.
    Margin Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMargin
    The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets. See margin.
    Gutter ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutter
    The gutter settings that apply between tiles. See gutter.
    Margin ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMargin
    The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets. See margin.
    gutter ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutter
    The gutter settings that apply between tiles. See gutter.
    margin ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMargin
    The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets. See margin.
    gutter ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutter
    The gutter settings that apply between tiles. See gutter.
    margin ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMargin
    The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets. See margin.
    gutter ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutter
    The gutter settings that apply between tiles. See gutter.
    margin ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMargin
    The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets. See margin.
    gutter Property Map
    The gutter settings that apply between tiles. See gutter.
    margin Property Map
    The margin settings that apply around the outside edge of sheets. See margin.

    ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutter, ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutGutterArgs

    Show bool
    This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.
    Show bool
    This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.
    show Boolean
    This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.
    show boolean
    This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.
    show bool
    This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.
    show Boolean
    This Boolean value controls whether to display a gutter space between sheet tiles.

    ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMargin, ThemeConfigurationSheetTileLayoutMarginArgs

    Show bool
    This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.
    Show bool
    This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.
    show Boolean
    This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.
    show boolean
    This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.
    show bool
    This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.
    show Boolean
    This Boolean value controls whether to display sheet margins.

    ThemeConfigurationTypography, ThemeConfigurationTypographyArgs

    FontFamilies List<Pulumi.Aws.Quicksight.Inputs.ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamily>
    Determines the list of font families. Maximum number of 5 items. See font_families.
    FontFamilies []ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamily
    Determines the list of font families. Maximum number of 5 items. See font_families.
    fontFamilies List<ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamily>
    Determines the list of font families. Maximum number of 5 items. See font_families.
    fontFamilies ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamily[]
    Determines the list of font families. Maximum number of 5 items. See font_families.
    font_families Sequence[ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamily]
    Determines the list of font families. Maximum number of 5 items. See font_families.
    fontFamilies List<Property Map>
    Determines the list of font families. Maximum number of 5 items. See font_families.

    ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamily, ThemeConfigurationTypographyFontFamilyArgs

    FontFamily string
    Font family name.
    FontFamily string
    Font family name.
    fontFamily String
    Font family name.
    fontFamily string
    Font family name.
    font_family str
    Font family name.
    fontFamily String
    Font family name.

    ThemeConfigurationUiColorPalette, ThemeConfigurationUiColorPaletteArgs

    Accent string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to selected states and buttons.
    AccentForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.
    Danger string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to error messages.
    DangerForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.
    Dimension string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.
    DimensionForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.
    Measure string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.
    MeasureForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.
    PrimaryBackground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.
    PrimaryForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.
    SecondaryBackground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.
    SecondaryForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.
    Success string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.
    SuccessForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.
    Warning string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to warning and informational messages.
    WarningForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.
    Accent string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to selected states and buttons.
    AccentForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.
    Danger string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to error messages.
    DangerForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.
    Dimension string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.
    DimensionForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.
    Measure string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.
    MeasureForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.
    PrimaryBackground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.
    PrimaryForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.
    SecondaryBackground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.
    SecondaryForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.
    Success string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.
    SuccessForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.
    Warning string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to warning and informational messages.
    WarningForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.
    accent String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to selected states and buttons.
    accentForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.
    danger String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to error messages.
    dangerForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.
    dimension String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.
    dimensionForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.
    measure String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.
    measureForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.
    primaryBackground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.
    primaryForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.
    secondaryBackground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.
    secondaryForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.
    success String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.
    successForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.
    warning String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to warning and informational messages.
    warningForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.
    accent string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to selected states and buttons.
    accentForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.
    danger string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to error messages.
    dangerForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.
    dimension string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.
    dimensionForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.
    measure string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.
    measureForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.
    primaryBackground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.
    primaryForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.
    secondaryBackground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.
    secondaryForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.
    success string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.
    successForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.
    warning string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to warning and informational messages.
    warningForeground string
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.
    accent str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to selected states and buttons.
    accent_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.
    danger str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to error messages.
    danger_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.
    dimension str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.
    dimension_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.
    measure str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.
    measure_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.
    primary_background str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.
    primary_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.
    secondary_background str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.
    secondary_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.
    success str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.
    success_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.
    warning str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to warning and informational messages.
    warning_foreground str
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.
    accent String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to selected states and buttons.
    accentForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the accent color.
    danger String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to error messages.
    dangerForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the error color.
    dimension String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as dimensions.
    dimensionForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the dimension color.
    measure String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the names of fields that are identified as measures.
    measureForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the measure color.
    primaryBackground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to visuals and other high emphasis UI.
    primaryForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) of text and other foreground elements that appear over the primary background regions, such as grid lines, borders, table banding, icons, and so on.
    secondaryBackground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to the sheet background and sheet controls.
    secondaryForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any sheet title, sheet control text, or UI that appears over the secondary background.
    success String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to success messages, for example the check mark for a successful download.
    successForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the success color.
    warning String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to warning and informational messages.
    warningForeground String
    Color (hexadecimal) that applies to any text or other elements that appear over the warning color.

    ThemePermission, ThemePermissionArgs

    Actions List<string>
    List of IAM actions to grant or revoke permissions on.
    Principal string
    ARN of the principal. See the ResourcePermission documentation for the applicable ARN values.
    Actions []string
    List of IAM actions to grant or revoke permissions on.
    Principal string
    ARN of the principal. See the ResourcePermission documentation for the applicable ARN values.
    actions List<String>
    List of IAM actions to grant or revoke permissions on.
    principal String
    ARN of the principal. See the ResourcePermission documentation for the applicable ARN values.
    actions string[]
    List of IAM actions to grant or revoke permissions on.
    principal string
    ARN of the principal. See the ResourcePermission documentation for the applicable ARN values.
    actions Sequence[str]
    List of IAM actions to grant or revoke permissions on.
    principal str
    ARN of the principal. See the ResourcePermission documentation for the applicable ARN values.
    actions List<String>
    List of IAM actions to grant or revoke permissions on.
    principal String
    ARN of the principal. See the ResourcePermission documentation for the applicable ARN values.


    Using pulumi import, import a QuickSight Theme using the AWS account ID and theme ID separated by a comma (,). For example:

    $ pulumi import aws:quicksight/theme:Theme example 123456789012,example-id

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi