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Aquasec v0.8.27 published on Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Pulumiverse


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Aquasec v0.8.27 published on Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Pulumiverse

    Create Service Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Service(name: string, args: ServiceArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Service(resource_name: str,
                args: ServiceArgs,
                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Service(resource_name: str,
                opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                application_scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                policies: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                target: Optional[str] = None,
                description: Optional[str] = None,
                enforce: Optional[bool] = None,
                monitoring: Optional[bool] = None,
                name: Optional[str] = None,
                priority: Optional[int] = None,
                scope_expression: Optional[str] = None,
                scope_variables: Optional[Sequence[ServiceScopeVariableArgs]] = None)
    func NewService(ctx *Context, name string, args ServiceArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Service, error)
    public Service(string name, ServiceArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Service(String name, ServiceArgs args)
    public Service(String name, ServiceArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aquasec:Service
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ServiceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ServiceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ServiceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ServiceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ServiceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var serviceResource = new Aquasec.Service("serviceResource", new()
        ApplicationScopes = new[]
        Policies = new[]
        Target = "string",
        Description = "string",
        Enforce = false,
        Monitoring = false,
        Name = "string",
        Priority = 0,
        ScopeExpression = "string",
        ScopeVariables = new[]
            new Aquasec.Inputs.ServiceScopeVariableArgs
                Attribute = "string",
                Name = "string",
                Value = "string",
    example, err := aquasec.NewService(ctx, "serviceResource", &aquasec.ServiceArgs{
    	ApplicationScopes: pulumi.StringArray{
    	Policies: pulumi.StringArray{
    	Target:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	Description:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	Enforce:         pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Monitoring:      pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Name:            pulumi.String("string"),
    	Priority:        pulumi.Int(0),
    	ScopeExpression: pulumi.String("string"),
    	ScopeVariables: aquasec.ServiceScopeVariableArray{
    			Attribute: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Name:      pulumi.String("string"),
    			Value:     pulumi.String("string"),
    var serviceResource = new Service("serviceResource", ServiceArgs.builder()
    service_resource = aquasec.Service("serviceResource",
    const serviceResource = new aquasec.Service("serviceResource", {
        applicationScopes: ["string"],
        policies: ["string"],
        target: "string",
        description: "string",
        enforce: false,
        monitoring: false,
        name: "string",
        priority: 0,
        scopeExpression: "string",
        scopeVariables: [{
            attribute: "string",
            name: "string",
            value: "string",
    type: aquasec:Service
            - string
        description: string
        enforce: false
        monitoring: false
        name: string
            - string
        priority: 0
        scopeExpression: string
            - attribute: string
              name: string
              value: string
        target: string

    Service Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Service resource accepts the following input properties:

    ApplicationScopes List<string>
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    Policies List<string>
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    Target string
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    Description string
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    Enforce bool
    Enforcement status of the service.
    Monitoring bool
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    Name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    Priority int
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    ScopeExpression string
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    ScopeVariables List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Inputs.ServiceScopeVariable>
    List of scope attributes.
    ApplicationScopes []string
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    Policies []string
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    Target string
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    Description string
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    Enforce bool
    Enforcement status of the service.
    Monitoring bool
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    Name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    Priority int
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    ScopeExpression string
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    ScopeVariables []ServiceScopeVariableArgs
    List of scope attributes.
    applicationScopes List<String>
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    policies List<String>
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    target String
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    description String
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce Boolean
    Enforcement status of the service.
    monitoring Boolean
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name String
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    priority Integer
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scopeExpression String
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scopeVariables List<ServiceScopeVariable>
    List of scope attributes.
    applicationScopes string[]
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    policies string[]
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    target string
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    description string
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce boolean
    Enforcement status of the service.
    monitoring boolean
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    priority number
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scopeExpression string
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scopeVariables ServiceScopeVariable[]
    List of scope attributes.
    application_scopes Sequence[str]
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    policies Sequence[str]
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    target str
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    description str
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce bool
    Enforcement status of the service.
    monitoring bool
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name str
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    priority int
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scope_expression str
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scope_variables Sequence[ServiceScopeVariableArgs]
    List of scope attributes.
    applicationScopes List<String>
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    policies List<String>
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    target String
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    description String
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce Boolean
    Enforcement status of the service.
    monitoring Boolean
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name String
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    priority Number
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scopeExpression String
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scopeVariables List<Property Map>
    List of scope attributes.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Service resource produces the following output properties:

    Author string
    Username of the account that created the service.
    ContainersCount int
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    Evaluated bool
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    IsRegistered bool
    Indicates if registered or not.
    Lastupdate int
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    NotEvaluatedCount int
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    UnregisteredCount int
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    VulnerabilitiesHigh int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesLow int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesMalware int
    Number of malware.
    VulnerabilitiesMedium int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesNegligible int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesScoreAverage int
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    VulnerabilitiesSensitive int
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesTotal int
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    Author string
    Username of the account that created the service.
    ContainersCount int
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    Evaluated bool
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    IsRegistered bool
    Indicates if registered or not.
    Lastupdate int
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    NotEvaluatedCount int
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    UnregisteredCount int
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    VulnerabilitiesHigh int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesLow int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesMalware int
    Number of malware.
    VulnerabilitiesMedium int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesNegligible int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesScoreAverage int
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    VulnerabilitiesSensitive int
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesTotal int
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    author String
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containersCount Integer
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    evaluated Boolean
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    isRegistered Boolean
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate Integer
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    notEvaluatedCount Integer
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    unregisteredCount Integer
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilitiesHigh Integer
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesLow Integer
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesMalware Integer
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilitiesMedium Integer
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesNegligible Integer
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesScoreAverage Integer
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilitiesSensitive Integer
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesTotal Integer
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    author string
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containersCount number
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    evaluated boolean
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    isRegistered boolean
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate number
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    notEvaluatedCount number
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    unregisteredCount number
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilitiesHigh number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesLow number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesMalware number
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilitiesMedium number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesNegligible number
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesScoreAverage number
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilitiesSensitive number
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesTotal number
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    author str
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containers_count int
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    evaluated bool
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    is_registered bool
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate int
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    not_evaluated_count int
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    unregistered_count int
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilities_high int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_low int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_malware int
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilities_medium int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_negligible int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_score_average int
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilities_sensitive int
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_total int
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    author String
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containersCount Number
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    evaluated Boolean
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    isRegistered Boolean
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate Number
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    notEvaluatedCount Number
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    unregisteredCount Number
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilitiesHigh Number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesLow Number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesMalware Number
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilitiesMedium Number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesNegligible Number
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesScoreAverage Number
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilitiesSensitive Number
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesTotal Number
    Total number of vulnerabilities.

    Look up Existing Service Resource

    Get an existing Service resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ServiceState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Service
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            application_scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            author: Optional[str] = None,
            containers_count: Optional[int] = None,
            description: Optional[str] = None,
            enforce: Optional[bool] = None,
            evaluated: Optional[bool] = None,
            is_registered: Optional[bool] = None,
            lastupdate: Optional[int] = None,
            monitoring: Optional[bool] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            not_evaluated_count: Optional[int] = None,
            policies: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            priority: Optional[int] = None,
            scope_expression: Optional[str] = None,
            scope_variables: Optional[Sequence[ServiceScopeVariableArgs]] = None,
            target: Optional[str] = None,
            unregistered_count: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_high: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_low: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_malware: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_medium: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_negligible: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_score_average: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_sensitive: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities_total: Optional[int] = None) -> Service
    func GetService(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ServiceState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Service, error)
    public static Service Get(string name, Input<string> id, ServiceState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Service get(String name, Output<String> id, ServiceState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    ApplicationScopes List<string>
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    Author string
    Username of the account that created the service.
    ContainersCount int
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    Description string
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    Enforce bool
    Enforcement status of the service.
    Evaluated bool
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    IsRegistered bool
    Indicates if registered or not.
    Lastupdate int
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    Monitoring bool
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    Name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    NotEvaluatedCount int
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    Policies List<string>
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    Priority int
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    ScopeExpression string
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    ScopeVariables List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Inputs.ServiceScopeVariable>
    List of scope attributes.
    Target string
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    UnregisteredCount int
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    VulnerabilitiesHigh int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesLow int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesMalware int
    Number of malware.
    VulnerabilitiesMedium int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesNegligible int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesScoreAverage int
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    VulnerabilitiesSensitive int
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesTotal int
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    ApplicationScopes []string
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    Author string
    Username of the account that created the service.
    ContainersCount int
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    Description string
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    Enforce bool
    Enforcement status of the service.
    Evaluated bool
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    IsRegistered bool
    Indicates if registered or not.
    Lastupdate int
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    Monitoring bool
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    Name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    NotEvaluatedCount int
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    Policies []string
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    Priority int
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    ScopeExpression string
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    ScopeVariables []ServiceScopeVariableArgs
    List of scope attributes.
    Target string
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    UnregisteredCount int
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    VulnerabilitiesHigh int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesLow int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesMalware int
    Number of malware.
    VulnerabilitiesMedium int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesNegligible int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesScoreAverage int
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    VulnerabilitiesSensitive int
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    VulnerabilitiesTotal int
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    applicationScopes List<String>
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    author String
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containersCount Integer
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    description String
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce Boolean
    Enforcement status of the service.
    evaluated Boolean
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    isRegistered Boolean
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate Integer
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    monitoring Boolean
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name String
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    notEvaluatedCount Integer
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    policies List<String>
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    priority Integer
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scopeExpression String
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scopeVariables List<ServiceScopeVariable>
    List of scope attributes.
    target String
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    unregisteredCount Integer
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilitiesHigh Integer
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesLow Integer
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesMalware Integer
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilitiesMedium Integer
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesNegligible Integer
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesScoreAverage Integer
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilitiesSensitive Integer
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesTotal Integer
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    applicationScopes string[]
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    author string
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containersCount number
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    description string
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce boolean
    Enforcement status of the service.
    evaluated boolean
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    isRegistered boolean
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate number
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    monitoring boolean
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    notEvaluatedCount number
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    policies string[]
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    priority number
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scopeExpression string
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scopeVariables ServiceScopeVariable[]
    List of scope attributes.
    target string
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    unregisteredCount number
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilitiesHigh number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesLow number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesMalware number
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilitiesMedium number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesNegligible number
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesScoreAverage number
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilitiesSensitive number
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesTotal number
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    application_scopes Sequence[str]
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    author str
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containers_count int
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    description str
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce bool
    Enforcement status of the service.
    evaluated bool
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    is_registered bool
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate int
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    monitoring bool
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name str
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    not_evaluated_count int
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    policies Sequence[str]
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    priority int
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scope_expression str
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scope_variables Sequence[ServiceScopeVariableArgs]
    List of scope attributes.
    target str
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    unregistered_count int
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilities_high int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_low int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_malware int
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilities_medium int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_negligible int
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_score_average int
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilities_sensitive int
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilities_total int
    Total number of vulnerabilities.
    applicationScopes List<String>
    Indicates the application scope of the service.
    author String
    Username of the account that created the service.
    containersCount Number
    The number of containers associated with the service.
    description String
    A textual description of the service record; maximum 500 characters.
    enforce Boolean
    Enforcement status of the service.
    evaluated Boolean
    Whether the service has been evaluated for security vulnerabilities.
    isRegistered Boolean
    Indicates if registered or not.
    lastupdate Number
    Timestamp of the last update in Unix time format.
    monitoring Boolean
    Indicates if monitoring is enabled or not
    name String
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    notEvaluatedCount Number
    The number of container that are not evaluated.
    policies List<String>
    The service's policies; an array of container firewall policy names.
    priority Number
    Rules priority, must be between 1-100.
    scopeExpression String
    Logical expression of how to compute the dependency of the scope variables.
    scopeVariables List<Property Map>
    List of scope attributes.
    target String
    Type of the workload. container or host.
    unregisteredCount Number
    The number of containers allocated to the service that are not registered.
    vulnerabilitiesHigh Number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesLow Number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesMalware Number
    Number of malware.
    vulnerabilitiesMedium Number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesNegligible Number
    Number of negligible vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesScoreAverage Number
    The CVSS average vulnerabilities score.
    vulnerabilitiesSensitive Number
    Number of sensitive vulnerabilities.
    vulnerabilitiesTotal Number
    Total number of vulnerabilities.

    Supporting Types

    ServiceScopeVariable, ServiceScopeVariableArgs

    Attribute string
    Class of supported scope.
    Name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    Value string
    Value assigned to the attribute.
    Attribute string
    Class of supported scope.
    Name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    Value string
    Value assigned to the attribute.
    attribute String
    Class of supported scope.
    name String
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    value String
    Value assigned to the attribute.
    attribute string
    Class of supported scope.
    name string
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    value string
    Value assigned to the attribute.
    attribute str
    Class of supported scope.
    name str
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    value str
    Value assigned to the attribute.
    attribute String
    Class of supported scope.
    name String
    Name assigned to the attribute.
    value String
    Value assigned to the attribute.

    Package Details

    aquasec pulumiverse/pulumi-aquasec
    This Pulumi package is based on the aquasec Terraform Provider.
    aquasec logo
    Aquasec v0.8.27 published on Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Pulumiverse