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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides an Elastic File System (EFS) File System resource.

    Example Usage

    EFS File System w/ tags

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const foo = new aws.efs.FileSystem("foo", {
        creationToken: "my-product",
        tags: {
            Name: "MyProduct",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    foo = aws.efs.FileSystem("foo",
            "Name": "MyProduct",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := efs.NewFileSystem(ctx, "foo", &efs.FileSystemArgs{
    			CreationToken: pulumi.String("my-product"),
    			Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    				"Name": pulumi.String("MyProduct"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var foo = new Aws.Efs.FileSystem("foo", new()
            CreationToken = "my-product",
            Tags = 
                { "Name", "MyProduct" },
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.efs.FileSystem;
    import com.pulumi.aws.efs.FileSystemArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var foo = new FileSystem("foo", FileSystemArgs.builder()
                .tags(Map.of("Name", "MyProduct"))
        type: aws:efs:FileSystem
          creationToken: my-product
            Name: MyProduct

    Using lifecycle policy

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const fooWithLifecylePolicy = new aws.efs.FileSystem("foo_with_lifecyle_policy", {
        creationToken: "my-product",
        lifecyclePolicies: [{
            transitionToIa: "AFTER_30_DAYS",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    foo_with_lifecyle_policy = aws.efs.FileSystem("foo_with_lifecyle_policy",
            "transitionToIa": "AFTER_30_DAYS",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := efs.NewFileSystem(ctx, "foo_with_lifecyle_policy", &efs.FileSystemArgs{
    			CreationToken: pulumi.String("my-product"),
    			LifecyclePolicies: efs.FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArray{
    					TransitionToIa: pulumi.String("AFTER_30_DAYS"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var fooWithLifecylePolicy = new Aws.Efs.FileSystem("foo_with_lifecyle_policy", new()
            CreationToken = "my-product",
            LifecyclePolicies = new[]
                new Aws.Efs.Inputs.FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs
                    TransitionToIa = "AFTER_30_DAYS",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.efs.FileSystem;
    import com.pulumi.aws.efs.FileSystemArgs;
    import com.pulumi.aws.efs.inputs.FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var fooWithLifecylePolicy = new FileSystem("fooWithLifecylePolicy", FileSystemArgs.builder()
        type: aws:efs:FileSystem
        name: foo_with_lifecyle_policy
          creationToken: my-product
            - transitionToIa: AFTER_30_DAYS

    Create FileSystem Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new FileSystem(name: string, args?: FileSystemArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def FileSystem(resource_name: str,
                   args: Optional[FileSystemArgs] = None,
                   opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def FileSystem(resource_name: str,
                   opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                   availability_zone_name: Optional[str] = None,
                   creation_token: Optional[str] = None,
                   encrypted: Optional[bool] = None,
                   kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
                   lifecycle_policies: Optional[Sequence[FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs]] = None,
                   performance_mode: Optional[str] = None,
                   protection: Optional[FileSystemProtectionArgs] = None,
                   provisioned_throughput_in_mibps: Optional[float] = None,
                   tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                   throughput_mode: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewFileSystem(ctx *Context, name string, args *FileSystemArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*FileSystem, error)
    public FileSystem(string name, FileSystemArgs? args = null, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public FileSystem(String name, FileSystemArgs args)
    public FileSystem(String name, FileSystemArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aws:efs:FileSystem
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args FileSystemArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args FileSystemArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args FileSystemArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args FileSystemArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args FileSystemArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var fileSystemResource = new Aws.Efs.FileSystem("fileSystemResource", new()
        AvailabilityZoneName = "string",
        CreationToken = "string",
        Encrypted = false,
        KmsKeyId = "string",
        LifecyclePolicies = new[]
            new Aws.Efs.Inputs.FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs
                TransitionToArchive = "string",
                TransitionToIa = "string",
                TransitionToPrimaryStorageClass = "string",
        PerformanceMode = "string",
        Protection = new Aws.Efs.Inputs.FileSystemProtectionArgs
            ReplicationOverwrite = "string",
        ProvisionedThroughputInMibps = 0,
        Tags = 
            { "string", "string" },
        ThroughputMode = "string",
    example, err := efs.NewFileSystem(ctx, "fileSystemResource", &efs.FileSystemArgs{
    	AvailabilityZoneName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	CreationToken:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	Encrypted:            pulumi.Bool(false),
    	KmsKeyId:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	LifecyclePolicies: efs.FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArray{
    			TransitionToArchive:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			TransitionToIa:                  pulumi.String("string"),
    			TransitionToPrimaryStorageClass: pulumi.String("string"),
    	PerformanceMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Protection: &efs.FileSystemProtectionArgs{
    		ReplicationOverwrite: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ProvisionedThroughputInMibps: pulumi.Float64(0),
    	Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	ThroughputMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    var fileSystemResource = new FileSystem("fileSystemResource", FileSystemArgs.builder()
        .tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
    file_system_resource = aws.efs.FileSystem("fileSystemResource",
            "transitionToArchive": "string",
            "transitionToIa": "string",
            "transitionToPrimaryStorageClass": "string",
            "replicationOverwrite": "string",
            "string": "string",
    const fileSystemResource = new aws.efs.FileSystem("fileSystemResource", {
        availabilityZoneName: "string",
        creationToken: "string",
        encrypted: false,
        kmsKeyId: "string",
        lifecyclePolicies: [{
            transitionToArchive: "string",
            transitionToIa: "string",
            transitionToPrimaryStorageClass: "string",
        performanceMode: "string",
        protection: {
            replicationOverwrite: "string",
        provisionedThroughputInMibps: 0,
        tags: {
            string: "string",
        throughputMode: "string",
    type: aws:efs:FileSystem
        availabilityZoneName: string
        creationToken: string
        encrypted: false
        kmsKeyId: string
            - transitionToArchive: string
              transitionToIa: string
              transitionToPrimaryStorageClass: string
        performanceMode: string
            replicationOverwrite: string
        provisionedThroughputInMibps: 0
            string: string
        throughputMode: string

    FileSystem Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The FileSystem resource accepts the following input properties:

    AvailabilityZoneName string
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    CreationToken string
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    Encrypted bool
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    KmsKeyId string
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    LifecyclePolicies List<FileSystemLifecyclePolicy>
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    PerformanceMode string
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    Protection FileSystemProtection
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    ProvisionedThroughputInMibps double
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    ThroughputMode string
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    AvailabilityZoneName string
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    CreationToken string
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    Encrypted bool
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    KmsKeyId string
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    LifecyclePolicies []FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    PerformanceMode string
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    Protection FileSystemProtectionArgs
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    ProvisionedThroughputInMibps float64
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    Tags map[string]string
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    ThroughputMode string
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    availabilityZoneName String
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creationToken String
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    encrypted Boolean
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kmsKeyId String
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecyclePolicies List<FileSystemLifecyclePolicy>
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    performanceMode String
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection FileSystemProtection
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisionedThroughputInMibps Double
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    tags Map<String,String>
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    throughputMode String
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    availabilityZoneName string
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creationToken string
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    encrypted boolean
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kmsKeyId string
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecyclePolicies FileSystemLifecyclePolicy[]
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    performanceMode string
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection FileSystemProtection
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisionedThroughputInMibps number
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    throughputMode string
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    availability_zone_name str
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creation_token str
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    encrypted bool
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kms_key_id str
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecycle_policies Sequence[FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs]
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    performance_mode str
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection FileSystemProtectionArgs
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisioned_throughput_in_mibps float
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    throughput_mode str
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    availabilityZoneName String
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creationToken String
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    encrypted Boolean
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kmsKeyId String
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecyclePolicies List<Property Map>
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    performanceMode String
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection Property Map
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisionedThroughputInMibps Number
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    tags Map<String>
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    throughputMode String
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the FileSystem resource produces the following output properties:

    Arn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    AvailabilityZoneId string
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    DnsName string
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    NumberOfMountTargets int
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    OwnerId string
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    SizeInBytes List<FileSystemSizeInByte>
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    Arn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    AvailabilityZoneId string
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    DnsName string
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    NumberOfMountTargets int
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    OwnerId string
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    SizeInBytes []FileSystemSizeInByte
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    arn String
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availabilityZoneId String
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    dnsName String
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    numberOfMountTargets Integer
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    ownerId String
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    sizeInBytes List<FileSystemSizeInByte>
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    arn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availabilityZoneId string
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    dnsName string
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name string
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    numberOfMountTargets number
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    ownerId string
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    sizeInBytes FileSystemSizeInByte[]
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    arn str
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availability_zone_id str
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    dns_name str
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name str
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    number_of_mount_targets int
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    owner_id str
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    size_in_bytes Sequence[FileSystemSizeInByte]
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    arn String
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availabilityZoneId String
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    dnsName String
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    numberOfMountTargets Number
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    ownerId String
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    sizeInBytes List<Property Map>
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    Look up Existing FileSystem Resource

    Get an existing FileSystem resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: FileSystemState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): FileSystem
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            arn: Optional[str] = None,
            availability_zone_id: Optional[str] = None,
            availability_zone_name: Optional[str] = None,
            creation_token: Optional[str] = None,
            dns_name: Optional[str] = None,
            encrypted: Optional[bool] = None,
            kms_key_id: Optional[str] = None,
            lifecycle_policies: Optional[Sequence[FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs]] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            number_of_mount_targets: Optional[int] = None,
            owner_id: Optional[str] = None,
            performance_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            protection: Optional[FileSystemProtectionArgs] = None,
            provisioned_throughput_in_mibps: Optional[float] = None,
            size_in_bytes: Optional[Sequence[FileSystemSizeInByteArgs]] = None,
            tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            tags_all: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            throughput_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> FileSystem
    func GetFileSystem(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *FileSystemState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*FileSystem, error)
    public static FileSystem Get(string name, Input<string> id, FileSystemState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static FileSystem get(String name, Output<String> id, FileSystemState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Arn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    AvailabilityZoneId string
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    AvailabilityZoneName string
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    CreationToken string
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    DnsName string
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    Encrypted bool
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    KmsKeyId string
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    LifecyclePolicies List<FileSystemLifecyclePolicy>
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    Name string
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    NumberOfMountTargets int
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    OwnerId string
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    PerformanceMode string
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    Protection FileSystemProtection
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    ProvisionedThroughputInMibps double
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    SizeInBytes List<FileSystemSizeInByte>
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    ThroughputMode string
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    Arn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    AvailabilityZoneId string
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    AvailabilityZoneName string
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    CreationToken string
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    DnsName string
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    Encrypted bool
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    KmsKeyId string
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    LifecyclePolicies []FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    Name string
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    NumberOfMountTargets int
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    OwnerId string
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    PerformanceMode string
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    Protection FileSystemProtectionArgs
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    ProvisionedThroughputInMibps float64
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    SizeInBytes []FileSystemSizeInByteArgs
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    Tags map[string]string
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    ThroughputMode string
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    arn String
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availabilityZoneId String
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    availabilityZoneName String
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creationToken String
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    dnsName String
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    encrypted Boolean
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kmsKeyId String
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecyclePolicies List<FileSystemLifecyclePolicy>
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    name String
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    numberOfMountTargets Integer
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    ownerId String
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    performanceMode String
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection FileSystemProtection
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisionedThroughputInMibps Double
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    sizeInBytes List<FileSystemSizeInByte>
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tags Map<String,String>
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    throughputMode String
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    arn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availabilityZoneId string
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    availabilityZoneName string
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creationToken string
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    dnsName string
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    encrypted boolean
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kmsKeyId string
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecyclePolicies FileSystemLifecyclePolicy[]
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    name string
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    numberOfMountTargets number
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    ownerId string
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    performanceMode string
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection FileSystemProtection
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisionedThroughputInMibps number
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    sizeInBytes FileSystemSizeInByte[]
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    throughputMode string
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    arn str
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availability_zone_id str
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    availability_zone_name str
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creation_token str
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    dns_name str
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    encrypted bool
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kms_key_id str
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecycle_policies Sequence[FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs]
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    name str
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    number_of_mount_targets int
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    owner_id str
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    performance_mode str
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection FileSystemProtectionArgs
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisioned_throughput_in_mibps float
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    size_in_bytes Sequence[FileSystemSizeInByteArgs]
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    throughput_mode str
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.
    arn String
    Amazon Resource Name of the file system.
    availabilityZoneId String
    The identifier of the Availability Zone in which the file system's One Zone storage classes exist.
    availabilityZoneName String
    the AWS Availability Zone in which to create the file system. Used to create a file system that uses One Zone storage classes. See user guide for more information.
    creationToken String
    A unique name (a maximum of 64 characters are allowed) used as reference when creating the Elastic File System to ensure idempotent file system creation. By default generated by this provider. See [Elastic File System] user guide for more information.
    dnsName String
    The DNS name for the filesystem per documented convention.
    encrypted Boolean
    If true, the disk will be encrypted.
    kmsKeyId String
    The ARN for the KMS encryption key. When specifying kms_key_id, encrypted needs to be set to true.
    lifecyclePolicies List<Property Map>
    A file system lifecycle policy object. See lifecycle_policy block below for details.
    name String
    The value of the file system's Name tag.
    numberOfMountTargets Number
    The current number of mount targets that the file system has.
    ownerId String
    The AWS account that created the file system. If the file system was createdby an IAM user, the parent account to which the user belongs is the owner.
    performanceMode String
    The file system performance mode. Can be either "generalPurpose" or "maxIO" (Default: "generalPurpose").
    protection Property Map
    A file system protection object. See protection block below for details.
    provisionedThroughputInMibps Number
    The throughput, measured in MiB/s, that you want to provision for the file system. Only applicable with throughput_mode set to provisioned.
    sizeInBytes List<Property Map>
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, the value is not the exact size that the file system was at any point in time. See Size In Bytes.
    tags Map<String>
    A map of tags to assign to the file system. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    throughputMode String
    Throughput mode for the file system. Defaults to bursting. Valid values: bursting, provisioned, or elastic. When using provisioned, also set provisioned_throughput_in_mibps.

    Supporting Types

    FileSystemLifecyclePolicy, FileSystemLifecyclePolicyArgs

    TransitionToArchive string
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the archive storage class. Requires transition_to_ia, Elastic Throughput and General Purpose performance mode. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    TransitionToIa string
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    TransitionToPrimaryStorageClass string
    Describes the policy used to transition a file from infequent access storage to primary storage. Valid values: AFTER_1_ACCESS.
    TransitionToArchive string
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the archive storage class. Requires transition_to_ia, Elastic Throughput and General Purpose performance mode. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    TransitionToIa string
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    TransitionToPrimaryStorageClass string
    Describes the policy used to transition a file from infequent access storage to primary storage. Valid values: AFTER_1_ACCESS.
    transitionToArchive String
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the archive storage class. Requires transition_to_ia, Elastic Throughput and General Purpose performance mode. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transitionToIa String
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transitionToPrimaryStorageClass String
    Describes the policy used to transition a file from infequent access storage to primary storage. Valid values: AFTER_1_ACCESS.
    transitionToArchive string
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the archive storage class. Requires transition_to_ia, Elastic Throughput and General Purpose performance mode. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transitionToIa string
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transitionToPrimaryStorageClass string
    Describes the policy used to transition a file from infequent access storage to primary storage. Valid values: AFTER_1_ACCESS.
    transition_to_archive str
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the archive storage class. Requires transition_to_ia, Elastic Throughput and General Purpose performance mode. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transition_to_ia str
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transition_to_primary_storage_class str
    Describes the policy used to transition a file from infequent access storage to primary storage. Valid values: AFTER_1_ACCESS.
    transitionToArchive String
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the archive storage class. Requires transition_to_ia, Elastic Throughput and General Purpose performance mode. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transitionToIa String
    Indicates how long it takes to transition files to the IA storage class. Valid values: AFTER_1_DAY, AFTER_7_DAYS, AFTER_14_DAYS, AFTER_30_DAYS, AFTER_60_DAYS, AFTER_90_DAYS, AFTER_180_DAYS, AFTER_270_DAYS, or AFTER_365_DAYS.
    transitionToPrimaryStorageClass String
    Describes the policy used to transition a file from infequent access storage to primary storage. Valid values: AFTER_1_ACCESS.

    FileSystemProtection, FileSystemProtectionArgs

    ReplicationOverwrite string
    Indicates whether replication overwrite protection is enabled. Valid values: ENABLED or DISABLED.
    ReplicationOverwrite string
    Indicates whether replication overwrite protection is enabled. Valid values: ENABLED or DISABLED.
    replicationOverwrite String
    Indicates whether replication overwrite protection is enabled. Valid values: ENABLED or DISABLED.
    replicationOverwrite string
    Indicates whether replication overwrite protection is enabled. Valid values: ENABLED or DISABLED.
    replication_overwrite str
    Indicates whether replication overwrite protection is enabled. Valid values: ENABLED or DISABLED.
    replicationOverwrite String
    Indicates whether replication overwrite protection is enabled. Valid values: ENABLED or DISABLED.

    FileSystemSizeInByte, FileSystemSizeInByteArgs

    Value int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
    ValueInIa int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
    ValueInStandard int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.
    Value int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
    ValueInIa int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
    ValueInStandard int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.
    value Integer
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
    valueInIa Integer
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
    valueInStandard Integer
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.
    value number
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
    valueInIa number
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
    valueInStandard number
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.
    value int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
    value_in_ia int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
    value_in_standard int
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.
    value Number
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system.
    valueInIa Number
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Infrequent Access storage class.
    valueInStandard Number
    The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the Standard storage class.


    Using pulumi import, import the EFS file systems using the id. For example:

    $ pulumi import aws:efs/fileSystem:FileSystem foo fs-6fa144c6

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi