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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides a Network Insights Analysis resource. Part of the “Reachability Analyzer” service in the AWS VPC console.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const path = new aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsPath("path", {
        source: source.id,
        destination: destination.id,
        protocol: "tcp",
    const analysis = new aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis("analysis", {networkInsightsPathId: path.id});
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    path = aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsPath("path",
    analysis = aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis("analysis", network_insights_path_id=path.id)
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		path, err := ec2.NewNetworkInsightsPath(ctx, "path", &ec2.NetworkInsightsPathArgs{
    			Source:      pulumi.Any(source.Id),
    			Destination: pulumi.Any(destination.Id),
    			Protocol:    pulumi.String("tcp"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = ec2.NewNetworkInsightsAnalysis(ctx, "analysis", &ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs{
    			NetworkInsightsPathId: path.ID(),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var path = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkInsightsPath("path", new()
            Source = source.Id,
            Destination = destination.Id,
            Protocol = "tcp",
        var analysis = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis("analysis", new()
            NetworkInsightsPathId = path.Id,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsPath;
    import com.pulumi.aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsPathArgs;
    import com.pulumi.aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis;
    import com.pulumi.aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var path = new NetworkInsightsPath("path", NetworkInsightsPathArgs.builder()
            var analysis = new NetworkInsightsAnalysis("analysis", NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs.builder()
        type: aws:ec2:NetworkInsightsPath
          source: ${source.id}
          destination: ${destination.id}
          protocol: tcp
        type: aws:ec2:NetworkInsightsAnalysis
          networkInsightsPathId: ${path.id}

    Create NetworkInsightsAnalysis Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new NetworkInsightsAnalysis(name: string, args: NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def NetworkInsightsAnalysis(resource_name: str,
                                args: NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs,
                                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def NetworkInsightsAnalysis(resource_name: str,
                                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                                network_insights_path_id: Optional[str] = None,
                                filter_in_arns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                                tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                                wait_for_completion: Optional[bool] = None)
    func NewNetworkInsightsAnalysis(ctx *Context, name string, args NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*NetworkInsightsAnalysis, error)
    public NetworkInsightsAnalysis(string name, NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public NetworkInsightsAnalysis(String name, NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs args)
    public NetworkInsightsAnalysis(String name, NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aws:ec2:NetworkInsightsAnalysis
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var networkInsightsAnalysisResource = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis("networkInsightsAnalysisResource", new()
        NetworkInsightsPathId = "string",
        FilterInArns = new[]
        Tags = 
            { "string", "string" },
        WaitForCompletion = false,
    example, err := ec2.NewNetworkInsightsAnalysis(ctx, "networkInsightsAnalysisResource", &ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs{
    	NetworkInsightsPathId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	FilterInArns: pulumi.StringArray{
    	Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	WaitForCompletion: pulumi.Bool(false),
    var networkInsightsAnalysisResource = new NetworkInsightsAnalysis("networkInsightsAnalysisResource", NetworkInsightsAnalysisArgs.builder()
        .tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
    network_insights_analysis_resource = aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis("networkInsightsAnalysisResource",
            "string": "string",
    const networkInsightsAnalysisResource = new aws.ec2.NetworkInsightsAnalysis("networkInsightsAnalysisResource", {
        networkInsightsPathId: "string",
        filterInArns: ["string"],
        tags: {
            string: "string",
        waitForCompletion: false,
    type: aws:ec2:NetworkInsightsAnalysis
            - string
        networkInsightsPathId: string
            string: string
        waitForCompletion: false

    NetworkInsightsAnalysis Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The NetworkInsightsAnalysis resource accepts the following input properties:

    NetworkInsightsPathId string

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    FilterInArns List<string>
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    WaitForCompletion bool
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    NetworkInsightsPathId string

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    FilterInArns []string
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    Tags map[string]string
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    WaitForCompletion bool
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    networkInsightsPathId String

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    filterInArns List<String>
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    waitForCompletion Boolean
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    networkInsightsPathId string

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    filterInArns string[]
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    waitForCompletion boolean
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    network_insights_path_id str

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    filter_in_arns Sequence[str]
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    wait_for_completion bool
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    networkInsightsPathId String

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    filterInArns List<String>
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    tags Map<String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    waitForCompletion Boolean
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the NetworkInsightsAnalysis resource produces the following output properties:

    AlternatePathHints List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint>
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Explanations List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation>
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    ForwardPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent>
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    PathFound bool
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    ReturnPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent>
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    StartDate string
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    Status string
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    StatusMessage string
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    WarningMessage string
    The warning message.
    AlternatePathHints []NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Explanations []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    ForwardPathComponents []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    PathFound bool
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    ReturnPathComponents []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    StartDate string
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    Status string
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    StatusMessage string
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    WarningMessage string
    The warning message.
    alternatePathHints List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint>
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation>
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    forwardPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent>
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    pathFound Boolean
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    returnPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent>
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    startDate String
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status String
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    statusMessage String
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    warningMessage String
    The warning message.
    alternatePathHints NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint[]
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation[]
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    forwardPathComponents NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent[]
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    pathFound boolean
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    returnPathComponents NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent[]
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    startDate string
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status string
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    statusMessage string
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    warningMessage string
    The warning message.
    alternate_path_hints Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint]
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation]
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    forward_path_components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent]
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    path_found bool
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    return_path_components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent]
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    start_date str
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status str
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    status_message str
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    warning_message str
    The warning message.
    alternatePathHints List<Property Map>
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations List<Property Map>
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    forwardPathComponents List<Property Map>
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    pathFound Boolean
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    returnPathComponents List<Property Map>
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    startDate String
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status String
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    statusMessage String
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    warningMessage String
    The warning message.

    Look up Existing NetworkInsightsAnalysis Resource

    Get an existing NetworkInsightsAnalysis resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: NetworkInsightsAnalysisState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): NetworkInsightsAnalysis
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            alternate_path_hints: Optional[Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintArgs]] = None,
            arn: Optional[str] = None,
            explanations: Optional[Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationArgs]] = None,
            filter_in_arns: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            forward_path_components: Optional[Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentArgs]] = None,
            network_insights_path_id: Optional[str] = None,
            path_found: Optional[bool] = None,
            return_path_components: Optional[Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentArgs]] = None,
            start_date: Optional[str] = None,
            status: Optional[str] = None,
            status_message: Optional[str] = None,
            tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            tags_all: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            wait_for_completion: Optional[bool] = None,
            warning_message: Optional[str] = None) -> NetworkInsightsAnalysis
    func GetNetworkInsightsAnalysis(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *NetworkInsightsAnalysisState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*NetworkInsightsAnalysis, error)
    public static NetworkInsightsAnalysis Get(string name, Input<string> id, NetworkInsightsAnalysisState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static NetworkInsightsAnalysis get(String name, Output<String> id, NetworkInsightsAnalysisState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AlternatePathHints List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint>
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Explanations List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation>
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    FilterInArns List<string>
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    ForwardPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent>
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    NetworkInsightsPathId string

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    PathFound bool
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    ReturnPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent>
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    StartDate string
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    Status string
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    StatusMessage string
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    WaitForCompletion bool
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    WarningMessage string
    The warning message.
    AlternatePathHints []NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintArgs
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Explanations []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationArgs
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    FilterInArns []string
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    ForwardPathComponents []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentArgs
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    NetworkInsightsPathId string

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    PathFound bool
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    ReturnPathComponents []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentArgs
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    StartDate string
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    Status string
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    StatusMessage string
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    Tags map[string]string
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    WaitForCompletion bool
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    WarningMessage string
    The warning message.
    alternatePathHints List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint>
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation>
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    filterInArns List<String>
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    forwardPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent>
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    networkInsightsPathId String

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    pathFound Boolean
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    returnPathComponents List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent>
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    startDate String
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status String
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    statusMessage String
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    waitForCompletion Boolean
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    warningMessage String
    The warning message.
    alternatePathHints NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint[]
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation[]
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    filterInArns string[]
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    forwardPathComponents NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent[]
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    networkInsightsPathId string

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    pathFound boolean
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    returnPathComponents NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent[]
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    startDate string
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status string
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    statusMessage string
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    waitForCompletion boolean
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    warningMessage string
    The warning message.
    alternate_path_hints Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintArgs]
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationArgs]
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    filter_in_arns Sequence[str]
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    forward_path_components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentArgs]
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    network_insights_path_id str

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    path_found bool
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    return_path_components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentArgs]
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    start_date str
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status str
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    status_message str
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    wait_for_completion bool
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    warning_message str
    The warning message.
    alternatePathHints List<Property Map>
    Potential intermediate components of a feasible path. Described below.
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    explanations List<Property Map>
    Explanation codes for an unreachable path. See the AWS documentation for details.
    filterInArns List<String>
    A list of ARNs for resources the path must traverse.
    forwardPathComponents List<Property Map>
    The components in the path from source to destination. See the AWS documentation for details.
    networkInsightsPathId String

    ID of the Network Insights Path to run an analysis on.

    The following arguments are optional:

    pathFound Boolean
    Set to true if the destination was reachable.
    returnPathComponents List<Property Map>
    The components in the path from destination to source. See the AWS documentation for details.
    startDate String
    The date/time the analysis was started.
    status String
    The status of the analysis. succeeded means the analysis was completed, not that a path was found, for that see path_found.
    statusMessage String
    A message to provide more context when the status is failed.
    tags Map<String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    waitForCompletion Boolean
    If enabled, the resource will wait for the Network Insights Analysis status to change to succeeded or failed. Setting this to false will skip the process. Default: true.
    warningMessage String
    The warning message.

    Supporting Types

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHint, NetworkInsightsAnalysisAlternatePathHintArgs

    ComponentArn string
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.
    ComponentId string
    The ID of the component.
    ComponentArn string
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.
    ComponentId string
    The ID of the component.
    componentArn String
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.
    componentId String
    The ID of the component.
    componentArn string
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.
    componentId string
    The ID of the component.
    component_arn str
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.
    component_id str
    The ID of the component.
    componentArn String
    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the component.
    componentId String
    The ID of the component.

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanation, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationArgs

    AclRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRule>
    Acls List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAcl>
    Address string
    Addresses List<string>
    AttachedTos List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedTo>
    AvailabilityZones List<string>
    Cidrs List<string>
    ClassicLoadBalancerListeners List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListener>
    Components List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponent>
    CustomerGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGateway>
    DestinationVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpc>
    Destinations List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestination>
    Direction string
    ElasticLoadBalancerListeners List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListener>
    ExplanationCode string
    IngressRouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTable>
    InternetGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGateway>
    LoadBalancerArn string
    LoadBalancerListenerPort int
    LoadBalancerTargetGroup List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup>
    LoadBalancerTargetGroups List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup>
    LoadBalancerTargetPort int
    MissingComponent string
    NatGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGateway>
    NetworkInterfaces List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterface>
    PacketField string
    Port int
    PortRanges List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRange>
    PrefixLists List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixList>
    Protocols List<string>
    RouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRoute>
    RouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTable>
    SecurityGroup List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup>
    SecurityGroupRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRule>
    SecurityGroups List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup>
    SourceVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpc>
    State string
    SubnetRouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTable>
    Subnets List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnet>
    TransitGatewayAttachments List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachment>
    TransitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute>
    TransitGatewayRouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTable>
    TransitGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGateway>
    VpcEndpoints List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpoint>
    VpcPeeringConnections List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnection>
    Vpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpc>
    VpnConnections List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnection>
    VpnGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGateway>
    AclRules []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRule
    Acls []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAcl
    Address string
    Addresses []string
    AttachedTos []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedTo
    AvailabilityZones []string
    Cidrs []string
    ClassicLoadBalancerListeners []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListener
    Components []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponent
    CustomerGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGateway
    DestinationVpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpc
    Destinations []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestination
    Direction string
    ElasticLoadBalancerListeners []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListener
    ExplanationCode string
    IngressRouteTables []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTable
    InternetGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGateway
    LoadBalancerArn string
    LoadBalancerListenerPort int
    LoadBalancerTargetGroup []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup
    LoadBalancerTargetGroups []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup
    LoadBalancerTargetPort int
    MissingComponent string
    NatGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGateway
    NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterface
    PacketField string
    Port int
    PortRanges []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRange
    PrefixLists []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixList
    Protocols []string
    RouteTableRoutes []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRoute
    RouteTables []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTable
    SecurityGroup []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup
    SecurityGroupRules []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRule
    SecurityGroups []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup
    SourceVpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpc
    State string
    SubnetRouteTables []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTable
    Subnets []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnet
    TransitGatewayAttachments []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachment
    TransitGatewayRouteTableRoutes []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute
    TransitGatewayRouteTables []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTable
    TransitGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGateway
    VpcEndpoints []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpoint
    VpcPeeringConnections []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnection
    Vpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpc
    VpnConnections []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnection
    VpnGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGateway
    aclRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRule>
    acls List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAcl>
    address String
    addresses List<String>
    attachedTos List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedTo>
    availabilityZones List<String>
    cidrs List<String>
    classicLoadBalancerListeners List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListener>
    components List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponent>
    customerGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGateway>
    destinationVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpc>
    destinations List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestination>
    direction String
    elasticLoadBalancerListeners List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListener>
    explanationCode String
    ingressRouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTable>
    internetGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGateway>
    loadBalancerArn String
    loadBalancerListenerPort Integer
    loadBalancerTargetGroup List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup>
    loadBalancerTargetGroups List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup>
    loadBalancerTargetPort Integer
    missingComponent String
    natGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGateway>
    networkInterfaces List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterface>
    packetField String
    port Integer
    portRanges List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRange>
    prefixLists List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixList>
    protocols List<String>
    routeTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRoute>
    routeTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTable>
    securityGroup List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup>
    securityGroupRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRule>
    securityGroups List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup>
    sourceVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpc>
    state String
    subnetRouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTable>
    subnets List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnet>
    transitGatewayAttachments List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachment>
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute>
    transitGatewayRouteTables List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTable>
    transitGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGateway>
    vpcEndpoints List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpoint>
    vpcPeeringConnections List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnection>
    vpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpc>
    vpnConnections List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnection>
    vpnGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGateway>
    aclRules NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRule[]
    acls NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAcl[]
    address string
    addresses string[]
    attachedTos NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedTo[]
    availabilityZones string[]
    cidrs string[]
    classicLoadBalancerListeners NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListener[]
    components NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponent[]
    customerGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGateway[]
    destinationVpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpc[]
    destinations NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestination[]
    direction string
    elasticLoadBalancerListeners NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListener[]
    explanationCode string
    ingressRouteTables NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTable[]
    internetGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGateway[]
    loadBalancerArn string
    loadBalancerListenerPort number
    loadBalancerTargetGroup NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup[]
    loadBalancerTargetGroups NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup[]
    loadBalancerTargetPort number
    missingComponent string
    natGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGateway[]
    networkInterfaces NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterface[]
    packetField string
    port number
    portRanges NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRange[]
    prefixLists NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixList[]
    protocols string[]
    routeTableRoutes NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRoute[]
    routeTables NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTable[]
    securityGroup NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup[]
    securityGroupRules NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRule[]
    securityGroups NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup[]
    sourceVpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpc[]
    state string
    subnetRouteTables NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTable[]
    subnets NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnet[]
    transitGatewayAttachments NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachment[]
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute[]
    transitGatewayRouteTables NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTable[]
    transitGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGateway[]
    vpcEndpoints NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpoint[]
    vpcPeeringConnections NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnection[]
    vpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpc[]
    vpnConnections NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnection[]
    vpnGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGateway[]
    acl_rules Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRule]
    acls Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAcl]
    address str
    addresses Sequence[str]
    attached_tos Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedTo]
    availability_zones Sequence[str]
    cidrs Sequence[str]
    classic_load_balancer_listeners Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListener]
    components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponent]
    customer_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGateway]
    destination_vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpc]
    destinations Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestination]
    direction str
    elastic_load_balancer_listeners Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListener]
    explanation_code str
    ingress_route_tables Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTable]
    internet_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGateway]
    load_balancer_arn str
    load_balancer_listener_port int
    load_balancer_target_group Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup]
    load_balancer_target_groups Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup]
    load_balancer_target_port int
    missing_component str
    nat_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGateway]
    network_interfaces Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterface]
    packet_field str
    port int
    port_ranges Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRange]
    prefix_lists Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixList]
    protocols Sequence[str]
    route_table_routes Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRoute]
    route_tables Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTable]
    security_group Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup]
    security_group_rules Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRule]
    security_groups Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup]
    source_vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpc]
    state str
    subnet_route_tables Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTable]
    subnets Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnet]
    transit_gateway_attachments Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachment]
    transit_gateway_route_table_routes Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute]
    transit_gateway_route_tables Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTable]
    transit_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGateway]
    vpc_endpoints Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpoint]
    vpc_peering_connections Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnection]
    vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpc]
    vpn_connections Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnection]
    vpn_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGateway]
    aclRules List<Property Map>
    acls List<Property Map>
    address String
    addresses List<String>
    attachedTos List<Property Map>
    availabilityZones List<String>
    cidrs List<String>
    classicLoadBalancerListeners List<Property Map>
    components List<Property Map>
    customerGateways List<Property Map>
    destinationVpcs List<Property Map>
    destinations List<Property Map>
    direction String
    elasticLoadBalancerListeners List<Property Map>
    explanationCode String
    ingressRouteTables List<Property Map>
    internetGateways List<Property Map>
    loadBalancerArn String
    loadBalancerListenerPort Number
    loadBalancerTargetGroup List<Property Map>
    loadBalancerTargetGroups List<Property Map>
    loadBalancerTargetPort Number
    missingComponent String
    natGateways List<Property Map>
    networkInterfaces List<Property Map>
    packetField String
    port Number
    portRanges List<Property Map>
    prefixLists List<Property Map>
    protocols List<String>
    routeTableRoutes List<Property Map>
    routeTables List<Property Map>
    securityGroup List<Property Map>
    securityGroupRules List<Property Map>
    securityGroups List<Property Map>
    sourceVpcs List<Property Map>
    state String
    subnetRouteTables List<Property Map>
    subnets List<Property Map>
    transitGatewayAttachments List<Property Map>
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<Property Map>
    transitGatewayRouteTables List<Property Map>
    transitGateways List<Property Map>
    vpcEndpoints List<Property Map>
    vpcPeeringConnections List<Property Map>
    vpcs List<Property Map>
    vpnConnections List<Property Map>
    vpnGateways List<Property Map>

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAcl, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRule, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRuleArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRulePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAclRulePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedTo, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationAttachedToArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListener, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationClassicLoadBalancerListenerArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationComponentArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationCustomerGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestination, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationDestinationVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListener, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationElasticLoadBalancerListenerArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTable, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationIngressRouteTableArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationInternetGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroup, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationLoadBalancerTargetGroupArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNatGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterface, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationNetworkInterfaceArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixList, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationPrefixListArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTable, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRoute, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationRouteTableRouteArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroup, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRule, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRuleArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRulePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSecurityGroupRulePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSourceVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnet, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTable, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationSubnetRouteTableArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachment, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayAttachmentArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTable, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationTransitGatewayRouteTableRouteArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpoint, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcEndpointArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnection, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpcPeeringConnectionArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnection, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnConnectionArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisExplanationVpnGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentArgs

    AclRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRule>
    AdditionalDetails List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetail>
    AttachedTos List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedTo>
    Components List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponent>
    DestinationVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpc>
    InboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeader>
    OutboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeader>
    RouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRoute>
    SecurityGroupRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRule>
    SequenceNumber int
    SourceVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpc>
    Subnets List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnet>
    TransitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute>
    TransitGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGateway>
    Vpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpc>
    AclRules []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRule
    AdditionalDetails []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetail
    AttachedTos []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedTo
    Components []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponent
    DestinationVpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpc
    InboundHeaders []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeader
    OutboundHeaders []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeader
    RouteTableRoutes []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRoute
    SecurityGroupRules []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRule
    SequenceNumber int
    SourceVpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpc
    Subnets []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnet
    TransitGatewayRouteTableRoutes []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute
    TransitGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGateway
    Vpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpc
    aclRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRule>
    additionalDetails List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetail>
    attachedTos List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedTo>
    components List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponent>
    destinationVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpc>
    inboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeader>
    outboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeader>
    routeTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRoute>
    securityGroupRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRule>
    sequenceNumber Integer
    sourceVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpc>
    subnets List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnet>
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute>
    transitGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGateway>
    vpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpc>
    aclRules NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRule[]
    additionalDetails NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetail[]
    attachedTos NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedTo[]
    components NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponent[]
    destinationVpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpc[]
    inboundHeaders NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeader[]
    outboundHeaders NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeader[]
    routeTableRoutes NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRoute[]
    securityGroupRules NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRule[]
    sequenceNumber number
    sourceVpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpc[]
    subnets NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnet[]
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute[]
    transitGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGateway[]
    vpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpc[]
    acl_rules Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRule]
    additional_details Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetail]
    attached_tos Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedTo]
    components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponent]
    destination_vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpc]
    inbound_headers Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeader]
    outbound_headers Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeader]
    route_table_routes Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRoute]
    security_group_rules Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRule]
    sequence_number int
    source_vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpc]
    subnets Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnet]
    transit_gateway_route_table_routes Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute]
    transit_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGateway]
    vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpc]

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRule, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRuleArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRulePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAclRulePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetail, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetailArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetailComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAdditionalDetailComponentArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedTo, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentAttachedToArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentComponentArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentDestinationVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeader, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeaderArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeaderDestinationPortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeaderDestinationPortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeaderSourcePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentInboundHeaderSourcePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeader, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeaderArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeaderDestinationPortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeaderDestinationPortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeaderSourcePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentOutboundHeaderSourcePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRoute, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentRouteTableRouteArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRule, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRuleArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRulePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSecurityGroupRulePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSourceVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnet, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentSubnetArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRouteArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisForwardPathComponentVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentArgs

    AclRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRule>
    AdditionalDetails List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetail>
    AttachedTos List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedTo>
    Components List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponent>
    DestinationVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpc>
    InboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeader>
    OutboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeader>
    RouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRoute>
    SecurityGroupRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRule>
    SequenceNumber int
    SourceVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpc>
    Subnets List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnet>
    TransitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute>
    TransitGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGateway>
    Vpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpc>
    AclRules []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRule
    AdditionalDetails []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetail
    AttachedTos []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedTo
    Components []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponent
    DestinationVpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpc
    InboundHeaders []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeader
    OutboundHeaders []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeader
    RouteTableRoutes []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRoute
    SecurityGroupRules []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRule
    SequenceNumber int
    SourceVpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpc
    Subnets []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnet
    TransitGatewayRouteTableRoutes []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute
    TransitGateways []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGateway
    Vpcs []NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpc
    aclRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRule>
    additionalDetails List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetail>
    attachedTos List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedTo>
    components List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponent>
    destinationVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpc>
    inboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeader>
    outboundHeaders List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeader>
    routeTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRoute>
    securityGroupRules List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRule>
    sequenceNumber Integer
    sourceVpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpc>
    subnets List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnet>
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute>
    transitGateways List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGateway>
    vpcs List<NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpc>
    aclRules NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRule[]
    additionalDetails NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetail[]
    attachedTos NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedTo[]
    components NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponent[]
    destinationVpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpc[]
    inboundHeaders NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeader[]
    outboundHeaders NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeader[]
    routeTableRoutes NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRoute[]
    securityGroupRules NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRule[]
    sequenceNumber number
    sourceVpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpc[]
    subnets NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnet[]
    transitGatewayRouteTableRoutes NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute[]
    transitGateways NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGateway[]
    vpcs NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpc[]
    acl_rules Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRule]
    additional_details Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetail]
    attached_tos Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedTo]
    components Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponent]
    destination_vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpc]
    inbound_headers Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeader]
    outbound_headers Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeader]
    route_table_routes Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRoute]
    security_group_rules Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRule]
    sequence_number int
    source_vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpc]
    subnets Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnet]
    transit_gateway_route_table_routes Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute]
    transit_gateways Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGateway]
    vpcs Sequence[NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpc]

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRule, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRuleArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRulePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAclRulePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetail, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetailArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetailComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAdditionalDetailComponentArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedTo, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentAttachedToArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponent, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentComponentArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentDestinationVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeader, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeaderArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeaderDestinationPortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeaderDestinationPortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeaderSourcePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentInboundHeaderSourcePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeader, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeaderArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeaderDestinationPortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeaderDestinationPortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeaderSourcePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentOutboundHeaderSourcePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRoute, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentRouteTableRouteArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRule, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRuleArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRulePortRange, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSecurityGroupRulePortRangeArgs

    From int
    To int
    From int
    To int
    from Integer
    to Integer
    from number
    to number
    from_ int
    to int
    from Number
    to Number

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSourceVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnet, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentSubnetArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGateway, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRoute, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentTransitGatewayRouteTableRouteArgs

    NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpc, NetworkInsightsAnalysisReturnPathComponentVpcArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    Arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    Name string
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String
    arn string
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id string
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name string
    arn str
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id str
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name str
    arn String
    ARN of the Network Insights Analysis.
    id String
    ID of the Network Insights Analysis.
    name String


    Using pulumi import, import Network Insights Analyzes using the id. For example:

    $ pulumi import aws:ec2/networkInsightsAnalysis:NetworkInsightsAnalysis test nia-0462085c957f11a55

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi