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Aquasec v0.8.27 published on Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Pulumiverse


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Aquasec v0.8.27 published on Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Pulumiverse

    Create Image Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Image(name: string, args: ImageArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Image(resource_name: str,
              args: ImageArgs,
              opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Image(resource_name: str,
              opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
              registry: Optional[str] = None,
              repository: Optional[str] = None,
              tag: Optional[str] = None,
              allow_image: Optional[bool] = None,
              block_image: Optional[bool] = None,
              permission_modification_comment: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewImage(ctx *Context, name string, args ImageArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Image, error)
    public Image(string name, ImageArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Image(String name, ImageArgs args)
    public Image(String name, ImageArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aquasec:Image
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ImageArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ImageArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ImageArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ImageArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ImageArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var imageResource = new Aquasec.Image("imageResource", new()
        Registry = "string",
        Repository = "string",
        Tag = "string",
        AllowImage = false,
        BlockImage = false,
        PermissionModificationComment = "string",
    example, err := aquasec.NewImage(ctx, "imageResource", &aquasec.ImageArgs{
    	Registry:                      pulumi.String("string"),
    	Repository:                    pulumi.String("string"),
    	Tag:                           pulumi.String("string"),
    	AllowImage:                    pulumi.Bool(false),
    	BlockImage:                    pulumi.Bool(false),
    	PermissionModificationComment: pulumi.String("string"),
    var imageResource = new Image("imageResource", ImageArgs.builder()
    image_resource = aquasec.Image("imageResource",
    const imageResource = new aquasec.Image("imageResource", {
        registry: "string",
        repository: "string",
        tag: "string",
        allowImage: false,
        blockImage: false,
        permissionModificationComment: "string",
    type: aquasec:Image
        allowImage: false
        blockImage: false
        permissionModificationComment: string
        registry: string
        repository: string
        tag: string

    Image Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Image resource accepts the following input properties:

    Registry string
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    Repository string
    The name of the image's repository.
    Tag string
    The tag of the image.
    AllowImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    BlockImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    PermissionModificationComment string
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    Registry string
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    Repository string
    The name of the image's repository.
    Tag string
    The tag of the image.
    AllowImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    BlockImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    PermissionModificationComment string
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry String
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    repository String
    The name of the image's repository.
    tag String
    The tag of the image.
    allowImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    blockImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    permissionModificationComment String
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry string
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    repository string
    The name of the image's repository.
    tag string
    The tag of the image.
    allowImage boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    blockImage boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    permissionModificationComment string
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry str
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    repository str
    The name of the image's repository.
    tag str
    The tag of the image.
    allow_image bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    block_image bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    permission_modification_comment str
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry String
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    repository String
    The name of the image's repository.
    tag String
    The tag of the image.
    allowImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    blockImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    permissionModificationComment String
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Image resource produces the following output properties:

    Architecture string
    The image architecture.
    AssuranceChecksPerformeds List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Outputs.ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed>
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    Author string
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    Blacklisted bool
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    Comment string
    The image creation comment.
    Created string
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    CriticalVulnerabilities int
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    DefaultUser string
    The default user of the image.
    Digest string
    The content digest of the image.
    Disallowed bool
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    DisallowedByAssuranceChecks bool
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    DockerId string
    The Docker image ID.
    DockerLabels List<string>
    Docker labels of the image.
    DockerVersion string
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    DtaSeverityScore string
    DTA severity score.
    DtaSkipped bool
    If DTA was skipped.
    DtaSkippedReason string
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    EnvironmentVariables List<string>
    Environment variables in the image.
    HighVulnerabilities int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Histories List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Outputs.ImageHistory>
    The Docker history of the image.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ImageSize int
    The size of the image in bytes.
    ImageType string
    The type of the image.
    Labels List<string>
    Aqua labels of the image.
    LowVulnerabilities int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Malware int
    Number of malware found on the image.
    MediumVulnerabilities int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Name string
    The name of the image.
    NegligibleVulnerabilities int
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    NewerImageExists bool
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    Os string
    The operating system detected in the image
    OsVersion string
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    Parent string
    The ID of the parent image.
    PartialResults bool
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    PendingDisallowed bool
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    Permission string
    Permission of the image.
    PermissionAuthor string
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    PermissionComment string
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    RegistryType string
    Type of the registry.
    RepoDigests List<string>
    The repository digests.
    ScanDate string
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    ScanError string
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    ScanStatus string
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    SensitiveData int
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    TotalVulnerabilities int
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    VirtualSize int
    The virtual size of the image.
    Vulnerabilities List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Outputs.ImageVulnerability>
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    Whitelisted bool
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    Architecture string
    The image architecture.
    AssuranceChecksPerformeds []ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    Author string
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    Blacklisted bool
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    Comment string
    The image creation comment.
    Created string
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    CriticalVulnerabilities int
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    DefaultUser string
    The default user of the image.
    Digest string
    The content digest of the image.
    Disallowed bool
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    DisallowedByAssuranceChecks bool
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    DockerId string
    The Docker image ID.
    DockerLabels []string
    Docker labels of the image.
    DockerVersion string
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    DtaSeverityScore string
    DTA severity score.
    DtaSkipped bool
    If DTA was skipped.
    DtaSkippedReason string
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    EnvironmentVariables []string
    Environment variables in the image.
    HighVulnerabilities int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Histories []ImageHistory
    The Docker history of the image.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ImageSize int
    The size of the image in bytes.
    ImageType string
    The type of the image.
    Labels []string
    Aqua labels of the image.
    LowVulnerabilities int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Malware int
    Number of malware found on the image.
    MediumVulnerabilities int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Name string
    The name of the image.
    NegligibleVulnerabilities int
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    NewerImageExists bool
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    Os string
    The operating system detected in the image
    OsVersion string
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    Parent string
    The ID of the parent image.
    PartialResults bool
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    PendingDisallowed bool
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    Permission string
    Permission of the image.
    PermissionAuthor string
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    PermissionComment string
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    RegistryType string
    Type of the registry.
    RepoDigests []string
    The repository digests.
    ScanDate string
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    ScanError string
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    ScanStatus string
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    SensitiveData int
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    TotalVulnerabilities int
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    VirtualSize int
    The virtual size of the image.
    Vulnerabilities []ImageVulnerability
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    Whitelisted bool
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    architecture String
    The image architecture.
    assuranceChecksPerformeds List<ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed>
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author String
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted Boolean
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    comment String
    The image creation comment.
    created String
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    criticalVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    defaultUser String
    The default user of the image.
    digest String
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowedByAssuranceChecks Boolean
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    dockerId String
    The Docker image ID.
    dockerLabels List<String>
    Docker labels of the image.
    dockerVersion String
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dtaSeverityScore String
    DTA severity score.
    dtaSkipped Boolean
    If DTA was skipped.
    dtaSkippedReason String
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environmentVariables List<String>
    Environment variables in the image.
    highVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories List<ImageHistory>
    The Docker history of the image.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    imageSize Integer
    The size of the image in bytes.
    imageType String
    The type of the image.
    labels List<String>
    Aqua labels of the image.
    lowVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware Integer
    Number of malware found on the image.
    mediumVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name String
    The name of the image.
    negligibleVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newerImageExists Boolean
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os String
    The operating system detected in the image
    osVersion String
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent String
    The ID of the parent image.
    partialResults Boolean
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pendingDisallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission String
    Permission of the image.
    permissionAuthor String
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permissionComment String
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    registryType String
    Type of the registry.
    repoDigests List<String>
    The repository digests.
    scanDate String
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scanError String
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scanStatus String
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitiveData Integer
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    totalVulnerabilities Integer
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtualSize Integer
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities List<ImageVulnerability>
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted Boolean
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    architecture string
    The image architecture.
    assuranceChecksPerformeds ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed[]
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author string
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted boolean
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    comment string
    The image creation comment.
    created string
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    criticalVulnerabilities number
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    defaultUser string
    The default user of the image.
    digest string
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed boolean
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowedByAssuranceChecks boolean
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    dockerId string
    The Docker image ID.
    dockerLabels string[]
    Docker labels of the image.
    dockerVersion string
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dtaSeverityScore string
    DTA severity score.
    dtaSkipped boolean
    If DTA was skipped.
    dtaSkippedReason string
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environmentVariables string[]
    Environment variables in the image.
    highVulnerabilities number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories ImageHistory[]
    The Docker history of the image.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    imageSize number
    The size of the image in bytes.
    imageType string
    The type of the image.
    labels string[]
    Aqua labels of the image.
    lowVulnerabilities number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware number
    Number of malware found on the image.
    mediumVulnerabilities number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name string
    The name of the image.
    negligibleVulnerabilities number
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newerImageExists boolean
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os string
    The operating system detected in the image
    osVersion string
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent string
    The ID of the parent image.
    partialResults boolean
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pendingDisallowed boolean
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission string
    Permission of the image.
    permissionAuthor string
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permissionComment string
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    registryType string
    Type of the registry.
    repoDigests string[]
    The repository digests.
    scanDate string
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scanError string
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scanStatus string
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitiveData number
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    totalVulnerabilities number
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtualSize number
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities ImageVulnerability[]
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted boolean
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    architecture str
    The image architecture.
    assurance_checks_performeds Sequence[ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed]
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author str
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted bool
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    comment str
    The image creation comment.
    created str
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    critical_vulnerabilities int
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    default_user str
    The default user of the image.
    digest str
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed bool
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowed_by_assurance_checks bool
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    docker_id str
    The Docker image ID.
    docker_labels Sequence[str]
    Docker labels of the image.
    docker_version str
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dta_severity_score str
    DTA severity score.
    dta_skipped bool
    If DTA was skipped.
    dta_skipped_reason str
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environment_variables Sequence[str]
    Environment variables in the image.
    high_vulnerabilities int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories Sequence[ImageHistory]
    The Docker history of the image.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    image_size int
    The size of the image in bytes.
    image_type str
    The type of the image.
    labels Sequence[str]
    Aqua labels of the image.
    low_vulnerabilities int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware int
    Number of malware found on the image.
    medium_vulnerabilities int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name str
    The name of the image.
    negligible_vulnerabilities int
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newer_image_exists bool
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os str
    The operating system detected in the image
    os_version str
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent str
    The ID of the parent image.
    partial_results bool
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pending_disallowed bool
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission str
    Permission of the image.
    permission_author str
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permission_comment str
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    registry_type str
    Type of the registry.
    repo_digests Sequence[str]
    The repository digests.
    scan_date str
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scan_error str
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scan_status str
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitive_data int
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    total_vulnerabilities int
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtual_size int
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities Sequence[ImageVulnerability]
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted bool
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    architecture String
    The image architecture.
    assuranceChecksPerformeds List<Property Map>
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author String
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted Boolean
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    comment String
    The image creation comment.
    created String
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    criticalVulnerabilities Number
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    defaultUser String
    The default user of the image.
    digest String
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowedByAssuranceChecks Boolean
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    dockerId String
    The Docker image ID.
    dockerLabels List<String>
    Docker labels of the image.
    dockerVersion String
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dtaSeverityScore String
    DTA severity score.
    dtaSkipped Boolean
    If DTA was skipped.
    dtaSkippedReason String
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environmentVariables List<String>
    Environment variables in the image.
    highVulnerabilities Number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories List<Property Map>
    The Docker history of the image.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    imageSize Number
    The size of the image in bytes.
    imageType String
    The type of the image.
    labels List<String>
    Aqua labels of the image.
    lowVulnerabilities Number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware Number
    Number of malware found on the image.
    mediumVulnerabilities Number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name String
    The name of the image.
    negligibleVulnerabilities Number
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newerImageExists Boolean
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os String
    The operating system detected in the image
    osVersion String
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent String
    The ID of the parent image.
    partialResults Boolean
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pendingDisallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission String
    Permission of the image.
    permissionAuthor String
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permissionComment String
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    registryType String
    Type of the registry.
    repoDigests List<String>
    The repository digests.
    scanDate String
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scanError String
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scanStatus String
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitiveData Number
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    totalVulnerabilities Number
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtualSize Number
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities List<Property Map>
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted Boolean
    Whether the image is whitelisted.

    Look up Existing Image Resource

    Get an existing Image resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ImageState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Image
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            allow_image: Optional[bool] = None,
            architecture: Optional[str] = None,
            assurance_checks_performeds: Optional[Sequence[ImageAssuranceChecksPerformedArgs]] = None,
            author: Optional[str] = None,
            blacklisted: Optional[bool] = None,
            block_image: Optional[bool] = None,
            comment: Optional[str] = None,
            created: Optional[str] = None,
            critical_vulnerabilities: Optional[int] = None,
            default_user: Optional[str] = None,
            digest: Optional[str] = None,
            disallowed: Optional[bool] = None,
            disallowed_by_assurance_checks: Optional[bool] = None,
            docker_id: Optional[str] = None,
            docker_labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            docker_version: Optional[str] = None,
            dta_severity_score: Optional[str] = None,
            dta_skipped: Optional[bool] = None,
            dta_skipped_reason: Optional[str] = None,
            environment_variables: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            high_vulnerabilities: Optional[int] = None,
            histories: Optional[Sequence[ImageHistoryArgs]] = None,
            image_size: Optional[int] = None,
            image_type: Optional[str] = None,
            labels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            low_vulnerabilities: Optional[int] = None,
            malware: Optional[int] = None,
            medium_vulnerabilities: Optional[int] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            negligible_vulnerabilities: Optional[int] = None,
            newer_image_exists: Optional[bool] = None,
            os: Optional[str] = None,
            os_version: Optional[str] = None,
            parent: Optional[str] = None,
            partial_results: Optional[bool] = None,
            pending_disallowed: Optional[bool] = None,
            permission: Optional[str] = None,
            permission_author: Optional[str] = None,
            permission_comment: Optional[str] = None,
            permission_modification_comment: Optional[str] = None,
            registry: Optional[str] = None,
            registry_type: Optional[str] = None,
            repo_digests: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            repository: Optional[str] = None,
            scan_date: Optional[str] = None,
            scan_error: Optional[str] = None,
            scan_status: Optional[str] = None,
            sensitive_data: Optional[int] = None,
            tag: Optional[str] = None,
            total_vulnerabilities: Optional[int] = None,
            virtual_size: Optional[int] = None,
            vulnerabilities: Optional[Sequence[ImageVulnerabilityArgs]] = None,
            whitelisted: Optional[bool] = None) -> Image
    func GetImage(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ImageState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Image, error)
    public static Image Get(string name, Input<string> id, ImageState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Image get(String name, Output<String> id, ImageState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AllowImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    Architecture string
    The image architecture.
    AssuranceChecksPerformeds List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Inputs.ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed>
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    Author string
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    Blacklisted bool
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    BlockImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    Comment string
    The image creation comment.
    Created string
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    CriticalVulnerabilities int
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    DefaultUser string
    The default user of the image.
    Digest string
    The content digest of the image.
    Disallowed bool
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    DisallowedByAssuranceChecks bool
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    DockerId string
    The Docker image ID.
    DockerLabels List<string>
    Docker labels of the image.
    DockerVersion string
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    DtaSeverityScore string
    DTA severity score.
    DtaSkipped bool
    If DTA was skipped.
    DtaSkippedReason string
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    EnvironmentVariables List<string>
    Environment variables in the image.
    HighVulnerabilities int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Histories List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Inputs.ImageHistory>
    The Docker history of the image.
    ImageSize int
    The size of the image in bytes.
    ImageType string
    The type of the image.
    Labels List<string>
    Aqua labels of the image.
    LowVulnerabilities int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Malware int
    Number of malware found on the image.
    MediumVulnerabilities int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Name string
    The name of the image.
    NegligibleVulnerabilities int
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    NewerImageExists bool
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    Os string
    The operating system detected in the image
    OsVersion string
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    Parent string
    The ID of the parent image.
    PartialResults bool
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    PendingDisallowed bool
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    Permission string
    Permission of the image.
    PermissionAuthor string
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    PermissionComment string
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    PermissionModificationComment string
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    Registry string
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    RegistryType string
    Type of the registry.
    RepoDigests List<string>
    The repository digests.
    Repository string
    The name of the image's repository.
    ScanDate string
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    ScanError string
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    ScanStatus string
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    SensitiveData int
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    Tag string
    The tag of the image.
    TotalVulnerabilities int
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    VirtualSize int
    The virtual size of the image.
    Vulnerabilities List<Pulumiverse.Aquasec.Inputs.ImageVulnerability>
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    Whitelisted bool
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    AllowImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    Architecture string
    The image architecture.
    AssuranceChecksPerformeds []ImageAssuranceChecksPerformedArgs
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    Author string
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    Blacklisted bool
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    BlockImage bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    Comment string
    The image creation comment.
    Created string
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    CriticalVulnerabilities int
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    DefaultUser string
    The default user of the image.
    Digest string
    The content digest of the image.
    Disallowed bool
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    DisallowedByAssuranceChecks bool
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    DockerId string
    The Docker image ID.
    DockerLabels []string
    Docker labels of the image.
    DockerVersion string
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    DtaSeverityScore string
    DTA severity score.
    DtaSkipped bool
    If DTA was skipped.
    DtaSkippedReason string
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    EnvironmentVariables []string
    Environment variables in the image.
    HighVulnerabilities int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Histories []ImageHistoryArgs
    The Docker history of the image.
    ImageSize int
    The size of the image in bytes.
    ImageType string
    The type of the image.
    Labels []string
    Aqua labels of the image.
    LowVulnerabilities int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Malware int
    Number of malware found on the image.
    MediumVulnerabilities int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    Name string
    The name of the image.
    NegligibleVulnerabilities int
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    NewerImageExists bool
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    Os string
    The operating system detected in the image
    OsVersion string
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    Parent string
    The ID of the parent image.
    PartialResults bool
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    PendingDisallowed bool
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    Permission string
    Permission of the image.
    PermissionAuthor string
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    PermissionComment string
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    PermissionModificationComment string
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    Registry string
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    RegistryType string
    Type of the registry.
    RepoDigests []string
    The repository digests.
    Repository string
    The name of the image's repository.
    ScanDate string
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    ScanError string
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    ScanStatus string
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    SensitiveData int
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    Tag string
    The tag of the image.
    TotalVulnerabilities int
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    VirtualSize int
    The virtual size of the image.
    Vulnerabilities []ImageVulnerabilityArgs
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    Whitelisted bool
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    allowImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    architecture String
    The image architecture.
    assuranceChecksPerformeds List<ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed>
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author String
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted Boolean
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    blockImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    comment String
    The image creation comment.
    created String
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    criticalVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    defaultUser String
    The default user of the image.
    digest String
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowedByAssuranceChecks Boolean
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    dockerId String
    The Docker image ID.
    dockerLabels List<String>
    Docker labels of the image.
    dockerVersion String
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dtaSeverityScore String
    DTA severity score.
    dtaSkipped Boolean
    If DTA was skipped.
    dtaSkippedReason String
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environmentVariables List<String>
    Environment variables in the image.
    highVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories List<ImageHistory>
    The Docker history of the image.
    imageSize Integer
    The size of the image in bytes.
    imageType String
    The type of the image.
    labels List<String>
    Aqua labels of the image.
    lowVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware Integer
    Number of malware found on the image.
    mediumVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name String
    The name of the image.
    negligibleVulnerabilities Integer
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newerImageExists Boolean
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os String
    The operating system detected in the image
    osVersion String
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent String
    The ID of the parent image.
    partialResults Boolean
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pendingDisallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission String
    Permission of the image.
    permissionAuthor String
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permissionComment String
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    permissionModificationComment String
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry String
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    registryType String
    Type of the registry.
    repoDigests List<String>
    The repository digests.
    repository String
    The name of the image's repository.
    scanDate String
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scanError String
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scanStatus String
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitiveData Integer
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    tag String
    The tag of the image.
    totalVulnerabilities Integer
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtualSize Integer
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities List<ImageVulnerability>
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted Boolean
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    allowImage boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    architecture string
    The image architecture.
    assuranceChecksPerformeds ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed[]
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author string
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted boolean
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    blockImage boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    comment string
    The image creation comment.
    created string
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    criticalVulnerabilities number
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    defaultUser string
    The default user of the image.
    digest string
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed boolean
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowedByAssuranceChecks boolean
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    dockerId string
    The Docker image ID.
    dockerLabels string[]
    Docker labels of the image.
    dockerVersion string
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dtaSeverityScore string
    DTA severity score.
    dtaSkipped boolean
    If DTA was skipped.
    dtaSkippedReason string
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environmentVariables string[]
    Environment variables in the image.
    highVulnerabilities number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories ImageHistory[]
    The Docker history of the image.
    imageSize number
    The size of the image in bytes.
    imageType string
    The type of the image.
    labels string[]
    Aqua labels of the image.
    lowVulnerabilities number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware number
    Number of malware found on the image.
    mediumVulnerabilities number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name string
    The name of the image.
    negligibleVulnerabilities number
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newerImageExists boolean
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os string
    The operating system detected in the image
    osVersion string
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent string
    The ID of the parent image.
    partialResults boolean
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pendingDisallowed boolean
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission string
    Permission of the image.
    permissionAuthor string
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permissionComment string
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    permissionModificationComment string
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry string
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    registryType string
    Type of the registry.
    repoDigests string[]
    The repository digests.
    repository string
    The name of the image's repository.
    scanDate string
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scanError string
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scanStatus string
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitiveData number
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    tag string
    The tag of the image.
    totalVulnerabilities number
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtualSize number
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities ImageVulnerability[]
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted boolean
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    allow_image bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    architecture str
    The image architecture.
    assurance_checks_performeds Sequence[ImageAssuranceChecksPerformedArgs]
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author str
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted bool
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    block_image bool
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    comment str
    The image creation comment.
    created str
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    critical_vulnerabilities int
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    default_user str
    The default user of the image.
    digest str
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed bool
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowed_by_assurance_checks bool
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    docker_id str
    The Docker image ID.
    docker_labels Sequence[str]
    Docker labels of the image.
    docker_version str
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dta_severity_score str
    DTA severity score.
    dta_skipped bool
    If DTA was skipped.
    dta_skipped_reason str
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environment_variables Sequence[str]
    Environment variables in the image.
    high_vulnerabilities int
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories Sequence[ImageHistoryArgs]
    The Docker history of the image.
    image_size int
    The size of the image in bytes.
    image_type str
    The type of the image.
    labels Sequence[str]
    Aqua labels of the image.
    low_vulnerabilities int
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware int
    Number of malware found on the image.
    medium_vulnerabilities int
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name str
    The name of the image.
    negligible_vulnerabilities int
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newer_image_exists bool
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os str
    The operating system detected in the image
    os_version str
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent str
    The ID of the parent image.
    partial_results bool
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pending_disallowed bool
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission str
    Permission of the image.
    permission_author str
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permission_comment str
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    permission_modification_comment str
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry str
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    registry_type str
    Type of the registry.
    repo_digests Sequence[str]
    The repository digests.
    repository str
    The name of the image's repository.
    scan_date str
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scan_error str
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scan_status str
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitive_data int
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    tag str
    The tag of the image.
    total_vulnerabilities int
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtual_size int
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities Sequence[ImageVulnerabilityArgs]
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted bool
    Whether the image is whitelisted.
    allowImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be whitelisted.
    architecture String
    The image architecture.
    assuranceChecksPerformeds List<Property Map>
    The list of image assurance checks performed on the image.
    author String
    The name of the user who registered the image.
    blacklisted Boolean
    Whether the image is blacklisted.
    blockImage Boolean
    If this field is set to true, the image will be blacklisted.
    comment String
    The image creation comment.
    created String
    The date and time when the image was registered.
    criticalVulnerabilities Number
    Number of critical severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    defaultUser String
    The default user of the image.
    digest String
    The content digest of the image.
    disallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is disallowed (non-compliant).
    disallowedByAssuranceChecks Boolean
    Whether the image was disallowed because of Image Assurance Policies.
    dockerId String
    The Docker image ID.
    dockerLabels List<String>
    Docker labels of the image.
    dockerVersion String
    The Docker version used when building the image.
    dtaSeverityScore String
    DTA severity score.
    dtaSkipped Boolean
    If DTA was skipped.
    dtaSkippedReason String
    The reason why DTA was skipped.
    environmentVariables List<String>
    Environment variables in the image.
    highVulnerabilities Number
    Number of high severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    histories List<Property Map>
    The Docker history of the image.
    imageSize Number
    The size of the image in bytes.
    imageType String
    The type of the image.
    labels List<String>
    Aqua labels of the image.
    lowVulnerabilities Number
    Number of low severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    malware Number
    Number of malware found on the image.
    mediumVulnerabilities Number
    Number of medium severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    name String
    The name of the image.
    negligibleVulnerabilities Number
    Number of negligible severity vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    newerImageExists Boolean
    Whether a new version of the image is available in the registry but is not scanned and registered yet.
    os String
    The operating system detected in the image
    osVersion String
    The version of the OS detected in the image.
    parent String
    The ID of the parent image.
    partialResults Boolean
    Whether the image could only be partially scanned.
    pendingDisallowed Boolean
    Whether the image is non-compliant, but is pending this status due to running containers.
    permission String
    Permission of the image.
    permissionAuthor String
    The name of the user who last modified the image permissions.
    permissionComment String
    The comment provided when the image permissions were last modified
    permissionModificationComment String
    A comment on why the image was whitelisted or blacklisted
    registry String
    The name of the registry where the image is stored.
    registryType String
    Type of the registry.
    repoDigests List<String>
    The repository digests.
    repository String
    The name of the image's repository.
    scanDate String
    The date and time when the image was last scanned.
    scanError String
    If the image scan failed, the failure message.
    scanStatus String
    The scan status of the image (either 'pending', 'inprogress', 'finished', 'failed' or 'notstarted').
    sensitiveData Number
    Number of sensitive data detected in the image.
    tag String
    The tag of the image.
    totalVulnerabilities Number
    The total number of vulnerabilities detected in the image.
    virtualSize Number
    The virtual size of the image.
    vulnerabilities List<Property Map>
    A list of all the vulnerabilities found in the image
    whitelisted Boolean
    Whether the image is whitelisted.

    Supporting Types

    ImageAssuranceChecksPerformed, ImageAssuranceChecksPerformedArgs

    assuranceType String
    blocking Boolean
    control String
    dtaSkipped Boolean
    dtaSkippedReason String
    failed Boolean
    policyName String
    assuranceType string
    blocking boolean
    control string
    dtaSkipped boolean
    dtaSkippedReason string
    failed boolean
    policyName string
    assuranceType String
    blocking Boolean
    control String
    dtaSkipped Boolean
    dtaSkippedReason String
    failed Boolean
    policyName String

    ImageHistory, ImageHistoryArgs

    Comment string
    Created string
    CreatedBy string
    Id string
    Size int
    Comment string
    Created string
    CreatedBy string
    Id string
    Size int
    comment String
    created String
    createdBy String
    id String
    size Integer
    comment string
    created string
    createdBy string
    id string
    size number
    comment str
    created str
    created_by str
    id str
    size int
    comment String
    created String
    createdBy String
    id String
    size Number

    ImageVulnerability, ImageVulnerabilityArgs

    AckAuthor string
    AckComment string
    AckExpirationConfiguredAt string
    AckExpirationConfiguredBy string
    AckExpirationDays int
    AckScope string
    AcknowledgeDate string
    AncestorPkg string
    AquaScore double
    AquaScoreClassification string
    AquaScoringSystem string
    AquaSeverity string
    AquaSeverityClassification string
    AquaVectors string
    AuditEventsCount int
    BlockEventsCount int
    Classification string
    Description string
    Digest string
    ExploitReference string
    ExploitType string
    FirstFoundDate string
    FixVersion string
    ImageName string
    LastFoundDate string
    ModificationDate string
    Name string
    NvdCvss2Score double
    NvdCvss2Vectors string
    NvdCvss3Score double
    NvdCvss3Severity string
    NvdCvss3Vectors string
    NvdSeverity string
    NvdUrl string
    Os string
    OsVersion string
    Permission string
    PublishDate string
    Registry string
    Repository string
    ResourceArchitecture string
    ResourceCpe string
    ResourceFormat string
    ResourceHash string
    ResourceLicenses List<string>
    ResourceName string
    ResourcePath string
    ResourceType string
    ResourceVersion string
    SeverityClassification string
    Solution string
    TemporalVector string
    VPatchAppliedBy string
    VPatchAppliedOn string
    VPatchEnforcedBy string
    VPatchEnforcedOn string
    VPatchPolicyEnforce bool
    VPatchPolicyName string
    VPatchRevertedBy string
    VPatchRevertedOn string
    VPatchStatus string
    VendorCvss2Score double
    VendorCvss2Vectors string
    VendorSeverity string
    VendorStatement string
    VendorUrl string
    AckAuthor string
    AckComment string
    AckExpirationConfiguredAt string
    AckExpirationConfiguredBy string
    AckExpirationDays int
    AckScope string
    AcknowledgeDate string
    AncestorPkg string
    AquaScore float64
    AquaScoreClassification string
    AquaScoringSystem string
    AquaSeverity string
    AquaSeverityClassification string
    AquaVectors string
    AuditEventsCount int
    BlockEventsCount int
    Classification string
    Description string
    Digest string
    ExploitReference string
    ExploitType string
    FirstFoundDate string
    FixVersion string
    ImageName string
    LastFoundDate string
    ModificationDate string
    Name string
    NvdCvss2Score float64
    NvdCvss2Vectors string
    NvdCvss3Score float64
    NvdCvss3Severity string
    NvdCvss3Vectors string
    NvdSeverity string
    NvdUrl string
    Os string
    OsVersion string
    Permission string
    PublishDate string
    Registry string
    Repository string
    ResourceArchitecture string
    ResourceCpe string
    ResourceFormat string
    ResourceHash string
    ResourceLicenses []string
    ResourceName string
    ResourcePath string
    ResourceType string
    ResourceVersion string
    SeverityClassification string
    Solution string
    TemporalVector string
    VPatchAppliedBy string
    VPatchAppliedOn string
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    Package Details

    aquasec pulumiverse/pulumi-aquasec
    This Pulumi package is based on the aquasec Terraform Provider.
    aquasec logo
    Aquasec v0.8.27 published on Monday, Jan 29, 2024 by Pulumiverse