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  5. getBudget

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Data source for managing an AWS Web Services Budgets Budget.

    Example Usage

    Basic Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const test = aws.budgets.getBudget({
        name: testAwsBudgetsBudget.name,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    test = aws.budgets.get_budget(name=test_aws_budgets_budget["name"])
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := budgets.LookupBudget(ctx, &budgets.LookupBudgetArgs{
    			Name: testAwsBudgetsBudget.Name,
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var test = Aws.Budgets.GetBudget.Invoke(new()
            Name = testAwsBudgetsBudget.Name,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.budgets.BudgetsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.budgets.inputs.GetBudgetArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var test = BudgetsFunctions.getBudget(GetBudgetArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:budgets:getBudget
            name: ${testAwsBudgetsBudget.name}

    Using getBudget

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getBudget(args: GetBudgetArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetBudgetResult>
    function getBudgetOutput(args: GetBudgetOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetBudgetResult>
    def get_budget(account_id: Optional[str] = None,
                   name: Optional[str] = None,
                   name_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
                   tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                   opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetBudgetResult
    def get_budget_output(account_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                   name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                   name_prefix: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                   tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                   opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetBudgetResult]
    func LookupBudget(ctx *Context, args *LookupBudgetArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupBudgetResult, error)
    func LookupBudgetOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupBudgetOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupBudgetResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupBudget in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetBudget 
        public static Task<GetBudgetResult> InvokeAsync(GetBudgetArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetBudgetResult> Invoke(GetBudgetInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetBudgetResult> getBudget(GetBudgetArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aws:budgets/getBudget:getBudget
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Name string

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    AccountId string
    The ID of the target account for budget. Will use current user's account_id by default if omitted.
    NamePrefix string
    The prefix of the name of a budget. Unique within accounts.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    Name string

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    AccountId string
    The ID of the target account for budget. Will use current user's account_id by default if omitted.
    NamePrefix string
    The prefix of the name of a budget. Unique within accounts.
    Tags map[string]string
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    name String

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    accountId String
    The ID of the target account for budget. Will use current user's account_id by default if omitted.
    namePrefix String
    The prefix of the name of a budget. Unique within accounts.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    name string

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    accountId string
    The ID of the target account for budget. Will use current user's account_id by default if omitted.
    namePrefix string
    The prefix of the name of a budget. Unique within accounts.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    name str

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    account_id str
    The ID of the target account for budget. Will use current user's account_id by default if omitted.
    name_prefix str
    The prefix of the name of a budget. Unique within accounts.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    name String

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    accountId String
    The ID of the target account for budget. Will use current user's account_id by default if omitted.
    namePrefix String
    The prefix of the name of a budget. Unique within accounts.
    tags Map<String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.

    getBudget Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AccountId string
    Arn string
    AutoAdjustDatas List<GetBudgetAutoAdjustData>
    Object containing [AutoAdjustData] which determines the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.
    BudgetExceeded bool
    Boolean indicating whether this budget has been exceeded.
    BudgetLimits List<GetBudgetBudgetLimit>
    The total amount of cost, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget. Contains object Spend.
    BudgetType string
    Whether this budget tracks monetary cost or usage.
    CalculatedSpends List<GetBudgetCalculatedSpend>
    The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.
    CostFilters List<GetBudgetCostFilter>
    A list of CostFilter name/values pair to apply to budget.
    CostTypes List<GetBudgetCostType>
    Object containing CostTypes The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    Notifications List<GetBudgetNotification>
    Object containing Budget Notifications. Can be used multiple times to define more than one budget notification.
    PlannedLimits List<GetBudgetPlannedLimit>
    Object containing Planned Budget Limits. Can be used multiple times to plan more than one budget limit. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    TimePeriodEnd string
    The end of the time period covered by the budget. There are no restrictions on the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    TimePeriodStart string
    The start of the time period covered by the budget. If you don't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period. The start date must come before the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    TimeUnit string
    The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend. Valid values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY, and DAILY.
    NamePrefix string
    AccountId string
    Arn string
    AutoAdjustDatas []GetBudgetAutoAdjustData
    Object containing [AutoAdjustData] which determines the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.
    BudgetExceeded bool
    Boolean indicating whether this budget has been exceeded.
    BudgetLimits []GetBudgetBudgetLimit
    The total amount of cost, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget. Contains object Spend.
    BudgetType string
    Whether this budget tracks monetary cost or usage.
    CalculatedSpends []GetBudgetCalculatedSpend
    The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.
    CostFilters []GetBudgetCostFilter
    A list of CostFilter name/values pair to apply to budget.
    CostTypes []GetBudgetCostType
    Object containing CostTypes The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Name string
    Notifications []GetBudgetNotification
    Object containing Budget Notifications. Can be used multiple times to define more than one budget notification.
    PlannedLimits []GetBudgetPlannedLimit
    Object containing Planned Budget Limits. Can be used multiple times to plan more than one budget limit. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    Tags map[string]string
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    TimePeriodEnd string
    The end of the time period covered by the budget. There are no restrictions on the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    TimePeriodStart string
    The start of the time period covered by the budget. If you don't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period. The start date must come before the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    TimeUnit string
    The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend. Valid values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY, and DAILY.
    NamePrefix string
    accountId String
    arn String
    autoAdjustDatas List<GetBudgetAutoAdjustData>
    Object containing [AutoAdjustData] which determines the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.
    budgetExceeded Boolean
    Boolean indicating whether this budget has been exceeded.
    budgetLimits List<GetBudgetBudgetLimit>
    The total amount of cost, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget. Contains object Spend.
    budgetType String
    Whether this budget tracks monetary cost or usage.
    calculatedSpends List<GetBudgetCalculatedSpend>
    The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.
    costFilters List<GetBudgetCostFilter>
    A list of CostFilter name/values pair to apply to budget.
    costTypes List<GetBudgetCostType>
    Object containing CostTypes The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    notifications List<GetBudgetNotification>
    Object containing Budget Notifications. Can be used multiple times to define more than one budget notification.
    plannedLimits List<GetBudgetPlannedLimit>
    Object containing Planned Budget Limits. Can be used multiple times to plan more than one budget limit. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    timePeriodEnd String
    The end of the time period covered by the budget. There are no restrictions on the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    timePeriodStart String
    The start of the time period covered by the budget. If you don't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period. The start date must come before the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    timeUnit String
    The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend. Valid values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY, and DAILY.
    namePrefix String
    accountId string
    arn string
    autoAdjustDatas GetBudgetAutoAdjustData[]
    Object containing [AutoAdjustData] which determines the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.
    budgetExceeded boolean
    Boolean indicating whether this budget has been exceeded.
    budgetLimits GetBudgetBudgetLimit[]
    The total amount of cost, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget. Contains object Spend.
    budgetType string
    Whether this budget tracks monetary cost or usage.
    calculatedSpends GetBudgetCalculatedSpend[]
    The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.
    costFilters GetBudgetCostFilter[]
    A list of CostFilter name/values pair to apply to budget.
    costTypes GetBudgetCostType[]
    Object containing CostTypes The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name string
    notifications GetBudgetNotification[]
    Object containing Budget Notifications. Can be used multiple times to define more than one budget notification.
    plannedLimits GetBudgetPlannedLimit[]
    Object containing Planned Budget Limits. Can be used multiple times to plan more than one budget limit. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    timePeriodEnd string
    The end of the time period covered by the budget. There are no restrictions on the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    timePeriodStart string
    The start of the time period covered by the budget. If you don't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period. The start date must come before the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    timeUnit string
    The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend. Valid values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY, and DAILY.
    namePrefix string
    account_id str
    arn str
    auto_adjust_datas Sequence[GetBudgetAutoAdjustData]
    Object containing [AutoAdjustData] which determines the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.
    budget_exceeded bool
    Boolean indicating whether this budget has been exceeded.
    budget_limits Sequence[GetBudgetBudgetLimit]
    The total amount of cost, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget. Contains object Spend.
    budget_type str
    Whether this budget tracks monetary cost or usage.
    calculated_spends Sequence[GetBudgetCalculatedSpend]
    The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.
    cost_filters Sequence[GetBudgetCostFilter]
    A list of CostFilter name/values pair to apply to budget.
    cost_types Sequence[GetBudgetCostType]
    Object containing CostTypes The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name str
    notifications Sequence[GetBudgetNotification]
    Object containing Budget Notifications. Can be used multiple times to define more than one budget notification.
    planned_limits Sequence[GetBudgetPlannedLimit]
    Object containing Planned Budget Limits. Can be used multiple times to plan more than one budget limit. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    time_period_end str
    The end of the time period covered by the budget. There are no restrictions on the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    time_period_start str
    The start of the time period covered by the budget. If you don't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period. The start date must come before the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    time_unit str
    The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend. Valid values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY, and DAILY.
    name_prefix str
    accountId String
    arn String
    autoAdjustDatas List<Property Map>
    Object containing [AutoAdjustData] which determines the budget amount for an auto-adjusting budget.
    budgetExceeded Boolean
    Boolean indicating whether this budget has been exceeded.
    budgetLimits List<Property Map>
    The total amount of cost, usage, RI utilization, RI coverage, Savings Plans utilization, or Savings Plans coverage that you want to track with your budget. Contains object Spend.
    budgetType String
    Whether this budget tracks monetary cost or usage.
    calculatedSpends List<Property Map>
    The spend objects that are associated with this budget. The actualSpend tracks how much you've used, cost, usage, RI units, or Savings Plans units and the forecastedSpend tracks how much that you're predicted to spend based on your historical usage profile.
    costFilters List<Property Map>
    A list of CostFilter name/values pair to apply to budget.
    costTypes List<Property Map>
    Object containing CostTypes The types of cost included in a budget, such as tax and subscriptions.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    name String
    notifications List<Property Map>
    Object containing Budget Notifications. Can be used multiple times to define more than one budget notification.
    plannedLimits List<Property Map>
    Object containing Planned Budget Limits. Can be used multiple times to plan more than one budget limit. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    tags Map<String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource.
    timePeriodEnd String
    The end of the time period covered by the budget. There are no restrictions on the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    timePeriodStart String
    The start of the time period covered by the budget. If you don't specify a start date, AWS defaults to the start of your chosen time period. The start date must come before the end date. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00.
    timeUnit String
    The length of time until a budget resets the actual and forecasted spend. Valid values: MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, ANNUALLY, and DAILY.
    namePrefix String

    Supporting Types


    AutoAdjustType string
    (Required) - The string that defines whether your budget auto-adjusts based on historical or forecasted data. Valid values: FORECAST,HISTORICAL.
    HistoricalOptions List<GetBudgetAutoAdjustDataHistoricalOption>
    (Optional) - Configuration block of Historical Options. Required for auto_adjust_type of HISTORICAL Configuration block that defines the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.
    LastAutoAdjustTime string
    (Optional) - The last time that your budget was auto-adjusted.
    AutoAdjustType string
    (Required) - The string that defines whether your budget auto-adjusts based on historical or forecasted data. Valid values: FORECAST,HISTORICAL.
    HistoricalOptions []GetBudgetAutoAdjustDataHistoricalOption
    (Optional) - Configuration block of Historical Options. Required for auto_adjust_type of HISTORICAL Configuration block that defines the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.
    LastAutoAdjustTime string
    (Optional) - The last time that your budget was auto-adjusted.
    autoAdjustType String
    (Required) - The string that defines whether your budget auto-adjusts based on historical or forecasted data. Valid values: FORECAST,HISTORICAL.
    historicalOptions List<GetBudgetAutoAdjustDataHistoricalOption>
    (Optional) - Configuration block of Historical Options. Required for auto_adjust_type of HISTORICAL Configuration block that defines the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.
    lastAutoAdjustTime String
    (Optional) - The last time that your budget was auto-adjusted.
    autoAdjustType string
    (Required) - The string that defines whether your budget auto-adjusts based on historical or forecasted data. Valid values: FORECAST,HISTORICAL.
    historicalOptions GetBudgetAutoAdjustDataHistoricalOption[]
    (Optional) - Configuration block of Historical Options. Required for auto_adjust_type of HISTORICAL Configuration block that defines the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.
    lastAutoAdjustTime string
    (Optional) - The last time that your budget was auto-adjusted.
    auto_adjust_type str
    (Required) - The string that defines whether your budget auto-adjusts based on historical or forecasted data. Valid values: FORECAST,HISTORICAL.
    historical_options Sequence[GetBudgetAutoAdjustDataHistoricalOption]
    (Optional) - Configuration block of Historical Options. Required for auto_adjust_type of HISTORICAL Configuration block that defines the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.
    last_auto_adjust_time str
    (Optional) - The last time that your budget was auto-adjusted.
    autoAdjustType String
    (Required) - The string that defines whether your budget auto-adjusts based on historical or forecasted data. Valid values: FORECAST,HISTORICAL.
    historicalOptions List<Property Map>
    (Optional) - Configuration block of Historical Options. Required for auto_adjust_type of HISTORICAL Configuration block that defines the historical data that your auto-adjusting budget is based on.
    lastAutoAdjustTime String
    (Optional) - The last time that your budget was auto-adjusted.


    BudgetAdjustmentPeriod int
    (Required) - The number of budget periods included in the moving-average calculation that determines your auto-adjusted budget amount.
    LookbackAvailablePeriods int
    (Optional) - The integer that describes how many budget periods in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod are included in the calculation of your current budget limit. If the first budget period in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod has no cost data, then that budget period isn’t included in the average that determines your budget limit. You can’t set your own LookBackAvailablePeriods. The value is automatically calculated from the budget_adjustment_period and your historical cost data.
    BudgetAdjustmentPeriod int
    (Required) - The number of budget periods included in the moving-average calculation that determines your auto-adjusted budget amount.
    LookbackAvailablePeriods int
    (Optional) - The integer that describes how many budget periods in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod are included in the calculation of your current budget limit. If the first budget period in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod has no cost data, then that budget period isn’t included in the average that determines your budget limit. You can’t set your own LookBackAvailablePeriods. The value is automatically calculated from the budget_adjustment_period and your historical cost data.
    budgetAdjustmentPeriod Integer
    (Required) - The number of budget periods included in the moving-average calculation that determines your auto-adjusted budget amount.
    lookbackAvailablePeriods Integer
    (Optional) - The integer that describes how many budget periods in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod are included in the calculation of your current budget limit. If the first budget period in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod has no cost data, then that budget period isn’t included in the average that determines your budget limit. You can’t set your own LookBackAvailablePeriods. The value is automatically calculated from the budget_adjustment_period and your historical cost data.
    budgetAdjustmentPeriod number
    (Required) - The number of budget periods included in the moving-average calculation that determines your auto-adjusted budget amount.
    lookbackAvailablePeriods number
    (Optional) - The integer that describes how many budget periods in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod are included in the calculation of your current budget limit. If the first budget period in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod has no cost data, then that budget period isn’t included in the average that determines your budget limit. You can’t set your own LookBackAvailablePeriods. The value is automatically calculated from the budget_adjustment_period and your historical cost data.
    budget_adjustment_period int
    (Required) - The number of budget periods included in the moving-average calculation that determines your auto-adjusted budget amount.
    lookback_available_periods int
    (Optional) - The integer that describes how many budget periods in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod are included in the calculation of your current budget limit. If the first budget period in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod has no cost data, then that budget period isn’t included in the average that determines your budget limit. You can’t set your own LookBackAvailablePeriods. The value is automatically calculated from the budget_adjustment_period and your historical cost data.
    budgetAdjustmentPeriod Number
    (Required) - The number of budget periods included in the moving-average calculation that determines your auto-adjusted budget amount.
    lookbackAvailablePeriods Number
    (Optional) - The integer that describes how many budget periods in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod are included in the calculation of your current budget limit. If the first budget period in your BudgetAdjustmentPeriod has no cost data, then that budget period isn’t included in the average that determines your budget limit. You can’t set your own LookBackAvailablePeriods. The value is automatically calculated from the budget_adjustment_period and your historical cost data.


    Amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount String
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit String
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount str
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit str
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount String
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit String
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.



    Amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount String
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit String
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount str
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit str
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount String
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    unit String
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.


    Name string

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    Values List<string>
    Name string

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    Values []string
    name String

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    values List<String>
    name string

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    values string[]
    name str

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    values Sequence[str]
    name String

    The name of a budget. Unique within accounts.

    The following arguments are optional:

    values List<String>


    IncludeCredit bool
    A boolean value whether to include credits in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeDiscount bool
    Whether a budget includes discounts. Defaults to true.
    IncludeOtherSubscription bool
    A boolean value whether to include other subscription costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeRecurring bool
    A boolean value whether to include recurring costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeRefund bool
    A boolean value whether to include refunds in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeSubscription bool
    A boolean value whether to include subscriptions in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeSupport bool
    A boolean value whether to include support costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeTax bool
    A boolean value whether to include tax in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeUpfront bool
    A boolean value whether to include upfront costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    UseAmortized bool
    Whether a budget uses the amortized rate. Defaults to false.
    UseBlended bool
    A boolean value whether to use blended costs in the cost budget. Defaults to false.
    IncludeCredit bool
    A boolean value whether to include credits in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeDiscount bool
    Whether a budget includes discounts. Defaults to true.
    IncludeOtherSubscription bool
    A boolean value whether to include other subscription costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeRecurring bool
    A boolean value whether to include recurring costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeRefund bool
    A boolean value whether to include refunds in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeSubscription bool
    A boolean value whether to include subscriptions in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeSupport bool
    A boolean value whether to include support costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeTax bool
    A boolean value whether to include tax in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    IncludeUpfront bool
    A boolean value whether to include upfront costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    UseAmortized bool
    Whether a budget uses the amortized rate. Defaults to false.
    UseBlended bool
    A boolean value whether to use blended costs in the cost budget. Defaults to false.
    includeCredit Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include credits in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeDiscount Boolean
    Whether a budget includes discounts. Defaults to true.
    includeOtherSubscription Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include other subscription costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeRecurring Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include recurring costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeRefund Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include refunds in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeSubscription Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include subscriptions in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeSupport Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include support costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeTax Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include tax in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeUpfront Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include upfront costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    useAmortized Boolean
    Whether a budget uses the amortized rate. Defaults to false.
    useBlended Boolean
    A boolean value whether to use blended costs in the cost budget. Defaults to false.
    includeCredit boolean
    A boolean value whether to include credits in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeDiscount boolean
    Whether a budget includes discounts. Defaults to true.
    includeOtherSubscription boolean
    A boolean value whether to include other subscription costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeRecurring boolean
    A boolean value whether to include recurring costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeRefund boolean
    A boolean value whether to include refunds in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeSubscription boolean
    A boolean value whether to include subscriptions in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeSupport boolean
    A boolean value whether to include support costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeTax boolean
    A boolean value whether to include tax in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeUpfront boolean
    A boolean value whether to include upfront costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    useAmortized boolean
    Whether a budget uses the amortized rate. Defaults to false.
    useBlended boolean
    A boolean value whether to use blended costs in the cost budget. Defaults to false.
    include_credit bool
    A boolean value whether to include credits in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_discount bool
    Whether a budget includes discounts. Defaults to true.
    include_other_subscription bool
    A boolean value whether to include other subscription costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_recurring bool
    A boolean value whether to include recurring costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_refund bool
    A boolean value whether to include refunds in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_subscription bool
    A boolean value whether to include subscriptions in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_support bool
    A boolean value whether to include support costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_tax bool
    A boolean value whether to include tax in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    include_upfront bool
    A boolean value whether to include upfront costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    use_amortized bool
    Whether a budget uses the amortized rate. Defaults to false.
    use_blended bool
    A boolean value whether to use blended costs in the cost budget. Defaults to false.
    includeCredit Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include credits in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeDiscount Boolean
    Whether a budget includes discounts. Defaults to true.
    includeOtherSubscription Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include other subscription costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeRecurring Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include recurring costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeRefund Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include refunds in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeSubscription Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include subscriptions in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeSupport Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include support costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeTax Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include tax in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    includeUpfront Boolean
    A boolean value whether to include upfront costs in the cost budget. Defaults to true.
    useAmortized Boolean
    Whether a budget uses the amortized rate. Defaults to false.
    useBlended Boolean
    A boolean value whether to use blended costs in the cost budget. Defaults to false.


    ComparisonOperator string
    (Required) Comparison operator to use to evaluate the condition. Can be LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO or GREATER_THAN.
    NotificationType string
    (Required) What kind of budget value to notify on. Can be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.
    SubscriberEmailAddresses List<string>
    (Optional) E-Mail addresses to notify. Either this or subscriber_sns_topic_arns is required.
    SubscriberSnsTopicArns List<string>
    (Optional) SNS topics to notify. Either this or subscriber_email_addresses is required.
    Threshold double
    (Required) Threshold when the notification should be sent.
    ThresholdType string
    (Required) What kind of threshold is defined. Can be PERCENTAGE OR ABSOLUTE_VALUE.
    ComparisonOperator string
    (Required) Comparison operator to use to evaluate the condition. Can be LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO or GREATER_THAN.
    NotificationType string
    (Required) What kind of budget value to notify on. Can be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.
    SubscriberEmailAddresses []string
    (Optional) E-Mail addresses to notify. Either this or subscriber_sns_topic_arns is required.
    SubscriberSnsTopicArns []string
    (Optional) SNS topics to notify. Either this or subscriber_email_addresses is required.
    Threshold float64
    (Required) Threshold when the notification should be sent.
    ThresholdType string
    (Required) What kind of threshold is defined. Can be PERCENTAGE OR ABSOLUTE_VALUE.
    comparisonOperator String
    (Required) Comparison operator to use to evaluate the condition. Can be LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO or GREATER_THAN.
    notificationType String
    (Required) What kind of budget value to notify on. Can be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.
    subscriberEmailAddresses List<String>
    (Optional) E-Mail addresses to notify. Either this or subscriber_sns_topic_arns is required.
    subscriberSnsTopicArns List<String>
    (Optional) SNS topics to notify. Either this or subscriber_email_addresses is required.
    threshold Double
    (Required) Threshold when the notification should be sent.
    thresholdType String
    (Required) What kind of threshold is defined. Can be PERCENTAGE OR ABSOLUTE_VALUE.
    comparisonOperator string
    (Required) Comparison operator to use to evaluate the condition. Can be LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO or GREATER_THAN.
    notificationType string
    (Required) What kind of budget value to notify on. Can be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.
    subscriberEmailAddresses string[]
    (Optional) E-Mail addresses to notify. Either this or subscriber_sns_topic_arns is required.
    subscriberSnsTopicArns string[]
    (Optional) SNS topics to notify. Either this or subscriber_email_addresses is required.
    threshold number
    (Required) Threshold when the notification should be sent.
    thresholdType string
    (Required) What kind of threshold is defined. Can be PERCENTAGE OR ABSOLUTE_VALUE.
    comparison_operator str
    (Required) Comparison operator to use to evaluate the condition. Can be LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO or GREATER_THAN.
    notification_type str
    (Required) What kind of budget value to notify on. Can be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.
    subscriber_email_addresses Sequence[str]
    (Optional) E-Mail addresses to notify. Either this or subscriber_sns_topic_arns is required.
    subscriber_sns_topic_arns Sequence[str]
    (Optional) SNS topics to notify. Either this or subscriber_email_addresses is required.
    threshold float
    (Required) Threshold when the notification should be sent.
    threshold_type str
    (Required) What kind of threshold is defined. Can be PERCENTAGE OR ABSOLUTE_VALUE.
    comparisonOperator String
    (Required) Comparison operator to use to evaluate the condition. Can be LESS_THAN, EQUAL_TO or GREATER_THAN.
    notificationType String
    (Required) What kind of budget value to notify on. Can be ACTUAL or FORECASTED.
    subscriberEmailAddresses List<String>
    (Optional) E-Mail addresses to notify. Either this or subscriber_sns_topic_arns is required.
    subscriberSnsTopicArns List<String>
    (Optional) SNS topics to notify. Either this or subscriber_email_addresses is required.
    threshold Number
    (Required) Threshold when the notification should be sent.
    thresholdType String
    (Required) What kind of threshold is defined. Can be PERCENTAGE OR ABSOLUTE_VALUE.


    Amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    StartTime string
    (Required) The start time of the budget limit. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    Unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    Amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    StartTime string
    (Required) The start time of the budget limit. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    Unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount String
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    startTime String
    (Required) The start time of the budget limit. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    unit String
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount string
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    startTime string
    (Required) The start time of the budget limit. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    unit string
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount str
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    start_time str
    (Required) The start time of the budget limit. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    unit str
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    amount String
    The cost or usage amount that's associated with a budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.
    startTime String
    (Required) The start time of the budget limit. Format: 2017-01-01_12:00. See PlannedBudgetLimits documentation.
    unit String
    The unit of measurement that's used for the budget forecast, actual spend, or budget threshold, such as USD or GBP. Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2147483647.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
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    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi