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  4. costexplorer
  5. getCostCategory

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides details about a specific CostExplorer Cost Category.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const example = aws.costexplorer.getCostCategory({
        costCategoryArn: "costCategoryARN",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    example = aws.costexplorer.get_cost_category(cost_category_arn="costCategoryARN")
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := costexplorer.LookupCostCategory(ctx, &costexplorer.LookupCostCategoryArgs{
    			CostCategoryArn: "costCategoryARN",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Aws.CostExplorer.GetCostCategory.Invoke(new()
            CostCategoryArn = "costCategoryARN",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.costexplorer.CostexplorerFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.costexplorer.inputs.GetCostCategoryArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = CostexplorerFunctions.getCostCategory(GetCostCategoryArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:costexplorer:getCostCategory
            costCategoryArn: costCategoryARN

    Using getCostCategory

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getCostCategory(args: GetCostCategoryArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetCostCategoryResult>
    function getCostCategoryOutput(args: GetCostCategoryOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetCostCategoryResult>
    def get_cost_category(cost_category_arn: Optional[str] = None,
                          tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                          opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetCostCategoryResult
    def get_cost_category_output(cost_category_arn: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                          tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                          opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetCostCategoryResult]
    func LookupCostCategory(ctx *Context, args *LookupCostCategoryArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupCostCategoryResult, error)
    func LookupCostCategoryOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupCostCategoryOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupCostCategoryResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupCostCategory in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetCostCategory 
        public static Task<GetCostCategoryResult> InvokeAsync(GetCostCategoryArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetCostCategoryResult> Invoke(GetCostCategoryInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetCostCategoryResult> getCostCategory(GetCostCategoryArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aws:costexplorer/getCostCategory:getCostCategory
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    CostCategoryArn string
    Unique name for the Cost Category.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategoryArn string
    Unique name for the Cost Category.
    Tags map[string]string
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategoryArn String
    Unique name for the Cost Category.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategoryArn string
    Unique name for the Cost Category.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_category_arn str
    Unique name for the Cost Category.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategoryArn String
    Unique name for the Cost Category.
    tags Map<String>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.

    getCostCategory Result

    The following output properties are available:

    CostCategoryArn string
    DefaultValue string
    Default value for the cost category.
    EffectiveEnd string
    Effective end data of your Cost Category.
    EffectiveStart string
    Effective state data of your Cost Category.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    RuleVersion string
    Rule schema version in this particular Cost Category.
    Rules List<GetCostCategoryRule>
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    SplitChargeRules List<GetCostCategorySplitChargeRule>
    Configuration block for the split charge rules used to allocate your charges between your Cost Category values. See below.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategoryArn string
    DefaultValue string
    Default value for the cost category.
    EffectiveEnd string
    Effective end data of your Cost Category.
    EffectiveStart string
    Effective state data of your Cost Category.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    RuleVersion string
    Rule schema version in this particular Cost Category.
    Rules []GetCostCategoryRule
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    SplitChargeRules []GetCostCategorySplitChargeRule
    Configuration block for the split charge rules used to allocate your charges between your Cost Category values. See below.
    Tags map[string]string
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategoryArn String
    defaultValue String
    Default value for the cost category.
    effectiveEnd String
    Effective end data of your Cost Category.
    effectiveStart String
    Effective state data of your Cost Category.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    ruleVersion String
    Rule schema version in this particular Cost Category.
    rules List<GetCostCategoryRule>
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    splitChargeRules List<GetCostCategorySplitChargeRule>
    Configuration block for the split charge rules used to allocate your charges between your Cost Category values. See below.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategoryArn string
    defaultValue string
    Default value for the cost category.
    effectiveEnd string
    Effective end data of your Cost Category.
    effectiveStart string
    Effective state data of your Cost Category.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name string
    ruleVersion string
    Rule schema version in this particular Cost Category.
    rules GetCostCategoryRule[]
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    splitChargeRules GetCostCategorySplitChargeRule[]
    Configuration block for the split charge rules used to allocate your charges between your Cost Category values. See below.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_category_arn str
    default_value str
    Default value for the cost category.
    effective_end str
    Effective end data of your Cost Category.
    effective_start str
    Effective state data of your Cost Category.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name str
    rule_version str
    Rule schema version in this particular Cost Category.
    rules Sequence[GetCostCategoryRule]
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    split_charge_rules Sequence[GetCostCategorySplitChargeRule]
    Configuration block for the split charge rules used to allocate your charges between your Cost Category values. See below.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategoryArn String
    defaultValue String
    Default value for the cost category.
    effectiveEnd String
    Effective end data of your Cost Category.
    effectiveStart String
    Effective state data of your Cost Category.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    ruleVersion String
    Rule schema version in this particular Cost Category.
    rules List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    splitChargeRules List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the split charge rules used to allocate your charges between your Cost Category values. See below.
    tags Map<String>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.

    Supporting Types


    InheritedValues List<GetCostCategoryRuleInheritedValue>
    Configuration block for the value the line item is categorized as if the line item contains the matched dimension. See below.
    Rules List<GetCostCategoryRuleRule>
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    Type string
    Parameter type.
    Value string
    Default value for the cost category.
    InheritedValues []GetCostCategoryRuleInheritedValue
    Configuration block for the value the line item is categorized as if the line item contains the matched dimension. See below.
    Rules []GetCostCategoryRuleRule
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    Type string
    Parameter type.
    Value string
    Default value for the cost category.
    inheritedValues List<GetCostCategoryRuleInheritedValue>
    Configuration block for the value the line item is categorized as if the line item contains the matched dimension. See below.
    rules List<GetCostCategoryRuleRule>
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    type String
    Parameter type.
    value String
    Default value for the cost category.
    inheritedValues GetCostCategoryRuleInheritedValue[]
    Configuration block for the value the line item is categorized as if the line item contains the matched dimension. See below.
    rules GetCostCategoryRuleRule[]
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    type string
    Parameter type.
    value string
    Default value for the cost category.
    inherited_values Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleInheritedValue]
    Configuration block for the value the line item is categorized as if the line item contains the matched dimension. See below.
    rules Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRule]
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    type str
    Parameter type.
    value str
    Default value for the cost category.
    inheritedValues List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the value the line item is categorized as if the line item contains the matched dimension. See below.
    rules List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the Expression object used to categorize costs. See below.
    type String
    Parameter type.
    value String
    Default value for the cost category.


    DimensionKey string
    Key to extract cost category values.
    DimensionName string
    Name of the dimension that's used to group costs. If you specify LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, the cost category value is based on account name. If you specify TAG, the cost category value will be based on the value of the specified tag key. Valid values are LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, TAG
    DimensionKey string
    Key to extract cost category values.
    DimensionName string
    Name of the dimension that's used to group costs. If you specify LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, the cost category value is based on account name. If you specify TAG, the cost category value will be based on the value of the specified tag key. Valid values are LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, TAG
    dimensionKey String
    Key to extract cost category values.
    dimensionName String
    Name of the dimension that's used to group costs. If you specify LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, the cost category value is based on account name. If you specify TAG, the cost category value will be based on the value of the specified tag key. Valid values are LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, TAG
    dimensionKey string
    Key to extract cost category values.
    dimensionName string
    Name of the dimension that's used to group costs. If you specify LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, the cost category value is based on account name. If you specify TAG, the cost category value will be based on the value of the specified tag key. Valid values are LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, TAG
    dimension_key str
    Key to extract cost category values.
    dimension_name str
    Name of the dimension that's used to group costs. If you specify LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, the cost category value is based on account name. If you specify TAG, the cost category value will be based on the value of the specified tag key. Valid values are LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, TAG
    dimensionKey String
    Key to extract cost category values.
    dimensionName String
    Name of the dimension that's used to group costs. If you specify LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, the cost category value is based on account name. If you specify TAG, the cost category value will be based on the value of the specified tag key. Valid values are LINKED_ACCOUNT_NAME, TAG


    Ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    Ands []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAnd
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNot
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOr
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAnd[]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNot[]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOr[]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAnd]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNot]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOr]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<Property Map>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<Property Map>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<Property Map>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    Ands []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAnd
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNot
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOr
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAnd[]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNot[]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOr[]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAnd]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNot]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOr]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<Property Map>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<Property Map>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<Property Map>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndAndTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndNotTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleAndOrTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    Ands []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAnd
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNot
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOr
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAnd[]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNot[]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOr[]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAnd]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNot]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOr]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<Property Map>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<Property Map>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<Property Map>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotAndTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotNotTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleNotOrTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    Ands []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAnd
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Nots []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNot
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    Ors []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOr
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAnd>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNot>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOr>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAnd[]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNot[]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOr[]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAnd]
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNot]
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOr]
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    ands List<Property Map>
    Return results that match both Dimension objects.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    nots List<Property Map>
    Return results that do not match the Dimension object.
    ors List<Property Map>
    Return results that match either Dimension object.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrAndTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrNotTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    CostCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    CostCategories []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrCostCategory
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    Dimensions []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrDimension
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    Tags []GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrTag
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrCostCategory>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrDimension>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrTag>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrCostCategory[]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrDimension[]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrTag[]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    cost_categories Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrCostCategory]
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrDimension]
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags Sequence[GetCostCategoryRuleRuleOrOrTag]
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.
    costCategories List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the filter that's based on CostCategory values. See below.
    dimensions List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Dimension to use for Expression. See below.
    tags List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the specific Tag to use for Expression. See below.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions List<string>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Key string
    Key for the tag.
    MatchOptions []string
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    key string
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions string[]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    key str
    Key for the tag.
    match_options Sequence[str]
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    key String
    Key for the tag.
    matchOptions List<String>
    Match options that you can use to filter your results. MatchOptions is only applicable for actions related to cost category. The default values for MatchOptions is EQUALS and CASE_SENSITIVE. Valid values are: EQUALS, ABSENT, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, CASE_SENSITIVE, CASE_INSENSITIVE.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.


    Method string
    Method that's used to define how to split your source costs across your targets. Valid values are FIXED, PROPORTIONAL, EVEN
    Parameters List<GetCostCategorySplitChargeRuleParameter>
    Configuration block for the parameters for a split charge method. This is only required for the FIXED method. See below.
    Source string
    Cost Category value that you want to split.
    Targets List<string>
    Cost Category values that you want to split costs across. These values can't be used as a source in other split charge rules.
    Method string
    Method that's used to define how to split your source costs across your targets. Valid values are FIXED, PROPORTIONAL, EVEN
    Parameters []GetCostCategorySplitChargeRuleParameter
    Configuration block for the parameters for a split charge method. This is only required for the FIXED method. See below.
    Source string
    Cost Category value that you want to split.
    Targets []string
    Cost Category values that you want to split costs across. These values can't be used as a source in other split charge rules.
    method String
    Method that's used to define how to split your source costs across your targets. Valid values are FIXED, PROPORTIONAL, EVEN
    parameters List<GetCostCategorySplitChargeRuleParameter>
    Configuration block for the parameters for a split charge method. This is only required for the FIXED method. See below.
    source String
    Cost Category value that you want to split.
    targets List<String>
    Cost Category values that you want to split costs across. These values can't be used as a source in other split charge rules.
    method string
    Method that's used to define how to split your source costs across your targets. Valid values are FIXED, PROPORTIONAL, EVEN
    parameters GetCostCategorySplitChargeRuleParameter[]
    Configuration block for the parameters for a split charge method. This is only required for the FIXED method. See below.
    source string
    Cost Category value that you want to split.
    targets string[]
    Cost Category values that you want to split costs across. These values can't be used as a source in other split charge rules.
    method str
    Method that's used to define how to split your source costs across your targets. Valid values are FIXED, PROPORTIONAL, EVEN
    parameters Sequence[GetCostCategorySplitChargeRuleParameter]
    Configuration block for the parameters for a split charge method. This is only required for the FIXED method. See below.
    source str
    Cost Category value that you want to split.
    targets Sequence[str]
    Cost Category values that you want to split costs across. These values can't be used as a source in other split charge rules.
    method String
    Method that's used to define how to split your source costs across your targets. Valid values are FIXED, PROPORTIONAL, EVEN
    parameters List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for the parameters for a split charge method. This is only required for the FIXED method. See below.
    source String
    Cost Category value that you want to split.
    targets List<String>
    Cost Category values that you want to split costs across. These values can't be used as a source in other split charge rules.


    Type string
    Parameter type.
    Values List<string>
    Parameter values.
    Type string
    Parameter type.
    Values []string
    Parameter values.
    type String
    Parameter type.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.
    type string
    Parameter type.
    values string[]
    Parameter values.
    type str
    Parameter type.
    values Sequence[str]
    Parameter values.
    type String
    Parameter type.
    values List<String>
    Parameter values.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi